From crucifying Kavanaugh to defending Hamas: The Left’s hypocrisy about sexual violence

Imo the "Americans" who attacked our capital need legal consequences. But they are not of the "same ilk" as Hamas. American progressives tend to be younger, and don't recall the arab attacks against Israel or Munich, because they weren't born yet.

The traditional dem (or liberal western democracies) approach to a peace is/was the two state solution. That ain't happening after the November attacks.

The Trump solution is to just minimize the Pales' influence by dealing with the Saudies and the Zionists, while enriching Trump. Maybe that's the way to go, so long as Trump is not in the govt.

I don't see a plan C.

It’s not that the younger voters weren’t told about the attacks. The information was intentionally held back from the leftists. Lying by omission is high on the leftard list.
^ deranged

I agree. Bibi allowing Billions to be sent to Hamas so they could act as a foil to the Palestinian Authority was deranged.

But the fucker did it anyway.

Educate yourself, if that's possible.

“For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank – bringing Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group”, wrote political correspondent Tal Schneider in the Times of Israel last week. “The idea was to prevent Abbas – or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government – from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state”.

Dmitry Shumsky, a columnist for Haaretz, took a similar line, arguing that Mr Netanyahu had pursued a policy of “diplomatic paralysis” in order to avoid negotiations with the Palestinians over a two-state solution – a solution despised by the country’s extreme Right. This flawed strategy turned Hamas from “a minor terrorist group into an efficient, lethal army with bloodthirsty killers who mercilessly slaughtered innocent Israeli civilians”, said Mr Shumsky.
I agree. Bibi allowing Billions to be sent to Hamas so they could act as a foil to the Palestinian Authority was deranged.

But the fucker did it anyway.

Educate yourself, if that's possible.

“For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank – bringing Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group”, wrote political correspondent Tal Schneider in the Times of Israel last week. “The idea was to prevent Abbas – or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government – from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state”.

Dmitry Shumsky, a columnist for Haaretz, took a similar line, arguing that Mr Netanyahu had pursued a policy of “diplomatic paralysis” in order to avoid negotiations with the Palestinians over a two-state solution – a solution despised by the country’s extreme Right. This flawed strategy turned Hamas from “a minor terrorist group into an efficient, lethal army with bloodthirsty killers who mercilessly slaughtered innocent Israeli civilians”, said Mr Shumsky.
You are mistaken on the point of my post.
You are mistaken on the point of my post.
Your posts usually don't have a point because you are so piss ignorant.

Hamas was empowered by Bibi. It bit him in the ass on 10-9.

This is the whole problem with our Middle East Policy in general. We stick our hands in a hornet's nest and complain about getting stung.
No one is defending Hamas.

We are defending the rights of innocent Palestinians not to be bombed in their homes because Bibi's machinations in supporting Hamas blew up in his face.
As long as there are left wing Jewish men and women lying low on this middle east issue and part of the agendas that has massive protesting and riots that are pro Hamas which is getting close to having Jewish people butchered here in the United States, what you typed is secondary. Also, Jewish people have power as we see the Harvard President fired and will still get a million dollars a year for her remarks. She is African American and gay and still lost that employment. Although she was not really qualified for it. African Americans though are not happy campers.
“Where’s the Women’s March? Feminist Majority? The National Women’s Studies Association?”

Those are the questions recently posed by Katha Pollitt, a feminist columnist for the far-left magazine the Nation. Pollitt was wondering why the Left was not loudly condemning the rape and murder of Israeli women during the Hamas terrorist attack on Oct. 7.

Pollitt is a smart writer and knows well the answer: The Left is tyrannical and antisemitic. It only cares about power. Its religion is to embrace whatever “revolutionary” movement breeds resentment and hatred of the West, including terrorists. It will run anyone over to attain its goals. This includes women.

Read it all.

Exactly what I’ve been saying for decades. The Left is always siding with evil to obtain power. On every topic.
So what were they trying to do, exactly? Did they really think that they could stop Biden from becoming president by storming the building. If they did, that was an insurrection.
Twice Democrats have hindered Congressional efforts to vote.

Your posts usually don't have a point because you are so piss ignorant.

Hamas was empowered by Bibi. It bit him in the ass on 10-9.

This is the whole problem with our Middle East Policy in general. We stick our hands in a hornet's nest and complain about getting stung.
Now, if I recall correctly, this is a thread about Hamas using sexual violence. Also, the fact that Netanyahu favored Hamas to rule over Gaza (which is Arabic for “shit hole”) really has nothing to do with the 10/7 terror attack. You appear to be implying that but-for Netanyahu promoting Hamas in Gaza, the said attack would not have happened.

Is THAT what you are trying to argue? Because if it is, then you are an idiot. That is completely illogical and immature. Do all of you leftists here have lobotomies?

America assisted Iraq in their war against Iran. Then years later, we fought them in a war to repel them from Kuwait. Now, April Glaspie aside, did we cause the Kuwait invasion? Of course not. That is stupid. Yet that is exactly what you are trying to argue here because you are an ignorant shit head.

FO, nitwit. You are beneath me.
As long as there are left wing Jewish men and women lying low on this middle east issue and part of the agendas that has massive protesting and riots that are pro Hamas which is getting close to having Jewish people butchered here in the United States, what you typed is secondary. Also, Jewish people have power as we see the Harvard President fired and will still get a million dollars a year for her remarks. She is African American and gay and still lost that employment. Although she was not really qualified for it. African Americans though are not happy campers.

Um, it's often hard to follow your comments because they border on the unmedicated, but let's try.

No, women and children being slaughtered in Gaza are a lot worse than some Jews on Campus not feeling the love of their fellow students.

That the Zionist Lobby holds too much sway is actually a bad thing, because it causes bad policy across the board. The Youth on Campus can see this, we older people can't.
Now, if I recall correctly, this is a thread about Hamas using sexual violence. Also, the fact that Netanyahu favored Hamas to rule over Gaza (which is Arabic for “shit hole”) really has nothing to do with the 10/7 terror attack. You appear to be implying that but-for Netanyahu promoting Hamas in Gaza, the said attack would not have happened.

It's not an implication, it's a matter of fact. The LEGITIMATE government of the Palestinian Authority was Fatah and Abbas, but Bibi didn't want to negotiate with them in good faith. Letting the criminal gang that is Hamas take over Gaza and then allow it to slowly build its own army, which he thought he could contain, allowed him to not talk about the only practical answer, which is a two-state solution. (The other alternative is a one-state solution where Jews will inevitably be the minority.)

Is THAT what you are trying to argue? Because if it is, then you are an idiot. That is completely illogical and immature. Do all of you leftists here have lobotomies?

Well, if it was so illogical, you could make an argument against it. Clearly you can't.

America assisted Iraq in their war against Iran. Then years later, we fought them in a war to repel them from Kuwait. Now, April Glaspie aside, did we cause the Kuwait invasion? Of course not. That is stupid. Yet that is exactly what you are trying to argue here because you are an ignorant shit head.
Absolutely we did. We KNEW what Saddam was, we kept arming him anyway. And yes, April Glaspie not going to Saddam and saying, "If you invade Kuwait, we are going to bring hellfire down upon you!" Pappy Bush buried Glaspie and no one ever got to question her.

Our problem in the Middle East is that we are caught between our devotion to the Oil Companies wanting to keep the Arabs happy, and the Zionist Lobby wanting to keep the Jews happy. What we should be doing is saying "A Pox on both your houses" and developing energy independence.

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