Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

So where are your fossils of Angels, or Demons, or Giants, or talking snakes, or any of the other fanciful creatures that exist in the Bible?
I can do better than that. I can show you a picture of a demon right after he ate someone's soul.


And here's a picture with a few more of those demoniacal creatures, somehow invisible to you

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As much as I love a cheap shot at Trump, Trump is a man, not a demon.

I assure you that this is no cheap shot. And of course Trump is just a man but one who embodies perfectly what a demon in scripture represents aside from the fact that Church teaching about demons and demonic possession is irrational. A demon is a despicable human being, one who beguiles the gullible into allowing lies to take possession of their mind and control their actions.

Would you say that there is no such thing as a ghoul even though it is just a metaphor that describes a person who robs the dead? Are there no such creatures out there? You know better.

Smarten up.

When you see Trump spew lies and vitriol to incite others without spines to do his bidding as if they did not have a mind of their own you are seeing what the ancient authors were trying to warn the world about. Not paying homage to the devil, any narcissistic megalomaniac, or you will lose your life, soul, your mind, just like any person beguiled by a cult leader to drink the Kool aid.

Now try and tell me Trump, the man, is not a demon, a despicable pompous ass and brazen liar whose sycophants are swarming around him like flies on a rotting corpse or a pile of dog shit.

And many of these lost souls profess to be God fearing Christians as if they never understood the Adam and Eve fairy tale. They should start praying that there really is no such thing as God.

They are supporting the type of person they have supposedly dedicated their lives to renounce.

Faithless 'patriotic God fearing' (pft) American numbskulls.They sure have a lot of 'splaining to do
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because demons don't exist, any more than angels, unicorns, dragons, satyrs, or any of the other mythical creates talked about in the Bible.


Did you dismiss the story of the three pigs as BS because there is no scientific or archeological evidence that pigs could talk or build houses? I bet you also don't believe that naughty boys who stay on pleasure island too long grow donkey ears for life, even though you have quite the pair.


Can I get a hee haw?
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because demons don't exist, any more than angels ...

not so sure those two do not exist - few are pure, trump is not pure in their evil they are though deliberate in their mean spirit as are the desert religions and their uninterrupted histories of persecution and victimization for the innocent as trump similarly uses as a weapon for their purposes.

- and as proof the crucifiers have yet to be brought to justice for their crime in the 1st century.
and as proof the crucifiers have yet to be brought to justice for their crime in the 1st century.

You faithless worm.

No one gets away with anything, ever. Gods Law amounts to karma, and just like karma needs no human element to judge or enforce. You understand neither scripture nor the power of God.
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You understand neither scripture nor the power of God.

for the prudent, not reading the bibles of the desert religions is an exercise of sanity and self preservation in the pursuit of the heavenly goal, the triumph over evil to set one's spirit free for judgement and admission to the everlasting ...

if it is a million years before an audience w/ mr big that would be nothing to soon.
Did you dismiss the story of the three pigs as BS because there is no scientific or archeological evidence that pigs could talk or build houses? I bet you also don't believe that naughty boys who stay on pleasure island too long grow donkey ears for life, even though you have quite the pair.
Yes, those things are fiction.

Thanks for playing.
I assure you that this is no cheap shot. And of course Trump is just a man but one who embodies perfectly what a demon in scripture represents aside from the fact that Church teaching about demons and demonic possession is irrational. A demon is a despicable human being, one who beguiles the gullible into allowing lies to take possession of their mind and control their actions.

Would you say that there is no such thing as a ghoul even though it is just a metaphor that describes a person who robs the dead? Are there no such creatures out there? You know better.

Smarten up.

When you see Trump spew lies and vitriol to incite others without spines to do his bidding as if they did not have a mind of their own you are seeing what the ancient authors were trying to warn the world about. Not paying homage to the devil, any narcissistic megalomaniac, or you will lose your life, soul, your mind, just like any person beguiled by a cult leader to drink the Kool aid.

Now try and tell me Trump, the man, is not a demon, a despicable pompous ass and brazen liar whose sycophants are swarming around him like flies on a rotting corpse or a pile of dog shit.

And many of these lost souls profess to be God fearing Christians as if they never understood the Adam and Eve fairy tale. They should start praying that there really is no such thing as God.

They are supporting the type of person they have supposedly dedicated their lives to renounce.

Faithless 'patriotic God fearing' (pft) American numbskulls.They sure have a lot of 'splaining to do
Sort of like Leviticus 18:22 is just a metaphor for sexual perversions are good?

Yet the Coptics have lived in Egypt with the Muslims for 1400 years.

As have the Druze, Zoroastrians, Mandians, Yazidi, Maronite Christians, Assyrian Catholics, Bahai, and yes, even the Jews before they got stupid and stole Arab land.

MEANWHILE, Christians have been very effective in wiping out non-Christians religions in Europe, Africa, the Americas, Australia and even parts of Asia.

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