Chris Wallace on Trump interview: "He took all the questions, Biden hasn't faced the same scrutiny"

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
Good for Wallace, I thought he was tough and fair. He conceded several points to Trump:
1. Gave him credit for taking the interview.

2. Agreed that HRC has not yet accepted the results of the 2016 election.

3. Agreed that Biden is unlikely to be able to take so much heat.

"The fact is, the president is out there. He's out there in this broiling heat with me for an hour, he took all the questions. You can like his answers or dislike them but he had answers and Joe Biden hasn’t faced that kind of scrutiny, hasn’t faced that kind of exposure"

"You’ve got to feel at some point he’s going to come out from the basement ... he’s gonna have to be more exposed and take questions just as tough as the ones I asked this president,” Wallace said. “He’s gonna have to do it with a bunch of people and, of course, he’s going to have those three debates with the president and you know that the president can handle himself in these debates... I think there is an open question there, can Joe Biden do the same?”
Chris Wallace committed the ultimate sin against Trump by fact checking and asking follow up questions. He will not be granted another interview.
Chris Wallace committed the ultimate sin against Trump by fact checking and asking follow up questions. He will not be granted another interview.

If only CNN MSNBC and the test of the MSM would do the same the country would be in a much better place. It's not going to happen.
Fielding questions is easy for a man who lies with every sentence that comes out of his pie hole.

Hillary accepted the results of the election. Why would anyone suggest otherwise?

Biden has no problem being interviewed by anyone.

Total fail thread.
Chris Wallace committed the ultimate sin against Trump by fact checking and asking follow up questions. He will not be granted another interview.

If only CNN MSNBC and the test of the MSM would do the same the country would be in a much better place. It's not going to happen.
What? You think they should ask him about the dozens of conspiracy theories cooked up by the right and the Russians? Of course you do.
Fielding questions is easy for a man who lies with every sentence that comes out of his pie hole.

Hillary accepted the results of the election. Why would anyone suggest otherwise?

Biden has no problem being interviewed by anyone.

Total fail thread.
Oh really... well then... you can point us to the Hidin' Biden interview that was just as tough... link?

Chris Wallace committed the ultimate sin against Trump by fact checking and asking follow up questions. He will not be granted another interview.
Chris wallace is a never trumper who wears his bias on his sleeve

that makes him a bad journslist
Hillary accepted the results of the election. Why would anyone suggest otherwise?
Chris Wallace committed the ultimate sin against Trump by fact checking and asking follow up questions. He will not be granted another interview.
Chris wallace is a never trumper who wears his bias on his sleeve

that makes him a bad journslist
A bad journalist pitches prepared softballs and allows interviewees to lie to their face. That's the interview Trump wanted and thought he would get. It's actually quite shocking that Wallace acted like a real journalist for once in his miserable propagandist career.
Biden is NOT President,... yet.
Biden won't screw up the country like Trump has.
Biden won't create the chaotic mess that Trump has.
Biden won't lie to us and make up "alternative facts" like Trump has.
Agreed, Biden will hold the interview INSIDE with AC instead of outside in 100 degree heat.
Good for Wallace, I thought he was tough and fair. He conceded several points to Trump:
1. Gave him credit for taking the interview.

2. Agreed that HRC has not yet accepted the results of the 2016 election.

3. Agreed that Biden is unlikely to be able to take so much heat.

"The fact is, the president is out there. He's out there in this broiling heat with me for an hour, he took all the questions. You can like his answers or dislike them but he had answers and Joe Biden hasn’t faced that kind of scrutiny, hasn’t faced that kind of exposure"

"You’ve got to feel at some point he’s going to come out from the basement ... he’s gonna have to be more exposed and take questions just as tough as the ones I asked this president,” Wallace said. “He’s gonna have to do it with a bunch of people and, of course, he’s going to have those three debates with the president and you know that the president can handle himself in these debates... I think there is an open question there, can Joe Biden do the same?”
The best way to debate the smelly skidmark is to not say anything and let him bury himself.
Biden would not get the same easy, softball interview that Trump got. Wallace would treat Biden as a regular presidential candidate, asking “how are you going to pay for that” questions, and maybe asking about Hunter. You didn’t see Wallace ask any questions about the Trump kids or Jared, even though they are burning through taxpayer money every single day.

Plus, Trump just lies and doesn’t get called on it:

Some governors have done well, some governors have done poorly. They're supposed to have supplies they didn't have. I supplied everybody.

That’s a lie. He did not supply everybody. In fact, Jared said “this is our supply of PPE”. Chris Wallace didn’t say shit. Didn’t correct him. Let it stand. Because Wallace is a conservative.
Chris Wallace committed the ultimate sin against Trump by fact checking and asking follow up questions. He will not be granted another interview.

If only CNN MSNBC and the test of the MSM would do the same the country would be in a much better place. It's not going to happen.
What? You think they should ask him about the dozens of conspiracy theories cooked up by the right and the Russians? Of course you do.

No. I think they should do exactly what I said. Not what you feeeeelllll I said or whatever your angry leftist brain thinks I said.

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