'Chinese Prostitute' Feinstein Refers Kavanaugh To FBI Over Last Minute Sexual Misconduct Claim


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In a last-minute effort to delay Kavanaugh's confirmation, Senator Diane Feinstein, the Democrat who 'prostituted' herself out to the ChiComms over the last several decades, has dusted off the DNC playbook and referred Kavanaugh to the FBI over a claim of sexual misconduct.

Pelosi claimed she 'JUST' got a letter insinuating a case of sexual misconduct by Judge Kacanaugh, on the eve of his Confirmation. How convenient. In the midst of the #MeToo wildfire sweeping the nation, taking down countless liberals, Feinstein comes up at the last second with a case regarding the hot-button issue almost guaranteed to stall the confirmation, whether there is anything to it or just a sad last-ditch attempt to delay / derail the confirmation.

“Throughout his confirmation process, Judge Kavanaugh has had 65 meetings with senators — including with Senator Feinstein — sat through over 30 hours of testimony, addressed over 2,000 questions in a public setting and additional questions in a confidential session. Not until the eve of his confirmation has Senator Feinstein or anyone raised the specter of new ‘information’ about him,”

“Senator Schumer promised to ‘oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination with everything I have,’ and it appears he is delivering with this 11th hour attempt to delay his confirmation.”

Dianne Feinstein Refers a Kavanaugh Matter to Federal Investigators
The Democrats usually get around to pulling out this tactic eventually on every conservative / Republican, no matter what election or position they are up for - Senator, President, or USSC Justice...


And why is a ChiComm-compromised US Senator who harbored a CHinese Spy / facilitated Chinese espionage for 20 years still in the Senate?

If ANYONE should have been investigated by now it should be Mao Feinstein and her husband!
He repeatedly lied during confirmation. That's the only thing that matters.

According to snowflakes. You got nuthin'.

Again, Schumer is already on record saying he is more than qualified to be a USSC Justice and will probably be the most qualified on the USSC once confirmed.

Breaking out the 'Politics if Personal Destruction' is pathetic enough, but when the Democrats send out their Chinese Spy / Prostitute to do it then it makes it even worse.

If the Democrats had let someone other than a criminal / traitor make the accusation it might have been believable.

Then again I guess trying to find a Democrat who is NOT a criminal or a traitor is hard as hell these days...
Classic Nazi Democrap move. You should have placed money on it in Vegas once The Dimwits knew they had no chance of stopping the confirmation.

They want to delay it until AFTER the midterms. The report isn't credible, and she was paid around $10,000 for her fake testimony. These people need to start being arrested for making false statements.
So Feinsteins's accusation is actually about a rumor Kavanaugh had some kind of sexual contact with a fellow High School Student when they were both in High School?

This is what they have resorted to?

Something that happened 35 years ago when he was a TEENAGER?


A last minute secret letter from a secret accuser who demands to remain secret and this is not shared with the committee?

This was then followed up by a request from Corey Booker for Kavanaugh to answer an additional 1,500 questions.

These are nothing but delay tactics.
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You repeatedly lied? What did you lie about? Are you being confirmed too?

What lies were told and who told them?

Can you list the lies and prove they are lies?

Is it a secret that only you know?

We know Hillary Clinton lied, so why aren't you all pissed off about that?
Obama lied too.

You care about that don't you?

I mean, if you are gonna get all righteous you can't pick and choose who is a liar and who isn't when its clear they are lying.

Kinda like you.


An anonymous source is claiming sexual misconduct when Kavanaugh was in high school. Sorry but Mitch needs to say unless the source files criminal charges this is misuse of the FBI's resources, and if the anonymous source wants to make a claim and it's shown to be false anonymous source will be charged to the fullest extent of the law along with any individuals who may have been involved in making up the claim.
Classic Nazi Democrap move. You should have placed money on it in Vegas once The Dimwits knew they had no chance of stopping the confirmation.

They want to delay it until AFTER the midterms. The report isn't credible, and she was paid around $10,000 for her fake testimony. These people need to start being arrested for making false statements.
Democrats are under the delusion that if they can delay until after the mid terms they will be a majority, impeach Trump and Pence, have them tried in the senate (Ohh were you under the impression impeachment means anything??? Sorry bout that. Clinton and Holder were BOTH impeached. See!) and removed THEN Merrick Garland will be confirmed.
Republicans are holding steady. They know this bullshit game by the D's.

"Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), a member of the Judiciary Committee, took to Twitter to cast doubt on the letter.

"Let me get this straight: this is statement about secret letter regarding a secret matter and an unidentified person. Right," the No. 2 Senate Republican said in a tweet.

He added that the FBI already conducted a background investigation on Kavanaugh, which is available for senators to review."

Senate Democrats sending secret letter about Kavanaugh to FBI
Jesus.. did you read the article? Some unnamed allegations regarding something that might have occurred when he was in high school.
This is supposedly a super secret squirrel last minute revelation that the FBI missed, that only Feinstein and Schumer discovered....

The man passed an FBI background check and was squeaky clean. Move on kids and stop acting like childish fucknuckles.
Two officials familiar with the matter say the incident involved possible sexual misconduct between Judge Kavanaugh and a woman when they were both in high school. They spoke anonymously because they were not authorized to discuss the matter.


I heard he lathers and rinses, BUT DOES NOT REPEAT.

In a last-minute effort to delay Kavanaugh's confirmation, Senator Diane Feinstein, the Democrat who 'prostituted' herself out to the ChiComms over the last several decades, has dusted off the DNC playbook and referred Kavanaugh to the FBI over a claim of sexual misconduct.

Pelosi claimed she 'JUST' got a letter insinuating a case of sexual misconduct by Judge Kacanaugh, on the eve of his Confirmation. How convenient. In the midst of the #MeToo wildfire sweeping the nation, taking down countless liberals, Feinstein comes up at the last second with a case regarding the hot-button issue almost guaranteed to stall the confirmation, whether there is anything to it or just a sad last-ditch attempt to delay / derail the confirmation.

“Throughout his confirmation process, Judge Kavanaugh has had 65 meetings with senators — including with Senator Feinstein — sat through over 30 hours of testimony, addressed over 2,000 questions in a public setting and additional questions in a confidential session. Not until the eve of his confirmation has Senator Feinstein or anyone raised the specter of new ‘information’ about him,”

“Senator Schumer promised to ‘oppose Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination with everything I have,’ and it appears he is delivering with this 11th hour attempt to delay his confirmation.”

Dianne Feinstein Refers a Kavanaugh Matter to Federal Investigators
This crap makes me think of the Thomas appointment to the High Court, lies followed by more lies.

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