Chinese submarine lurked past Indian waters, docked in Karachi?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
There goes the potential for friendship between India and China.


In the already turbulent conditions over the Arabian Sea, this is by far the most alarming incident in recent years. The Indian Navy had a big alert last month when China's deadliest attack submarine crept past Indian waters and docked in Karachi.

According to exclusive details available with India Today, China's Yuan Class 335 submarine crossed the Arabian Sea and entered Karachi port on May 22. The submarine with at least 65 crew members reportedly spent at least a week in Karachi refuelling and restocking before sailing back to China. The incident took place less than a week after Prime Minister Narendra Modi's wrapped up Beijing trip.

According to reports, on March 31 this year, China's deadliest conventional submarine set sail from its base on Hainan island in the South China Sea. The Yuan-class submarine '335', equipped with torpedoes, anti-ship missiles and an air-independent pro-pulsion that dramatically enhances its underwater endurance, entered the Gulf of Aden over a fortnight later. But it was 335's first port of call that caught the attention of the security establishment in South Block.


Exclusive Chinese submarine lurked past Indian waters docked in Karachi World News - India Today
Looks like the sub in the movie Operation Petticoat...

China dispatched nuclear-powered submarine on first combat patrol, report says
Oct. 1, 2015 | The Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency had said in September that China’s Navy is likely to deploy a submarine carrying JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missiles.
A Chinese Type 094 submarine, armed with missiles capable of reaching the United States, could have begun combat patrol, according to a news source in Hong Kong. China's state-controlled People's Liberation Army Daily reported Thursday that Liu Mingli, political commissar of Beijing's South China Sea Fleet, awarded 41 crew members of Yalong Bay naval base on Hainan Island with a first-class merit award. According to Hong Kong-based Ming Pao news, the award ceremony indicates China has dispatched the Jin-class nuclear-powered submarine on its first combat patrol.

An unidentified Chinese submarine parked at Qingdao harbour, China. Hong Kong press reported China may have dispatched the Jin-class nuclear-powered submarine on its first combat patrol, one week after the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency said China is likely to deploy a submarine carrying ballistic missiles.

The Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency had said in September that China's Navy is likely to deploy a submarine carrying JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missiles but did not specify a date. "The capability to maintain continuous deterrent patrols is a big milestone for a nuclear power," Larry Wortzel, a member of the congressionally formed U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, told Bloomberg on Sept. 24. "I think the Chinese would announce this capability as a show of strength and for prestige."

The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission said dispatching submarines on patrol is a major step for China. The JL-2 missiles have a range of 4,600 miles, and the missiles could reach Alaska if launched from areas near Japan, and all 50 U.S. states can be reached, if sent from waters east of Hawaii. South Korean news agency Yonhap reported the 41 crew members successfully launched JL-2 SLBMs from a Type 094 submarine in November 2013, and was being recognized with an award for the first time.

To fight China’s Andaman and Nicobar forays, India deploys submarine hunters

NEW DELHI: With Chinese nuclear and conventional submarines regularly popping up in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR), India has now begun to deploy its latest long-range maritime patrol aircraft as well as spy drones at its forward military base in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Defence ministry sources on Monday said two of the country's most potent submarine hunters/killers, the naval Poseidon-8I aircraft, are just about to complete their first-ever two-week deployment to the strategically-located Andaman and Nicobar archipelago. "Navy and IAF are also deploying their (Israeli) Searcher-II unmanned aerial vehicles to the islands on a temporary basis," said a source.

India has inducted eight P-8I aircraft, acquired under a $2.1 billion deal inked in January 2009 with US aviation major Boeing, at its INS Rajali naval air station in Arakkonam (Tamil Nadu). With an operating range of over 1,200 nautical miles and a maximum speed of 907kmph, the radar-packed P-8Is are especially geared to gather intelligence and detect threats in the IOR as "intelligent hawk-eyes."

To fight China’s Andaman and Nicobar forays, India deploys submarine hunters - Times of India

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