Chris Matthews points out the stupidity of Antifa

Then what's your beef? The elected representatives of those cities voted to have them removed.

Actually they acquiesced. They like so many failed to do the right thing by standing up to the racist, intimidators who constantly use extortion to force others to allow them to behave badly and get away with their criminal actions.
Then what's your beef? The elected representatives of those cities voted to have them removed.

Actually they acquiesced. They like so many failed to do the right thing by standing up to the racist, intimidators who constantly use extortion to force others to allow them to behave badly and get away with their criminal actions.
“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?”
Lewis Carroll
Pretty funny watching both ends of the spectrum trying to distance themselves from groups they enable.

Maybe one day we'll look back at this as the time the wings proved they're best left on the margins.


That's bullshit.

How does the "right" enable assholes who run around with swastika T-shirts and Robert Byrd kkk costumes? We hate those fuckers more than the bed wetters do. Are we supposed to wear masks and beat the fuck out of them?

I don't really need to drag out the David Duke quotes supporting Trump, the time Trump said he didn't know who David Duke was, or the pro-Trump signs at "supremacists" rallies, do I?

Come on.
I don't really need to drag out the David Duke quotes supporting Trump, the time Trump said he didn't know who David Duke was, or the pro-Trump signs at "supremacists" rallies, do I?

Come on.

Just because some asshole supports you, doesn't mean they're enabled by you.

Lets not forget he was a democrook, then a populist, then rode in on a republicrat wave into a minor LA house seat by a narrow vote and was marginalized.

You can drag out whatever media matters talking points and cut them and paste them like RegressiveParasite (AKA ProgressivePatriot) does all the time if you want too. The fact is %95 of republicrats and Trump supporters will vehemently denounce and condemn anti-semitism, national socialism or any democrook racial policies.

Most bed wetters are programmed to deny ANTIFA even exists, or that Soros' money is being used to undermine our country.

Sick. CNN's Ana Navarro Defends Antifa Terrorists Hurling Bricks, Using Flame Throwers on Protesters (Video)

There is a massive disconnect between "the extreme right" or whatever you call me, and the dipshits flying confederate flags around old statues and getting into fights with masked bed wetters. The level of violence is not comparable either. After years worth of Tea Party rallies how many were arrested? How many dollars were lost to vandalism? How many hospitalized, assaulted?

Then look at a single occutard "protest" and compare the numbers.

The way you lump "extremes" together is entirely unfounded.

Chris Matthews on Removing Statues of American Leaders: ‘Where Do We Stop?’

You know you're a wackadoodle movement when even the loons in your own party call you out for your bs.

I'm guessing Matthews isn't getting a tingle up his leg from this movement?
I thought ANTIFA was an anarchist movement. What makes you say it's a democrat cause?
Because democrats defend them

you bet the same as they do cop killers with the fuck the police movement
And I bet you think Socialism is right wing!

But then the Nazi far left is removing statues that they do not like or agree with.

You far left drones are more like Nazi's than real Nazi's are!

The first groups of Antifa formed to protest the Nazi's..


So when are you going to denounce the far left terrorists?

See how the far left will defend the Nazi way of life, when it suits their religious agenda.

"I hereby denounce all groups using terrorist tactics to achieve their goals (Revolutionary War excluded for purely self serving reasons). This includes The Animal Liberation front, Army of God, Aryan Brotherhood, Black Liberation Army, The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord, Earth Liberation Front, Jewish Defense League, the KKK and every alphabet from A-Z."

These are the terrorist organizations that are perpetrating the most terrorist violence here, in the U.S. where I live.

I am also concerned with terror groups operating abroad. Groups like Italy's FAI, France's FLNC, Greece's Popular Revolutionary Forces and, yes Religious cultish extremists of ALL stripes from Islamic to Christian to Buddhist.

Terrorism is a tactic to instill fear to further an agenda, period.

So when are you going to denounce antifa since they are the most active and cause more acts of violence than any other group. Even though they have not killed MANY they have permanently disfigured and crippled MANY. I only say they will rue the day they come to my area, I think they know better because they know most of them wont leave upright.

Links to all these people they've "crippled" or "disfigured".

Do you seriously believe that anti fascist protesters haven't come to your "area" because they are afraid of you? Do you often experience these delusions of grandeur?
Then what's your beef? The elected representatives of those cities voted to have them removed.

Actually they acquiesced. They like so many failed to do the right thing by standing up to the racist, intimidators who constantly use extortion to force others to allow them to behave badly and get away with their criminal actions.

The "racist intimidates" we're the "unite the right" Nazis that showed up to thwart the "will of the people". Duly elected representatives of the people of that town voted to have the statue moved.
I don't really need to drag out the David Duke quotes supporting Trump, the time Trump said he didn't know who David Duke was, or the pro-Trump signs at "supremacists" rallies, do I?

Come on.

Just because some asshole supports you, doesn't mean they're enabled by you.

Lets not forget he was a democrook, then a populist, then rode in on a republicrat wave into a minor LA house seat by a narrow vote and was marginalized.

You can drag out whatever media matters talking points and cut them and paste them like RegressiveParasite (AKA ProgressivePatriot) does all the time if you want too. The fact is %95 of republicrats and Trump supporters will vehemently denounce and condemn anti-semitism, national socialism or any democrook racial policies.

Most bed wetters are programmed to deny ANTIFA even exists, or that Soros' money is being used to undermine our country.

Sick. CNN's Ana Navarro Defends Antifa Terrorists Hurling Bricks, Using Flame Throwers on Protesters (Video)

There is a massive disconnect between "the extreme right" or whatever you call me, and the dipshits flying confederate flags around old statues and getting into fights with masked bed wetters. The level of violence is not comparable either. After years worth of Tea Party rallies how many were arrested? How many dollars were lost to vandalism? How many hospitalized, assaulted?

Then look at a single occutard "protest" and compare the numbers.

The way you lump "extremes" together is entirely unfounded.

Violence at Tea Party rally: bare-knuckle politics in the streets

Two Cops, Three Others Killed in Las Vegas Shooting Spree - NBC News
We do, commiecrats are trying to whitewash their history.


Really? Because I, as a hardcore liberal, would like to offer a compromise. Leave the statues up, but replace their commemorative, glorifying, "lost cause" placards with something more representative of true occurrences. Mention treason over the desire to keep owning other human beings. Talk about the atrocities inflicted upon slaves by the white masters and the poor duped rubes that fought their war for them. Go ahead and mention how they were politically called Democrats.

Sound fair?
I'd like many things, but we live where we vote on such things as a nation. Why do you hate our nation and its constitution? by the way, blacks owned slaves. Learn something.

Then what's your beef? The elected representatives of those cities voted to have them removed.
No they didn't

But in February, the City Council voted to remove the statue from the park.

The Statue at the Center of Charlottesville’s Storm
So are race relations better now?

by the way, the people should have voted not the council. When the masses don't support the council it should go to the public. Look at Chicago and their soft drink tax voted in by the city council. How many people you supposed like that? Stop being stupid.
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Really? Because I, as a hardcore liberal, would like to offer a compromise. Leave the statues up, but replace their commemorative, glorifying, "lost cause" placards with something more representative of true occurrences. Mention treason over the desire to keep owning other human beings. Talk about the atrocities inflicted upon slaves by the white masters and the poor duped rubes that fought their war for them. Go ahead and mention how they were politically called Democrats.

Sound fair?
I'd like many things, but we live where we vote on such things as a nation. Why do you hate our nation and its constitution? by the way, blacks owned slaves. Learn something.

Then what's your beef? The elected representatives of those cities voted to have them removed.
No they didn't

But in February, the City Council voted to remove the statue from the park.

The Statue at the Center of Charlottesville’s Storm
So are race relations better now?

by the way, the people should have voted not the council. When the masses don't support the council it should go to the public. Look at Chicago and their soft drink tax voted in by the city council. How many people you supposed like that? Stop being stupid.

The people DID vote. They voted for their legislators. Do you need a lesson on how government works in a representative republic?

The goal of taking down the statues wasn't to "improve race relations", but to stop making them worse. To stop glorifying a terrible time in our nation's history when Americans left the country they had quite recently founded just to hold on to the "right" to own other human beings.

The goal in taking them down certainly comes from a much better place than when and WHY they were put up.

I'd like many things, but we live where we vote on such things as a nation. Why do you hate our nation and its constitution? by the way, blacks owned slaves. Learn something.

Then what's your beef? The elected representatives of those cities voted to have them removed.
No they didn't

But in February, the City Council voted to remove the statue from the park.

The Statue at the Center of Charlottesville’s Storm
So are race relations better now?

by the way, the people should have voted not the council. When the masses don't support the council it should go to the public. Look at Chicago and their soft drink tax voted in by the city council. How many people you supposed like that? Stop being stupid.

The people DID vote. They voted for their legislators. Do you need a lesson on how government works in a representative republic?

The goal of taking down the statues wasn't to "improve race relations", but to stop making them worse. To stop glorifying a terrible time in our nation's history when Americans left the country they had quite recently founded just to hold on to the "right" to own other human beings.

The goal in taking them down certainly comes from a much better place than when and WHY they were put up.

In your opinion but not that of the masses. We live in a land where people vote. Let them vote it's not a council vote. Like referendums everywhere
Then what's your beef? The elected representatives of those cities voted to have them removed.
No they didn't

But in February, the City Council voted to remove the statue from the park.

The Statue at the Center of Charlottesville’s Storm
So are race relations better now?

by the way, the people should have voted not the council. When the masses don't support the council it should go to the public. Look at Chicago and their soft drink tax voted in by the city council. How many people you supposed like that? Stop being stupid.

The people DID vote. They voted for their legislators. Do you need a lesson on how government works in a representative republic?

The goal of taking down the statues wasn't to "improve race relations", but to stop making them worse. To stop glorifying a terrible time in our nation's history when Americans left the country they had quite recently founded just to hold on to the "right" to own other human beings.

The goal in taking them down certainly comes from a much better place than when and WHY they were put up.

In your opinion but not that of the masses. We live in a land where people vote. Let them vote it's not a council vote. Like referendums everywhere

You mean like how the people voted for Hillary Clinton?

So you believe in a direct democracy when it comes to your pet issues, but what about someone else's pet issues? Like when legislators vote to kick 30 million people off healthcare or vote to kick Trans soldiers out of the military? Shouldn't we all get to vote on every issue? How about building a wall? Shouldn't we all get to vote on that? Or sending more troops to Afghanistan? I'd like a national referendum on that.
Chris Matthews on Removing Statues of American Leaders: ‘Where Do We Stop?’

You know you're a wackadoodle movement when even the loons in your own party call you out for your bs.

I'm guessing Matthews isn't getting a tingle up his leg from this movement?
I thought ANTIFA was an anarchist movement. What makes you say it's a democrat cause?

It's not just Antifa going after the statues, it commiecrats joining their commie allies. The commiecrats in Houston have already renamed schools and streets just because the individual they were named after had some connection to the south. Of course they ignored all the money and other contributions these people made to the city after the war. They are now going after the statues of the citizens that helped the city become what it is today.

Citizens of communities are going after statues because they don't want racist or controversial figures celebrated in their communities. It isn't a left right thing. Nikki Haley was the one that took the confederate flag down. Stop with the games

Better yet how about you folks stop acting like a bunch of little fagots. People who participated in the civil war were pardoned, many made major contributions to their communities and the country afterwards. The crap you folks are dredging up now is pure idiocy. Try acting like a fucking adult for a change.

If they did something worthy of celebration in their communities then that's fine, but don't make a statue of them sitting on a horse in their confederate uniform. Get a clue man, we all know what's going on
No you don't.
No they didn't

But in February, the City Council voted to remove the statue from the park.

The Statue at the Center of Charlottesville’s Storm
So are race relations better now?

by the way, the people should have voted not the council. When the masses don't support the council it should go to the public. Look at Chicago and their soft drink tax voted in by the city council. How many people you supposed like that? Stop being stupid.

The people DID vote. They voted for their legislators. Do you need a lesson on how government works in a representative republic?

The goal of taking down the statues wasn't to "improve race relations", but to stop making them worse. To stop glorifying a terrible time in our nation's history when Americans left the country they had quite recently founded just to hold on to the "right" to own other human beings.

The goal in taking them down certainly comes from a much better place than when and WHY they were put up.

In your opinion but not that of the masses. We live in a land where people vote. Let them vote it's not a council vote. Like referendums everywhere

You mean like how the people voted for Hillary Clinton?

So you believe in a direct democracy when it comes to your pet issues, but what about someone else's pet issues? Like when legislators vote to kick 30 million people off healthcare or vote to kick Trans soldiers out of the military? Shouldn't we all get to vote on every issue? How about building a wall? Shouldn't we all get to vote on that? Or sending more troops to Afghanistan? I'd like a national referendum on that.
I believe in the constitution obviously you don't
If they did something worthy of celebration in their communities then that's fine, but don't make a statue of them sitting on a horse in their confederate uniform. Get a clue man, we all know what's going on
I seriously doubt you have any idea whatsoever about "what is going on" I can vouch for the fact you have no idea what happened in the civil war and reconstruction it is evident each time this subject comes up. They di what they had to do to try to keep as much of their homeland from being burned and their wives and children killed and raped as they could. Win or lose they did all they could to keep murdering vile disgusting scum invaders from taking what little they had from them. SO fuck your taking down statues that stood for honor and valor, Not for any damn piece of shit Planter, they didn't fight in the war, they just took their money and caught a boat to some offshore kingdom and came back after to deal with the fucking carpetbaggers that were killing the freed slaves like slaughtering cattle. Your leftist scum narrative has about as much in common with truth as Norma Jean Baker has with Phyllis Ada Driver. The shit communist scum in the latest incarnation of antifa have nothing in common with ANY group of people who fought against hitler's murdering scum, in fact they are quite like them in most ways.
As interesting as your spun story about the civil war is, per this discussion it is irrelevant. I've heard the same type of accounts about the Nazis and hitler that justify what they did and paint them as heros. But for this situation we are talking about symbols that stand for a certain set of values. Like I said before if there is a statute of a community leader who happened to be with the confederate, who founded a school that's erected by his school, then I have no problem with that. But if he is in the town square wearing a military uniform, then that's a different story.

The simple facts that the Nazis and KKK rallied around one of these statues to fight for its preservation along with the history of erecting many of these statutes during Jim Crow as symbols to put Blacks in the place as they fought for their rights, it shows what many of these statues stand for, and those are not values that many Americans identify with
If they did something worthy of celebration in their communities then that's fine, but don't make a statue of them sitting on a horse in their confederate uniform. Get a clue man, we all know what's going on
I seriously doubt you have any idea whatsoever about "what is going on" I can vouch for the fact you have no idea what happened in the civil war and reconstruction it is evident each time this subject comes up. They di what they had to do to try to keep as much of their homeland from being burned and their wives and children killed and raped as they could. Win or lose they did all they could to keep murdering vile disgusting scum invaders from taking what little they had from them. SO fuck your taking down statues that stood for honor and valor, Not for any damn piece of shit Planter, they didn't fight in the war, they just took their money and caught a boat to some offshore kingdom and came back after to deal with the fucking carpetbaggers that were killing the freed slaves like slaughtering cattle. Your leftist scum narrative has about as much in common with truth as Norma Jean Baker has with Phyllis Ada Driver. The shit communist scum in the latest incarnation of antifa have nothing in common with ANY group of people who fought against hitler's murdering scum, in fact they are quite like them in most ways.
As interesting as your spun story about the civil war is, per this discussion it is irrelevant. I've heard the same type of accounts about the Nazis and hitler that justify what they did and paint them as heros. But for this situation we are talking about symbols that stand for a certain set of values. Like I said before if there is a statute of a community leader who happened to be with the confederate, who founded a school that's erected by his school, then I have no problem with that. But if he is in the town square wearing a military uniform, then that's a different story.

The simple facts that the Nazis and KKK rallied around one of these statues to fight for its preservation along with the history of erecting many of these statutes during Jim Crow as symbols to put Blacks in the place as they fought for their rights, it shows what many of these statues stand for, and those are not values that many Americans identify with
So are you saying that removing the symbols will help blacks? Now that the statues are down is hate resolved? What is your plan beyond the removal of history?
But in February, the City Council voted to remove the statue from the park.

The Statue at the Center of Charlottesville’s Storm
So are race relations better now?

by the way, the people should have voted not the council. When the masses don't support the council it should go to the public. Look at Chicago and their soft drink tax voted in by the city council. How many people you supposed like that? Stop being stupid.

The people DID vote. They voted for their legislators. Do you need a lesson on how government works in a representative republic?

The goal of taking down the statues wasn't to "improve race relations", but to stop making them worse. To stop glorifying a terrible time in our nation's history when Americans left the country they had quite recently founded just to hold on to the "right" to own other human beings.

The goal in taking them down certainly comes from a much better place than when and WHY they were put up.

In your opinion but not that of the masses. We live in a land where people vote. Let them vote it's not a council vote. Like referendums everywhere

You mean like how the people voted for Hillary Clinton?

So you believe in a direct democracy when it comes to your pet issues, but what about someone else's pet issues? Like when legislators vote to kick 30 million people off healthcare or vote to kick Trans soldiers out of the military? Shouldn't we all get to vote on every issue? How about building a wall? Shouldn't we all get to vote on that? Or sending more troops to Afghanistan? I'd like a national referendum on that.
I believe in the constitution obviously you don't
There is nothing unconstitutional about the city council, elected by the people, voting to remove monuments on public land.
So are race relations better now?

by the way, the people should have voted not the council. When the masses don't support the council it should go to the public. Look at Chicago and their soft drink tax voted in by the city council. How many people you supposed like that? Stop being stupid.

The people DID vote. They voted for their legislators. Do you need a lesson on how government works in a representative republic?

The goal of taking down the statues wasn't to "improve race relations", but to stop making them worse. To stop glorifying a terrible time in our nation's history when Americans left the country they had quite recently founded just to hold on to the "right" to own other human beings.

The goal in taking them down certainly comes from a much better place than when and WHY they were put up.

In your opinion but not that of the masses. We live in a land where people vote. Let them vote it's not a council vote. Like referendums everywhere

You mean like how the people voted for Hillary Clinton?

So you believe in a direct democracy when it comes to your pet issues, but what about someone else's pet issues? Like when legislators vote to kick 30 million people off healthcare or vote to kick Trans soldiers out of the military? Shouldn't we all get to vote on every issue? How about building a wall? Shouldn't we all get to vote on that? Or sending more troops to Afghanistan? I'd like a national referendum on that.
I believe in the constitution obviously you don't
There is nothing unconstitutional about the city council, elected by the people, voting to remove monuments on public land.
Nope nothing at all never said there was. Why are you afraid of the people voting on it like any other referendum? It's the people's money not the council's
If they did something worthy of celebration in their communities then that's fine, but don't make a statue of them sitting on a horse in their confederate uniform. Get a clue man, we all know what's going on
I seriously doubt you have any idea whatsoever about "what is going on" I can vouch for the fact you have no idea what happened in the civil war and reconstruction it is evident each time this subject comes up. They di what they had to do to try to keep as much of their homeland from being burned and their wives and children killed and raped as they could. Win or lose they did all they could to keep murdering vile disgusting scum invaders from taking what little they had from them. SO fuck your taking down statues that stood for honor and valor, Not for any damn piece of shit Planter, they didn't fight in the war, they just took their money and caught a boat to some offshore kingdom and came back after to deal with the fucking carpetbaggers that were killing the freed slaves like slaughtering cattle. Your leftist scum narrative has about as much in common with truth as Norma Jean Baker has with Phyllis Ada Driver. The shit communist scum in the latest incarnation of antifa have nothing in common with ANY group of people who fought against hitler's murdering scum, in fact they are quite like them in most ways.
As interesting as your spun story about the civil war is, per this discussion it is irrelevant. I've heard the same type of accounts about the Nazis and hitler that justify what they did and paint them as heros. But for this situation we are talking about symbols that stand for a certain set of values. Like I said before if there is a statute of a community leader who happened to be with the confederate, who founded a school that's erected by his school, then I have no problem with that. But if he is in the town square wearing a military uniform, then that's a different story.

The simple facts that the Nazis and KKK rallied around one of these statues to fight for its preservation along with the history of erecting many of these statutes during Jim Crow as symbols to put Blacks in the place as they fought for their rights, it shows what many of these statues stand for, and those are not values that many Americans identify with
So are you saying that removing the symbols will help blacks? Now that the statues are down is hate resolved? What is your plan beyond the removal of history?
"Removing history" is such an over dramatic snowflake term. Makes me laugh when I hear y'all continue to use it. To answer your question, no of course moving or removing statues doesn't solve all our race problems, but it takes a stand and shows action against racist values, which we should all be able to unify around, especially after the events in Charolettsville. Instead of taking a unified stand against the Nazi and racist groups that are speaking out we embarrassingly fall into partisan arguments where people like you defend the statues on the side of the Nazi/KKK and try and turn the conversation towards the Left by attacking ANTIFA. You feed right into the agenda of the hate groups, and you were lead there by the careless words of our dear leader.

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