Chomsky Tells It Like It Is.....Again


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Chomsky Tells It Like It Is.....Again

“World-renowned intellectual and author Noam Chomsky called U.S. President Donald Trump a ‘sociopathic megalomaniac’ whose leadership drove the U.S. to become ‘singularly unprepared’ for the coronavirus pandemic.”

For Americans willing to face reality, the impeached president trump’s mismanagement has left the United States unprepared for any and all crises that could arise. He and the swamprats he and Moscow Mitch have installed in key positions, have weakened, or eliminated, so many federal regulations, Big Business can return to poisoning the environment at levels not permitted since the 1960s.

Political supporters of both the impeached president trump and Status Quo Joe are oblivious to the danger both these crooks pose to the survival of the human race.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics don’t care about the extreme level of corruption that exists in Washington D.C. Their only concerns are ridding the country of the hated non-whites, citizens or not, building their beloved hero’s useless border wall, reinterpretation of the Constitution limiting the protections it provides to conservatives, and using the Second Amendment to arm themselves with military grade weaponry.

The voters who have decided Status Quo Joe will cure all that ails the U.S., have obviously ignored the implications of his promise to his major political contributors. Any candidate running for office in 2020 who tells donors that, if elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.” and, “No one’s standard of living will change,” has absolutely no intention of serving the interests of average Americans, or reversing the severe damage caused by the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and the congressional crooks, both Republican and Democrat. (It is a simple task to recognize Democratic incumbents who should be ousted, all who want AOC and other members of “The Squad” replaced with establishment Democrats are collaborators with the GOP, and are working against all average Americans.)

Few people born after 1965 possess the political awareness necessary to remember policy changes that laid the foundation for the disastrous economic system called “Reagonomics”, that first took working class Americans by the throat in the 1980s. Americans in this wide ranged age group have only known “trickle down”, never having lived during a time when a single hourly income would maintain a middle class family.

Most people of this group know only the propaganda their chosen political party, and clergy, spew, this includes Republicans, Democrats, and independents (independent voters are not the free thinkers the believe they are).

Unfortunately, the large demographic formed by those 55-years-old and younger, who have joined with baby boomers in their fear of retaliation by the billionaire class, have always bowed down to the super-rich. And while the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world which Americans are truly essential, those who have always, and eagerly, eaten every ounce of sh!t the billionaire class served to them, will continue to chow down. It will remain beyond their ability to understand that poor people do not cause poverty, just like testing does not cause the number of COVID-19 cases to increase.

Interviewed by Efe last month, Chomsky speaks of the lessons offered by the coronavirus pandemic, stating, “ ‘One lesson is that it’s another colossal failure of the neoliberal version of capitalism. Massive failure.’ ” But, will the vast majority of average Americans finally grow tired of this oppressive, predatory capitalism, that reserves all benefit for the billionaire class?

We’ve been doing predatory capitalism for over forty years. And while conservatives remain convinced “a rising tide raises all boats”, for most working Americans, that rising tide only makes the water get deeper. So as the billionaires buy bigger and bigger boats, which produce massive waves, the much smaller boats are swamped, and sunk.

(So as not to confuse the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, Liberalism has nothing to do with Neoliberalism, which is characterized by free market trade, deregulation of financial markets, individualization, and the shift away from state welfare provision. Neoliberalism is the predatory capitalism billionaires and poor, white, uneducated and under-educated conservatives love.)

Chomsky says Trump a 'Sociopathic Megalomaniac' | The Meteor

sociopath 2.jpg

THE WORLD LAUGHED at U.S. President Donald Trump at the United Nations, but the imperial declarations he issued are no laughing matter. Trump may come off as a buffoon, but his global agenda is consistent with the bipartisan empire machine that runs the United States. This week on Intercepted: Famed dissident Noam Chomsky breaks down the Trump presidency; the defeat of the U.S. in Afghanistan; what he believes is a just position on Syria’s civil war; and the agenda of Vladimir Putin and Russia. He also discusses the impact of big social media companies and explains why a life of resisting and fighting is worth it. Jeremy Scahill analyzes Trump’s U.N. speech and gives context to the seldom-discussed bipartisan support for much of Trump’s global agenda. Dallas hip-hop artist Bobby Sessions talks about police killings and this political moment. We also hear music from his new EP, “RVLTN (Chapter 1): The Divided States of AmeriKKKa.”

That meant to say staying. But it’s Chomsky so really you should have known the solution is communism.
A Palestinian friend of mine in the UK, who was hyper-critical of anything the US, Israel and anyone who supported either ever did or said, once told me that Chomsky was the only Jew she ever agreed with.

Chomsky Tells It Like It Is.....Again

“World-renowned intellectual and author Noam Chomsky called U.S. President Donald Trump a ‘sociopathic megalomaniac’ whose leadership drove the U.S. to become ‘singularly unprepared’ for the coronavirus pandemic.”

For Americans willing to face reality, the impeached president trump’s mismanagement has left the United States unprepared for any and all crises that could arise. He and the swamprats he and Moscow Mitch have installed in key positions, have weakened, or eliminated, so many federal regulations, Big Business can return to poisoning the environment at levels not permitted since the 1960s.

Political supporters of both the impeached president trump and Status Quo Joe are oblivious to the danger both these crooks pose to the survival of the human race.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics don’t care about the extreme level of corruption that exists in Washington D.C. Their only concerns are ridding the country of the hated non-whites, citizens or not, building their beloved hero’s useless border wall, reinterpretation of the Constitution limiting the protections it provides to conservatives, and using the Second Amendment to arm themselves with military grade weaponry.

The voters who have decided Status Quo Joe will cure all that ails the U.S., have obviously ignored the implications of his promise to his major political contributors. Any candidate running for office in 2020 who tells donors that, if elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.” and, “No one’s standard of living will change,” has absolutely no intention of serving the interests of average Americans, or reversing the severe damage caused by the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and the congressional crooks, both Republican and Democrat. (It is a simple task to recognize Democratic incumbents who should be ousted, all who want AOC and other members of “The Squad” replaced with establishment Democrats are collaborators with the GOP, and are working against all average Americans.)

Few people born after 1965 possess the political awareness necessary to remember policy changes that laid the foundation for the disastrous economic system called “Reagonomics”, that first took working class Americans by the throat in the 1980s. Americans in this wide ranged age group have only known “trickle down”, never having lived during a time when a single hourly income would maintain a middle class family.

Most people of this group know only the propaganda their chosen political party, and clergy, spew, this includes Republicans, Democrats, and independents (independent voters are not the free thinkers the believe they are).

Unfortunately, the large demographic formed by those 55-years-old and younger, who have joined with baby boomers in their fear of retaliation by the billionaire class, have always bowed down to the super-rich. And while the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world which Americans are truly essential, those who have always, and eagerly, eaten every ounce of sh!t the billionaire class served to them, will continue to chow down. It will remain beyond their ability to understand that poor people do not cause poverty, just like testing does not cause the number of COVID-19 cases to increase.

Interviewed by Efe last month, Chomsky speaks of the lessons offered by the coronavirus pandemic, stating, “ ‘One lesson is that it’s another colossal failure of the neoliberal version of capitalism. Massive failure.’ ” But, will the vast majority of average Americans finally grow tired of this oppressive, predatory capitalism, that reserves all benefit for the billionaire class?

We’ve been doing predatory capitalism for over forty years. And while conservatives remain convinced “a rising tide raises all boats”, for most working Americans, that rising tide only makes the water get deeper. So as the billionaires buy bigger and bigger boats, which produce massive waves, the much smaller boats are swamped, and sunk.

(So as not to confuse the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, Liberalism has nothing to do with Neoliberalism, which is characterized by free market trade, deregulation of financial markets, individualization, and the shift away from state welfare provision. Neoliberalism is the predatory capitalism billionaires and poor, white, uneducated and under-educated conservatives love.)

Chomsky says Trump a 'Sociopathic Megalomaniac' | The Meteor

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Chomsky? Are you kidding me? The man is a liberal OLD FOOL. What a joke!

Chomsky Tells It Like It Is.....Again

“World-renowned intellectual and author Noam Chomsky called U.S. President Donald Trump a ‘sociopathic megalomaniac’ whose leadership drove the U.S. to become ‘singularly unprepared’ for the coronavirus pandemic.”

For Americans willing to face reality, the impeached president trump’s mismanagement has left the United States unprepared for any and all crises that could arise. He and the swamprats he and Moscow Mitch have installed in key positions, have weakened, or eliminated, so many federal regulations, Big Business can return to poisoning the environment at levels not permitted since the 1960s.

Political supporters of both the impeached president trump and Status Quo Joe are oblivious to the danger both these crooks pose to the survival of the human race.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics don’t care about the extreme level of corruption that exists in Washington D.C. Their only concerns are ridding the country of the hated non-whites, citizens or not, building their beloved hero’s useless border wall, reinterpretation of the Constitution limiting the protections it provides to conservatives, and using the Second Amendment to arm themselves with military grade weaponry.

The voters who have decided Status Quo Joe will cure all that ails the U.S., have obviously ignored the implications of his promise to his major political contributors. Any candidate running for office in 2020 who tells donors that, if elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.” and, “No one’s standard of living will change,” has absolutely no intention of serving the interests of average Americans, or reversing the severe damage caused by the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and the congressional crooks, both Republican and Democrat. (It is a simple task to recognize Democratic incumbents who should be ousted, all who want AOC and other members of “The Squad” replaced with establishment Democrats are collaborators with the GOP, and are working against all average Americans.)

Few people born after 1965 possess the political awareness necessary to remember policy changes that laid the foundation for the disastrous economic system called “Reagonomics”, that first took working class Americans by the throat in the 1980s. Americans in this wide ranged age group have only known “trickle down”, never having lived during a time when a single hourly income would maintain a middle class family.

Most people of this group know only the propaganda their chosen political party, and clergy, spew, this includes Republicans, Democrats, and independents (independent voters are not the free thinkers the believe they are).

Unfortunately, the large demographic formed by those 55-years-old and younger, who have joined with baby boomers in their fear of retaliation by the billionaire class, have always bowed down to the super-rich. And while the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world which Americans are truly essential, those who have always, and eagerly, eaten every ounce of sh!t the billionaire class served to them, will continue to chow down. It will remain beyond their ability to understand that poor people do not cause poverty, just like testing does not cause the number of COVID-19 cases to increase.

Interviewed by Efe last month, Chomsky speaks of the lessons offered by the coronavirus pandemic, stating, “ ‘One lesson is that it’s another colossal failure of the neoliberal version of capitalism. Massive failure.’ ” But, will the vast majority of average Americans finally grow tired of this oppressive, predatory capitalism, that reserves all benefit for the billionaire class?

We’ve been doing predatory capitalism for over forty years. And while conservatives remain convinced “a rising tide raises all boats”, for most working Americans, that rising tide only makes the water get deeper. So as the billionaires buy bigger and bigger boats, which produce massive waves, the much smaller boats are swamped, and sunk.

(So as not to confuse the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, Liberalism has nothing to do with Neoliberalism, which is characterized by free market trade, deregulation of financial markets, individualization, and the shift away from state welfare provision. Neoliberalism is the predatory capitalism billionaires and poor, white, uneducated and under-educated conservatives love.)

Chomsky says Trump a 'Sociopathic Megalomaniac' | The Meteor

View attachment 341046


That's funny. He supports all sorts of leftist sociopaths.

Soooo, that makes him a dumbshit progressive so I could care less what that shithead has to say.

Chomsky Tells It Like It Is.....Again

“World-renowned intellectual and author Noam Chomsky called U.S. President Donald Trump a ‘sociopathic megalomaniac’ whose leadership drove the U.S. to become ‘singularly unprepared’ for the coronavirus pandemic.”

For Americans willing to face reality, the impeached president trump’s mismanagement has left the United States unprepared for any and all crises that could arise. He and the swamprats he and Moscow Mitch have installed in key positions, have weakened, or eliminated, so many federal regulations, Big Business can return to poisoning the environment at levels not permitted since the 1960s.

Political supporters of both the impeached president trump and Status Quo Joe are oblivious to the danger both these crooks pose to the survival of the human race.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics don’t care about the extreme level of corruption that exists in Washington D.C. Their only concerns are ridding the country of the hated non-whites, citizens or not, building their beloved hero’s useless border wall, reinterpretation of the Constitution limiting the protections it provides to conservatives, and using the Second Amendment to arm themselves with military grade weaponry.

The voters who have decided Status Quo Joe will cure all that ails the U.S., have obviously ignored the implications of his promise to his major political contributors. Any candidate running for office in 2020 who tells donors that, if elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.” and, “No one’s standard of living will change,” has absolutely no intention of serving the interests of average Americans, or reversing the severe damage caused by the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and the congressional crooks, both Republican and Democrat. (It is a simple task to recognize Democratic incumbents who should be ousted, all who want AOC and other members of “The Squad” replaced with establishment Democrats are collaborators with the GOP, and are working against all average Americans.)

Few people born after 1965 possess the political awareness necessary to remember policy changes that laid the foundation for the disastrous economic system called “Reagonomics”, that first took working class Americans by the throat in the 1980s. Americans in this wide ranged age group have only known “trickle down”, never having lived during a time when a single hourly income would maintain a middle class family.

Most people of this group know only the propaganda their chosen political party, and clergy, spew, this includes Republicans, Democrats, and independents (independent voters are not the free thinkers the believe they are).

Unfortunately, the large demographic formed by those 55-years-old and younger, who have joined with baby boomers in their fear of retaliation by the billionaire class, have always bowed down to the super-rich. And while the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world which Americans are truly essential, those who have always, and eagerly, eaten every ounce of sh!t the billionaire class served to them, will continue to chow down. It will remain beyond their ability to understand that poor people do not cause poverty, just like testing does not cause the number of COVID-19 cases to increase.

Interviewed by Efe last month, Chomsky speaks of the lessons offered by the coronavirus pandemic, stating, “ ‘One lesson is that it’s another colossal failure of the neoliberal version of capitalism. Massive failure.’ ” But, will the vast majority of average Americans finally grow tired of this oppressive, predatory capitalism, that reserves all benefit for the billionaire class?

We’ve been doing predatory capitalism for over forty years. And while conservatives remain convinced “a rising tide raises all boats”, for most working Americans, that rising tide only makes the water get deeper. So as the billionaires buy bigger and bigger boats, which produce massive waves, the much smaller boats are swamped, and sunk.

(So as not to confuse the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, Liberalism has nothing to do with Neoliberalism, which is characterized by free market trade, deregulation of financial markets, individualization, and the shift away from state welfare provision. Neoliberalism is the predatory capitalism billionaires and poor, white, uneducated and under-educated conservatives love.)

Chomsky says Trump a 'Sociopathic Megalomaniac' | The Meteor

View attachment 341046


That's funny. He supports all sorts of leftist sociopaths.

Soooo, that makes him a dumbshit progressive so I could care less what that shithead has to say.

Chomsky Tells It Like It Is.....Again

“World-renowned intellectual and author Noam Chomsky called U.S. President Donald Trump a ‘sociopathic megalomaniac’ whose leadership drove the U.S. to become ‘singularly unprepared’ for the coronavirus pandemic.”

For Americans willing to face reality, the impeached president trump’s mismanagement has left the United States unprepared for any and all crises that could arise. He and the swamprats he and Moscow Mitch have installed in key positions, have weakened, or eliminated, so many federal regulations, Big Business can return to poisoning the environment at levels not permitted since the 1960s.

Political supporters of both the impeached president trump and Status Quo Joe are oblivious to the danger both these crooks pose to the survival of the human race.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics don’t care about the extreme level of corruption that exists in Washington D.C. Their only concerns are ridding the country of the hated non-whites, citizens or not, building their beloved hero’s useless border wall, reinterpretation of the Constitution limiting the protections it provides to conservatives, and using the Second Amendment to arm themselves with military grade weaponry.

The voters who have decided Status Quo Joe will cure all that ails the U.S., have obviously ignored the implications of his promise to his major political contributors. Any candidate running for office in 2020 who tells donors that, if elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.” and, “No one’s standard of living will change,” has absolutely no intention of serving the interests of average Americans, or reversing the severe damage caused by the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and the congressional crooks, both Republican and Democrat. (It is a simple task to recognize Democratic incumbents who should be ousted, all who want AOC and other members of “The Squad” replaced with establishment Democrats are collaborators with the GOP, and are working against all average Americans.)

Few people born after 1965 possess the political awareness necessary to remember policy changes that laid the foundation for the disastrous economic system called “Reagonomics”, that first took working class Americans by the throat in the 1980s. Americans in this wide ranged age group have only known “trickle down”, never having lived during a time when a single hourly income would maintain a middle class family.

Most people of this group know only the propaganda their chosen political party, and clergy, spew, this includes Republicans, Democrats, and independents (independent voters are not the free thinkers the believe they are).

Unfortunately, the large demographic formed by those 55-years-old and younger, who have joined with baby boomers in their fear of retaliation by the billionaire class, have always bowed down to the super-rich. And while the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world which Americans are truly essential, those who have always, and eagerly, eaten every ounce of sh!t the billionaire class served to them, will continue to chow down. It will remain beyond their ability to understand that poor people do not cause poverty, just like testing does not cause the number of COVID-19 cases to increase.

Interviewed by Efe last month, Chomsky speaks of the lessons offered by the coronavirus pandemic, stating, “ ‘One lesson is that it’s another colossal failure of the neoliberal version of capitalism. Massive failure.’ ” But, will the vast majority of average Americans finally grow tired of this oppressive, predatory capitalism, that reserves all benefit for the billionaire class?

We’ve been doing predatory capitalism for over forty years. And while conservatives remain convinced “a rising tide raises all boats”, for most working Americans, that rising tide only makes the water get deeper. So as the billionaires buy bigger and bigger boats, which produce massive waves, the much smaller boats are swamped, and sunk.

(So as not to confuse the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, Liberalism has nothing to do with Neoliberalism, which is characterized by free market trade, deregulation of financial markets, individualization, and the shift away from state welfare provision. Neoliberalism is the predatory capitalism billionaires and poor, white, uneducated and under-educated conservatives love.)

Chomsky says Trump a 'Sociopathic Megalomaniac' | The Meteor

View attachment 341046


That's funny. He supports all sorts of leftist sociopaths.

Soooo, that makes him a dumbshit progressive so I could care less what that shithead has to say.

Chomsky is the hero of the Democrat party. Just like Soros.

Noam Chomsky describes himself as a libertarian socialist, a sympathizer of anarcho-syndicalism, and is considered to be a key intellectual figure within the left-wing of politics of the United States.

Chomsky Tells It Like It Is.....Again

“World-renowned intellectual and author Noam Chomsky called U.S. President Donald Trump a ‘sociopathic megalomaniac’ whose leadership drove the U.S. to become ‘singularly unprepared’ for the coronavirus pandemic.”

For Americans willing to face reality, the impeached president trump’s mismanagement has left the United States unprepared for any and all crises that could arise. He and the swamprats he and Moscow Mitch have installed in key positions, have weakened, or eliminated, so many federal regulations, Big Business can return to poisoning the environment at levels not permitted since the 1960s.

Political supporters of both the impeached president trump and Status Quo Joe are oblivious to the danger both these crooks pose to the survival of the human race.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics don’t care about the extreme level of corruption that exists in Washington D.C. Their only concerns are ridding the country of the hated non-whites, citizens or not, building their beloved hero’s useless border wall, reinterpretation of the Constitution limiting the protections it provides to conservatives, and using the Second Amendment to arm themselves with military grade weaponry.

The voters who have decided Status Quo Joe will cure all that ails the U.S., have obviously ignored the implications of his promise to his major political contributors. Any candidate running for office in 2020 who tells donors that, if elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.” and, “No one’s standard of living will change,” has absolutely no intention of serving the interests of average Americans, or reversing the severe damage caused by the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and the congressional crooks, both Republican and Democrat. (It is a simple task to recognize Democratic incumbents who should be ousted, all who want AOC and other members of “The Squad” replaced with establishment Democrats are collaborators with the GOP, and are working against all average Americans.)

Few people born after 1965 possess the political awareness necessary to remember policy changes that laid the foundation for the disastrous economic system called “Reagonomics”, that first took working class Americans by the throat in the 1980s. Americans in this wide ranged age group have only known “trickle down”, never having lived during a time when a single hourly income would maintain a middle class family.

Most people of this group know only the propaganda their chosen political party, and clergy, spew, this includes Republicans, Democrats, and independents (independent voters are not the free thinkers the believe they are).

Unfortunately, the large demographic formed by those 55-years-old and younger, who have joined with baby boomers in their fear of retaliation by the billionaire class, have always bowed down to the super-rich. And while the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world which Americans are truly essential, those who have always, and eagerly, eaten every ounce of sh!t the billionaire class served to them, will continue to chow down. It will remain beyond their ability to understand that poor people do not cause poverty, just like testing does not cause the number of COVID-19 cases to increase.

Interviewed by Efe last month, Chomsky speaks of the lessons offered by the coronavirus pandemic, stating, “ ‘One lesson is that it’s another colossal failure of the neoliberal version of capitalism. Massive failure.’ ” But, will the vast majority of average Americans finally grow tired of this oppressive, predatory capitalism, that reserves all benefit for the billionaire class?

We’ve been doing predatory capitalism for over forty years. And while conservatives remain convinced “a rising tide raises all boats”, for most working Americans, that rising tide only makes the water get deeper. So as the billionaires buy bigger and bigger boats, which produce massive waves, the much smaller boats are swamped, and sunk.

(So as not to confuse the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, Liberalism has nothing to do with Neoliberalism, which is characterized by free market trade, deregulation of financial markets, individualization, and the shift away from state welfare provision. Neoliberalism is the predatory capitalism billionaires and poor, white, uneducated and under-educated conservatives love.)

Chomsky says Trump a 'Sociopathic Megalomaniac' | The Meteor

View attachment 341046

Dude I am not a trump supporter myself and unlike many usmb posters here are open minded on his corruption but this is right up there with unproven Russian collusion nonsense,you got to do better than

state some oh and if you to show facts of his corruption,Chomsky is the last person you should look to,he pretty much ruined and destroyed his credibility when he endorced not only the 9/11 coverup commission,but the fact he believes in magic bullets as well the fact he also believes in the warren commission report and their decades disproven single bullet theory which belongs in the fictional section right up there with Tom Sawyer and superman :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :lmao: :auiqs.jpg: :lmao::lmao::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Had he only stuck with covering up 9/11 he would have more credibility because many Americans can face the truth the government was behind jfks assassination but 9/11 hits too close to home with them so they will listen to Chomsky on what he says on that but the fact he endorced the Warren commission,after that,he lost his credibility with the majority of americans:lmao::auiqs.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: he is digging himself an even bigger hole now with this and losing more and more credibility as year after year goes by This clown is a shill for the government,get with it.
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Chomsky Tells It Like It Is.....Again

“World-renowned intellectual and author Noam Chomsky called U.S. President Donald Trump a ‘sociopathic megalomaniac’ whose leadership drove the U.S. to become ‘singularly unprepared’ for the coronavirus pandemic.”

For Americans willing to face reality, the impeached president trump’s mismanagement has left the United States unprepared for any and all crises that could arise. He and the swamprats he and Moscow Mitch have installed in key positions, have weakened, or eliminated, so many federal regulations, Big Business can return to poisoning the environment at levels not permitted since the 1960s.

Political supporters of both the impeached president trump and Status Quo Joe are oblivious to the danger both these crooks pose to the survival of the human race.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics don’t care about the extreme level of corruption that exists in Washington D.C. Their only concerns are ridding the country of the hated non-whites, citizens or not, building their beloved hero’s useless border wall, reinterpretation of the Constitution limiting the protections it provides to conservatives, and using the Second Amendment to arm themselves with military grade weaponry.

The voters who have decided Status Quo Joe will cure all that ails the U.S., have obviously ignored the implications of his promise to his major political contributors. Any candidate running for office in 2020 who tells donors that, if elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.” and, “No one’s standard of living will change,” has absolutely no intention of serving the interests of average Americans, or reversing the severe damage caused by the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and the congressional crooks, both Republican and Democrat. (It is a simple task to recognize Democratic incumbents who should be ousted, all who want AOC and other members of “The Squad” replaced with establishment Democrats are collaborators with the GOP, and are working against all average Americans.)

Few people born after 1965 possess the political awareness necessary to remember policy changes that laid the foundation for the disastrous economic system called “Reagonomics”, that first took working class Americans by the throat in the 1980s. Americans in this wide ranged age group have only known “trickle down”, never having lived during a time when a single hourly income would maintain a middle class family.

Most people of this group know only the propaganda their chosen political party, and clergy, spew, this includes Republicans, Democrats, and independents (independent voters are not the free thinkers the believe they are).

Unfortunately, the large demographic formed by those 55-years-old and younger, who have joined with baby boomers in their fear of retaliation by the billionaire class, have always bowed down to the super-rich. And while the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world which Americans are truly essential, those who have always, and eagerly, eaten every ounce of sh!t the billionaire class served to them, will continue to chow down. It will remain beyond their ability to understand that poor people do not cause poverty, just like testing does not cause the number of COVID-19 cases to increase.

Interviewed by Efe last month, Chomsky speaks of the lessons offered by the coronavirus pandemic, stating, “ ‘One lesson is that it’s another colossal failure of the neoliberal version of capitalism. Massive failure.’ ” But, will the vast majority of average Americans finally grow tired of this oppressive, predatory capitalism, that reserves all benefit for the billionaire class?

We’ve been doing predatory capitalism for over forty years. And while conservatives remain convinced “a rising tide raises all boats”, for most working Americans, that rising tide only makes the water get deeper. So as the billionaires buy bigger and bigger boats, which produce massive waves, the much smaller boats are swamped, and sunk.

(So as not to confuse the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, Liberalism has nothing to do with Neoliberalism, which is characterized by free market trade, deregulation of financial markets, individualization, and the shift away from state welfare provision. Neoliberalism is the predatory capitalism billionaires and poor, white, uneducated and under-educated conservatives love.)

Chomsky says Trump a 'Sociopathic Megalomaniac' | The Meteor

View attachment 341046


That's funny. He supports all sorts of leftist sociopaths.

Soooo, that makes him a dumbshit progressive so I could care less what that shithead has to say.

Chomsky is the hero of the Democrat party. Just like Soros.

Noam Chomsky describes himself as a libertarian socialist, a sympathizer of anarcho-syndicalism, and is considered to be a key intellectual figure within the left-wing of politics of the United States.
Not true at all,stick to the facts,something you seldom do.just once in a blue moon and this is not one of them,he endorces the jfk assassination,a democrat and the 9/11 coverup commission as well which republicans all orchestrated,doesn’t sound like a democrat to me,just the opposite.

Chomsky Tells It Like It Is.....Again

“World-renowned intellectual and author Noam Chomsky called U.S. President Donald Trump a ‘sociopathic megalomaniac’ whose leadership drove the U.S. to become ‘singularly unprepared’ for the coronavirus pandemic.”

For Americans willing to face reality, the impeached president trump’s mismanagement has left the United States unprepared for any and all crises that could arise. He and the swamprats he and Moscow Mitch have installed in key positions, have weakened, or eliminated, so many federal regulations, Big Business can return to poisoning the environment at levels not permitted since the 1960s.

Political supporters of both the impeached president trump and Status Quo Joe are oblivious to the danger both these crooks pose to the survival of the human race.

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics don’t care about the extreme level of corruption that exists in Washington D.C. Their only concerns are ridding the country of the hated non-whites, citizens or not, building their beloved hero’s useless border wall, reinterpretation of the Constitution limiting the protections it provides to conservatives, and using the Second Amendment to arm themselves with military grade weaponry.

The voters who have decided Status Quo Joe will cure all that ails the U.S., have obviously ignored the implications of his promise to his major political contributors. Any candidate running for office in 2020 who tells donors that, if elected, “Nothing would fundamentally change.” and, “No one’s standard of living will change,” has absolutely no intention of serving the interests of average Americans, or reversing the severe damage caused by the impeached president trump, Moscow Mitch, and the congressional crooks, both Republican and Democrat. (It is a simple task to recognize Democratic incumbents who should be ousted, all who want AOC and other members of “The Squad” replaced with establishment Democrats are collaborators with the GOP, and are working against all average Americans.)

Few people born after 1965 possess the political awareness necessary to remember policy changes that laid the foundation for the disastrous economic system called “Reagonomics”, that first took working class Americans by the throat in the 1980s. Americans in this wide ranged age group have only known “trickle down”, never having lived during a time when a single hourly income would maintain a middle class family.

Most people of this group know only the propaganda their chosen political party, and clergy, spew, this includes Republicans, Democrats, and independents (independent voters are not the free thinkers the believe they are).

Unfortunately, the large demographic formed by those 55-years-old and younger, who have joined with baby boomers in their fear of retaliation by the billionaire class, have always bowed down to the super-rich. And while the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the world which Americans are truly essential, those who have always, and eagerly, eaten every ounce of sh!t the billionaire class served to them, will continue to chow down. It will remain beyond their ability to understand that poor people do not cause poverty, just like testing does not cause the number of COVID-19 cases to increase.

Interviewed by Efe last month, Chomsky speaks of the lessons offered by the coronavirus pandemic, stating, “ ‘One lesson is that it’s another colossal failure of the neoliberal version of capitalism. Massive failure.’ ” But, will the vast majority of average Americans finally grow tired of this oppressive, predatory capitalism, that reserves all benefit for the billionaire class?

We’ve been doing predatory capitalism for over forty years. And while conservatives remain convinced “a rising tide raises all boats”, for most working Americans, that rising tide only makes the water get deeper. So as the billionaires buy bigger and bigger boats, which produce massive waves, the much smaller boats are swamped, and sunk.

(So as not to confuse the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics, Liberalism has nothing to do with Neoliberalism, which is characterized by free market trade, deregulation of financial markets, individualization, and the shift away from state welfare provision. Neoliberalism is the predatory capitalism billionaires and poor, white, uneducated and under-educated conservatives love.)

Chomsky says Trump a 'Sociopathic Megalomaniac' | The Meteor

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Noam, Chomsky, Ashkenazi jew, a socialist, pseudo intellectual and a Zionist....damn! That bloated blowhard is all over the place! LMAO!

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