Diamond Member
Has endorsed The DonaldIf there is already thread about this, sorry, I haven't noticed it.
To me this is a surprise, Christie endorsing Trump, I thought he might have backed the Cuck Rubio.
There were at least two other threads but yours is the first I've seen that actually included a link.
I was looking for that because I figured this story was from The Onion. Apparently not. And surprising -- I thought Christie had already made an endorsement. Also thought he was smarter than this. Crazy world.
The first thread had a link.
I saw two threads. Neither had a link.
Are you calling me a liar?
Just unobservant.
Post #20 by g5000.
Christie endorses Trump
"Post 20"? I'm supposed to hang around for post 20??
Links are the responsibility of the OfuckingP. Not "post 20".
It was after the post where you cried for a link,not sure how you missed it.
And as I said. I watched it live and there were no links asswipe.