CDZ peace-generating idea : 50-50 sharing of oil and fish wealth in South China Sea, and new cargo canal linking Black Sea to Caspian Sea to Indian Ocean

What are you doing about all those cow farts in holland that are driving the polar bears out of their homes?
Trying to convert them to eco-friendly free-range chicken farms.. And eh, ours is a tiny country compared to others raising cattle for milk & meat..
It is always good to think of new, game-changing ideas such as this one. However, this has a lot, lot, lot of obstacles that would need to be overcome in order for it to be feasible.

The first part would be the easy part; with rivers in place, it would only require a colossal, decades-long, bank-breaking investment in the Russian desert, with major ecological and structural difficulties. The second part, though, is mind-numbing: Diverting through Ashgabat (to avoid Iran, I guess?) would mean maybe a thousand miles through relentless mountain terrain, and I can't imagine any major nation wanting to sink its resources into trusting the world's most impactful infrastructure to the tender mercies of Russia (who will definitely send warships through at will), Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

It's good to have ideas, but don't divert a whole lot of time or energy into this.
I think if we want to enhance global peace we should do everything we can to help Iran develop nuclear weapons!
Mountains. Lots of them.
Also I'm forgetting exactly which sea it is but one of them in that neighborhood is dead...since the water doesn't flow there isn't enough oxygen in the water to support life. The top five feet of water has all the life of that water body. Mixing it in with another body of water would be an ecological disaster of epic proportions.
Also I'm forgetting exactly which sea it is but one of them in that neighborhood is dead...since the water doesn't flow there isn't enough oxygen in the water to support life. The top five feet of water has all the life of that water body. Mixing it in with another body of water would be an ecological disaster of epic proportions.
The Caspian.
Also I'm forgetting exactly which sea it is but one of them in that neighborhood is dead...since the water doesn't flow there isn't enough oxygen in the water to support life. The top five feet of water has all the life of that water body. Mixing it in with another body of water would be an ecological disaster of epic proportions.
You might be talking about the Aral Sea.

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