Chris Matthews Ridicules Perry Sunday Speech,Yet No Mention Of His Texas Succsess

I can't believe the nerve of Chrissy with his mini-ad bitchin' that none of the republicans are saying that Yobama is just as American as they are. Could Crissy be more laughable than that? thats like saying, Obama believes that there is no racism in America.
What success?

Texas is in the hole big time.

That's odd. Leftists consider Obama digging us deeper into the hole to be a success.

But I guess expecting logic and consistency from leftists is just not realistic.
Even if some people are working for lower wages in Texas, at least they have jobs. And what a performance by Perry On Sunday,,now I'd like to see those liberal pussies that we have all weak and boring candidates, Perry Made Obama look like horse poop ! If it comes down to Perry and Obama in the end, how is Obama gonna match up with Perry in the debates? Its gonna be like comparing Josh Groban to Greg Brady in American Idol.
Even if some people are working for lower wages in Texas, at least they have jobs. And what a performance by Perry On Sunday,,now I'd like to see those liberal pussies that we have all weak and boring candidates, Perry Made Obama look like horse poop ! If it comes down to Perry and Obama in the end, how is Obama gonna match up with Perry in the debates? Its gonna be like comparing Josh Groban to Greg Brady in American Idol.

yeah, american workers should get the same salaries as overseas workers while corporations take record profits and pay less and less taxes.

I wonder if Chrissy will ever mention that Perry doesn't need a teleprompter just to speak to a crowd&answer questions.
There's gonna be an earthquake in the south if Perry Runs, Obama is gonna run out of states to campaign in. And where can he campaign without a protest? all the swing states hate him.
Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.

Which success is that?

Number one in uninsured

Number one in Amount of Toxic Emissions from Manufacturing Facilities

Number 1 in Amount of Toxic Release Inventory Chemicals
Used by Manufacturing Industries

Number one in Number of Clean Water Permit Violations

Number one in Number of Environmental Civil Rights Complaints

Number one in Number of Hazardous Waste and Spills

Number one in Percentage of Uninsured Children

Number on in Number of Executions

Number one in Number of Adults in the Criminal Justice System

While California has six public universities ranked in the top 50
nationwide, Texas has only one, the University of Texas at Austin

But Texas does have 5 of the fattest cities in the US, with Houston being, once again, NUMBER 1!

Yea, let's move to Texas. I only have one suggestion -----> Don't Drink the Water!

Where is the reputable, nonpartisan link for all of these "facts"?
Gee whiz, more right wing lies. Matthews never said anything about a tingley feeling running up his leg. All he felt going up his leg was a thrill, period. But that was quite a while ago so by now he's probably getting a hard-on just seeing Barry, and God only knows what happens once he starts to speak.
Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.

While Matthews is a putz, you still cant say exactly what it is that Perry has done to make Texas do so well. What will he say when a debate moderator asks him that question ? What will he say when asked about foreign investors being offered Texas toll roads, or about Perrys connection to the Merik drug company ? You need to remember the lesson we learned with Bammer, and investigate the candidate.
Gee whiz, more right wing lies. Matthews never said anything about a tingley feeling running up his leg. All he felt going up his leg was a thrill, period. But that was quite a while ago so by now he's probably getting a hard-on just seeing Barry, and God only knows what happens once he starts to speak.
A difference that makes no difference is no difference.

And Chrissie STILL feels that way.

Chris Matthews: I Still Get 'The Same Thrill Up My Leg, All Over Me' From Obama Campaign Speech (VIDEO)
There's gonna be an earthquake in the south if Perry Runs, Obama is gonna run out of states to campaign in. And where can he campaign without a protest? all the swing states hate him.

Don't forget he's got those extra 7 states in his back pocket.
oh, yes, Obama can campaign in the other 57 states where he has an 85% approval rating,,,Like MARTHA'S VINYARD !!!
Chris Matthews is an ignorant leftist sycophant.....
Who really has fanciful non-facts and an incredible scary hated for women......especially smart conservative women.:disbelief:
What success?

Texas is in the hole big time.
True, but unlike CA they have a plan to get out of it. They have also done amazingly well without a corporate or income tax and low property taxes! Not to mention their SMART regulations on mortgage during the mortgage boom, kept their property values low and AFFORDABLE (since they didn't artificially inflate like the rest of the country) and they have avoided the foreclosure and shortsale crisis!

And most of the "Jobs" created in Texas is as a result of the energy industry.
You are so full of shit and you never know what you are talking about.

Fortune 500 Companies
Fortune 500 2010: States: Texas Companies - FORTUNE on
Texas was home to six of the top 50 companies on the Fortune 500 list and 57 overall, tied with California. Including American Airlines and Southwest Airlines

Exporting CONSUMER GOODS Exporting State!
Largest state GDPs in the United States - Gross Domestic Product - GDP | EconPost
As the largest exporter of goods in the United States, Texas currently grosses more than $100 billion a year in trade with other nations.

Texas had a gross state product of $1.224 trillion, the second highest in the U.S. Texas's Per Capita personal income in 2009 was $36,484, ranking 29th in the nation, which is below the national average.

Texas had the second largest workforce in the United States, with almost 11 million civilian workers. The lack of personal income tax as well as the largely undervalued real estate throughout Texas has led to significant growth in population. Since 2003, the legislature in conjunction with the Governor's office has made economic development a top priority.

More on their exports!
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for the seventh year in a row, Texas led the United States in export revenues. Texas exports for 2008 totaled $192.2 billion.[9] In 2002, the Port of Houston was 6th among the top sea ports in the world in terms of total cargo volume;[10] Air Cargo World rated Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport as "the best air cargo airport in the world".

Their agricultural development
Economy of Texas including Texas Agriculture and Manufacturing from NETSTATE.COM
Texas is a productive agricultural state..Texas leads the nation in number of cattle, usually exceeding 16 million head...leads nationally in production of sheep and goat products...Texas is king of cotton production...a large producer of watermelons, grapefruits, and cantaloupes.

Computer Technology
The Austin area is often nicknamed "Silicon Hills". Dell's headquarters is located in the city's suburb, Round Rock. Dallas is the birthplace of the integrated circuit. The North Dallas area is called the "Telecom Corridor" for the area's high concentration of Information Technology companies such as Texas Instruments and EDS. In addition, Harris County-based Compaq, was once the world's largest computer companies. After Compaq's merger with Hewlett-Packard, the new owner currently employs more employees in the Houston area, than anywhere else in the world
You bash the best state in the union, Texas, but you don't address one of the worst that you live in Illinois! You're a coward!

Once again, Chrissy Tingles bashes another threat to Obama,yet refuses to reveal the "Great Aspects" of the candidate. Tonight on Harballs,Chris Matthews opens the show by bashing Rick Perry for his puppet/staged performance from Sunday. He was making fun of his hand gestures? What, did he expect Governor Perry to deliver the speech with his hands in his pockets? Between Matthews and his two dunderhead commentators, they just took Perry apart, Yet Never Mentioned The Economic Succsess Of Texas! And MSNBC Is The Place For Politics? More Like The Place For Fat Liberal Gerbils.

Which success is that?

Number one in uninsured

Number one in Amount of Toxic Emissions from Manufacturing Facilities

Number 1 in Amount of Toxic Release Inventory Chemicals
Used by Manufacturing Industries

Number one in Number of Clean Water Permit Violations

Number one in Number of Environmental Civil Rights Complaints

Number one in Number of Hazardous Waste and Spills

Number one in Percentage of Uninsured Children

Number on in Number of Executions

Number one in Number of Adults in the Criminal Justice System

While California has six public universities ranked in the top 50
nationwide, Texas has only one, the University of Texas at Austin

But Texas does have 5 of the fattest cities in the US, with Houston being, once again, NUMBER 1!

Yea, let's move to Texas. I only have one suggestion -----> Don't Drink the Water!
Even if some people are working for lower wages in Texas, at least they have jobs. And what a performance by Perry On Sunday,,now I'd like to see those liberal pussies that we have all weak and boring candidates, Perry Made Obama look like horse poop ! If it comes down to Perry and Obama in the end, how is Obama gonna match up with Perry in the debates? Its gonna be like comparing Josh Groban to Greg Brady in American Idol.

yeah, american workers should get the same salaries as overseas workers while corporations take record profits and pay less and less taxes.



Property, food, GAS and most good are cheaper in Texas. You could make $150K in NY and LA, but live a middle class life style. Yet you could make $50K in Texas and has a modest home in a good Texas burb, with a good school district and a safe neighborhood. They didn't get smoked by the mortgage meltdown. They don't have a income tax and they know how to keep prices down!

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