Choose you this day whom ye will serve

Whom will you serve?

  • The LORD

    Votes: 13 44.8%
  • Satan

    Votes: 16 55.2%

  • Total voters
I just voted for The Lord and I couldn't believe that satan has more votes?

Wow, we have Illuminati here too????:eek-52:

Angels, Demons and the Struggle for Mankind
(makes for good music anyway)

There we see even in the beginning of the old testament the Lord gave man His agency whether to serve Him or not.

He was us to come to Him will a willing heart and a contrite Spirit. He will not compel us to believe. He invites, exhorts, expounds, and gives us reasons but never compels. It is our privilege to serve Him.

Speaking in tongues again.

Seriously dooood, even for bible-babble, you make no sense.

I dont see how pointing out that God wants us to come to Him willingly is difficult to understand.
There we see even in the beginning of the old testament the Lord gave man His agency whether to serve Him or not.

He was us to come to Him will a willing heart and a contrite Spirit. He will not compel us to believe. He invites, exhorts, expounds, and gives us reasons but never compels. It is our privilege to serve Him.
He was talking to Jews. Christians then stole that Book.

I find that comment interesting. Because implicitly you are acknowledging that He lives and that He spoke to the Jews.

He spoke through Joshua to all the House of Israel. There are more branches than just the Jews. He continually invites all men to come to Him. Both those who are literal members of the House of Israel and those who are adopted into the House of Israel through faith in Christ.

We have agency to choose for ourselves whether we will serve God or not.
There we see even in the beginning of the old testament the Lord gave man His agency whether to serve Him or not.

He was us to come to Him will a willing heart and a contrite Spirit. He will not compel us to believe. He invites, exhorts, expounds, and gives us reasons but never compels. It is our privilege to serve Him.

Speaking in tongues again.

Seriously dooood, even for bible-babble, you make no sense.

He isn't speaking in tongues. He is telling you that God wants us to come to him with a willing and a contrite heart. It was a very good message.

It's not a message that all are prepared to hear though. Without the Spirit insured it does sound like another language.
Because there is no such thing as the flying spaghetti monster.

There is no such thing as satan, either, but that doesn't stop you from getting all pent up about him.

"And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none—and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance." (2 Nephi 28:22)
There we see even in the beginning of the old testament the Lord gave man His agency whether to serve Him or not.

He was us to come to Him will a willing heart and a contrite Spirit. He will not compel us to believe. He invites, exhorts, expounds, and gives us reasons but never compels. It is our privilege to serve Him.
He was talking to Jews. Christians then stole that Book.

I find that comment interesting. Because implicitly you are acknowledging that He lives and that He spoke to the Jews.

He spoke through Joshua to all the House of Israel. There are more branches than just the Jews. He continually invites all men to come to Him. Both those who are literal members of the House of Israel and those who are adopted into the House of Israel through faith in Christ.

We have agency to choose for ourselves whether we will serve God or not.
I meant Christians have no business appropriating a Jewish book for themselves, they should make up their own fantasies, like the Mormons did.
Because there is no such thing as the flying spaghetti monster.

There is no such thing as satan, either, but that doesn't stop you from getting all pent up about him.

"And behold, others he flattereth away, and telleth them there is no hell; and he saith unto them: I am no devil, for there is none—and thus he whispereth in their ears, until he grasps them with his awful chains, from whence there is no deliverance." (2 Nephi 28:22)
Pretty sure that Jeremiah believes Joseph Smith was a charlatan who chose Satan.
And if a person chooses neither?

It is written:

Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?

If you are a slave to sin, Satan is your master. If you are obedient unto the LORD, Jesus Christ is your Master.

And if you neither sin, nor choose to believe in the Christian tradition? Where does your world view include say, someone like the Dali Lama? Your anthropomorphizing of a supreme deity is much too limiting. It's seems very small doesn't it?


Love is Jesus. Love is Christ who gave His life for sinners.
I'm so glad I follow the Old Religion (paganism) and don't have to deal with this "my xtianity is better than your xtianity" crap.
I'm so glad I follow the Old Religion (paganism) and don't have to deal with this "my xtianity is better than your xtianity" crap.
Humans want everyone to be like themselves. It's a natural inclination. It's why we disagree and argue and debate and try to persuade others to our point of view. Even among pagans, they would bicker about which source of power or consciousness had the most influence.

This is why monotheism was attempted. Someone got the bright idea that if there was only one divine source, we could all be made to agree. Now, nobody agrees on the nature of the one divine source.

Some have given up and claim to believe in no divine source. Some actually believe the divine source is the scientific and humanistic accomplishments of man, others believe it is the rules and codes that are defined by this or that describing "holy scripture," which, if you take a religious studies class and research the origins of anyone of them, you will find many of them have their origins in political control.
And if a person chooses neither?

It is written:

Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?

If you are a slave to sin, Satan is your master. If you are obedient unto the LORD, Jesus Christ is your Master.

And if you neither sin, nor choose to believe in the Christian tradition? Where does your world view include say, someone like the Dali Lama? Your anthropomorphizing of a supreme deity is much too limiting. It's seems very small doesn't it?


Love is Jesus. Love is Christ who gave His life for sinners.

Gallup Poll Indicates Americans Only Hear About Jesus 48 Times a Day

Recent poll results indicate that Americans are only exposed 48 times a day to the Christian message that God loves them, but if they don’t love Him back, He is going to burn them in Hell forever. "48 times a day is not nearly enough exposure," Christian Conversion Specialist, Judy O'Christian argues. "We need to hit these libruls with the message of Jesus' Love, and tell them He'll send them to hell if they don't convert, at least once every ten minutes! If you don't do it constantly, sometimes for hours at a time, they'll start believing silly stories about "science," and so-called, "logic." God wants us to convict these sinners 24/7!"

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