The Left's Willingness to Tolerate Violence Should Frighten All Americans

Illiterate Not2BeSubjugated poster claims that the Instigator Federal Agents in Portland, dressed up in movie costumes, unable to communicate normal ID in English, munitions equipped: Were just in town for the Portland Rose Festival, or a hike up the Columbia Gorge?

The concept, Illiterate Not2BeSubjugated poster has the clear context.

Suppose a police chase on a Los Angeles Freeway--The County has multiple jurisdictions. When one takes over from another--the deployments in place tend to be followed. Munitions and incendiaries are not set off so as to explode passing cars. Behavior is created so as not to incite freeway drivers in violent incidents, or incite the pursued into violent incidents or accidents

"Occupy Portland" arrived dressed up as Right Wing Militia, then commenced munitions and incendiary attacks. Items were hurled clear across the city street and streets. Rental vehicles, with no federal plates, were deployed so as to get within RAPING DISTANCE of Portland residents.

Following along the concept, Illiterate Not2BeSubjugated poster: The federal "Occupy Portland" was there to instigate further photo opportunities. They were often nowhere near federal buildings.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Martians can be shown Deut 23: 19-20: And be warned! The planet is not inhabitable!"
Apply your feelings about the second amendment to the first amendment and you will have your explanation.

Sorry, burning and stealing are not "Free Speech".
People getting shot by mass shooters is not responsible gun ownership yet you do not think it rises to the importance to infringe on gun ownership by crazy people.

Stop deflecting, it won't work with me. Burning and stealing is not "free speech". Start a thread on gun control if you want to talk about it.
Just trying to make the point that you people accept a body count in the thousands for the sake of the second amendment. A few store windows get broke and you are willing to infringe the fuck out of the first amendment.
No why would I get that impression reading the comments of the posters here everyday wanting Trump to use whatever force it takes to make this go away.
Most of us in support of the federal agents cleaning shit up want them to shut down the rioters, not the protesters. If you can get it through your head that rioting and protesting aren't synonymous, you'll find that wanting one and not the other is actually quite reasonable.
You see a distinction between protesters and rioters? Well that makes one of you.

Of course, anyone with a brain does.
The entire right wing scare tactic depends on none of you knowing the difference.

You on your best day aren't in my league. Does the 1st Amendment cover burning and stealing?
Of course not. Characterizing the protests as nothing but criminal activity makes it so much more acceptable when the authorities act like fascist assholes.
Nobody on the right is characterizing the protests as nothing but criminal activity.

What's happening is that protesters are getting caught up when the police are forced to deal with the violence. When this happens, you leftists cry out that the cops are targeting protesters. This isn't the case.

If there's a crowd of people, and several people in that crowd are throwing bricks, the police are obligated to deal with those people. If the other people in the crowd refuse to deal with the brick throwers among them, and simultaneously refuse to make way so that the police can deal with the bad apples effectively, then they are actively acting as human shields for people committing acts of violence and, when they are victims of the violent but necessary response to those brick throwers, that's because they chose to aid the rioters in their violence, and that goes well beyond what we call protest.
You're right. it should. The Left laughs when we talk about being prepred, but millions of us are. In every way possible.

I don't leave my house unless I have my eight little friends and their cousins, one mag pistol and one mag in my pocket.
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Illiterate Not2BeSubjugated poster claims that the Instigator Federal Agents in Portland, dressed up in movie costumes, unable to communicate normal ID in English, munitions equipped: Were just in town for the Portland Rose Festival, or a hike up the Columbia Gorge?

The concept, Illiterate Not2BeSubjugated poster has the clear context.

Suppose a police chase on a Los Angeles Freeway--The County has multiple jurisdictions. When one takes over from another--the deployments in place tend to be followed. Munitions and incendiaries are not set off so as to explode passing cars. Behavior is created so as not to incite freeway drivers in violent incidents, or incite the pursued into violent incidents or accidents

"Occupy Portland" arrived dressed up as Right Wing Militia, then commenced munitions and incendiary attacks. Items were hurled clear across the city street and streets. Rental vehicles, with no federal plates, were deployed so as to get within RAPING DISTANCE of Portland residents.

Following along the concept, Illiterate Not2BeSubjugated poster: The federal "Occupy Portland" was there to instigate further photo opportunities. They were often nowhere near federal buildings.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(The Martians can be shown Deut 23: 19-20: And be warned! The planet is not inhabitable!"
I call bullshit. In the case that the Oregon AG brought against the federal government, they were able to provide evidence of only 2 instances of agents acting in ways that weren't obviously in defense of the federal courthouse. In both of those instances, and in the footage of literally EVERY OTHER INCIDENT where you lefties have claimed that these are unidentified agents, their badges are CLEARLY VISIBLE. That's why they lost that case.

And of COURSE they have fucking weapons. These rioters are throwing bricks and professional grade mortars at police. Couple that with the fact that ALL FUCKING COPS IN THE USA CARRY MUNITIONS IN THE COURSE OF EVERYDAY OPERATIONS, and one begins to wonder why you'd bother to point out that the feds were carrying weapons at all.

And pointing out that there are jurisdictional disputes at play here doesn't back up your original claim, which is that the feds instigated the riot. You've yet to explain to me, Mr. Literate, how it is that sending federal agents to Portland managed to instigate a riot that was in progress for a month BEFORE the feds were sent in.

And again, please figure out how English sentences are supposed to fit together. Having to unwind the labyrinths of shitty grammar you weave while trying to make yourself sound intelligent is tedious as fuck.
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Apply your feelings about the second amendment to the first amendment and you will have your explanation.
Violence is not free speech.

Now, apply your feelings about the first to the second.

LOL Arming up for some glorious politically motivated battle against other Americans is not responsible gun ownership.
Arming up for a battle against politically motivated people who have already armed up and proceeded to throw bricks and explosives at police in an attempt to achieve their political goals through the threat of force, on the other hand, is precisely what responsible gun ownership means in an American context.
You do the second amendment a great disservice by acting the part of a potentially violent terrorist.
You do the first amendment a great disservice by calling violence and rioting "free speech" and acting like we have no right to defend ourselves against it.
Who said I'm defending violence and rioting? I was not. I was making the point that you people accept wayyy more violence for the sake of gun ownership than is going on with the protests.
But, we are not trying to infringe on free speech. See the difference?
Nope. Your president attacking peaceful protesters just so he could walk across the park makes you a liar.
Oh you mean after those protestor's by day, and church burners by night wouldn't obey orders to move for safety reason's when Trump wanted to go to the church in order to view the damage, and show his solidarity with the Christian's and traditions that were under attack by these so called innocent peace loving protestor's ??? You got nothing.
Apply your feelings about the second amendment to the first amendment and you will have your explanation.

Sorry, burning and stealing are not "Free Speech".
People getting shot by mass shooters is not responsible gun ownership yet you do not think it rises to the importance to infringe on gun ownership by crazy people.

Stop deflecting, it won't work with me. Burning and stealing is not "free speech". Start a thread on gun control if you want to talk about it.
Just trying to make the point that you people accept a body count in the thousands for the sake of the second amendment. A few store windows get broke and you are willing to infringe the fuck out of the first amendment.
No why would I get that impression reading the comments of the posters here everyday wanting Trump to use whatever force it takes to make this go away.
Most of us in support of the federal agents cleaning shit up want them to shut down the rioters, not the protesters. If you can get it through your head that rioting and protesting aren't synonymous, you'll find that wanting one and not the other is actually quite reasonable.
You see a distinction between protesters and rioters? Well that makes one of you.

Of course, anyone with a brain does.
The entire right wing scare tactic depends on none of you knowing the difference.

You on your best day aren't in my league. Does the 1st Amendment cover burning and stealing?
Of course not. Characterizing the protests as nothing but criminal activity makes it so much more acceptable when the authorities act like fascist assholes.
Didn't your momma or father ever school you on the company that you keep rule ???? If it walks like a rioter, then guess what ?? It is a rioter. Peaceful protestor's don't hang with rioters, looter's, and anarchists. Got it ?
I call Not2BeSubjugated Potser Illiterate!! Federal "Occupy Portland" was sent in not even looking like normal law enforcement.

"Occupy Portland" arrived dressed up as Right Wing Militia, then commenced munitions and incendiary attacks. Items were hurled clear across the city street and streets. Rental vehicles, with no federal plates, were deployed so as to get within RAPING DISTANCE of Portland residents.

Then Illiterate Not2BeSubjugated poster fails at posting testimony or other evidence from judicial proceedings, with other proceedings still in progress--attempting and instigator malevolent behavior in those proceedings, too!

There are other videos, publicly online.

Bottom Line--federal "Occupy Portland" disbands tomorrow! Illiterate poster Not2BSubjected, poster--even unable to post about that!

A spirit of Justice can be said to have been moved!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(So Deut 23: 19-20, is not about foreign aid or community law enforcement--gouging and screwing in Portland, no longer sanctioned like yesterday!)
I call Not2BeSubjugated Potser Illiterate!! Federal "Occupy Portland" was sent in not even looking like normal law enforcement.

"Occupy Portland" arrived dressed up as Right Wing Militia, then commenced munitions and incendiary attacks. Items were hurled clear across the city street and streets. Rental vehicles, with no federal plates, were deployed so as to get within RAPING DISTANCE of Portland residents.

Then Illiterate Not2BeSubjugated poster fails at posting testimony or other evidence from judicial proceedings, with other proceedings still in progress--attempting and instigator malevolent behavior in those proceedings, too!

There are other videos, publicly online.

Bottom Line--federal "Occupy Portland" disbands tomorrow! Illiterate poster Not2BSubjected, poster--even unable to post about that!

A spirit of Justice can be said to have been moved!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(So Deut 23: 19-20, is not about foreign aid or community law enforcement--gouging and screwing in Portland, no longer sanctioned like yesterday!)
Raping distance? Holy shit, even with all the craziness that you're literally alleging, you STILL can't make your point without resorting to cartoonish levels of hyperbole?! Fuck you're dumb.

Yes, there are other videos publicly online. In all of the ones that I've seen, the agents are right there in the squared off park area where the courthouse is, and in all of the ones that I myself OR anybody I've spoken to have seen, the agents badges are plainly visible. If you've got examples where this isn't the case, do provide them. Otherwise, quite frankly, you're just pulling accusations out of your ass. As far as unmarked vehicles, police at all levels have been using unmarked vehicles on the regular since well before I was born.

Yes, the federal agents were wearing camo tactical gear. You're right, right wing militias do wear similar stuff. So does the US military. Also, federal agents often wear camo tactical gear and, coincidentally, these are federal agents we're talking about. Just like the "instigation" narrative you're spinning, all you're doing is pointing to shit that the feds always do and acting like these are draconian, new tactics designed to instigate. They only seem new and draconian to you because you're heavily biased and willfully ignorant.

I truly LOVE how you've referred to tear gas and rubber bullets as "munitions". If you use a term that encompasses everything from crowd control measures to artillery fire, it sure makes what they're doing to the rioters sound sinister, doesn't it? Here's a question, though: Would you rather be shot by a beanbag round or blinded permanently by a high powered lazer? Would you rather inhale some tear gas and have to deal with a coughing fit for a short period, or would you rather have a commercial grade mortar explode inches away from your lower extremities and get rushed to the hospital with severe injuries? GTFO with your munitions talk, the feds are treating these assholes with kit gloves compared to what's coming at them.

Lastly, do you think that I wasn't talking about whether or not the feds are planning to pull out tomorrow because I'm literally incapable of doing so? Do you honestly consider that a reasonable assumption about anyone who speaks English? Fuck, man, you can't even come up with an insult that makes sense, let alone a political narrative. Why even bother?
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illiterate poster, Not2BeSubjugated, acknowledges that the federal "Occupy Portland" is out tomorrow from Portland--supportive of nothing supported by the coughing and spitting, posts by Illiterate poster, Not2BeSujugated poster, a loser!

No one replies to losers! History tends not to record them, even! And that speaks of any kindred or kind! A parade of losers is not the subject of history, mostly. The thread is even bogus, shown in the Federal cowardly retreat!

The supported Illiterate poster, Not2BeSubjugated atrocity: Ends tomorrow at the federal level! The poster created supportive posts, even in this thread on this Message Board of The Truth! All those now are bogus. Not2BeSubjugated poster, bogus@

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Deut 23: 10-20, is still not about foreign aid!)
You're right. it should. The Left laughs when we talk about being prepred, but millions of us are. In every way possible.

I don't leave my house unless I have my eight little friends and their cousins, one mag pistol and one mag in my pocket.

I just love to hear about your Paranoia. It's fascinating. Don't shoot your toe off.
We're not frightened by the violence either. We relish in it and await justifiable use of force, but they are all chicken shits who will not dare do this shit in a suburb or in rural parts of the country, only in Dem-controlled shit holes where people (men, women, and other) get menstrual cramps at the very sight of a firearm.
At least we've got someone here who's honest about the right's willingness to incite violence. They WANT a civil war are doing everything they can in hopes that it will happen. What they don't realize is that the military isn't going to back them up. They hate what they have to deal with on foreign battlefields and aren't going to tolerate those who deliberately put their families in danger by inflaming the situation.
Willingness to incite violence? When have we incited violence?

Doing everything we can in the hopes that it will happen? Like what? Getting ready? Buying ammo?

What do you mean?

What you don't realize is that military people are voters too. If you think you have the military, you will be sadly disappointed.

But even if you do, that's what, less than 500,000 boots on the ground compared to at least 10 million?

I just want these motherfuckers to come try their shit in my 'hood so I have a justified excuse to kill a commie for mommy. What's wrong with that?
You do with your every word. Who on the right has tried to bring the sides together? They don't; they throw gas on the fire and Trump is the chief arsonist.
Bring the sides together ?? Uhh and tell us exactly how you do that by defunding and leaving the police impotent in the face of those who want them dead, maimed, injured, shamed, and run out of town ???? Meanwhile the so called peaceful protestor's burn, destroy, beat the innocent, kill the innocent, and create total chaos just to drive home some point they are trying to make ???

No, no, no, it's law and order that will stop the violence and mayhem at this point, and not some unrealistic leftist feel good bullcrap dribble, otherwise that is disguising something far more sinister maybe ???..

Funny how you attempt to blame the right for creating violence, yet the leftist are actually the most violent to date. Yes, an individual police officer suffering from some sort of anger issues because of his (duty call) or maybe all due to his being stationed in high crime areas or even being a closet racist maybe, and yet (without a completed investigation, then who knows the complete reasoning behind it all ?). So did he take his anger out on a crime suspect in the extreme ??? Yes, but it in no way tainted the entire police forces serving across this nation. So what's up ??

Is this a reaction or something that has been stewing and brewing possibly for along time now, otherwise ever since Barack Obama decided to look America in it's eye, and declare a total transformation/fundemental transformation of America without the majorities blessings maybe ??? Why did Obama say those words to America ??

Otherwise did he declare change on America, but just used the soft term of "fundemental transformation" as his rehtoric or code talk used ?????

Then, did he use taxpayers money to give out free communication devices/cell phones/social media access/internet services to the poor or was it actually to his troops that he was trying to ready for this so called transformation to come ???

Then came Trump to ruin it all or so they thought, so it was time to destroy Trump at all cost ?? What happened really ??

And Rump keeps cooperating with his outage. He's the best Candidate for the Democrats. I wonder what you will be like when he's told to pack his bags and given the eviction notice.
The Left's Willingness to Tolerate Violence Should Frighten All Americans
The Left's tolerance of violence?

Is it the left who just murdered a federal officer and ambushed police?

Is it the Left who's going into Walmarts and shopping malls shooting dozens of people?

Is it the Left who's going to churches and synagogues to shoot people because of what color their skin is?

Is it the Left who is mailing pipe bombs to people?

You need to get your facts straight, kid.
The “Left” — by which the OP apparently means “Liberals” or DNC Democrats — is strongest precisely in those cities where the non-existent “insurrections” and “rabid violence” the right is so worried about is supposedly taking place on a regular basis. Actually these “leftist” folks are the ones who marched in integrated BLM protests and are most sensitive to the need for good relations between races and ethnic groups of all kinds. They are not nearly as hysterically prone to nonsensical propaganda about “civil war” or “race war” as folks in the Republican heartland areas, where imaginations run wild and are stoked by partisan politicians.

The city and urban and suburban areas also have the most to lose if demonstrations and protests and violence or looting get out of hand. That is another reason they tend to be upset with the provocations of Trump.

No Democrats want looting and violence or gun battles. From the comments here on USMB, however, it is clear many on the right are just frothing at the mouth over the prospect of “Killing a Commie for Mommy” or dropping “Demoncrats” from helicopters.
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The “Left” — by which the OP apparently means “Liberals” or DNC Democrats — is strongest precisely in those cities where the non-existent “insurrections” and “rabid violence” the right is so worried about is supposedly taking place on a regular basis. Actually these “leftist” folks are the ones who marched in integrated BLM protests and are most sensitive to the need for good relations between races and ethnic groups of all kinds. They are not nearly as hysterically prone to nonsensical propaganda about “civil war” or “race war” as folks in the Republican heartland areas, where imaginations run wild and are stoked by partisan politicians.

The city and urban and suburban areas also have the most to lose if demonstrations and protests and violence or looting get out of hand. That is another reason they tend to be upset with the provocations of Trump.

No Democrats want looting and violence or gun battles. From the comments here on USMB, however, it is clear many on the right are just frothing at the mouth over the prospect of “Killing a Commie for Mommie” or dropping “Demoncrats” from helicopters.

They really need to step away from those old "Kill a Commie" war movies.
I fear the evening of November 3, 2020.

No matter who wins, I have no doubt that there will be looting again.

The looters will say that they are looting to show either their anger or their happiness at the election results.

As usual, the police will be unable (or, understandably, unwilling) to take action.

Our poor business owners! First, COVID-19 destroys their businesses.

Second, their businesses are trashed by looters who know that some Democrats implicitly condone looting.
I fear the evening of November 3, 2020.

No matter who wins, I have no doubt that there will be looting again.

The looters will say that they are looting to show either their anger or their happiness at the election results.

As usual, the police will be unable (or, understandably, unwilling) to take action.

Our poor business owners! First, COVID-19 destroys their businesses.

Second, their businesses are trashed by looters who know that some Democrats implicitly condone looting.

And since much of the looting is done by white supremists rightwingnutjobs then that would mean that ALL Party of the Rumpers endorse it as well.

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