Zone1 Islam- Arab Imperialism

It all sounds like a good reason to leave them alone and stay out of THEIR PART OF THE WORLD.

If we took all the money we spend propping up the Zionist Entity and fighting wars over there and invested it in energy independence, we wouldn't have a problem.

again, so why keep fucking with them?

Of course, Islam isn't a monolithic group. They represent a wide array of cultures, practices and beliefs...but don't let that stop you. Let's demonize Arabs so we don't have to face our complicity in Zionist Genocide.
Here's the problem with that.

"God's Law" called for killing people who didn't have the right kind of sex, or worked on the Sabbath, or worshipped other Gods.

So, no, I can't say anything positive about religion.

Let me try again.

If one takes the words of the Law literally it conjures an image and likeness of God comparable to that of a cruel and capricious puerile petty tyrant obsessed with diet fashion and the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds, and "believers" will strive to reflect that as they do.

But if one takes a harder look at those same words and learns the deeper implications not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used the image and likeness of God becomes more like that of a loving dedicated forgiving and benevolent father.

Aside from all of that "the death" consequent to setting aside his codified instruction requires no human element to judge or enforce. Why would God need such a lowly and deceitful creature to judge and enforce his laws? He doesn't. Many who lie in the name of God have their reward already. Thats why you can't get through to them with logic and reason.. They are already dead, under "the curse", INSANITY.

And I would add that according to the deeper implications of the Law as revealed by Jesus when he said "Its is not what goes into the mouth (and out of you ass) that defiles a person, its what goes into the mind and out of the mouth that defiles." you are already being Kosher by not eating "the flesh" (teaching) of unclean creatures, swine that do not RUMINATE (think, reason deeply).

I see you chew up and spit out the garbage that many who "just believe" say is true all the time.

How can you have a problem with the Law when you are already complying with its demands?

and know that you have your reward already, LIfe and the blessings that come with SANITY.

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Let me try again.

If one takes the words of the Law literally it reflects an image and likeness of God comparable to that of a cruel and capricious puerile petty tyrant obsessed with diet fashion and the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds, and believers will strive to reflect that as they do.

But if one takes a harder look at those same words and learns the deeper implications not necessarily directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used the image and likeness of God becomes more like that of a loving dedicated forgiving and benevolent father.

Aside from all of that "the death" consequent to setting aside his codified instruction requires no human element to judge or enforce. Why would God need such a lowly and deceitful creature to judge and enforce his laws? He doesn't. Many who lie in the name of God have their reward already. Thats why you can't get through to them with logic and reason.. They are already dead.

And I would add that according to the deeper implications of the Law as revealed by Jesus when he said "Its is not what goes into the mouth (and out of you ass) that defiles a person, its what goes into the mind and out of the mouth that defiles." you are already being Kosher by not eating "the flesh" (teaching) of unclean creatures that do not RUMINATE (think, reason deeply)

I see you chew up and spit out the garbage that many who "just believe" say is true all the time.

How can you have a problem with the Law when you are already complying with its demands?

and know that you have your reward already, sanity.

That's a lot of blather for 'please conform to worship my imaginary sky friend that I promise you is really a thing, unlike all those other imaginary sky pixies other people believe in or used to believe in."
That's a lot of blather for 'please conform to worship my imaginary sky friend that I promise you is really a thing, unlike all those other imaginary sky pixies other people believe in or used to believe in."

I am not asking you to conform to anything or believe in any sky fairy just like I wouldn't ask you to believe that the big bad wolf ate grandma. What has actually happened is that I showed you that you have already conformed to kosher law when you chew up and spit out the vile and loathsome flesh of swine that DO NOT RUMINATE. How can you deny the benefit of doing that?

How can you deny the harm it does to the minds of people who don't comply with that law?

Damn. Am I speaking in some unknown language? Or is it too embarrassing to see that there is something good preserved by religion even if the meaning of the words and subjects elude them

I'm sorry if thats just too much for you to handle. Blather away yourself. I will be only be amused.
I am not asking you to conform to anything or believe in any sky fairy just like I wouldn't ask you to believe that the big bad wolf ate grandma. What has actually happened is that I showed you that you have already conformed to kosher law when you chew up and spit out the vile and loathsome flesh of swine that DO NOT RUMINATE. How can you deny the benefit of doing that?
Well, to start with, I love bacon.

I'm also married to a Chinese woman and pork is a big part of their diet.

Damn. Am I speaking in some unknown language? Or is it too embarrassing to see that there is something good preserved by religion even if the meaning of the words and subjects elude them
Nope, religion has never done anything good, not once, not even by accident.

It's how self-righteous losers get other people to conform. I refuse to play along.
Well, to start with, I love bacon.

I'm also married to a Chinese woman and pork is a big part of their diet.

Are you hard of reading? I thought I made it clear that kosher law has absolutely nothing to do with food. In fact one cannot comply with the literal meaning of the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate without violating the deeper implications of that exact same law because the teaching that the subject of kosher law is about food is the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, even if they do not believe, like you. Porky.

Maybe you should take time to chew it over, RUMINATE, before you confound yourself further.
Are you hard of reading? I thought I made it clear that kosher law has absolutely nothing to do with food. In fact one cannot comply with the literal meaning of the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate without violating the deeper implications of that exact same law because the teaching that the subject of kosher law is about food is the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, even if they do not believe, like you. Porky.

Maybe you should take time to chew it over, RUMINATE, before you confound yourself further.

Guy, some of the laws probably DID make sense at the time.

Someone didn't cook pork properly, got hookworms or whatever, why, the Pig must be unclean! God has spoken!

Someone had a shellfish allergy, at some shrimp and choked? Must be unclean! God has spoken.

But today, we have science and computers and space shuttles... we don't need such nonsense.
another happy day for the jews ...

"At least 35 people were killed and many more injured," he wrote on X. "Claims that armed groups may have been inside the shelter are shocking. We are however unable to verify these claims. Attacking, targeting or using UN buildings for military purposes are a blatant disregard of International Humanitarian law."

the u n is a joke.
Guy, some of the laws probably DID make sense at the time.

Someone didn't cook pork properly, got hookworms or whatever, why, the Pig must be unclean! God has spoken!

Someone had a shellfish allergy, at some shrimp and choked? Must be unclean! God has spoken.

But today, we have science and computers and space shuttles... we don't need such nonsense.


Try to remember that you're trying to pass yourself off as a rational thinker. Psst. Its not working.

You do know that people of every nation and language culture and tribe have been comparing other people to lower creatures to either praise or insult ever since people could talk? You know like you have compared others to dogs, swine, snakes, wolves, vermin, vultures, etc., TRUE?

Thats the subject of the divine menu, clean or unclean teaching, of swine, bottom feeders, etc.

It was and is still very relevant, in fact it is essential to a happy life and achieving peace on earth.

Yet you are still stuck on food. WTF! Apparently you do need such nonsense.... mr. science guy.

Be open.

Try to grasp the deeper implications of this confounding revelation, as it applies to all religions.

This is my flesh. Eat it. It should make your hunger to do away with religious chicanery, satisfied.
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- have been comparing other people to lower creatures ...

jesus knew better, there are no lower creatures all are equally assured admittance to the everlasting -

except of course any living in gaza ... the jews know better too and are just trying to help them


find a safer place to live.
jesus knew better, there are no lower creatures all are equally assured admittance to the everlasting -
"It is not right to give your children's food to the dogs. Do not throw your pearls to the swine"

said Jesus.

He was not talking about animals except of the human sort. WTF! This planet is so fucked up.

Numbskulls all of you. Believers and unbelievers alike.
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Try to remember that you're trying to pass yourself off as a rational thinker. Psst. Its not working.

You do know that people of every nation and language culture and tribe have been comparing other people to lower creatures to either praise or insult ever since people could talk? You know like you have compared others to dogs, swine, snakes, wolves, vermin, vultures, etc., TRUE?

Guy, you are going on weird tangents again. If you get anywhere near a point, let me know.
Guy, you are the one trying to rationalize Bronze Age Superstitions as a way to live.

There is nothing superstitious about the fact that people who fill their minds with garbage go insane. The evidence presented by you and all believers in the ridiculous is overwhelming.

Thank you for helping me to reveal the wisdom of my God in giving the command to refrain from the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate by so generously demonstrating the terrifying and deeply disturbing death, a curse, for setting that clear rational instruction aside. Porky.
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There is nothing superstitious about the fact that people who fill their minds with garbage go insane. Thanks for so generously demonstrating that superstition has nothing to do with it.
Um, I'm not the one blowing people up because of an argument over who a magic sky pixie gave a strip of desert to.

That would be you God-Botherers.

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