Chris Christie removes all doubt that he is a RINO

Being a good loser is still being a loser.

And being a loser doesn't give people much reason to support you.

Why bother voting for a Romney in 2024, if they were to run?

Little point in that, the GOP might as well concede in advance if they want to nominate a failure and loser. I certainly wouldn't bother getting off my bar stool to go to the polls for him.
In that case, Trump is a loser

Just a Crybaby Loser instead of a Gracious Loser
I don't know about that, but they were LOSERS.

Romney was a loser, so was McCain- and they were both envious of Donald J. Trump.

And if they would have got their buddy Jeb nominated in 2016, he would have been schlonged as well.
Republicans from Lincoln (a winner in 1860) to Trump (a Loser in 2020) have both won and lost.

RINOs of Trumpery winning the electoral college in 2016 does not entitle the blowhard arrivistes to suddenly proclaim that Lincoln, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Bush, and Bush were all "RINOs!"

Such arrogance only makes them appear even sillier.
The orange retard is in the news more than anyone, flapping his yapper.

November 9 2021
Former President Donald Trump in remarks at the National Republican Congressional Committee dinner Monday openly blasted the 13 congressional Republicans who supported President Biden’s infrastructure bill in a vote Friday.

Fox News Digital has confirmed from sources at the dinner that the former president criticized the 13 Republican defectors in a lengthy speech Monday night in a room where at least one of them, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, was present.
Only because you libs are obsessed...
We know what Biden is past, present, and future. No one abuses and feels up children in front of cameras like he does and is not a pedophile. And if your are a Prog voter, then you support it.
I guess that if you are a mega moron, you support rape and crotch grabbing, yes?
I guess that if you are a mega moron, you support rape and crotch grabbing, yes?

Its Sleepy Joe who was credibly charged of raping Tara Reid, libs never had a problem with that, electing and reelecting him for half a century.
Your point of view? Oh. Biden does not have the burden of proof. That burden belongs to the accuser, and her verbiage is fraught with pockmarks.
yep, he does not, but neither does trump and you all didn't give a shit about that piece. So you admit you have double standards wow.
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Trump had a plan- tremendous healthcare with unlimited choice and at a price you'd have to see to believe.

However, it failed as the Democrats and their friend across the aisle John McCain decided that the Atrocity of Obamacare was better.

We never did get to see the plan, because it didn't pass.
What the hell do you mean it didn't pass? It never existed!

There has never been an Obamacare replacement submitted by anyone. Ever.

You've been hoaxed for ten years and are too stupid to even notice.
Trump won the White House Republicans! Raise him all five fingers, not just one in the state of Wyoming. Liz Cheney won on her dad's name and rode the coattails of Trump to victory! Trump moved us from Bush, but Liz is acting like this is still 2003. It is 2021! The GOP rebranded we are the party of Trump! And he will always be my President! She should become a democrat! Watch her go work for CNN or MSNBC after she loses!
Trump lost the House, the Senate, and the White House. I don't know why any idiot would ever want him back.
Trump lost the House, the Senate, and the White House. I don't know why any idiot would ever want him back.

Because they are embarrassed at the idea of a President who can't control his terminal flatulence and are ready for change?

Have you seen the price of gasoline lately?

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