Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

This is NEW YORK

oh, look ...


could those be jews - the favorite of the desert religions ... good black ... sixties is all excited so wonderful. not genocidal at all the - innocent lambs.
Says the guy who won't accept Leviticus 18:22 is a command against men having sex with men when it is in the middle of a bunch of other commands against engaging in other sexual perversions.
Try to think dude, as if your very life and eternal soul depended on it because it does. Or don't.

Cavemen didn't need a law from God to know it wasn't right to have sex with your mother, sister, a prepubescent child, etc. The Romans didn't need a law from God to know that pork needed to be cooked thoroughly before eating so there is no rational reason to forbid eating the flesh of swine. There is no rational reason to wear a box on your head or to forbid mixing different threads, separate meat from dairy, or slaughter farm animals in a fancy temple, etc., And do you really think that anyone needs a law from God to not eat dead rotting human road kill? Seriously?

But if anyone can ruminate rationally, which I know you are incapable of doing in your defiled and contaminated state of mind, about each of these irrational commands there are deeper implications that actually reflect the wisdom of a loving and benevolent God unknown to you.

And so if you are so happy when you defy the law of God at mass and your "soul is bursting at the seams", as you say, why are you so obsessed with other peoples sex lives? Pssst! What is actually happening is that you are immediately experiencing the consequences for your sin, dying The Death, a curse, and descending into hell. Whee! Whee! You are so clueless that you think that losing your mind is a profound religious experience and I agree. Its just not a good one.

So go on with your homophobic rants as if you are in a position to judge anyone and stay dead.

The only people guilty of forsaking natural relations with women and lying down with another man are the priests who marry the Pope for life which has nothing to do with sex and your unnatural relations with a priest who you call father, which nothing to do with sex, who brazenly stands between you and he who truly is God misleading you into defying the law of God and turning to a lifeless matzo, which can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, for spiritual life. Derp.

Only to be come an insignificant part of a self negating multiplicity that is slowly disintegrating into nothingness, tormented daily and fleeced for life by the demonic forces that possess you.

The more you incite the condemnation of homosexuals, the more you condemn yourself. Sucker.
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Islam as a colonial-imperialist force

Tons of blood and ink spilled,
and entire new academic fields invented,
as part of the ideological discourse between Islam and the West.

The 'post-colonial' discourse though now part of the
daily Islamic missionary gaslighting, is apparently
to evade any discussion of Arab imperialism and
colonization of several continents, with likely
history of mass-slavery far worse than
anything by 'the West' altogether.

They sell Islam as a way to go "post-colonial"
but the ultimate goal is Arab imperialism.

When backed with illiteracy as an ideal.
The proof of Quran's divine source?
"it's in the beauty of it's Arabic..."
and the result is 20% illiteracy.

That is Arab imperialism.

True. Mein Kamph got much of its material from the Koran. Just changed the name of the "Race".
[ Is Islam taking back Vienna? ]

Was 9/11/2001 the Beginning of Our End?

Actually, the battle was on the 12th. But that meant the peak of the last jihad was the 11th. If a dedicated jihadist like bin Laden had been in charge instead of a corrupt and cowardly Turkish general, Islam would have seized Vienna months before and would have been in Paris by September 11, conquering most of Europe. That would have put civilization in a second Dark Ages, but a Polish king knew his duty to humanity and snuffed that out.
Try to think dude, as if your very life and eternal soul depended on it because it does. Or don't.

Cavemen didn't need a law from God to know it wasn't right to have sex with your mother, sister, a prepubescent child, etc. The Romans didn't need a law from God to know that pork needed to be cooked thoroughly before eating so there is no rational reason to forbid eating the flesh of swine. There is no rational reason to wear a box on your head or to forbid mixing different threads, separate meat from dairy, or slaughter farm animals in a fancy temple, etc., And do you really think that anyone needs a law from God to not eat dead rotting human road kill? Seriously?

But if anyone can ruminate rationally, which I know you are incapable of doing in your defiled and contaminated state of mind, about each of these irrational commands there are deeper implications that actually reflect the wisdom of a loving and benevolent God unknown to you.

And so if you are so happy when you defy the law of God at mass and your "soul is bursting at the seams", as you say, why are you so obsessed with other peoples sex lives? Pssst! What is actually happening is that you are immediately experiencing the consequences for your sin, dying The Death, a curse, and descending into hell. Whee! Whee! You are so clueless that you think that losing your mind is a profound religious experience and I agree. Its just not a good one.

So go on with your homophobic rants as if you are in a position to judge anyone and stay dead.

The only people guilty of forsaking natural relations with women and lying down with another man are the priests who marry the Pope for life which has nothing to do with sex and your unnatural relations with a priest who you call father, which nothing to do with sex, who brazenly stands between you and he who truly is God misleading you into defying the law of God and turning to a lifeless matzo, which can neither see, hear, speak, or walk, for spiritual life. Derp.

Only to be come an insignificant part of a self negating multiplicity that is slowly disintegrating into nothingness, tormented daily and fleeced for life by the demonic forces that possess you.

The more you incite the condemnation of homosexuals, the more you condemn yourself. Sucker.
Your interpretations are garbage. So, no.

Let me know when you can admit Leviticus 18:22 is a command against homosexual sex.

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