Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

Right. And the people who butchered innocent Israeli babies, raped and dismembered women, and killed everyone in a kibbutz indiscriminately don't match perfectly the definition of demons?

Nope, they were human beings responding to 80 years of oppression and genocide.

You really are kind of dumb, if you don't understand that man is the worst animal of all.
Nope, they were human beings responding to 80 years of oppression and genocide.
Nahh, they departed the land of the living and descended into hell in the very day they swore oaths to kill innocent Jewish men, women, children and babies in the name of The false prophet.

They died, descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, and became inhuman orcs.

You really are kind of dumb, if you don't understand that man is the worst animal of all
Sure, some are the worst animal of all, an insult to animals, but some are the exact opposite.

Thats how angels and demons and every creature in-between represent human archetypes that reflect the heights and depths of human potential, just like in any fantastical story intended to teach children the hard learned lessons of the past and the harsh realities of life in this world.

How is it that what was intended for Hebrew children to understand remains above your grasp?

Take your time...
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Nahh, they departed the land of the living and descended into hell in the very day they swore oaths to kill innocent Jewish men, women, children and babies in the name of The false prophet.

They died, descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, and became inhuman orcs.
Holy, shit, your fantasy/reality interface is off.

Put down the Tolkien and the D&D Books, put away the 20-sided dice, and seek help.
Holy, shit, your fantasy/reality interface is off.

Put down the Tolkien and the D&D Books, put away the 20-sided dice, and seek help.
Oh no! I can see how all fiction alludes to fact, how fantasy relates to actual reality. Woe is me!

What should I do? Do you think I need medication? Where can I get some good drugs? Help me!


Help me! Help me! Help me!
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The only perversion is the one dwelling in your addled head that make you think that almighty God who is Spirit gives a shit about the sexual preferences of consenting adult mortal bipeds.
Is having sexual relations with one's mother a perversion? The command against it is in the same passage as Leviticus 18:22.
Leviticus Chapter 18 says he does ;)

Thats because you are dead, under a curse, for defying the law of God every single time you go to mass, to worship a nonexistent trinity, and desecrate the teachings of Jesus, by and eating and shitting out a matzo made by human hands for spiritual life, and perjure yourself in the name of God by blaming God, who is Spirit, for your homophobic and perverted carnal obsessions...

You understand neither scripture nor the power of God. You are as queer as a three dollar bill.

You have lifted your skirt for every godless religion on earth that has ever winked at your church.

Thats because you are dead, under a curse, for defying the law of God every single time you go to mass, to worship a nonexistent trinity, and desecrate the teachings of Jesus, by and eating and shitting out a matzo made by human hands for spiritual life, and perjure yourself in the name of God by blaming God, who is Spirit, for your homophobic and perverted carnal obsessions...

You understand neither scripture nor the power of God. You are as queer as a three dollar bill.

You can't trust your interpretations when you can't even bear to admit that Leviticus 18:22 was a command against homosexual relations. Especially when it is a part of a long list of commands against various types of sexual perversions.
You can't trust your interpretations

No, you can't accept what is an obvious truth to the living, because you are an unrepentant idolator, an actor and lying fraud who is not only merely dead, but really quite sincerely dead.

You have your reward already!
No, you can't accept what is an obvious truth to the living, because you are an unrepentant idolator, an actor and lying fraud who is not only merely dead, but really quite sincerely dead.

You have your reward already!
Says the guy who won't accept Leviticus 18:22 is a command against men having sex with men when it is in the middle of a bunch of other commands against engaging in other sexual perversions.

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