Chris Christie comparable to Bill Clinton?

Remember when Christie first got elected and was charismatic and was kicking union butt? Remember when Republicans thought they might have someone with presidential ambitions? Remember how the libs on this site repeated endlessly how Christie was corrupt. How he was fat. How he was a union-hater and enemy of America? Now that he's dropped his drawers for Obama suddenly he's the number one guy for Democrats.

Unlike idiots like you, some intelligent people change.

How would you know? You've never had contact with intelligent people before.
The only "change" going on is that Christie also likes kicking the GOP once in a while. That means the dumbos here, like you, get off on that so it makes Christie a great guy. If it weren't that for that, you'd still be making fat jokes.
Hell, Clinton was one of the best Republican presidents America ever had. He just had everyone fooled.

Until he got caught.
At least Nixon resigned like a man when he was caught.
That took balls.

He did not have balls, he had no choice.

Bullshit. He could have toughed it out like Slick and counted on the fact the Senate wouldn't remove him. But he had something like integrity, which Slick lacks.
It is very important to democrats that Christie be presented as being a very popular non-conservative republican. Democrats want to invent an entirely new republican mainstream. Unfortunately, republicans don't accept it. The next best thing, is to keep SAYING that republicans want Christie as a mainstream moderate republican and hope that by saying it often enough, republicans will believe it.
It is very important to democrats that Christie be presented as being a very popular non-conservative republican. Democrats want to invent an entirely new republican mainstream. Unfortunately, republicans don't accept it. The next best thing, is to keep SAYING that republicans want Christie as a mainstream moderate republican and hope that by saying it often enough, republicans will believe it.

First they swore that McCain was magic because he bucked the GOP.
Then it was Romney.
Now it's Christie.
I think we need to listen to these 'tards. Whomever they think would make a great cross over candidate needs to be shitcanned in short order. Whomever they declare is right wing nutjob--that's the guy.
I like CC. Always have.

He's an in your face kinda guy.

Personally I think he should change parties. Independent would suite.

I'd vote for him.
Until he got caught.
At least Nixon resigned like a man when he was caught.
That took balls.

He did not have balls, he had no choice.

Bullshit. He could have toughed it out like Slick and counted on the fact the Senate wouldn't remove him. But he had something like integrity, which Slick lacks.

Nixon would have been removed from office. How old were you when this happened? Do you know what the political climate in the country was like then? Watergate was the beginning of the end for America being a great country.
He did not have balls, he had no choice.

Bullshit. He could have toughed it out like Slick and counted on the fact the Senate wouldn't remove him. But he had something like integrity, which Slick lacks.

Nixon would have been removed from office. How old were you when this happened? Do you know what the political climate in the country was like then? Watergate was the beginning of the end for America being a great country.

BENGHAZI makes WATERGATE look like a fucking kiddie ride at an amusement park, you simple, stupid fuck.
He did not have balls, he had no choice.

Bullshit. He could have toughed it out like Slick and counted on the fact the Senate wouldn't remove him. But he had something like integrity, which Slick lacks.

Nixon would have been removed from office. How old were you when this happened? Do you know what the political climate in the country was like then? Watergate was the beginning of the end for America being a great country.

I remember it very well.
The House committee was preparing impeachment documents and the bet was he would be impeached. But it would take 2/3 of the Senate and the GOP certainly held more than 1/3. It is mere speculation at this point.
What is not speculation is that we had a tradition until Slick that politicians under color of scandal resigned for the good of the country. It wasn't just Nixon. Remember Wilbur Mills? IT was both parties. Except Ted Kennedy of course. HE was immune because his brothers had been assassinated. But everyone else felt that way. Because they put the good of the country above their own ambitions.
Not Slick. It was all about ME Me ME.
Obama is a worthy successor in that sense.
Chris Christie is going to spend the next couple of years cringing every time a Democrat of any kind tosses him a compliment. It will be like thousands of bee stings tinged with teabagger poison. Every time he gets one....he'll have to decide whether or not accepting it will harm his primary chances.

He could win without those nutbags......but he'd need every moderate Republican to visit the polls for him. My guess is that won't happen unless he publicly denounces the baggers....and helps rid his party of them one idiot at a time.

Yeah, yeah, we how afraid of them you are. Try to calm down a little. :rolleyes:
I like CC. Always have.

He's an in your face kinda guy.

Personally I think he should change parties. Independent would suite.

I'd vote for him.

He should not change parties; he is a Republican. The "You must pass ze purity test!" attitude among some Republicans is pointlessly self-defeating. The "Sign the pledge for this, sign the pledge for that" crap does nothing but give an advantage to democrats. I appreciate the resurgence of real conservatism, but if it ultimately hands elections to the democrats, what's the fucking point? People always talk about reaching across the aisle, well we need a little reaching within the aisle to actually put ourselves in a position to enact those conservative values and priorities in a practical manner. The country is fundamentally more conservative than liberal. That's why the House (not to mention so many governorships) is majority Republican, because it's the branch closest to the people. A Reagan-esque 'Big Tent' should land us the Senate and the WH again handily if we can field some good candidates and learn to be at least a little as dirty as the democrats in manipulating media and image. We have the advantage of not needing to lie and attempt to warp reality itself the way democrats do. Tea Party - type Republicans represent many sound ideas and principles, but they need to learn to be savvy as well, which does NOT mean "selling out" or any other such self-defeating nonsense.
I like CC. Always have.

He's an in your face kinda guy.

Personally I think he should change parties. Independent would suite.

I'd vote for him.

He should not change parties; he is a Republican. The "You must pass ze purity test!" attitude among some Republicans is pointlessly self-defeating. The "Sign the pledge for this, sign the pledge for that" crap does nothing but give an advantage to democrats. I appreciate the resurgence of real conservatism, but if it ultimately hands elections to the democrats, what's the fucking point? People always talk about reaching across the aisle, well we need a little reaching within the aisle to actually put ourselves in a position to enact those conservative values and priorities in a practical manner. The country is fundamentally more conservative than liberal. That's why the House (not to mention so many governorships) is majority Republican, because it's the branch closest to the people. A Reagan-esque 'Big Tent' should land us the Senate and the WH again handily if we can field some good candidates and learn to be at least a little as dirty as the democrats in manipulating media and image. We have the advantage of not needing to lie and attempt to warp reality itself the way democrats do. Tea Party - type Republicans represent many sound ideas and principles, but they need to learn to be savvy as well, which does NOT mean "selling out" or any other such self-defeating nonsense.

Paging Joe Lieberman.
Lieberman shows what happens when a Democrat strays from the reservation.
More and more see Clinton as the "standard" and yet Republicans impeached him. What a bunch of tards.

The Libberhoid "standard" is impeached, lying under oath, being disbarred, committing adultery and receiving blow-jobs while on duty in the "People's House" drawing a salary for the job he was elected to do, while having his dick sucked?

That's your "standard/model" President?

Why am I not surprised, asswipe.

Lot a guys like blowjobs. Lot of Republican guys like giving them, in secret.
Chris Christie comparable to Bill Clinton?

More like two Bill Clintons..
More and more see Clinton as the "standard" and yet Republicans impeached him. What a bunch of tards.

The Libberhoid "standard" is impeached, lying under oath, being disbarred, committing adultery and receiving blow-jobs while on duty in the "People's House" drawing a salary for the job he was elected to do, while having his dick sucked?

That's your "standard/model" President?

Why am I not surprised, asswipe.

Lot a guys like blowjobs. Lot of Republican guys like giving them, in secret.

How many Republican guys have blown you in the stall?
I like how when the right liked Christy you guys hated him. Now we think he is more of a democrap you guys LOVE him
The Libberhoid "standard" is impeached, lying under oath, being disbarred, committing adultery and receiving blow-jobs while on duty in the "People's House" drawing a salary for the job he was elected to do, while having his dick sucked?

That's your "standard/model" President?

Why am I not surprised, asswipe.

Lot a guys like blowjobs. Lot of Republican guys like giving them, in secret.

How many Republican guys have blown you in the stall?

Too many to count. Seems they are at every airport, bus and train station. And they always start off with, "Pssst, Republican here" and then tap on the stall wall.
Somebody from Jersey - read this article and give feedback, please. I don't know enough about the man to say if he is all that.

The Star-Ledger endorsement: Christie for governor |

Gov. Chris Christie is the most remarkable political talent America has seen since Bill Clinton. If you haven’t witnessed his performance at a town hall meeting yet, make a point of it. You will come away convinced there is a sensible middle ground in America after all.

Equally impressive is his skill at playing Trenton’s inside game. Faced with Democrats in solid control of the Legislature, he’s managed to split them down the middle by seducing a handful of pliant party bosses whose self-interest compelled them to hitch their wagons to his.

Okay, I like the sound of that. I don't know yet if he will run for President, but "middle ground" gives me a happy case of the warm fuzzies.

But essentially, they go on to say that he sucks, squared, but Barabara sucks worse so they are backing him. Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot?

I don't get it. They start off by comparing him to Bill Clinton, which IMO is a HUGE honor - and then cut his legs off at the knees.

His ego is entertaining, but it’s done damage as well. By removing two qualified justices from the Supreme Court without good cause, he threatened the independence of judges at all levels, and provoked a partisan stalemate that has left two vacant seats on the high court. This was a power grab gone wrong.

The public gives him top marks for his handling of Sandy, but the record is mixed. Why would his administration park NJ Transit trains in a low-lying area where they flooded, causing $120 million in damage? Why did the federal government have to strong-arm the state to include more relief for renters and Spanish-speakers than Christie had proposed? And why should anyone believe taxpayers got the best price on refuse removal when the governor awarded a no-bid contract through a political friend?

Our own view is that Christie is overrated. His spin is way ahead of his substance.

So. What is your take on Christie? Would you want to see him get the nomination, 2016?

Yeah, he appears the real thing.

He does not do Crusader Frank or Stephanie approved nonsense, I will vote for him if he is on the 2016 GOP ticket.
Is Christie the dude from the band Meat Loaf or John Candy come back from a dirt nap


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