Biden meeting Xi Wed in San Fran… He will not salute Chinese Generals

Tater will probably salute a pile of human shit on the side walk.
Because while the US housing market is in its strongest shape in a century the Chinese market is fragile and real estate accounts for nearly twice the economic impact in China than it does in the US. China needs non real estate trade much more than we do as we diversify production.
The housing market is on the verge of causing another financial disaster. You are full of shit.
What wins? He has turned everything to shit. How can you expect anyone to take you seriously?
Please. Country was shit when he pulled us out of a contracting economy and peak unemployment to score the best working economy in decades or even a century.
Please. Country was shit when he pulled us out of a contracting economy and peak unemployment to score the best working economy in decades or even a century.
He pulled us out of nothing. People were being hired back after the Covid shutdowns. Try again.
The housing market is on the verge of causing another financial disaster. You are full of shit.
Supply is way under demand and will be for years. Even ridiculous interest rates artificially inflated by a fed chairman that wants a recession can’t destroy the housing market.. just not enough supply.

Whereas China famously has way too much supply of housing
He pulled us out of nothing. People were being hired back after the Covid shutdowns. Try again.
To historical low unemployment. If you aren’t making it in this economy you never were.
Maybe a touch of hyperbole but the US is in its strongest position in years to push China which is what I really mean.
Huh? You do realize that every death in Ukraine and Israel was indirectly funded by China right? What about the poisons shipped over by criminals? Or COVID? All of this, while they lend America money and get to meet the president to convince him to fund "climate change". The Chinese inteligence establishment should be quite proud of their work. We may despise them but they have succeeded more broadly and at a rate unmatched in history. Who can stop.them?
Your Vegetable Messiah shakes hands with invisible people,, and there is plenty of human shit on San Fransicko sidewalks, Simp.
I’ve seen your posts on here for years and I can’t name a substantive one yet. You are amusing though.. like a monkey in a bell hop uniform.
I’ve seen your posts on here for years and I can’t name a substantive one yet. You are amusing though.. like a monkey in a bell hop uniform.
That's because your pea brain isn't on the same level as my intelligent posts, Simp.

Sorry for ya.
Biden is brilliantly set to push China to normalize its activity just as their fragile economy is at a tipping point. Look for Biden to get strong signals from Xi that the US is the boss. I dont expect a grand announcement but this will be the opening for Biden to make strong strides forward for the US further cementing his administration as one of the most consequential in history.

You can be sure that Biden wont be saluting an enemy solider like a cuckold bitch boi.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet Wednesday in California for talks on trade, Taiwan and fraught U.S.-Chinese relations in the first engagement in a year between the leaders of the world’s two biggest economies.

The White House has said for weeks that it anticipated Biden and Xi would meet on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco, but negotiations went down to the eve of the gathering, which kicks off Saturday.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in a statement the leaders would discuss the “continued importance of maintaining open lines of communication” and how the they “can continue to responsibly manage competition and work together where our interests align, particularly on transnational challenges that affect the international community.”

This is how the last guy met with foreign enemies:

View attachment 856833
Why would he? Are there Chinese generals coming?

It’s likely just a money drop
Please. Country was shit when he pulled us out of a contracting economy and peak unemployment to score the best working economy in decades or even a century.
What actions of his pulled us out? What choices did he make to do all of this?

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