Christian activists booted from Seattle coffee shop: ‘I’m gay. You have to leave’

You say you would be ok with a return to the days when blacks were denied service at businesses. I'm sorry, but I call bullshit when you say that's your position. I think you're lying to back up the play of this gay coffee shop owner who denied service based on religion

In fact, I'm okay with being it anyone. It appears you're fine with the government forcing people to do business with one another so long as you like them. Which is as self-serving as it is inconsistent. My position on public accommodation laws have been the same for many years now.
Your position makes no sense. I think you fail to understand what it would be like to be denied a stay at a hotel or a restaurant meal because of the color of your skin. If this is really your position, you aren't very smart.

Which goes back to my original response you in this thread: you're fine public accommodations laws so long as they don't protect queers. All the protections you enjoy are good, but the ones that protect them are bad. Good Christ, you're such a hack. lol
You deliberately misstate my position, which means, once again -- you are a liar.

I have no problem with homosexuals as a protected class for accomodation laws.

However, if a customer asks a businessman to provide a product or service that violates his religious beliefs, he should not be mandated by law to do it.

You are probably too stupid to understand my position, because it requires a certain level of mental sophistication.

And yet you can't refuse service to someone on the grounds they violate your religious beliefs of the First Commandment. Why should a southern Baptist be forced by the government to do business with a Mormon, Muslim, or Catholic? They shouldn't.
You say you would be ok with a return to the days when blacks were denied service at businesses. I'm sorry, but I call bullshit when you say that's your position. I think you're lying to back up the play of this gay coffee shop owner who denied service based on religion

In fact, I'm okay with being it anyone. It appears you're fine with the government forcing people to do business with one another so long as you like them. Which is as self-serving as it is inconsistent. My position on public accommodation laws have been the same for many years now.
Your position makes no sense. I think you fail to understand what it would be like to be denied a stay at a hotel or a restaurant meal because of the color of your skin. If this is really your position, you aren't very smart.

Which goes back to my original response you in this thread: you're fine public accommodations laws so long as they don't protect queers. All the protections you enjoy are good, but the ones that protect them are bad. Good Christ, you're such a hack. lol
You deliberately misstate my position, which means, once again -- you are a liar.

I have no problem with homosexuals as a protected class for accomodation laws.

However, if a customer asks a businessman to provide a product or service that violates his religious beliefs, he should not be mandated by law to do it.

You are probably too stupid to understand my position, because it requires a certain level of mental sophistication.

And yet you can't refuse service to someone on the grounds they violate your religious beliefs of the First Commandment. Why should a southern Baptist be forced by the government to do business with a Mormon, Muslim, or Catholic? They shouldn't.
You're an idiot.
Wow, that was a desperate thing to say. Proves you've lost the argument.

You're right, I should've whined about grammar instead. lol
I didn't correct your grammar, I corrected your spelling.

More proof you are a dumbass, that you don't know the difference between grammar and spelling.

You wound me deeply. :crybaby:
All the anal sex you are engaging in has made you stupid.

You think a Catholic or a Protestant should be able to deny service at his restaurant to someone because they are a Jew.

If you truly serious, you are completely insane or absolutely stupid.

That's the way things used to be, and I am very glad those days are over.

Why would you want to return to something like that?
All the anal sex you are engaging in has made you stupid.

You think a Catholic or a Protestant should be able to deny service at his restaurant to someone because they are a Jew.

If you truly serious, you are completely insane or absolutely stupid.

That's the way things used to be, and I am very glad those days are over.

Why would you want to return to something like that?

I think it should be up to the individual businesses and the free market to decide their fate, but you want the government to dictate those standards instead. If the people find their business practices abhorrent they will take their money elsewhere.
All the anal sex you are engaging in has made you stupid.

You think a Catholic or a Protestant should be able to deny service at his restaurant to someone because they are a Jew.

If you truly serious, you are completely insane or absolutely stupid.

That's the way things used to be, and I am very glad those days are over.

Why would you want to return to something like that?

I think it should be up to the individual businesses and the free market to decide their fate, but you want the government to dictate those standards instead. If the people find their business practices abhorrent they will take their money elsewhere.
History proves that it doesn't hurt business that much to discriminate against blacks and Jews. If you knew any history, you would know that.
This guy is a crude, disgusting, vile jackass.

It's his business, he should be able to serve who he wants. Or not. This freedom must be allowed to all, though. Cause otherwise this is just bullshit.
Gays want a world where Christians have to bow to them in submission, but they are free to kick Christians around as much as they like.
All the anal sex you are engaging in has made you stupid.

You think a Catholic or a Protestant should be able to deny service at his restaurant to someone because they are a Jew.

If you truly serious, you are completely insane or absolutely stupid.

That's the way things used to be, and I am very glad those days are over.

Why would you want to return to something like that?

I think it should be up to the individual businesses and the free market to decide their fate, but you want the government to dictate those standards instead. If the people find their business practices abhorrent they will take their money elsewhere.
History proves that it doesn't hurt business that much to discriminate against blacks and Jews. If you knew any history, you would know that.

You clearly have very little faith in the people of this country if you think the government to has force people to do businesses with Jews and Blacks.
All the anal sex you are engaging in has made you stupid.

You think a Catholic or a Protestant should be able to deny service at his restaurant to someone because they are a Jew.

If you truly serious, you are completely insane or absolutely stupid.

That's the way things used to be, and I am very glad those days are over.

Why would you want to return to something like that?

I think it should be up to the individual businesses and the free market to decide their fate, but you want the government to dictate those standards instead. If the people find their business practices abhorrent they will take their money elsewhere.
History proves that it doesn't hurt business that much to discriminate against blacks and Jews. If you knew any history, you would know that.

You clearly have very little faith in the people of this country if you think the government to has force people to do businesses with Jews and Blacks.
Again, you are ignorant.
Bedlam Coffee owner: I didn’t kick them out for being Christian

"This wasn’t about Christianity. I’m not anti-Christian,” Ben Borgman told KIRO Radio’s Dori Monson. “I’m anti-people who print garbage and spread it around the city. If you want to hand out stuff, you put it in an adult’s hand. You don’t leave it wrapped up like a toy for a child to find. That’s what it’s all about.”

Borgman argues there’s a lot more to the story than what is on the viral video that shows him telling the group to leave.
“This whole ‘thrown out for being Christian’ thing, that is so wrong,” he said. “I have Christian friends who choose to preach education and support as opposition to abortion. They do not choose to confront people, and picket funerals, and bomb clinics. There are a lot better ways to get this message to women without scaring them or horrifying them.”

“That video has blocks and pieces missing from it...”
Bedlam Coffee owner: I didn't kick them out for being Christian
Christian activists booted from Seattle coffee shop: ‘I’m gay. You have to leave’

Gay coffee shop owner boots out pro-life Christians, refusing them service.

Well, it's time to put these motherfuckers out of business!!!

Were they booted because they were Christians- or for their religious beliefs?

If so then they have a case and should sue the owners- Christians are protected by law for refusal of service.

Were they booted because they were distributing anti-abortion literature in the coffee shop? Then the owner was completely within his rights to kick them out.
Christian activists booted from Seattle coffee shop: ‘I’m gay. You have to leave’

Gay coffee shop owner boots out pro-life Christians, refusing them service.

Well, it's time to put these motherfuckers out of business!!!

Funny isn't it how Contards are all for putting owners out of business- when someone they agree with is denied service. But when gays are denied service and someone suggest a boycott- then the contards gnash their teeth and pull their chest hairs about how the evil gays want to drive Christians out of business.

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