Chinese Virus Weakening the World Over

Chinese Virus Weakening the World Over

We need to stay very clear on one important point.

It is not the virus itself that is causing all this trouble.

It is the hyperbolism, the fearmongering, and the political exploration and abuse of power, the destruction of liberty, the destruction of the world's economies, under the guise of allegedly protecting us from the virus, that is the cause of all nearly all of the genuine adverse #CoronaHoax2020 effects.

The overreaction to the virus is causing far more death and human suffering, than the virus itself ever could directly cause.
You mean the trump virus, right? He is the one that made the US the epicenter of COVID-19.
The businesses here closed because of lack of customers. People here are staying home. That's the way it is.

The correct term is....per trump...."It is what it is" where are my golf clubs?
This from a Gallup poll is really the definitive proof of how catastrophically bad the media coverage of covid has been.

Americans believe that young people have represented 40 TIMES MORE COVID DEATHS THAN THE REALITY.

Young people are at far *LOWER* risk than people realize.

People staying home should NOT be a problem to any decent business. Adapt or go out of business.

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