Choose One: Either ObamaCare, or Healthcare!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Every single thing we on the Right warned you about ObamaCare is coming true. And, although the polls imply an admission, dealing with individual Leftists, i.e., Obama voters is like dealing with lying, poorly brought up little children.

One more of the thousand knife cuts:

1. " least 20 percent of the new enrollees have not paid their premiums. They therefore do not really have insurance. But even for those enrollees paying premiums, having health insurance is not the same thing as getting good health care, or any health care.
....Most will have difficulty finding a physician.

2. ....newly uninsured workers will either have to enroll in Medicaid, if their income is low enough, or purchase a plan on one of the state and federal insurance exchanges.

3. States are already struggling under huge budget deficits from their existing Medicaid programs. Since states lose federal funding if they adjust their Medicaid eligibility guidelines, their only option for reducing deficits is to cut already-low Medicaid reimbursement rates. Physicians are already reluctant to treat Medicaid patients ....

4. Cutting reimbursements will exacerbate the physician-access problem and could lead to closures of so-called “safety-net” hospitals that care for many of the poor and uninsured.

5. The ACA requires insurers to accept every patient regardless of risk, provide expansive benefits packages, and eliminate caps on lifetime benefits. Looking to control costs, most insurers are offering exchange plans that severely limit the number of doctors and hospitals patients can visit.

6. Some state exchanges—including New York’s—don’t offer a single plan that covers visits to out-of-network doctors or hospitals. Many people will not be able to see the physicians who have treated them for years, use facilities providing the most appropriate treatment, or access care within a reasonable time and distance from their homes. Some specialty hospitals have been excluded from all exchange plans.

7. Patient choice has been further compromised ....have reported trouble determining which physicians will participate in which plans. Doctors, too, are often unaware whether they’re listed in particular insurance networks and what the reimbursement rates are.

8. .... insurance coverage under the ACA is unlikely to improve health outcomes. The much-noted Oregon Medicaid-expansion study found that new Medicaid enrollees showed no improvement in health outcomes compared with the uninsured. Other studies have shown that Medicaid patients have worse outcomes .....

9. The health outcomes of many exchange patients will suffer....

10. ....but the law is failing in all of its intended goals. ....many patients will find that when they need medical care, the doctor is not in."
The Doctor Won't See You Now by Joel Zinberg, City Journal 14 April 2014

As more and more facts such as the above become evident, ObamaCare supporters are revealed as nothing more than lying reprobates with no concern for their neighbors or their nation.

Merely Lock-step Liberals.
I liked the way it was before personally when people could choose what best fit them. Obamacare is like trying to fit a great big fat person into a size 2. Obamacare has not really affected me too much but it forced me to get my family dual covered to protect us from having to buy Obamacare if my wife or I were to lose our jobs (Extra $100 a month give or take). I get my insurance through my employer at the price of $100 for my wife and I. I believe hers is a tad bit more a month but I never really studied the difference between our plans.

Im just happy I can keep my doctor and don't have to worry about the unaffordability of Obamadontgiveashiitemuslim.
I've had the same medical provider for 20 years, My wife has insurance through Wally World. She pays 70 bucks a month and they make her pay 10 dollars a month in a health savings account...Medicare did try to make me go on their plan....
Someone promised me if I liked my policy I could keep my policy. Alas, my policy that I liked was canceled. Fortunately, I am a veteran and applied for disability through the VA. They determined I have 2 disabilities so I have healthcare again. Pity the millions whose policies were canceled and have no recourse but to go with the abomination known as Obamacare.
Someone promised me if I liked my policy I could keep my policy. Alas, my policy that I liked was canceled. Fortunately, I am a veteran and applied for disability through the VA. They determined I have 2 disabilities so I have healthcare again. Pity the millions whose policies were canceled and have no recourse but to go with the abomination known as Obamacare.

Lucky boy!

"...the abomination known as Obamacare."

Y''s not as though we should give ObamaCare the benefit of a doubt....big government healthcare is in effect in Britain.

Devon Herrick, a senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis, says that although everyone is supposed to receive "free" health care from the NHS, NICE determines the level of benefit from a certain drug or procedure. Based on research, the local trusts may decide the cost of a certain cancer drug is too high or not effective enough so they won't buy any or will ration it in some areas of the country.
Source: Kenneth Artz, "UK's NHS Seeks to Limit Care for Smokers, Obese," Heartland Institute, May 13, 2011.

Coming to a neighborhood near you....soon!
Who wants to bet that the Dems will FORCE doctors to take Obama's low-end, no-name insurance in the next few years. They won't stop until they control every aspect of your life and mine (including how business is conducted).
Who wants to bet that the Dems will FORCE doctors to take Obama's low-end, no-name insurance in the next few years. They won't stop until they control every aspect of your life and mine (including how business is conducted).

Um...I have been a doc in private practice for over 20 years...and with the advent of HMOs found insurance companies dictating who my patients can see, which specialists I can refer to, length and nature of treatment....AND was required to submit to pre-authorization to start therapy and file paperwork to continue it.
With the advent of the ACA, I've noticed more actual referrals from ins agents actively involved in seeking treatment for subscribers, and an increase in patients w coverage.
My fee schedules have not changed.
So far so good...will keep posting any other changes noted.

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Choose One: Either ObamaCare, or Healthcare!

We could have done something in the GOP long ago, but the far right simply would not let it happen. Now you whine. Step off.
Who wants to bet that the Dems will FORCE doctors to take Obama's low-end, no-name insurance in the next few years. They won't stop until they control every aspect of your life and mine (including how business is conducted).

Um...I have been a doc in private practice for over 20 years...and with the advent of HMOs found insurance companies dictating who my patients can see, which specialists I can refer to, length and nature of treatment....AND was required to submit to pre-authorization to start therapy and file paperwork to continue it.
With the advent of the ACA, I've noticed more actual referrals from ins agents actively involved in seeking treatment for subscribers, and an increase in patients w coverage.
My fee schedules have not changed.
So far so good...will keep posting any other changes noted.

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And, you don't have to take a cut in pay or chase patients to get them to pay their bills.

A lot of rw's are very upset that insurance companies are making a smaller profit and having to put 80% of premium amounts into real patient care.
it was about a voter base.
It's been reported that in California recently the people who sign up O-care signees are going into Mexico to recruit. If challenged I will provide a link.


You people are really desperate.
Here's desperation, Herr Luddly.

Well, here we are America. We have finally reached the deadline for the enrollment in the Affordable Care Act.*

I have to put an asterisk next to that sentence because the Obama administration has technically (and illegally) extended open enrollment but they won’t tell anyone what the new deadline is. They vaguely said that it would be “sometime in the middle of April.” Great… Super helpful…

Barack Obama has been jetting around the country, appearing on multiple television shows to try to get young people to overpay for health insurance that they don’t currently need.

Obamacare Navigators Sign Up Illegal Aliens to Pad Numbers | Conservative Daily
My aunt and my cousin are both hardworking people with pre-existing conditions.

No one ever covered them before even though they had the means to buy coverage. They are thankful now that they have coverage and would never, not in a million years, go back to what we had before, which was a system that refused to allow them to participate with their own dollars.
It's been reported that in California recently the people who sign up O-care signees are going into Mexico to recruit. If challenged I will provide a link.


You people are really desperate.
Here's desperation, Herr Luddly.

Well, here we are America. We have finally reached the deadline for the enrollment in the Affordable Care Act.*

I have to put an asterisk next to that sentence because the Obama administration has technically (and illegally) extended open enrollment but they won’t tell anyone what the new deadline is. They vaguely said that it would be “sometime in the middle of April.” Great… Super helpful…

Barack Obama has been jetting around the country, appearing on multiple television shows to try to get young people to overpay for health insurance that they don’t currently need.

Obamacare Navigators Sign Up Illegal Aliens to Pad Numbers | Conservative Daily

Trying to get young people to overpay for health insurance they don't currently need?


Can you predict when someone will get into a serious accident?

Can you predict when someone will come down with a serious illness?

Sorry, but everyone needs healthcare (and yeah.............under the ACA I am now covered and grateful for it, because I like to exercise on a bicycle and on occasion, some drivers will come scarily close to me in their cars, meaning I don't know which ride may be my last one).

Matter of fact, there have already been success stories that showed the ACA has helped people, one of which was a woman who signed up in November, was covered in January (when the ACA started to take effect) who found out she had cancer because under the ACA she had the coverage to pay for a CAT scan that found her cancer, which under her old plan, wouldn't have been paid for (and therefore not found).

She's currently in treatment and is doing well, thanks to the ACA (aka Obamacare).
So if more Americans having access to affordable healthcare threatens possible doctor shortages,

the conservative solution is to make sure we keep those additional Americans from having affordable healthcare.


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