Chris Rock Used The N Word So Many Times On His New Show On Netflix.....But He Redeemed Himself By Saying He's Pro-Choice


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Jul 21, 2009
You can break every woke rule in the book as long as you make sure you patronize leftist causes.

Chris Rock's new show on Netflix was billed as being great because it focused on "The Slap". Even Fox News was talking about it saying he's finally addressing the incident. Nobody told them that Chris has been using the slap in his shows since a week or two after the incident happened. I guess they felt people would have short memories...or I guess they're trying to get people to watch the Oscars this year.

Chris Rock isn't MC'ing this year's show. Another leftist shill is. What's his name...the guy that used to make videos of him molesting women in public. JIMMY KIMMEL

Well, Chris mentioned the slap, just barely....but I'm watching it and barely even mentioned Will Smith by name. He just talked about victim-hood. He said words don't hurt when you just got punched in the face.

But for some strange reason Chris felt he had to mention that he loves his daughters and loves them so much that he wants them to be able to make choices.

Chris Rock clears his ledger. He doesn't have to worry about leftist critics tearing his new show a new a**hole now. Chris doesn't have to worry about being cancelled even thought liberals were screaming bloody murder about his show.
Chris Rock must have used the "N" word a hundred times.....but he can get away with it because
he's black.

Last year was the Black Oscars.

This year is different, Not one black man has been nominated for best actor this year BTW.

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As I said in a review thread about this show... it was not one of Chris Rock's best work.
In fact, it might be his worst.
1) It wasn't that funny. Several times the audience was literally dead silent after a punch line. In the world of stand up that is the worst possible outcome. And it happened more than once.
2) The show was filmed in Baltimore, and he kept using references to people and places in Baltimore that no one else would know what he was talking about. 3 times he uses "Cherry Hill" as part of the punchline... I had to look up at what the heck is Cherry Hill.
3) The "Slap" was barely mentioned. What... 5 second little mention?
4) His delivery was off. At times when talking about a specific issue, his delivery was more like a speech than comedy. You take Chappele or Burr, they address the same issues and say the same message but also make you laugh your ass off!

All in all, probably Rocks worst performance I have ever seen. It just wasn't that funny.
As I said in a review thread about this show... it was not one of Chris Rock's best work.
In fact, it might be his worst.
1) It wasn't that funny. Several times the audience was literally dead silent after a punch line. In the world of stand up that is the worst possible outcome. And it happened more than once.
2) The show was filmed in Baltimore, and he kept using references to people and places in Baltimore that no one else would know what he was talking about. 3 times he uses "Cherry Hill" as part of the punchline... I had to look up at what the heck is Cherry Hill.
3) The "Slap" was barely mentioned. What... 5 second little mention?
4) His delivery was off. At times when talking about a specific issue, his delivery was more like a speech than comedy. You take Chappele or Burr, they address the same issues and say the same message but also make you laugh your ass off!

All in all, probably Rocks worst performance I have ever seen. It just wasn't that funny. begin with...Chris was dressed completely in white.
He would have gotten a better reception if he had been in all black, because all blacks know you have to show your blackness by wearing if you're going to a funeral.
Barack established this when he and his family wore nothing but black with a little blood-red thrown in.

Chris might have pissed a few people off at a subconscious level by wearing white.

Black people usually wear all black to rub their blackness in white people's faces.

My wife is black....but she hates dark colors.
She always likes bright colors.
Wearing black shows you have a dark soul....or you're trying to slim your fat ass.
I'm surprised the left was oaky with the abortion stuff since Rock hits prochoice by calling it murder or killing babies, can't remember specific term he used.

Yeah, I got that too.

But they'll forgive him for using a word that they are not allowed to use, they'll forgive him for anything.

After all, he's a big star! They lick his toes.

I'm surprised the left was oaky with the abortion stuff since Rock hits prochoice by calling it murder or killing babies, can't remember specific term he used.
Chris Rock repeated a key talking-point, so they don't care about the rest of it.
This is how most people in Hollywood keep getting work, repeating talking-points in public.
They get noticed by progressive directors and producers that way.
Mouth off loudly at an award ceremony and you'll get a bunch of calls the next day.
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Once Chris Rock repeated a key talking-point, so they don't care about the rest of it.
This is how most people in Hollywood keep getting work, repeating talking-points in public.
They get noticed by progressive directors and producers that way.
Mouth off loudly at an award ceremony and you'll get a bunch of calls the next day.

Maher is the same way in being able to ridicule the left but as long as he throws in a jab or 12 about TRUMP he's safe. Same is true for almost all white liberal comedians. They get "get out of being a racist" cards by attacking MAGA republicans, no other way to explain how people like Kimmel who not to many years ago did skits in blackface and don't get canceled.
Maher is the same way in being able to ridicule the left but as long as he throws in a jab or 12 about TRUMP he's safe. Same is true for almost all white liberal comedians. They get "get out of being a racist" cards by attacking MAGA republicans, no other way to explain how people like Kimmel who not to many years ago did skits in blackface and don't get canceled.
It also perpetuates false stereotypes.
Kimmel literally used to fake sexual-assaults on strange woman in public just to get a laugh.
Like giving them rimjobs while they're looking thru a telescope and them not knowing it.

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