Chris Chripie is getting ripped for his 'insane' comment on vaccinations


I'm still not understanding this line of thinking, you're basically saying society has no duty to protect children who are too young to make wise decisions related to their health and safety from the occasional parent who is also not wise enough.

Like if I decided to lock my infant in the car all night outside the strip club since I didn't want go get a baby sitter you'd be okay with it?
Not a bad point.

I am torn on this. I think parents that refuse to vaccinate their children are misguided fools that get their information from non-credible sources.

But I also don't see forcing people to be vaccinated as a viable option.

So the compromise is to keep these people out of the public if the disease is very contagious, as is the case with measles.
we could keep them on-the-hook financially for any medical care needed to keep their kids alive. Thats what rw'ers claim to want anyway right? :dunno: with their "let 'em die" war cry. Personal responsibility rw'ers. :eusa_naughty: You have to pay every thin dime out-of-pocket for any illness gotten due directly to lack of immunization

I would also include those that infect babies and cause their death.

If you cause someone else's baby to die because you didn't vaccinate your kid, you should be held liable for all costs the parents of the baby had to pay. They should also be prosecuted for killing an innocent baby.

This is a slippery slope.

I have never had a flu or pneumonia vaccine. If someone comes in contact with me, gets the flu and dies, am I responsible?

How would you prove cause and effect?

I'm not talking about the flu.

I'm talking about the measles, whooping cough, polio and other childhood diseases that most of us have been vaccinated for when we were young. When we were most susceptible to contracting it and dying.

Yes the flu does kill but it's really hard to pin point who you got it from. Unlike the diseases I listed above. It's usually easy to find out where a person was exposed to it because it's not something that's common to contract.

You made the conscience choice to not have a flu shot. You're an adult and have the right to make that choice for yourself. You also have an established immune system. However a baby doesn't make that choice. A baby can't make that choice. A baby can't get vaccinated for something if it's too young for the vaccination.
Children get the flu. That makes it a childhood disease.
Someone's been a busy boy!
Yes,fuck what parents want for their own children, much better for gov't to hold the little rugrats down and jab them. Uncle Sam knows what's best for us all, all hail the government!

Derping well today, moron.
When it comes to public safety? Yes - fuck what the parents want.

Some parents don't want to use car seats, or even seat belts for their kids. But the government forces compliance for public safety. Tough shit, parents.

Some parents don't want to send their kids to school, but the government requires education in some form. Tough shit, parents.

Remember how pissed Christie was at those who refused to evacuate for Sandy? He was acting in public safety. A shame that he didn't remember that today.

All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.
Yes,fuck what parents want for their own children, much better for gov't to hold the little rugrats down and jab them. Uncle Sam knows what's best for us all, all hail the government!

Derping well today, moron.
When it comes to public safety? Yes - fuck what the parents want.

Some parents don't want to use car seats, or even seat belts for their kids. But the government forces compliance for public safety. Tough shit, parents.

Some parents don't want to send their kids to school, but the government requires education in some form. Tough shit, parents.

Remember how pissed Christie was at those who refused to evacuate for Sandy? He was acting in public safety. A shame that he didn't remember that today.

All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

Sad, but true. Fortunately, we can keep such stupidity from harming one's kids. However, once they are grown, they are free to be as stupid as their parents.
Yes,fuck what parents want for their own children, much better for gov't to hold the little rugrats down and jab them. Uncle Sam knows what's best for us all, all hail the government!

Derping well today, moron.
When it comes to public safety? Yes - fuck what the parents want.

Some parents don't want to use car seats, or even seat belts for their kids. But the government forces compliance for public safety. Tough shit, parents.

Some parents don't want to send their kids to school, but the government requires education in some form. Tough shit, parents.

Remember how pissed Christie was at those who refused to evacuate for Sandy? He was acting in public safety. A shame that he didn't remember that today.

All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

Sad, but true. Fortunately, we can keep such stupidity from harming one's kids. However, once they are grown, they are free to be as stupid as their parents.

Inch by inch by inch. And those who are too stupid will never even hear the latch click.
I heard an interesting interview with a doctor yesterday who stated that he is now refusing to treat kids that don't get their shots because the parents of kids too young to get them didn't want to share the waiting room with them.
If we could trust our government the issue over whether or not to vaccinate would dry up and blow away.

With the current regime it's not difficult to believe you're being injected with an ID chip along with or, perhaps instead of, a legitimate vaccine.

Besides, science still has not perfected a vaccine against the mental illness of liberalism.
I heard an interesting interview with a doctor yesterday who stated that he is now refusing to treat kids that don't get their shots because the parents of kids too young to get them didn't want to share the waiting room with them.
If we get more push back like that, the problem will solve itself. Don't let them in schools. Don't let them in amusement parks. Don't let them on public transportation. Don't let them on planes, etc.
"Keep your kid at home" infringes on their freedom.

But forcible injections don't?

I had no choice. My freedom wasn't infringed.

You're saying that millions of Americans through many decades had there freedom infringed because they were vaccinated at the school and didn't have a choice?

What gives anyone the right to be free to kill another person's baby?
Yes,fuck what parents want for their own children, much better for gov't to hold the little rugrats down and jab them. Uncle Sam knows what's best for us all, all hail the government!

Derping well today, moron.
When it comes to public safety? Yes - fuck what the parents want.

Some parents don't want to use car seats, or even seat belts for their kids. But the government forces compliance for public safety. Tough shit, parents.

Some parents don't want to send their kids to school, but the government requires education in some form. Tough shit, parents.

Remember how pissed Christie was at those who refused to evacuate for Sandy? He was acting in public safety. A shame that he didn't remember that today.

All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

Sad, but true. Fortunately, we can keep such stupidity from harming one's kids. However, once they are grown, they are free to be as stupid as their parents.

Inch by inch by inch. And those who are too stupid will never even hear the latch click.

True. the government has already taken away our freedom to paint our houses with lead based paint, claiming that kids eat the lead paint chips, causing insanity and toxic poisoning. I wouldn't be surprised in they interfere with my plans to buy my 6 year old grandson his first ultra-light aircraft....
Yes,fuck what parents want for their own children, much better for gov't to hold the little rugrats down and jab them. Uncle Sam knows what's best for us all, all hail the government!

Derping well today, moron.
When it comes to public safety? Yes - fuck what the parents want.

Some parents don't want to use car seats, or even seat belts for their kids. But the government forces compliance for public safety. Tough shit, parents.

Some parents don't want to send their kids to school, but the government requires education in some form. Tough shit, parents.

Remember how pissed Christie was at those who refused to evacuate for Sandy? He was acting in public safety. A shame that he didn't remember that today.

All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

Sad, but true. Fortunately, we can keep such stupidity from harming one's kids. However, once they are grown, they are free to be as stupid as their parents.

Inch by inch by inch. And those who are too stupid will never even hear the latch click.

True. the government has already taken away our freedom to paint our houses with lead based paint, claiming that kids eat the lead paint chips, causing insanity and toxic poisoning. I wouldn't be surprised in they interfere with my plans to buy my 6 year old grandson his first ultra-light aircraft....
Strange that you don't see the difference in not allowing a dangerous activity and forcing another activity that you feel is good for them.

The difference is STARK
When it comes to public safety? Yes - fuck what the parents want.

Some parents don't want to use car seats, or even seat belts for their kids. But the government forces compliance for public safety. Tough shit, parents.

Some parents don't want to send their kids to school, but the government requires education in some form. Tough shit, parents.

Remember how pissed Christie was at those who refused to evacuate for Sandy? He was acting in public safety. A shame that he didn't remember that today.

All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

Sad, but true. Fortunately, we can keep such stupidity from harming one's kids. However, once they are grown, they are free to be as stupid as their parents.

Inch by inch by inch. And those who are too stupid will never even hear the latch click.

True. the government has already taken away our freedom to paint our houses with lead based paint, claiming that kids eat the lead paint chips, causing insanity and toxic poisoning. I wouldn't be surprised in they interfere with my plans to buy my 6 year old grandson his first ultra-light aircraft....
Strange that you don't see the difference in not allowing a dangerous activity and forcing another activity that you feel is good for them.

The difference is STARK

Oh, but it is the same! the poster above is explaining to us that the government is taking away our freedom to make our own parenting decisions. I'm just agreeing with that! While I am on the subject, just why is the government denying a driver's license to my 6 year old grandson. his parents should have the right to make that decision....
True. the government has already taken away our freedom to paint our houses with lead based paint, claiming that kids eat the lead paint chips, causing insanity and toxic poisoning. I wouldn't be surprised in they interfere with my plans to buy my 6 year old grandson his first ultra-light aircraft....


Uncle took away phosphates in dishwashing detergent because it supposedly "harms" the environment. Oh wait, they only yanked it from consumer products, big agriculture still gets to dump it all over the earth. Yeah, spare me that government knows what's best or has our best interests in mind.

The whole measles/vaccination story is just white noise so we get diverted from the lack of leadership that is the president. Only the stupid are paying this story any attention, it's just bunk. Not to mention that if measles is truly on the rise and the cause is the unvaccinated ... ship the illegals back from where they came cause they're bringing shit with them.
True. the government has already taken away our freedom to paint our houses with lead based paint, claiming that kids eat the lead paint chips, causing insanity and toxic poisoning. I wouldn't be surprised in they interfere with my plans to buy my 6 year old grandson his first ultra-light aircraft....


Uncle took away phosphates in dishwashing detergent because it supposedly "harms" the environment. Oh wait, they only yanked it from consumer products, big agriculture still gets to dump it all over the earth. Yeah, spare me that government knows what's best or has our best interests in mind.

The whole measles/vaccination story is just white noise so we get diverted from the lack of leadership that is the president. Only the stupid are paying this story any attention, it's just bunk. Not to mention that if measles is truly on the rise and the cause is the unvaccinated ... ship the illegals back from where they came cause they're bringing shit with them.

Bubba? is this you and Jim Bob horsing around down there in the mail room again? I told you before that if I catch you doing this on company time again, that you are both going to be shoveling shit at the fertilizer plant! When I get down there, you had better have your asses in gear, and that mail had better be sorted! And TURN OFF THAT AM RADIO!!!!!!!!

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