Chinese President XI tells military to be ready for war

war with who?

are they going to cross the Pacific?
far to many allies in the way and their navy sucks by comparison.

Are we going to invade them?
only a fool would get into a land war with china and no one is that foolish.
My guess is he thinks the US is going to attack ANOTHER nation, and maybe China will be involved.

I know many Americans think their nation doesn't attack other nations, but they are deluding themselves. Over the last hundred years no nation has been more aggressive than the USA.

I love my country, but I hate it's political leadership.

How many countries have we INVADED without provocation?

Its probably easier to name countries NOT invaded by the US with or without provocation!

Lets keep it simple for you... Where was provocation from Iraq for Iraq invasion 2.0?

The reason was the failure of Iraq to abide by the terms of the cease fire from 1992. That's all we needed.

No, the reason was WMD that were never found...

Yet another war engineered for cash and oil by the good old US of A
war with who?

are they going to cross the Pacific?
far to many allies in the way and their navy sucks by comparison.

Are we going to invade them?
only a fool would get into a land war with china and no one is that foolish.
My guess is he thinks the US is going to attack ANOTHER nation, and maybe China will be involved.

I know many Americans think their nation doesn't attack other nations, but they are deluding themselves. Over the last hundred years no nation has been more aggressive than the USA.

I love my country, but I hate it's political leadership.

How many countries have we INVADED without provocation?

Its probably easier to name countries NOT invaded by the US with or without provocation!

Lets keep it simple for you... Where was provocation from Iraq for Iraq invasion 2.0?

The reason was the failure of Iraq to abide by the terms of the cease fire from 1992. That's all we needed.

No, the reason was WMD that were never found...

Yet another war engineered for cash and oil by the good old US of A

What cash and what oil?

You are clueless!
My guess is he thinks the US is going to attack ANOTHER nation, and maybe China will be involved.

I know many Americans think their nation doesn't attack other nations, but they are deluding themselves. Over the last hundred years no nation has been more aggressive than the USA.

I love my country, but I hate it's political leadership.

How many countries have we INVADED without provocation?

Its probably easier to name countries NOT invaded by the US with or without provocation!

Lets keep it simple for you... Where was provocation from Iraq for Iraq invasion 2.0?

The reason was the failure of Iraq to abide by the terms of the cease fire from 1992. That's all we needed.

No, the reason was WMD that were never found...

Yet another war engineered for cash and oil by the good old US of A

What cash and what oil?

You are clueless!

Whoooo admiral, try engaging brain before throwing insults around?

So, anyway, let's see if you can stay on topic and answer the real comment... WMD were never found so... Bush lied to start a war. Is a very typical American trait unfortunately, lie, bomb, steal stuff, make money, repeat... Perfected by the virtually every president ever to 'rule' the US.
How many countries have we INVADED without provocation?

Its probably easier to name countries NOT invaded by the US with or without provocation!

Lets keep it simple for you... Where was provocation from Iraq for Iraq invasion 2.0?

The reason was the failure of Iraq to abide by the terms of the cease fire from 1992. That's all we needed.

No, the reason was WMD that were never found...

Yet another war engineered for cash and oil by the good old US of A

What cash and what oil?

You are clueless!

Whoooo admiral, try engaging brain before throwing insults around?

So, anyway, let's see if you can stay on topic and answer the real comment... WMD were never found so... Bush lied to start a war. Is a very typical American trait unfortunately, lie, bomb, steal stuff, make money, repeat... Perfected by the virtually every president ever to 'rule' the US.

A typical dumb ass liberal! Saddam didn't have WMDs because his killed Kurds with nerve gas that didn't exist. He had ton of unprocessed hello cake uranium.

The story line is obviously far too complicated for the liberal mind. Ask Hillary and Jerry since they voted for the war and saw the same intel.
My guess is he thinks the US is going to attack ANOTHER nation, and maybe China will be involved.

I know many Americans think their nation doesn't attack other nations, but they are deluding themselves. Over the last hundred years no nation has been more aggressive than the USA.

I love my country, but I hate it's political leadership.

How many countries have we INVADED without provocation?

Its probably easier to name countries NOT invaded by the US with or without provocation!

Lets keep it simple for you... Where was provocation from Iraq for Iraq invasion 2.0?

The reason was the failure of Iraq to abide by the terms of the cease fire from 1992. That's all we needed.

No, the reason was WMD that were never found...

Yet another war engineered for cash and oil by the good old US of A

What cash and what oil?

You are clueless!

Iraq invasion was about oil | Nafeez Ahmed

The right wing are just a bunch of socialists on a national and international basis, who refuse to pay for it, afterward.

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

That is what, Real Times of War, Tax Rates look like, right wingers. Fake news or fake wars; the rich are still getting richer and the People are still paying for it.
How many countries have we INVADED without provocation?

Its probably easier to name countries NOT invaded by the US with or without provocation!

Lets keep it simple for you... Where was provocation from Iraq for Iraq invasion 2.0?

The reason was the failure of Iraq to abide by the terms of the cease fire from 1992. That's all we needed.

No, the reason was WMD that were never found...

Yet another war engineered for cash and oil by the good old US of A

What cash and what oil?

You are clueless!

Whoooo admiral, try engaging brain before throwing insults around?

So, anyway, let's see if you can stay on topic and answer the real comment... WMD were never found so... Bush lied to start a war. Is a very typical American trait unfortunately, lie, bomb, steal stuff, make money, repeat... Perfected by the virtually every president ever to 'rule' the US.
He can't. He is a statist, but doesn't know it. Sadly too many Americans are just like him.
Its probably easier to name countries NOT invaded by the US with or without provocation!

Lets keep it simple for you... Where was provocation from Iraq for Iraq invasion 2.0?

The reason was the failure of Iraq to abide by the terms of the cease fire from 1992. That's all we needed.

No, the reason was WMD that were never found...

Yet another war engineered for cash and oil by the good old US of A

What cash and what oil?

You are clueless!

Whoooo admiral, try engaging brain before throwing insults around?

So, anyway, let's see if you can stay on topic and answer the real comment... WMD were never found so... Bush lied to start a war. Is a very typical American trait unfortunately, lie, bomb, steal stuff, make money, repeat... Perfected by the virtually every president ever to 'rule' the US.

A typical dumb ass liberal! Saddam didn't have WMDs because his killed Kurds with nerve gas that didn't exist. He had ton of unprocessed hello cake uranium.

The story line is obviously far too complicated for the liberal mind. Ask Hillary and Jerry since they voted for the war and saw the same intel.

Oh I see... So, you believed the lies dumbfuck!

You are a perfect candidate for the lies that come out of Washington, under educated, brainwashed and delusional...

The "intel" as you call it, was made up... That has been proven, go check out the reports idiot!

I bet you can't wait for the next war based on more lies and BS...

Liberal I ain't but I am also not some dumbcunt warmonger like you, you fucktard!
The reason was the failure of Iraq to abide by the terms of the cease fire from 1992. That's all we needed.

No, the reason was WMD that were never found...

Yet another war engineered for cash and oil by the good old US of A

What cash and what oil?

You are clueless!

Whoooo admiral, try engaging brain before throwing insults around?

So, anyway, let's see if you can stay on topic and answer the real comment... WMD were never found so... Bush lied to start a war. Is a very typical American trait unfortunately, lie, bomb, steal stuff, make money, repeat... Perfected by the virtually every president ever to 'rule' the US.

A typical dumb ass liberal! Saddam didn't have WMDs because his killed Kurds with nerve gas that didn't exist. He had ton of unprocessed hello cake uranium.

The story line is obviously far too complicated for the liberal mind. Ask Hillary and Jerry since they voted for the war and saw the same intel.

Oh I see... So, you believed the lies dumbfuck!

You are a perfect candidate for the lies that come out of Washington, under educated, brainwashed and delusional...

The "intel" as you call it, was made up... That has been proven, go check out the reports idiot!

I bet you can't wait for the next war based on more lies and BS...

Liberal I ain't but I am also not some dumbcunt warmonger like you, you fucktard!

The "intel" was made up by Saddam and his henchmen to keep Iran afraid of their WMDs. Unfortunately, they did a very good job of convincing everyone that their capabilities were far more than they actually possessed. They knew that if Iran perceived any weakness that they would take Iraq out in their weakened condition after we kicked their ass out of Kuwait. The question I have of you is why you don't already know this.

Everyone else with an IQ above room temperature did.

I am a Persian Gulf War veteran, How about you, dickhead? Did you ever actually read an intelligence report before it was scrubbed down, sanitized and years out of date?

Iraq is bearing a lot of resemblance to North Korea's actions these days. They keep launching bigger missiles that fly farther, but they haven't demonstrated they can hit an elephant in the ass with a bazooka. Many of their soldiers march in parades with toy guns and their weapons are nothing more than cardboard tubes and paper mache' on trucks from the 1950s. Dies that mean we should ignore them?
According to the link China's prez didn't actually say "be ready for war", it was the Daily Mail's interpretation of his speech. Could it be put in the category of fake news? The dirty little secret that left leaning media outlets won't say is that China will most likely fight alongside the U.S. today if push comes to shove in N.K. Compare that to the administration of democrat party icon little timid Harry Truman who through negligence and/or foreign policy blunders practically encouraged Red China to attack U.S. Troops in 1952, turning Korea from a victory into an embarrassing truce and creating the problem we have today.
I am a Persian Gulf War veteran

Oh dear, another fantasy 'grunt'... Answers all the questions about just why you are a dumbfuck!

Just one more thing before I leave you in your petty childish fantasy land... It was international knowledge that there were no WMD's BEFORE your beloved liars, sorry, I mean leaders, decided to invade to feather their nests with another few billion $$$$$$...

So, Saddam made up the "intel" to be invaded by warmongering liars? :cuckoo:

Only a fool like you would make up "intel" like that! :spinner:
I am a Persian Gulf War veteran

Oh dear, another fantasy 'grunt'... Answers all the questions about just why you are a dumbfuck!

Just one more thing before I leave you in your petty childish fantasy land... It was international knowledge that there were no WMD's BEFORE your beloved liars, sorry, I mean leaders, decided to invade to feather their nests with another few billion $$$$$$...

So, Saddam made up the "intel" to be invaded by warmongering liars? :cuckoo:

Only a fool like you would make up "intel" like that! :spinner:

I was not a fantasy grunt. Apparently you have a fantasy brain.

Yes, he was a fool and that was what got him killed by the same people he terrorized in his country.

I see from your post that you support the Palestinians which are the literal culls of the Middle East. No other Arab country will take them because they are such worthless human specimens.
I am a Persian Gulf War veteran

Oh dear, another fantasy 'grunt'... Answers all the questions about just why you are a dumbfuck!

Just one more thing before I leave you in your petty childish fantasy land... It was international knowledge that there were no WMD's BEFORE your beloved liars, sorry, I mean leaders, decided to invade to feather their nests with another few billion $$$$$$...

So, Saddam made up the "intel" to be invaded by warmongering liars? :cuckoo:

Only a fool like you would make up "intel" like that! :spinner:
Only a leftie who lives in fantasy land would subscribe to the propaganda that the U.S. invaded Iraq because of WMD's. Read the charter authorized by 35% of democrats. Bill Clinton told America that Saddam was developing WMD's but the reason for the conflict was to enforce about a hundred U.N. sanctions that Saddam ignored. Frankly I'm still puzzled about why Bill Clinton authorized the bombing of a defenseless country in Europe while 9-11 terrorists were enjoying flight school in sunny Florida.
Chinese President Xi Jinping told the country's armed forces to improve its war-winning capability and strengthen real combat training in a speech on Wednesday.

Chinese President Xi tells military to 'be ready for war' | Daily Mail Online

Bring it on bitches at this point it might knock a few leftist trendy's right back into reality ...................... Oh where oh where will little Obama and Clinton be oh , oh , oh maybe they'll save you because you are hat important to them........... LMMFASO!!!
Shouldn’t the head of a country always tell his milatary to be ready for war? Isn’t that the purpose of the millatary?
Lets not forget China was caught shipping Oil to N. Korea too.
Yeah...let's kill those bastards for selling oil to a starving nation....

It is none of our fucking government's business, who China sells oil to.
On that note, I guess it’s also none of our fucking business that North Korea develops nukes and ICBMs.
I see from your post that you support the Palestinians which are the literal culls of the Middle East. No other Arab country will take them because they are such worthless human specimens.

What? You are calling Jews "worthless human specimens"? Surely that is anti semitic!!

And, to stay on topic and debunk your ludicrous BS capt america...

President Discusses Beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom

"our mission is clear, to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction"

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