Choosing betwee Iran and ISIS... Which is the lesser of two evils?

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
Kansas City
Iran threatens 8216 direct action 8217 against ISIS
The right of choice makes a real mess for it's possessor? So our government seems really uncertain selecting between Iran or ISIS as our future ally. Hopefully none of them will cooperate with the USA. Everyone knows what the fate of such ally can be. We need not an ally when our own Administration is weak.
The right of choice makes a real mess for it's possessor? So our government seems really uncertain selecting between Iran or ISIS as our future ally. Hopefully none of them will cooperate with the USA. Everyone knows what the fate of such ally can be. We need not an ally when our own Administration is weak.

I think it's more along the lines of, is the risk worth the reward?

ISIS isn't sustainable in the long run. The only reason why they hold parts of Iraq right now is that the Sunni Tribes who were loyal to Saddam are going along with them until they exhaust their strength. Then those guys will be ready to make a deal with whoever comes out on top.

SO why is this our problem? If Iran and ISIS want to fight it out, I say let them. Neither poses an existential threat to the US and neither is worth thousands of American lives.
Iran threatens 8216 direct action 8217 against ISIS
The right of choice makes a real mess for it's possessor? So our government seems really uncertain selecting between Iran or ISIS as our future ally. Hopefully none of them will cooperate with the USA. Everyone knows what the fate of such ally can be. We need not an ally when our own Administration is weak.

good of you to post up this topic. It is a matter that has interested me from the
start------as for the USA----my personal preference is that the USA stay out of it
completely with the possible exception of rescue-----of Christians stuck in
Iraq and Syria . The ISSUE which fascinates me is----the muzzie states-----
just WHAT THE ALLIANCES will be. Iran is exspecially an issue-----Iranians hate
both sunnis and ARABS----but they will CERTAINLY want to be IN-----on an actual
caliphate that spreads into Saudi Arabia and MOST of all one that can destroy
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It does no good to lop off just one head of the hydra when another will just sprout in its place.
They lop off heads, we don't.

Time to let Muslims sort all this out by killing other Muslims.

We should get the fuck out, sit back and sell weapons to all sides.
They lop off heads, we don't.

Time to let Muslims sort all this out by killing other Muslims.

We should get the fuck out, sit back and sell weapons to all sides.

  1. a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
    "“I had fallen through a trapdoor of depression,” said Mark, who was fond of theatrical metaphors"
    synonyms: figure of speech, image, trope, analogy, comparison, symbol, word painting/picture
    "the profusion of metaphors in her everyday speech has gotten pretty tiresome"
    • a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else, especially something abstract.
      "the amounts of money being lost by the company were enough to make it ametaphor for an industry that was teetering"
The right of choice makes a real mess for it's possessor? So our government seems really uncertain selecting between Iran or ISIS as our future ally. Hopefully none of them will cooperate with the USA. Everyone knows what the fate of such ally can be. We need not an ally when our own Administration is weak.

I think it's more along the lines of, is the risk worth the reward?

ISIS isn't sustainable in the long run. The only reason why they hold parts of Iraq right now is that the Sunni Tribes who were loyal to Saddam are going along with them until they exhaust their strength. Then those guys will be ready to make a deal with whoever comes out on top.

SO why is this our problem? If Iran and ISIS want to fight it out, I say let them. Neither poses an existential threat to the US and neither is worth thousands of American lives.

Joe Blow thinks he's an expert. ISIS is raking in billions in oil revenue you moron. The entire world is selling them arms illegally, and thousands of Muslims are flocking to them daily. The only way to defeat them is an all out invasion like in 2003, or to arm a force willing to fight them to the end, like the Kurds. So far we've done neither and ISIS keeps growing.
The right of choice makes a real mess for it's possessor? So our government seems really uncertain selecting between Iran or ISIS as our future ally. Hopefully none of them will cooperate with the USA. Everyone knows what the fate of such ally can be. We need not an ally when our own Administration is weak.

I think it's more along the lines of, is the risk worth the reward?

ISIS isn't sustainable in the long run. The only reason why they hold parts of Iraq right now is that the Sunni Tribes who were loyal to Saddam are going along with them until they exhaust their strength. Then those guys will be ready to make a deal with whoever comes out on top.

SO why is this our problem? If Iran and ISIS want to fight it out, I say let them. Neither poses an existential threat to the US and neither is worth thousands of American lives.

The right of choice makes a real mess for it's possessor? So our government seems really uncertain selecting between Iran or ISIS as our future ally. Hopefully none of them will cooperate with the USA. Everyone knows what the fate of such ally can be. We need not an ally when our own Administration is weak.

I think it's more along the lines of, is the risk worth the reward?

ISIS isn't sustainable in the long run. The only reason why they hold parts of Iraq right now is that the Sunni Tribes who were loyal to Saddam are going along with them until they exhaust their strength. Then those guys will be ready to make a deal with whoever comes out on top.

SO why is this our problem? If Iran and ISIS want to fight it out, I say let them. Neither poses an existential threat to the US and neither is worth thousands of American lives.

Joe Blow thinks he's an expert. ISIS is raking in billions in oil revenue you moron. The entire world is selling them arms illegally, and thousands of Muslims are flocking to them daily. The only way to defeat them is an all out invasion like in 2003, or to arm a force willing to fight them to the end, like the Kurds. So far we've done neither and ISIS keeps growing.

As we British found out to our dismay, and have still not learnt any lessons from it, when the Catholics asked for protection in Northern Ireland from Protestant attacks and murders. The Protestants owned the unions and could dictate who got work in the Shipyards, and in what jobs. The Catholics were abused, starved, beaten, raped and murdered until the British sent in the army to combat the rising tide of violence. Very quickly the Catholics turned on the British army because they did not take sides and treated both Catholic and Protestant alike. This led to even more sectarian violence and terrorism when what was needed was a simple closing down of the Protestant stranglehold on the 5 counties and a British substitute put in place. Cut of their support and they will soon crumble into dust, and the only way to do that is to bomb the wells
The right of choice makes a real mess for it's possessor? So our government seems really uncertain selecting between Iran or ISIS as our future ally. Hopefully none of them will cooperate with the USA. Everyone knows what the fate of such ally can be. We need not an ally when our own Administration is weak.

I think it's more along the lines of, is the risk worth the reward?

ISIS isn't sustainable in the long run. The only reason why they hold parts of Iraq right now is that the Sunni Tribes who were loyal to Saddam are going along with them until they exhaust their strength. Then those guys will be ready to make a deal with whoever comes out on top.

SO why is this our problem? If Iran and ISIS want to fight it out, I say let them. Neither poses an existential threat to the US and neither is worth thousands of American lives.

Joe Blow thinks he's an expert. ISIS is raking in billions in oil revenue you moron. The entire world is selling them arms illegally, and thousands of Muslims are flocking to them daily. The only way to defeat them is an all out invasion like in 2003, or to arm a force willing to fight them to the end, like the Kurds. So far we've done neither and ISIS keeps growing.

As we British found out to our dismay, and have still not learnt any lessons from it, when the Catholics asked for protection in Northern Ireland from Protestant attacks and murders. The Protestants owned the unions and could dictate who got work in the Shipyards, and in what jobs. The Catholics were abused, starved, beaten, raped and murdered until the British sent in the army to combat the rising tide of violence. Very quickly the Catholics turned on the British army because they did not take sides and treated both Catholic and Protestant alike. This led to even more sectarian violence and terrorism when what was needed was a simple closing down of the Protestant stranglehold on the 5 counties and a British substitute put in place. Cut of their support and they will soon crumble into dust, and the only way to do that is to bomb the wells

This entire mess we are in today in the Middle East is because of this goofball radical we have for president. The list of his fuckups is long, but with ISIS in particular had he not insisted that ALL American troops be withdrawn from Iraq in a rush (due to politics and upcoming elections), despite the advice of the experts on the ground and military not to do so, it would not have left a huge vacuum for the frustrated Sunnis to unite and create ISIS as a backlash.
The right of choice makes a real mess for it's possessor? So our government seems really uncertain selecting between Iran or ISIS as our future ally. Hopefully none of them will cooperate with the USA. Everyone knows what the fate of such ally can be. We need not an ally when our own Administration is weak.

I think it's more along the lines of, is the risk worth the reward?

ISIS isn't sustainable in the long run. The only reason why they hold parts of Iraq right now is that the Sunni Tribes who were loyal to Saddam are going along with them until they exhaust their strength. Then those guys will be ready to make a deal with whoever comes out on top.

SO why is this our problem? If Iran and ISIS want to fight it out, I say let them. Neither poses an existential threat to the US and neither is worth thousands of American lives.

Joe Blow thinks he's an expert. ISIS is raking in billions in oil revenue you moron. The entire world is selling them arms illegally, and thousands of Muslims are flocking to them daily. The only way to defeat them is an all out invasion like in 2003, or to arm a force willing to fight them to the end, like the Kurds. So far we've done neither and ISIS keeps growing.

As we British found out to our dismay, and have still not learnt any lessons from it, when the Catholics asked for protection in Northern Ireland from Protestant attacks and murders. The Protestants owned the unions and could dictate who got work in the Shipyards, and in what jobs. The Catholics were abused, starved, beaten, raped and murdered until the British sent in the army to combat the rising tide of violence. Very quickly the Catholics turned on the British army because they did not take sides and treated both Catholic and Protestant alike. This led to even more sectarian violence and terrorism when what was needed was a simple closing down of the Protestant stranglehold on the 5 counties and a British substitute put in place. Cut of their support and they will soon crumble into dust, and the only way to do that is to bomb the wells

This entire mess we are in today in the Middle East is because of this goofball radical we have for president. The list of his fuckups is long, but with ISIS in particular had he not insisted that ALL American troops be withdrawn from Iraq in a rush (due to politics and upcoming elections), despite the advice of the experts on the ground and military not to do so, it would not have left a huge vacuum for the frustrated Sunnis to unite and create ISIS as a backlash.

Just another case of the blind leading the blind into even more danger.
Joe Blow thinks he's an expert. ISIS is raking in billions in oil revenue you moron. The entire world is selling them arms illegally, and thousands of Muslims are flocking to them daily. The only way to defeat them is an all out invasion like in 2003, or to arm a force willing to fight them to the end, like the Kurds. So far we've done neither and ISIS keeps growing.

Tell you what, guy, why don't you walk down to a recruiters office and sign up for that fighting force.

Because, honestly, the rest of us are tired of fighting YOUR war.
This entire mess we are in today in the Middle East is because of this goofball radical we have for president. The list of his fuckups is long, but with ISIS in particular had he not insisted that ALL American troops be withdrawn from Iraq in a rush (due to politics and upcoming elections), despite the advice of the experts on the ground and military not to do so, it would not have left a huge vacuum for the frustrated Sunnis to unite and create ISIS as a backlash.

Obama did EXACTLY what Americans wanted.

After Americans figured out they had been lied to by the Zionists in the Bush Administration, they voted overwealmingly to throw the REpublicans out of Congress and THEN give Obama the largest vote total in American History.

Here's a great idea. We create a Special Vanguard Airborne Infantry unit.

It will be entirely made up the children of rich people, politicians and Zionists.

And it's the first one deployed to any war zone and the last one withdrawn.

Betcha they won't be so keen to send them as they are the poor black kid from Chicago.
Or here's a better idea.

We subcontract the Israeli Defense FOrce to take care of ISIS for us. I mean, surely they can handled a few thousand radicals, with all their expertise in blowing up women and children... terrorists, yeah, that's it, I mean "Terrorists.

Of course the whole Islamic world will rally around ISIS, including the Kurds at that point.

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