Chris Chripie is getting ripped for his 'insane' comment on vaccinations

All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

"Keep your kid at home" infringes on their freedom.

But forcible injections don't?

What about forcible vaginal probes, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible ultrasounds, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible drug tests, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible quarantines, courtesy of Republicans?

Conservatives are all for using government force when they agree with it.
True. the government has already taken away our freedom to paint our houses with lead based paint, claiming that kids eat the lead paint chips, causing insanity and toxic poisoning. I wouldn't be surprised in they interfere with my plans to buy my 6 year old grandson his first ultra-light aircraft....


Uncle took away phosphates in dishwashing detergent because it supposedly "harms" the environment.

What does that have to do with his lead paint argument?

Oh, that's right - NOTHING.

The whole measles/vaccination story is just white noise so we get diverted from the lack of leadership that is the president.

Are you better off now than you were the day he took office?

The answer is yes - don't bother lying.
All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

"Keep your kid at home" infringes on their freedom.

But forcible injections don't?

What about forcible vaginal probes, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible ultrasounds, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible drug tests, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible quarantines, courtesy of Republicans?

Conservatives are all for using government force when they agree with it.

There is no vaccination for Ebola--so YES most Americans would prefer that those that are coming back from infected areas are quarantined.

Furthermore--You might want to take a look at a book that JFK JR. wrote regarding vaccinations that cause autism.
Robert Kennedy Jr. s belief in autism-vaccine connection and its political peril - The Washington Post

IOW--there are plenty of people on both sides of the isle that don't go for all these vaccinations, and millions refuse to get their flu shots each year, even though it is widely available to everyone.

As far as the measles, when kids are frequently around other kids. I would agree that vaccinations should be required for public school attendance, but there are plenty of Americans, again on both sides of the isle that worry about the unintended side effects of child hood vaccinations, and obviously JFK Jr. a far left liberal who was so concerned about them he actually wrote a book about it.

All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

"Keep your kid at home" infringes on their freedom.

But forcible injections don't?

What about forcible vaginal probes, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible ultrasounds, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible drug tests, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible quarantines, courtesy of Republicans?

Conservatives are all for using government force when they agree with it.

There is no vaccination for Ebola--so YES most Americans would prefer that those that are coming back from infected areas are quarantined.

Furthermore--You might want to take a look at a book that JFK JR. wrote regarding vaccinations that cause autism.
Robert Kennedy Jr. s belief in autism-vaccine connection and its political peril - The Washington Post

IOW--there are plenty of people on both sides of the isle that don't go for all these vaccinations, and millions refuse to get their flu shots each year, even though it is widely available to everyone.

As far as the measles, when kids are frequently around other kids. I would agree that vaccinations should be required for public school attendance, but there are plenty of Americans, again on both sides of the isle that worry about the unintended side effects of child hood vaccinations, and obviously JFK Jr. a far left liberal who was so concerned about them he actually wrote a book about it.


Well, if vaccinations were a political issue, I would consider what RFK Jr. has to say about it. However, it is a medical issue. I tend to look to the New England Journal of Medicine for advice on medical issues.In addition to being medical experts, they are not running for office and are not pandering for votes..
While I knew that the "Don't Tread on Me" crowd is totally divorced from reality, I never thought that I would see the day when they would become the political equivalent of the Amish, by insisting that America return to 1650 AD. Vaccinations has been a settled issue for over 250 years! John Adams was vaccinated against smallpox, which has essentially been eradicated from the planet. I was vaccinated against polio, which terrified my parents, and left at least 4 kids I knew crippled for life, and again has been virtually eradicated from the planet. The fact that anyone with a 3rd grade education would take the anti-vaccine movement seriously is enough to make one fear that there is a epidemic of abject ignorance sweeping the nation.
All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

"Keep your kid at home" infringes on their freedom.

But forcible injections don't?

What about forcible vaginal probes, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible ultrasounds, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible drug tests, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible quarantines, courtesy of Republicans?

Conservatives are all for using government force when they agree with it.

There is no vaccination for Ebola--so YES most Americans would prefer that those that are coming back from infected areas are quarantined.

Furthermore--You might want to take a look at a book that JFK JR. wrote regarding vaccinations that cause autism.
Robert Kennedy Jr. s belief in autism-vaccine connection and its political peril - The Washington Post

IOW--there are plenty of people on both sides of the isle that don't go for all these vaccinations, and millions refuse to get their flu shots each year, even though it is widely available to everyone.

As far as the measles, when kids are frequently around other kids. I would agree that vaccinations should be required for public school attendance, but there are plenty of Americans, again on both sides of the isle that worry about the unintended side effects of child hood vaccinations, and obviously JFK Jr. a far left liberal who was so concerned about them he actually wrote a book about it.


Well, if vaccinations were a political issue, I would consider what RFK Jr. has to say about it. However, it is a medical issue. I tend to look to the New England Journal of Medicine for advice on medical issues.In addition to being medical experts, they are not running for office and are not pandering for votes..
The FORCED administration of vaccines is a political issue or, better stated, a rights issue.

The running meme in this thread that the republicans are the anti-vaccines while the democrats are not is also of note in JFK's statement. Seems that angle also slipped your mind.
All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

"Keep your kid at home" infringes on their freedom.

But forcible injections don't?

What about forcible vaginal probes, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible ultrasounds, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible drug tests, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible quarantines, courtesy of Republicans?

Conservatives are all for using government force when they agree with it.
Democrats are for using government force to violate rights when they agree with it and it seems that the only thing you can say about it is that republicans are the same. So, how does it feel to realize that you are the same as republicans?
When it comes to public safety? Yes - fuck what the parents want.

Some parents don't want to use car seats, or even seat belts for their kids. But the government forces compliance for public safety. Tough shit, parents.

Some parents don't want to send their kids to school, but the government requires education in some form. Tough shit, parents.

Remember how pissed Christie was at those who refused to evacuate for Sandy? He was acting in public safety. A shame that he didn't remember that today.

All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

Sad, but true. Fortunately, we can keep such stupidity from harming one's kids. However, once they are grown, they are free to be as stupid as their parents.

Inch by inch by inch. And those who are too stupid will never even hear the latch click.

True. the government has already taken away our freedom to paint our houses with lead based paint, claiming that kids eat the lead paint chips, causing insanity and toxic poisoning. I wouldn't be surprised in they interfere with my plans to buy my 6 year old grandson his first ultra-light aircraft....
Strange that you don't see the difference in not allowing a dangerous activity and forcing another activity that you feel is good for them.

The difference is STARK

So then FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, nixon, Ford and Carter took freedoms from all Americans for all those decades when no one had a choice on whether to vaccinate or not.

If you haven't read it, I posted an article about 5 babies all under the age of a year and were too young to vaccinate were diagnosed with the measles.

That is a very deadly disease if it infects a baby.

You're telling me those babies don't have the right to grow up and have a life? You're telling me that people are free to kill other people's babies?

Are you going to come forward and pay all the medical bills for those babies? I'm sure they're in a hospital right now being treated and I'm sure it's not cheap. Are you going to come forward and pay for any funeral costs those parents will incur if their baby dies?

All people in my generation, generations before and after had no choice. The result was that some diseases were eradicated. People now don't have to get a small pox vaccination because no one had a choice for many decades.

Are you saying that the fact that so many millions of Americans didn't have a choice was wrong and it shouldn't have been done that way?
While I knew that the "Don't Tread on Me" crowd is totally divorced from reality, I never thought that I would see the day when they would become the political equivalent of the Amish, by insisting that America return to 1650 AD. Vaccinations has been a settled issue for over 250 years! John Adams was vaccinated against smallpox, which has essentially been eradicated from the planet. I was vaccinated against polio, which terrified my parents, and left at least 4 kids I knew crippled for life, and again has been virtually eradicated from the planet. The fact that anyone with a 3rd grade education would take the anti-vaccine movement seriously is enough to make one fear that there is a epidemic of abject ignorance sweeping the nation.
Nobody is insisting stop making more shit up,like how both Paul,and Christi's comments have been taken totally out of context. Lets grasp for more and more straws
QUOTE="chikenwing, post: 10706780, member: 22617"]
While I knew that the "Don't Tread on Me" crowd is totally divorced from reality, I never thought that I would see the day when they would become the political equivalent of the Amish, by insisting that America return to 1650 AD. Vaccinations has been a settled issue for over 250 years! John Adams was vaccinated against smallpox, which has essentially been eradicated from the planet. I was vaccinated against polio, which terrified my parents, and left at least 4 kids I knew crippled for life, and again has been virtually eradicated from the planet. The fact that anyone with a 3rd grade education would take the anti-vaccine movement seriously is enough to make one fear that there is a epidemic of abject ignorance sweeping the nation.
Nobody is insisting stop making more shit up,like how both Paul,and Christi's comments have been taken totally out of context. Lets grasp for more and more straws[/QUOTE]

I can read, and they both said that vaccine for children should not be mandatory, which is the same as saying that some parents are too stupid to take advantage of it, and their kids will suffer from that stupidity. It is also the same as saying that if a parent chooses to buy the old "Lawn Darts" game that they used to sell, with spikes on the darts that pierced some kids brains, then the government should not have a say in stopping that. This is all the same mentality that fought fluoridation, again, with the kids suffering from the increased cavities. The conspiracy bus on matters like this only stops only on the republican side of town, with a few lefty "mother earth" hippies, like RFK Jr. chiming in, when he is not otherwise obsessing about the temperature of the water running through the Grand Canyon.
It's going to take a lawsuit that wipes some couple out for it to sink in to these anti-vaxx to get the message. And it's coming soon.

Anyone who refuses vaccinations for their children should be made to carry liability insurance.
All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

Sad, but true. Fortunately, we can keep such stupidity from harming one's kids. However, once they are grown, they are free to be as stupid as their parents.

Inch by inch by inch. And those who are too stupid will never even hear the latch click.

True. the government has already taken away our freedom to paint our houses with lead based paint, claiming that kids eat the lead paint chips, causing insanity and toxic poisoning. I wouldn't be surprised in they interfere with my plans to buy my 6 year old grandson his first ultra-light aircraft....
Strange that you don't see the difference in not allowing a dangerous activity and forcing another activity that you feel is good for them.

The difference is STARK

So then FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, nixon, Ford and Carter took freedoms from all Americans for all those decades when no one had a choice on whether to vaccinate or not.

If you haven't read it, I posted an article about 5 babies all under the age of a year and were too young to vaccinate were diagnosed with the measles.

That is a very deadly disease if it infects a baby.

You're telling me those babies don't have the right to grow up and have a life? You're telling me that people are free to kill other people's babies?

Are you going to come forward and pay all the medical bills for those babies? I'm sure they're in a hospital right now being treated and I'm sure it's not cheap. Are you going to come forward and pay for any funeral costs those parents will incur if their baby dies?

All people in my generation, generations before and after had no choice. The result was that some diseases were eradicated. People now don't have to get a small pox vaccination because no one had a choice for many decades.

Are you saying that the fact that so many millions of Americans didn't have a choice was wrong and it shouldn't have been done that way?
No, I am saying that you don't have a right to stick a substance into another body without their permission. Something that the left seems to clearly understand in other instances but forget as soon as it is a topic they are not behind.

Do you or do you not have a right over your body?
Yes,fuck what parents want for their own children, much better for gov't to hold the little rugrats down and jab them. Uncle Sam knows what's best for us all, all hail the government!

Derping well today, moron.
When it comes to public safety? Yes - fuck what the parents want.

Some parents don't want to use car seats, or even seat belts for their kids. But the government forces compliance for public safety. Tough shit, parents.

Some parents don't want to send their kids to school, but the government requires education in some form. Tough shit, parents.

Remember how pissed Christie was at those who refused to evacuate for Sandy? He was acting in public safety. A shame that he didn't remember that today.

All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

Most people are. Can we get rid of all traffic laws and that silly test that you have to take to get a driver's license?

Hell why even have driver's licenses?
Rand Paul ran away from his stupid statements; he's now claiming he wasn't implying there was any cause and effect between vaccines and mental disorders - lol -

that was exactly what he was implying. Why say it if you weren't?????
What about forcible vaginal probes, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible ultrasounds, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible drug tests, courtesy of Republicans?

What about forcible quarantines, courtesy of Republicans?

I have opposed every single one of those. Unlike you, I'm not a partisan shrill who will simply hold the overlords' line. I side on the same side of the principle every single time, regardless of the R or D that follows a person's name.

Now that we're finished with your attempted red herring, let's get back to the subject, namely the fact that it is a parent's choice whether to vaccinate.
Sad, but true. Fortunately, we can keep such stupidity from harming one's kids. However, once they are grown, they are free to be as stupid as their parents.

Inch by inch by inch. And those who are too stupid will never even hear the latch click.

True. the government has already taken away our freedom to paint our houses with lead based paint, claiming that kids eat the lead paint chips, causing insanity and toxic poisoning. I wouldn't be surprised in they interfere with my plans to buy my 6 year old grandson his first ultra-light aircraft....
Strange that you don't see the difference in not allowing a dangerous activity and forcing another activity that you feel is good for them.

The difference is STARK

So then FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, nixon, Ford and Carter took freedoms from all Americans for all those decades when no one had a choice on whether to vaccinate or not.

If you haven't read it, I posted an article about 5 babies all under the age of a year and were too young to vaccinate were diagnosed with the measles.

That is a very deadly disease if it infects a baby.

You're telling me those babies don't have the right to grow up and have a life? You're telling me that people are free to kill other people's babies?

Are you going to come forward and pay all the medical bills for those babies? I'm sure they're in a hospital right now being treated and I'm sure it's not cheap. Are you going to come forward and pay for any funeral costs those parents will incur if their baby dies?

All people in my generation, generations before and after had no choice. The result was that some diseases were eradicated. People now don't have to get a small pox vaccination because no one had a choice for many decades.

Are you saying that the fact that so many millions of Americans didn't have a choice was wrong and it shouldn't have been done that way?
No, I am saying that you don't have a right to stick a substance into another body without their permission. Something that the left seems to clearly understand in other instances but forget as soon as it is a topic they are not behind.

Do you or do you not have a right over your body?

We are not talking about your body. We are talking about your child's body, and incidentally, how your failure to be a responsible parent affects my child's body.
Yes,fuck what parents want for their own children, much better for gov't to hold the little rugrats down and jab them. Uncle Sam knows what's best for us all, all hail the government!

Derping well today, moron.
When it comes to public safety? Yes - fuck what the parents want.

Some parents don't want to use car seats, or even seat belts for their kids. But the government forces compliance for public safety. Tough shit, parents.

Some parents don't want to send their kids to school, but the government requires education in some form. Tough shit, parents.

Remember how pissed Christie was at those who refused to evacuate for Sandy? He was acting in public safety. A shame that he didn't remember that today.

All hail the government for some of us ^ are too stupid to take care of ourselves.

Most people are. Can we get rid of all traffic laws and that silly test that you have to take to get a driver's license?

Hell why even have driver's licenses?
Why have stop signs? They infringe on my freeeeedom to GO.

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