The Left's Willingness to Tolerate Violence Should Frighten All Americans

You're right. it should. The Left laughs when we talk about being prepred, but millions of us are. In every way possible.
Prepared to hide in your basement.

Watch out! The left is gonna getcha!


(smile) You run with that kid.
Oh, I am. I know a shitload of your type. I live in Kansas. You children all talk loudly but you barely know which end of rifle is dangerous. Go back to your mom's basement. I'm sorry, "command center" and wait. We will tell you when it's safe to come out.
I fear the evening of November 3, 2020.

No matter who wins, I have no doubt that there will be looting again.

The looters will say that they are looting to show either their anger or their happiness at the election results.

As usual, the police will be unable (or, understandably, unwilling) to take action.

Our poor business owners! First, COVID-19 destroys their businesses.

Second, their businesses are trashed by looters who know that some Democrats implicitly condone looting.

And since much of the looting is done by white supremists rightwingnutjobs then that would mean that ALL Party of the Rumpers endorse it as well.
Try all you want with your spinning and ridiculous accusations, but this nation knows what's up now, and it will be proven come November once again. MAGA.
You're right. it should. The Left laughs when we talk about being prepred, but millions of us are. In every way possible.
Prepared to hide in your basement.

Watch out! The left is gonna getcha!


(smile) You run with that kid.
Oh, I am. I know a shitload of your type. I live in Kansas. You children all talk loudly but you barely know which end of rifle is dangerous. Go back to your mom's basement. I'm sorry, "command center" and wait. We will tell you when it's safe to come out.
Better hope treason trials don't start.
I fear the evening of November 3, 2020.

No matter who wins, I have no doubt that there will be looting again.

The looters will say that they are looting to show either their anger or their happiness at the election results.

As usual, the police will be unable (or, understandably, unwilling) to take action.

Our poor business owners! First, COVID-19 destroys their businesses.

Second, their businesses are trashed by looters who know that some Democrats implicitly condone looting.

And since much of the looting is done by white supremists rightwingnutjobs then that would mean that ALL Party of the Rumpers endorse it as well.
Try all you want with your spinning and ridiculous accusations, but this nation knows what's up now, and it will be proven come November once again. MAGA.

Rumps new Political Cry is now KawaBunga

I fear the evening of November 3, 2020.

No matter who wins, I have no doubt that there will be looting again.

The looters will say that they are looting to show either their anger or their happiness at the election results.

As usual, the police will be unable (or, understandably, unwilling) to take action.

Our poor business owners! First, COVID-19 destroys their businesses.

Second, their businesses are trashed by looters who know that some Democrats implicitly condone looting.

And since much of the looting is done by white supremists rightwingnutjobs then that would mean that ALL Party of the Rumpers endorse it as well.
Try all you want with your spinning and ridiculous accusations, but this nation knows what's up now, and it will be proven come November once again. MAGA.

Rumps new Political Cry is now KawaBunga

View attachment 369209
Treason is a serious thing.. The undermining of the nation for political gains or worse is a very serious thing, and doing things that get innocent cop's and citizen's dead is a very serious thing also.

Leftist beware of justice if it ever wakes up again. Blood is on the hands of those who have followed the evil one down into the pit for evil purposes. The killing of the innocent should be accounted for. Justice should always prevail in their namesake.

Warning... Graphic material.

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We're not frightened by the violence either. We relish in it and await justifiable use of force, but they are all chicken shits who will not dare do this shit in a suburb or in rural parts of the country, only in Dem-controlled shit holes where people (men, women, and other) get menstrual cramps at the very sight of a firearm.
At least we've got someone here who's honest about the right's willingness to incite violence. They WANT a civil war are doing everything they can in hopes that it will happen. What they don't realize is that the military isn't going to back them up. They hate what they have to deal with on foreign battlefields and aren't going to tolerate those who deliberately put their families in danger by inflaming the situation.
What is the right doing to “incite violence”? Be specific.
We're not frightened by the violence either. We relish in it and await justifiable use of force, but they are all chicken shits who will not dare do this shit in a suburb or in rural parts of the country, only in Dem-controlled shit holes where people (men, women, and other) get menstrual cramps at the very sight of a firearm.
At least we've got someone here who's honest about the right's willingness to incite violence. They WANT a civil war are doing everything they can in hopes that it will happen. What they don't realize is that the military isn't going to back them up. They hate what they have to deal with on foreign battlefields and aren't going to tolerate those who deliberately put their families in danger by inflaming the situation.
What is the right doing to “incite violence”? Be specific.
It's all smoke and mirrors. They just try to counter, and then cover up the politic's of corruption engaged in.
Apply your feelings about the second amendment to the first amendment and you will have your explanation.

Sorry, burning and stealing are not "Free Speech".
People getting shot by mass shooters is not responsible gun ownership yet you do not think it rises to the importance to infringe on gun ownership by crazy people.
The last mass shooter I heard about was one of you loons opening fire on people it claimed weren’t “ social distancing “ to its satisfaction. Before that BLM asshats opening fire at a BBQ.
Apply your feelings about the second amendment to the first amendment and you will have your explanation.
Violence is not free speech.

Now, apply your feelings about the first to the second.

LOL Arming up for some glorious politically motivated battle against other Americans is not responsible gun ownership.
Arming up for a battle against politically motivated people who have already armed up and proceeded to throw bricks and explosives at police in an attempt to achieve their political goals through the threat of force, on the other hand, is precisely what responsible gun ownership means in an American context.
You do the second amendment a great disservice by acting the part of a potentially violent terrorist.
You do the first amendment a great disservice by calling violence and rioting "free speech" and acting like we have no right to defend ourselves against it.
Who said I'm defending violence and rioting? I was not. I was making the point that you people accept wayyy more violence for the sake of gun ownership than is going on with the protests.
Apply your feelings about the second amendment to the first amendment and you will have your explanation.
Violence is not free speech.

Now, apply your feelings about the first to the second.

LOL Arming up for some glorious politically motivated battle against other Americans is not responsible gun ownership.
Arming up for a battle against politically motivated people who have already armed up and proceeded to throw bricks and explosives at police in an attempt to achieve their political goals through the threat of force, on the other hand, is precisely what responsible gun ownership means in an American context.
You do the second amendment a great disservice by acting the part of a potentially violent terrorist.
You do the first amendment a great disservice by calling violence and rioting "free speech" and acting like we have no right to defend ourselves against it.
Who said I'm defending violence and rioting? I was not. I was making the point that you people accept wayyy more violence for the sake of gun ownership than is going on with the protests.
But, we are not trying to infringe on free speech. See the difference?
Nope. Your president attacking peaceful protesters just so he could walk across the park makes you a liar.
Peaceful protesters that were throwing projectiles at police officers. Poor babies.
We're not frightened by the violence either. We relish in it and await justifiable use of force, but they are all chicken shits who will not dare do this shit in a suburb or in rural parts of the country, only in Dem-controlled shit holes where people (men, women, and other) get menstrual cramps at the very sight of a firearm.
At least we've got someone here who's honest about the right's willingness to incite violence. They WANT a civil war are doing everything they can in hopes that it will happen. What they don't realize is that the military isn't going to back them up. They hate what they have to deal with on foreign battlefields and aren't going to tolerate those who deliberately put their families in danger by inflaming the situation.
What is the right doing to “incite violence”? Be specific.
You're kidding, right? Anybody got anything good to say about George Floyd? Nobody here really knew him, but on the right he was the devil incarnate and the cops angels. If not racism, it's at the very least extreme prejudice.
We're not frightened by the violence either. We relish in it and await justifiable use of force, but they are all chicken shits who will not dare do this shit in a suburb or in rural parts of the country, only in Dem-controlled shit holes where people (men, women, and other) get menstrual cramps at the very sight of a firearm.
At least we've got someone here who's honest about the right's willingness to incite violence. They WANT a civil war are doing everything they can in hopes that it will happen. What they don't realize is that the military isn't going to back them up. They hate what they have to deal with on foreign battlefields and aren't going to tolerate those who deliberately put their families in danger by inflaming the situation.
What is the right doing to “incite violence”? Be specific.
You're kidding, right? Anybody got anything good to say about George Floyd? Nobody here really knew him, but on the right he was the devil incarnate and the cops angels. If not racism, it's at the very least extreme prejudice.
The right didn’t send BLM and ANTIFA into the streets looting,burning buildings, beating shop owners ,shooting innocent people and killing cops. You all did that on your own.
Apply your feelings about the second amendment to the first amendment and you will have your explanation.
Violence is not free speech.

Now, apply your feelings about the first to the second.

LOL Arming up for some glorious politically motivated battle against other Americans is not responsible gun ownership.
Arming up for a battle against politically motivated people who have already armed up and proceeded to throw bricks and explosives at police in an attempt to achieve their political goals through the threat of force, on the other hand, is precisely what responsible gun ownership means in an American context.
You do the second amendment a great disservice by acting the part of a potentially violent terrorist.
You do the first amendment a great disservice by calling violence and rioting "free speech" and acting like we have no right to defend ourselves against it.
Who said I'm defending violence and rioting? I was not. I was making the point that you people accept wayyy more violence for the sake of gun ownership than is going on with the protests.
But, we are not trying to infringe on free speech. See the difference?
Nope. Your president attacking peaceful protesters just so he could walk across the park makes you a liar.
Peaceful protesters that were throwing projectiles at police officers. Poor babies.
This is how you peacefully assemble, and get something done productive in the world.

Note the part where he says " I have a dream, that one day a man will be ((((JUDGED)))) not by the color of his skin, but by the CONTENT of his CHARACTER.

When rioters, looter's, and anarchist are acting up or doing terrible things, no one is judging them by their color, but rather they are judged by their actions. The color thing is something that has been way over used, and it has created a ridiculous thought process that is used to give people a pass if they are of a certain color when doing wrong be it black or white. Wrong is wrong no matter what color a person is. We have to get back to this, and let no one derail us with the bullcrap ever again.

Racism is wrong when whites do it, and it is wrong when blacks do it, and no one is immune from it.

Wow, I didn't see no pants on the ground, gangsta's, hoody wearing individuals in that crowd, did you all ???

All I see is great American's who want the same dream as every other American would or does in that crowd, and yep they put the Lord Jesus in their midst. They couldn't lose.
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We're not frightened by the violence either. We relish in it and await justifiable use of force, but they are all chicken shits who will not dare do this shit in a suburb or in rural parts of the country, only in Dem-controlled shit holes where people (men, women, and other) get menstrual cramps at the very sight of a firearm.
At least we've got someone here who's honest about the right's willingness to incite violence. They WANT a civil war are doing everything they can in hopes that it will happen. What they don't realize is that the military isn't going to back them up. They hate what they have to deal with on foreign battlefields and aren't going to tolerate those who deliberately put their families in danger by inflaming the situation.
What is the right doing to “incite violence”? Be specific.
You're kidding, right? Anybody got anything good to say about George Floyd? Nobody here really knew him, but on the right he was the devil incarnate and the cops angels. If not racism, it's at the very least extreme prejudice.
Other than a few random nobodies on internet forums, who on the right backed George Floyd's murder? Who said he deserved it and that the police had done nothing wrong?

Please, PLEASE find me that quote. I won't hold my breath.
Nope, public safety should be the point of all gun laws as they are concerning protests. Too bad public safety may not be considered when guns are involved.

Public safety is involved. There is a price to be paid for Freedom and Liberty.

illiterate poster, Not2BeSubjugated, acknowledges that the federal "Occupy Portland" is out tomorrow from Portland--supportive of nothing supported by the coughing and spitting, posts by Illiterate poster, Not2BeSujugated poster, a loser!

No one replies to losers! History tends not to record them, even! And that speaks of any kindred or kind! A parade of losers is not the subject of history, mostly. The thread is even bogus, shown in the Federal cowardly retreat!

The supported Illiterate poster, Not2BeSubjugated atrocity: Ends tomorrow at the federal level! The poster created supportive posts, even in this thread on this Message Board of The Truth! All those now are bogus. Not2BeSubjugated poster, bogus@

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Deut 23: 10-20, is still not about foreign aid!)
How's that claim aging, Mascale?

Enjoying the federal pullout from Portland?

Lol dumbass.
Of course not. Characterizing the protests as nothing but criminal activity makes it so much more acceptable when the authorities act like fascist assholes.

You and the other far-left wingers need to face reality.

There can be 900 peaceful protestors doing the right thing. Comes dark, 100 admirers of BLM, ANTIFA, and other organizations join the crowd with frozen bottles of water, bricks, Molotov cocktails, bats, guns, and whatever and what do you have? One thousand, with others joining the mix of rioters and terrorists.

Of course not. Characterizing the protests as nothing but criminal activity makes it so much more acceptable when the authorities act like fascist assholes.

You and the other far-left wingers need to face reality.

There can be 900 peaceful protestors doing the right thing. Comes dark, 100 admirers of BLM, ANTIFA, and other organizations join the crowd with frozen bottles of water, bricks, Molotov cocktails, bats, guns, and whatever and what do you have? One thousand, with others joining the mix of rioters and terrorists.


My POV ----(as if anyone cared) is----of course there are peaceful participants----BUT---IMO------if they hang around at any point in time at which there is ANY LEVEL of violence-------they are guilty of violence

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