Chris Christie - Rating the GOP Hopefuls


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
The second in my series looking at GOP Hopefuls.

Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey

Qualifications- Governor of New Jersey- twice. Head of the Republican Governor's Association.

Pros- Christie is riding high right now. As leader of the RGA, he presided over the GOP picking up four governorships in Blue States that were largely considered unwinnable by the GOP. He has the toughness that a lot of GOP candidates have lacked.

Cons- A lot of conservatives will never forgive him for doing photo ops with the president in 2008 after Hurricane Sandy. Sometimes his toughness comes off as abrasive.

And unfortunately, he's still overweight. LIke it or not, we have a bias in this country against the overweight.

Bridgegate- even MSNBC isn't talking about that anymore.

Christie is probably one of two GOP hopefuls I could bring myself to vote for. He's not a religious nut, he's a pragmatist.
We don't need a prez who flies off the handle, screams insults, who literally has no control over either what goes into his mouth or what comes out of it.

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