Chris Matthews Ridicules Perry Sunday Speech,Yet No Mention Of His Texas Succsess

Feb 13, 2011
Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.
Hand gestures? Seriously?

He couldn't challenge the substance?
What success?

Texas is in the hole big time.

And most of the "Jobs" created in Texas is as a result of the energy industry. it turns HEAVILY subsidized by the government.

Not only that..Perry looks at leaving the United States as an "option" for Texas.
Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.

Rick Perry begs to be bashed. He must like it, he continues to say the dumbest things...

Kinda like you.
Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.

Chris Mathews is in love with Obama.MSNBC has all their hosts doing little 30 second videos
during their commercial breaks.Mathews has a few and every one of them attacks the Republicans for the poor way Mathews feels Obama has been treated.There is no doubt a love affair here between MSNBC and the White House.They feel it's their duty to attack on behalf of the President any Republican challenger.I have never before seen such hatred from the left as seen the last 10 years. :(
Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.

Rick Perry begs to be bashed. He must like it, he continues to say the dumbest things...

Kinda like you.

If he begs to be bashed for saying the dumbest things, why isnt he being bashed for saying dumb things?

If he says dumb things go ahead and attack him. But dont pretend making fun of hand gestures is a serious refutation of anything he said.
Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.

Which success is that?

Number one in uninsured

Number one in Amount of Toxic Emissions from Manufacturing Facilities

Number 1 in Amount of Toxic Release Inventory Chemicals
Used by Manufacturing Industries

Number one in Number of Clean Water Permit Violations

Number one in Number of Environmental Civil Rights Complaints

Number one in Number of Hazardous Waste and Spills

Number one in Percentage of Uninsured Children

Number on in Number of Executions

Number one in Number of Adults in the Criminal Justice System

While California has six public universities ranked in the top 50
nationwide, Texas has only one, the University of Texas at Austin

But Texas does have 5 of the fattest cities in the US, with Houston being, once again, NUMBER 1!

Yea, let's move to Texas. I only have one suggestion -----> Don't Drink the Water!
I usually watch Harball to see what Tingles has to say, and what he refuses to report. I have never seen Matthews discuss the Iranian Nuke crisis,not discuss how Obama doesn't wanna deal with IRAN making bombs to throw at Israel. I rarely see Chris Matthews discuss the joblessness,high gas and expensive food crisis.In general, he wont discuss the issues that Americans are so concerned about,his prority is bashing all the GOP delegates. I can't wait till the fall when the polls start coming in more often showing that Obama can never get more than 44/43 %. {againt any leading candidate)
I usually watch Harball to see what Tingles has to say, and what he refuses to report. I have never seen Matthews discuss the Iranian Nuke crisis,not discuss how Obama doesn't wanna deal with IRAN making bombs to throw at Israel. I rarely see Chris Matthews discuss the joblessness,high gas and expensive food crisis.In general, he wont discuss the issues that Americans are so concerned about,his prority is bashing all the GOP delegates. I can't wait till the fall when the polls start coming in more often showing that Obama can never get more than 44/43 %. {againt any leading candidate)

Happened to catch the Guy with the moist pants Chris Mathews tonight.The lead story attack Gov.Perry and make fun of him and the Republicans.The next story he got into because it was about John Stewart bashing Sarah Palin....

What a joke this guy has turned into.

Maybe one night the left can talk about what the President is doing in regards to his ...well
his job..

I guess the way things are going it's no wonder the Left wants to turn attention away from this administration.

Obama is gonna have to answer for things eventually and Mathews and the rest can't cover for him forever. :eusa_whistle:
Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.

Why you expect someone's full resume to be including in a segment about a speech they gave? Also, it's pretty dubious to call Texas a success.
Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.

Have you ever considered the possibility that you watch way too much MSNBC?
I dont watch much PMS NBC, I only watch Hardboils and sometimes the Ed Show. But I do watch MSNBC for their murder mystery programs,ocassionaly the reruns of OnLine Predators(aka, Obama Supporters). But the dude who replaced Sargeant Schultz at 6pm is the bottom of the barrel. Aside from Racheal MaddTampon, he is just atrocious. I wonder if he has an internal lemmywink problem.
Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.

why should chris matthews shill for your guy? you have fauxnews for that.

Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.

why should chris matthews shill for your guy? you have fauxnews for that.


Also never understood the right-wing insanity of Matthew's tingle comment. You can find him saying something equally outlandish about pretty much any other major politician you can think of. The guy loves massaging the balls of people in power.
Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.

why should chris matthews shill for your guy? you have fauxnews for that.


Also never understood the right-wing insanity of Matthew's tingle comment. You can find him saying something equally outlandish about pretty much any other major politician you can think of. The guy loves massaging the balls of people in power.

I was unaware of his personal preferences... really didnt need to know them anyway.
Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.

You're not really watching MSNBC aka the Obama network channel are you? Conservatives are never going to get good coverage from this station--they are ALL in bed with Barack Obama.

In fact here is a video of Criss Mathews--The tingley feeling running up his leg guy--every time Obama gives a speech.

Criss Mathews is actually making his 1st campaign advertisement for Barack Obama.

Watch it for PROOF--NEVER let a liberal tell you that this station is "fair and balanced"--:razz:

YouTube - ‪Are MSNBC and Chris Matthews running their own campaign commercials for President Obama?‬‏

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