Chris Christie is now ruined

Chris Christie’s wordless screaming

Chris Christie spent the entire speech screaming wordlessly. I have never seen someone scream so loudly without using his mouth before. It would have been remarkable if it had not been so terrifying.

He had the face of a man who has used his third wish and realized too late that “may my family never starve” could be twisted to mean that the genie should murder his entire family.

He had the face of a man who has just realized his own mortality.

Look into those eyes and try to deny that Chris Christie has seen something.

Someone just told Chris Christie that there is no God. Or Chris Christie has just discovered that God does exist but She is an enormous snake who hates or is indifferent to mankind. Or Chris Christie has just discovered that there is no God but that Hell is real.

“When are they coming to airlift me out?” Chris Christie’s eyes are pleading. “Please tell me that they are coming and that it is soon.” But then his expression hardens. Chris Christie knows that they are not coming back for him.

Chris Christie’s wordless screaming
Christie can always get a job collecting tolls on the GWB
yeah but Donnie has those extra wide seats on his plane, how could lard-butt refuse ?
I think Trump will win in November and become an Independent President of sorts. It is the best chance we have of making government work. Not my first choice, but we play what we are dealt.
Bernie is a clear sign the Democrats are well on their way to being the Socialist Party of America. Independents and Republicans are energized by what Trump is saying. Reference the high primary turnouts.
Bernie is a clear sign the Democrats are well on their way to being the Socialist Party of America. Independents and Republicans are energized by what Trump is saying. Reference the high primary turnouts.

things must have changed with independents ..
Jennifer Rubin, Ultra-conservative? The one who is blaming talk radio and White men for all the anger in America?

She is a Blogger? Right?
Your ignorance of Jennifer Rubin tells me all I need to know.
Couldn't happen to a nicer tub of butter.

Chris Christie is now ruined

Since New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has endorsed Donald Drumpf, he has been:

  • Humiliated by video showing Drumpf ordering him onto the plane and telling him to "go home."
  • Condemned by his former finance co-chair and CEO of Hewlett-Packard Meg Whitman. ("The Governor is mistaken if he believes he can now count on my support, and I call on Christie's donors and supporters to reject the Governor and Donald Drumpf outright. I believe they will. For some of us, principle and country still matter.")
  • Excoriated for his disastrous TV interview on Sunday. Phrases like "train wreck," "off the rails" and "disaster" were used to describe his appearance.

In other words, if it had not been obvious to him before this weekend, his political career is essentially over. He has gone from someone admired for his political talent to the object of derision as an errand boy for someone who espouses fascistic ideas (e.g., punishing the press) and openly displays his bigotry (e.g., retweeting a Mussolini quote).


Christie perhaps fancied himself as Drumpf's VP or attorney general. If he did, he was not thinking clearly. To begin with, it is less and less likely with each passing day that Drumpf will ever become president. Moreover, Christie himself has so soiled his reputation that it is doubtful he would ever be confirmed for a Cabinet post. And with his awful Sunday interview, Drumpf will undoubtedly look for a different running mate if it gets to that.

Drumpf has rendered Christie an isolated, pathetic object of scorn. Other Republicans should take note.

Major NJ newspapers are calling for him to resign
At least 6 newspapers. Also, the NH paper that endorsed Christie has apologized, Christie Todd Whitman, former Republican NJ governor, has called him a disgrace, and he now has a 27% approval rate in the Garden State.

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