Chris Cuomo blames Cali forrest mismanagement on guess who?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Chris Cuomo lied and said California owns only 3% of the forrest land, but it's almost 45%
Cuomo lied and said federal land is managed all the way to the top, that is not true, what happened to the claim President has no jurisdiction in States and what happened to the people in charge of California federal forrests appointed or worked up the chain of command by Democrat political agendas?
Karen Mouritsen
is Bureau of Land Management {BLM} California State Director a 27-year career public servant, Over the course of her career, Mouritsen has spent time in Washington, D.C., serving in key leadership roles.= a swamp critter?
She has in the past carried out Obama's wishes like when Obama opposed the China Lake expansion Mouritsen quickly said the BLM could not support adding the 19,000 acres.
Mouritsen took over from Acting State Director Joe Stout (an anti Trump Democrat), who returned to his post as BLM-California Associate State Director.
When Cuomo drops his weights on his toe does he blame Trump for that too?
Just how far does TDS run their their Psyche?

Maybe Cuomo should do some research:
California’s government solely responsible for states forest management and wildfire debacle read this article from May of 2019:
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So the feds own most of California.
They are desperate
I don't even blame Cali politicians for the act of nature, although they can lessen the risk being better managed, there is more blame on our parenting, schooling, and media influence that fueled the arsonists and gender reveal party accident nonsense that created most of these fires (this time). Next time it's on them, how many clunks to the head do they need to get a clue?
What's with Cuomo's extreme close up when he does his show? Jesus I was flipping channels and there was Cuomo's huge mug filling up the screen. :eek-52:
Funny how the land is Feds responsibility until they are breaking federal law & creating sanctuary cities, then Feds are suddenly not welcome to intercede.
What's with Cuomo's extreme close up when he does his show? Jesus I was flipping channels and there was Cuomo's huge mug filling up the screen. :eek-52:
That is so you can see the smoke coming out his ears, no pun intended.
They are desperate

They are.....and they are willing to break any law, commit every crime under the sun and lie like there is no tomorrow..... in order to regain power.
Agree which is a disadvantage to lawful people in the same way I said fighting terrorist is hard when they have no rules or boundries of engagement, but civilized societies do.
They are desperate

They are.....and they are willing to break any law, commit every crime under the sun and lie like there is no tomorrow..... in order to regain power.
Agree which is a disadvantage to lawful people in the same way I said fighting terrorist is hard when they have no rules or boundries of engagement, but civilized societies do.

That's true.

So then, may be civilized societies will have to change the rules of engament , don't you think?

Fair is fair. If they play dirty, everybody plays dirty.
They are desperate
I don't even blame Cali politicians for the act of nature, although they can lessen the risk being better managed, there is more blame on our parenting, schooling, and media influence that fueled the arsonists and gender reveal party accident nonsense that created most of these fires (this time). Next time it's on them, how many clunks to the head do they need to get a clue?
It’s not an act of nature. It’s years of mismanagement by incompetent state Democrats, and of course their domestic terrorists Antifa who started most of these fires.
They are desperate

They are.....and they are willing to break any law, commit every crime under the sun and lie like there is no tomorrow..... in order to regain power.
Agree which is a disadvantage to lawful people in the same way I said fighting terrorist is hard when they have no rules or boundries of engagement, but civilized societies do.

That's true.

So then, may be civilized societies will have to change the rules of engament , don't you think?

Fair is fair. If they play dirty, everybody plays dirty.
To quote Leo Durocher "good guys finish last".
I see that the orange whore's latest bumbling excuse of "forest mismanagement" is catching on. This is pathetic.
I see that the orange whore's latest bumbling excuse of "forest mismanagement" is catching on. This is pathetic.
Have you ever been to Germany? Switzerland? Austria? Belgium and other western European countries? That's what Trump meant by "forest management." They don't have brush, dead limbs and dead trees in their forests. They have prisoners and welfare recipients cleaning up the woods.
I see that the orange whore's latest bumbling excuse of "forest mismanagement" is catching on. This is pathetic.
Have you ever been to Germany? Switzerland? Austria? Belgium and other western European countries? That's what Trump meant by "forest management." They don't have brush, dead limbs and dead trees in their forests. They have prisoners and welfare recipients cleaning up the woods.

We never had this under either republican or democratic leadership. I don't think that reagan or schwarznegger ever did it in California. Nope, I'm not buying into this just because of trump's brainwave.
It’s not an act of nature. It’s years of mismanagement by incompetent state Democrats, and of course their domestic terrorists Antifa who started most of these fires.
A GAO study indicated a high correlation of wildfires and illegal aliens.

I see that the orange whore's latest bumbling excuse of "forest mismanagement" is catching on. This is pathetic.
Have you ever been to Germany? Switzerland? Austria? Belgium and other western European countries? That's what Trump meant by "forest management." They don't have brush, dead limbs and dead trees in their forests. They have prisoners and welfare recipients cleaning up the woods.

We never had this under either republican or democratic leadership. I don't think that reagan or schwarznegger ever did it in California. Nope, I'm not buying into this just because of trump's brainwave.

In June 1960 I finished a tour in Germany and was transferred to Ft. Lewis, WA. A month later my whole Brigade flew to California and fought fires for 6 weeks. That's been 60 years ago. All the men who had been stationed in Europe wondered why Cali didn't do as the Europeans and use prisoners and welfare recipients to clear the forests. I still wonder why. I suppose the ACLU, NAACP and the Ladies Aid Society would fight it all the way to SCOTUS and the liberal judges would be on their side. The fire situation on the West Coast is one of the worst cases of failed leadership and dereliction of duty imaginable.
The fundamental point is management versus mismanagement. Regretfully the hands of those charged with management have been tied by those claiming the best management is limited to no management. The fires we have today are the Indisputable result of resource mismanagement. The lack of firebreaks coupled with increased fuel loads make fire containment impossible. When one studies what is known as the Ring of Fire The age of old growth forests, excluding sequoia and redwood, is slight indicating massive fires long before the arrival of settlers supportIng the hypothesis that massive fires were common from BC Canada to south central California. Lightning sparked range fires were normal occurrences as were First Nation fires set to assist hunter gatherer communities. Now the trend is toward natural “Wild” management techniques resulting in massive uncontainable fires.
Get used to it, It’s what you wanted.
I see that the orange whore's latest bumbling excuse of "forest mismanagement" is catching on. This is pathetic.
Have you ever been to Germany? Switzerland? Austria? Belgium and other western European countries? That's what Trump meant by "forest management." They don't have brush, dead limbs and dead trees in their forests. They have prisoners and welfare recipients cleaning up the woods.

We never had this under either republican or democratic leadership. I don't think that reagan or schwarznegger ever did it in California. Nope, I'm not buying into this just because of trump's brainwave.

In June 1960 I finished a tour in Germany and was transferred to Ft. Lewis, WA. A month later my whole Brigade flew to California and fought fires for 6 weeks. That's been 60 years ago. All the men who had been stationed in Europe wondered why Cali didn't do as the Europeans and use prisoners and welfare recipients to clear the forests. I still wonder why. I suppose the ACLU, NAACP and the Ladies Aid Society would fight it all the way to SCOTUS and the liberal judges would be on their side. The fire situation on the West Coast is one of the worst cases of failed leadership and dereliction of duty imaginable.

I wonder why the west doesn't have desalination plants when water is scarce there. I wonder why we don't have a better organized and accessible healthcare system. These are not partisan issues. These issues are neither "liberal" nor "conservative." California has had governors of both parties, yet nothing was done over the decades. The orange whore is just using this to make some sort of case against Democrats so he can get reelected.

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