Chris Christie drops out of GOP primary

Nothing confirmed yet (Update: now confirmed), but there are multiple reports on social media that's it's coming shortly. I suspected this would be the case. Christie has no realistic chance of getting the nomination and staying in the race is only splitting up the anti-Trump vote. Trump is polling under 40% now in the New Hampshire primary. It's probable most of Christie's support will go to Haley and that could put her over the top in that state. I imagine Christie has ultimately been convinced by the donors and the party apparatus that it's best for him to bow out for the sake of saving the party from another Trump disaster.

There's not much of a vote to split. People are still confused. Many have been slowly moving away from Trump, but the issues Trump hid behind are still there. Trumpism, fear, loathing, resentments...

Eric Trump: Republican Party Is Now the Trump Party
Christie has had his fun attacking Trump

If he really wants to get Trump….It is time for him to pull out and throw his support to Nikki Haley

If Haley were to accept Christie's support, it reduces her chances to near zero in the General Election.

She really needs to renounce the Fat Man, so that she can earn the votes of the Little Trumpsters in November.
Alas poor Krispy. We barely knew ye.

If Haley were to accept Christie's support, it reduces her chances to near zero in the General Election.

She really needs to renounce the Fat Man, so that she can earn the votes of the Little Trumpsters in November.

If she renounces the fat man, how will Christie be able to support her?

Maybe you meant she should renounce the Orange Fat Man.

And yeah, if she accepts Christie's support, it just might unite the GOP and break the spell of Trump.
Nothing confirmed yet (Update: now confirmed), but there are multiple reports on social media that's it's coming shortly. I suspected this would be the case. Christie has no realistic chance of getting the nomination and staying in the race is only splitting up the anti-Trump vote. Trump is polling under 40% now in the New Hampshire primary. It's probable most of Christie's support will go to Haley and that could put her over the top in that state. I imagine Christie has ultimately been convinced by the donors and the party apparatus that it's best for him to bow out for the sake of saving the party from another Trump disaster.

Really the Republicans who oppose Trump need to have primaries to see who should go up against Trump in the primaries.

In a proper electoral system Trump would be one party and others would be in other parties so the people get a proper say... but hey, the US isn't very democratic...
Really the Republicans who oppose Trump need to have primaries to see who should go up against Trump in the primaries.

In a proper electoral system Trump would be one party and others would be in other parties so the people get a proper say... but hey, the US isn't very democratic...
Nikki won’t even win her own State
Nothing confirmed yet (Update: now confirmed), but there are multiple reports on social media that's it's coming shortly. I suspected this would be the case. Christie has no realistic chance of getting the nomination and staying in the race is only splitting up the anti-Trump vote. Trump is polling under 40% now in the New Hampshire primary. It's probable most of Christie's support will go to Haley and that could put her over the top in that state. I imagine Christie has ultimately been convinced by the donors and the party apparatus that it's best for him to bow out for the sake of saving the party from another Trump disaster.

How is winning back-to-back elections a disaster? Add to that the most robust economy in fifty years.
What is it about you anti-trump cultists that allow you to become so oblivious?
It is a social phenomena that borders on an almost schizophrenic cult psychosis (think MAGA) created by preconceived bias, repetitive messaging, and increasing isolation from others who think differently.

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