Chris Matthews points out the stupidity of Antifa

And yes your far left terrorist groups are worth denouncing!

When are you going to do it?

You mean like our president denouncing the Skin Heads?

He denounce them, only far left did not like the way he did it..

Lets see it bud, show a link..exact words. He skips around it


And the far left drones prove my point, he denounces them and they do not like the way he did it!

Lets see it Kosh?


" He skips around it"

See what? you have admitted that he condemned them, just you did not like the way he did it!

When are you far left drones going to denounce your far left terrorists?
Chris Matthews on Removing Statues of American Leaders: ‘Where Do We Stop?’

You know you're a wackadoodle movement when even the loons in your own party call you out for your bs.

I'm guessing Matthews isn't getting a tingle up his leg from this movement?
I thought ANTIFA was an anarchist movement. What makes you say it's a democrat cause?

It's not just Antifa going after the statues, it commiecrats joining their commie allies. The commiecrats in Houston have already renamed schools and streets just because the individual they were named after had some connection to the south. Of course they ignored all the money and other contributions these people made to the city after the war. They are now going after the statues of the citizens that helped the city become what it is today.

And I bet you think Socialism is right wing!

But then the Nazi far left is removing statues that they do not like or agree with.

You far left drones are more like Nazi's than real Nazi's are!

The first groups of Antifa formed to protest the Nazi's..


So when are you going to denounce the far left terrorists?

See how the far left will defend the Nazi way of life, when it suits their religious agenda.

Where is the link word for word Trump denounced the skin heads Kosh..

I hate the hate coming from both sides ~ I am not a far left , I supported Trump last summer until he did a 180 on his lies.

But, I also find it odd that we are dealing with dumb ass un-educated people wearing a Swasika , when my father fought in WWII to defend their right to wear them excuse me fucking hate..

And wearing a Swasika is ok with you then?

And I bet you think Socialism is right wing!

But then the Nazi far left is removing statues that they do not like or agree with.

You far left drones are more like Nazi's than real Nazi's are!

The first groups of Antifa formed to protest the Nazi's..


So when are you going to denounce the far left terrorists?

See how the far left will defend the Nazi way of life, when it suits their religious agenda.

Where is the link word for word Trump denounced the skin heads Kosh..

I hate the hate coming from both sides ~ I am not a far left , I supported Trump last summer until he did a 180 on his lies.

But, I also find it odd that we are dealing with dumb ass un-educated people wearing a Swasika , when my father fought in WWII to defend their right to wear them excuse me fucking hate..

And wearing a Swasika is ok with you then?


Yes you are far left and he did condemn all hated and bigotry, which means it did it in a fashion you and the far left did not like!

Please show any post you supporting Trump on anything!

Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

So you going to condemn the far left terrorists, since that is what this thread is about?

Or are you going to fixate on what the far left tells you to fixate on?
They had attacked Anti-GMO protesters, that weren't apart of any white supremacist organizations. The Establishment is trying g to silence everyone that are against them. And GMO's is their cash crop and they surely doesn't want that to be known about the health issues that it causes. If profit sales dropped, they will not be able to fund these riots anymore. The Deep state needs this investment (GMO's) in order to stay afloat. If the world stops eating GMO's, that they will buh bye.


Yes you are far left and he did condemn all hated and bigotry, which means it did it in a fashion you and the far left did not like!

Please show any post you supporting Trump on anything!

Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

So you going to condemn the far left terrorists, since that is what this thread is about?

Or are you going to fixate on what the far left tells you to fixate on?

Trump calls them Repugnant....Haaaa Is that denouncing them? You are accusing me of the same thing.

Is Marching hating on anything except white, wearing a Swasika ok with you Kosh?


They had attacked Anti-GMO protesters, that weren't apart of any white supremacist organizations. The Establishment is trying g to silence everyone that are against them. And GMO's is their cash crop and they surely doesn't want that to be known about the health issues that it causes. If profit sales dropped, they will not be able to fund these riots anymore. The Deep state needs this investment (GMO's) in order to stay afloat. If the world stops eating GMO's, that they will buh bye.


I am not sure about the fight against GMO's but they are sure trying to shut down anyone who opposes them..

Yes you are far left and he did condemn all hated and bigotry, which means it did it in a fashion you and the far left did not like!

Please show any post you supporting Trump on anything!

Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

So you going to condemn the far left terrorists, since that is what this thread is about?

Or are you going to fixate on what the far left tells you to fixate on?

Trump calls them Repugnant....Haaaa Is that denouncing them? You are accusing me of the same thing.

Is Marching hating on anything except white, wearing a Swasika ok with you Kosh?



So yes you can not condemn the far left terrorist groups nor can you show that you supported Trump in anyway!

And the far left debunked narrative being run is noted!

So you going to condemn the far left terrorist group or not?

Will you do what you claim Trump will not do?
Yes you are far left and he did condemn all hated and bigotry, which means it did it in a fashion you and the far left did not like!

Please show any post you supporting Trump on anything!

Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

So you going to condemn the far left terrorists, since that is what this thread is about?

Or are you going to fixate on what the far left tells you to fixate on?

Trump calls them Repugnant....Haaaa Is that denouncing them? You are accusing me of the same thing.

Is Marching hating on anything except white, wearing a Swasika ok with you Kosh?



So yes you can not condemn the far left terrorist groups nor can you show that you supported Trump in anyway!

And the far left debunked narrative being run is noted!

So you going to condemn the far left terrorist group or not?

Will you do what you claim Trump will not do?


Is Marching hating on anything except white, wearing a Swasika ok with you Kosh?

Yes you are far left and he did condemn all hated and bigotry, which means it did it in a fashion you and the far left did not like!

Please show any post you supporting Trump on anything!

Trump calls KKK, white supremacists 'repugnant' - CNNPolitics

So you going to condemn the far left terrorists, since that is what this thread is about?

Or are you going to fixate on what the far left tells you to fixate on?

Trump calls them Repugnant....Haaaa Is that denouncing them? You are accusing me of the same thing.

Is Marching hating on anything except white, wearing a Swasika ok with you Kosh?



So yes you can not condemn the far left terrorist groups nor can you show that you supported Trump in anyway!

And the far left debunked narrative being run is noted!

So you going to condemn the far left terrorist group or not?

Will you do what you claim Trump will not do?


Is Marching hating on anything except white, wearing a Swasika ok with you Kosh?


Again that is far drone runs a debunked religious script!

However note that the far left drone will not condemn the far left terrorist groups. Long before they asked their debunked religious narrative question!
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They had attacked Anti-GMO protesters, that weren't apart of any white supremacist organizations. The Establishment is trying g to silence everyone that are against them. And GMO's is their cash crop and they surely doesn't want that to be known about the health issues that it causes. If profit sales dropped, they will not be able to fund these riots anymore. The Deep state needs this investment (GMO's) in order to stay afloat. If the world stops eating GMO's, that they will buh bye.


I am not sure about the fight against GMO's but they are sure trying to shut down anyone who opposes them..


Trust me, it is the GMO's. That is why they are hating on Pres. Putin. They did not want any coverage of Jill Stein because she had brought up the increasing health problems that is going on in this world. That is why she couldn't get any coverage at all. If the whole world finds out about this crap, they will have nooses around the Establishment's necks. And on the other side of the nooses. That it will be a bumper to drag them down the road bare naked. On every discussion sites, to discuss about GMO's is taboo. And so if anyone really wants to bring down the Deep State, don't buy GMO's, but start buying NON GMO or organic food products. Even Soros the Mr. GMO, is investing in organic products. Because he is losing lots of money. But one thing, he cannot control Organic farming. It cannot be patented.

Why is George Soros selling gold and buying farmland?
They had attacked Anti-GMO protesters, that weren't apart of any white supremacist organizations. The Establishment is trying g to silence everyone that are against them. And GMO's is their cash crop and they surely doesn't want that to be known about the health issues that it causes. If profit sales dropped, they will not be able to fund these riots anymore. The Deep state needs this investment (GMO's) in order to stay afloat. If the world stops eating GMO's, that they will buh bye.


I am not sure about the fight against GMO's but they are sure trying to shut down anyone who opposes them..


Trust me, it is the GMO's. That is why they are hating on Pres. Putin. They did not want any coverage of Jill Stein because she had brought up the increasing health problems that is going on in this world. That is why she couldn't get any coverage at all. If the whole world finds out about this crap, they will have nooses around the Establishment's necks. And on the other side of the nooses. That it will be a bumper to drag them down the road bare naked. On every discussion sites, to discuss about GMO's is taboo. And so if anyone really wants to bring down the Deep State, don't buy GMO's, but start buying NON GMO or organic food products. Even Soros the Mr. GMO, is investing in organic products. Because he is losing lots of money. But one thing, he cannot control Organic farming. It cannot be patented.

Why is George Soros selling gold and buying farmland?

I am a 2 times cancer survivor and studied GMO's so yes I agree with you, you should make a thread about it..

Just eat 100% organic foods and liquids. But more organic raw fruits, nuts and veggies and take long walks. You'll be very surprise of the outcome.

We were all meant to be vegetarians, but somewhere down the line, we became accustomed to eating meats. But we didn't know what meats to eat that will not affect our bodies.

Genesis 1:29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

Genesis 1:30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.


Chris Matthews on Removing Statues of American Leaders: ‘Where Do We Stop?’

You know you're a wackadoodle movement when even the loons in your own party call you out for your bs.

I'm guessing Matthews isn't getting a tingle up his leg from this movement?
I thought ANTIFA was an anarchist movement. What makes you say it's a democrat cause?

It's not just Antifa going after the statues, it commiecrats joining their commie allies. The commiecrats in Houston have already renamed schools and streets just because the individual they were named after had some connection to the south. Of course they ignored all the money and other contributions these people made to the city after the war. They are now going after the statues of the citizens that helped the city become what it is today.

Citizens of communities are going after statues because they don't want racist or controversial figures celebrated in their communities. It isn't a left right thing. Nikki Haley was the one that took the confederate flag down. Stop with the games
Chris Matthews on Removing Statues of American Leaders: ‘Where Do We Stop?’

You know you're a wackadoodle movement when even the loons in your own party call you out for your bs.

I'm guessing Matthews isn't getting a tingle up his leg from this movement?
I thought ANTIFA was an anarchist movement. What makes you say it's a democrat cause?

It's not just Antifa going after the statues, it commiecrats joining their commie allies. The commiecrats in Houston have already renamed schools and streets just because the individual they were named after had some connection to the south. Of course they ignored all the money and other contributions these people made to the city after the war. They are now going after the statues of the citizens that helped the city become what it is today.

Citizens of communities are going after statues because they don't want racist or controversial figures celebrated in their communities. It isn't a left right thing. Nikki Haley was the one that took the confederate flag down. Stop with the games

Better yet how about you folks stop acting like a bunch of little fagots. People who participated in the civil war were pardoned, many made major contributions to their communities and the country afterwards. The crap you folks are dredging up now is pure idiocy. Try acting like a fucking adult for a change.

Chris Matthews on Removing Statues of American Leaders: ‘Where Do We Stop?’

You know you're a wackadoodle movement when even the loons in your own party call you out for your bs.

I'm guessing Matthews isn't getting a tingle up his leg from this movement?
I thought ANTIFA was an anarchist movement. What makes you say it's a democrat cause?

It's not just Antifa going after the statues, it commiecrats joining their commie allies. The commiecrats in Houston have already renamed schools and streets just because the individual they were named after had some connection to the south. Of course they ignored all the money and other contributions these people made to the city after the war. They are now going after the statues of the citizens that helped the city become what it is today.

Citizens of communities are going after statues because they don't want racist or controversial figures celebrated in their communities. It isn't a left right thing. Nikki Haley was the one that took the confederate flag down. Stop with the games

Better yet how about you folks stop acting like a bunch of little fagots. People who participated in the civil war were pardoned, many made major contributions to their communities and the country afterwards. The crap you folks are dredging up now is pure idiocy. Try acting like a fucking adult for a change.

If they did something worthy of celebration in their communities then that's fine, but don't make a statue of them sitting on a horse in their confederate uniform. Get a clue man, we all know what's going on

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