"Christian Arabs" Support Israel IDF


by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the
Council of the League of Nations
on the Administration of
Palestine and Trans-Jordan

Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations 31 December 1932



Included in the area of the Palestine Mandate is the territory of Trans-Jordania. It is bounded on the north by the frontier of Syria, placed under the mandate of France; on the south by the kingdom of the Hejaz; and on the west by the line of the Jordan and the Dead Sea; while on the east it stretches into the desert and ends--the boundary is not yet defined--where Mesopotamia begins. Trans-Jordania has a population of probably 350,000 people. It contains a few small towns and large areas of fertile land, producing excellent wheat and barley. The people are partly settled townsmen and agriculturists, partly wandering Bedouin; the latter, however, cultivate areas, more or less fixed, during certain seasons of the year.

When Palestine west of the Jordan was occupied by the British Army and placed under a British military administration, over Trans-Jordania and a large part of Syria there was established an Arab administration, with its capital at Damascus. The ruler was His Highness the Emir Feisal, the third son of H.M. King Hussein, the King of the Hejaz. When Damascus was occupied by French troops in July, 1920, and the Emir Feisal withdrew, it was necessary to adopt fresh measures in Trans-Jordania. I proceeded to the central town of Salt on August 20th, and, at an assembly of notables and sheikhs of the district, announced that His Majesty's Government favoured the establishment of a system of local self- government, assisted by a small number of British officers as advisers.

Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921

As you can see, Trans-Jordan is quite separate.

Trans-Jordan ceased to exist as part of the mandate of Palestine right before the establishment of Israel and therefore the population stats you quoted included Trans-Jordan as well. The area now known as Israel only had less than 300,000 Arab invaders.
In early 1921, prior to the convening of the Cairo Conference, the Middle East Department of the Colonial Office set out the situation as follows:

Distinction to be drawn between Palestine and Trans-Jordan under the Mandate. His Majesty's Government are responsible under the terms of the Mandate for establishing in Palestine a national home for the Jewish people. They are also pledged by the assurances given to the Sherif of Mecca in 1915 to recognise and support the independence of the Arabs in those portions of the (Turkish) vilayet of Damascus in which they are free to act without detriment to French interests. The western boundary of the Turkish vilayet of Damascus before the war was the River Jordan. Palestine and Trans-Jordan do not, therefore, stand upon quite the same footing. At the same time, the two areas are economically interdependent, and their development must be considered as a single problem. Further, His Majesty's Government have been entrusted with the Mandate for "Palestine". If they wish to assert their claim to Trans-Jordan and to avoid raising with other Powers the legal status of that area, they can only do so by proceeding upon the assumption that Trans-Jordan forms part of the area covered by the Palestine Mandate. In default of this assumption Trans-Jordan would be left, under article 132 of the Treaty of Sèvres, to the disposal of the principal Allied Powers. Some means must be found of giving effect in Trans-Jordan to the terms of the Mandate consistently with "recognition and support of the independence of the Arabs"
Here's a documented fact for you Monti. You're a racist, liar and propaganda machine

How is that a documented fact. Stating fact and linking to academic and/or governmental sources that confirm the fact does not make one a liar or a propaganda machine. It can, however, upset those that have grown up on Zionist propaganda.

So when will you start doing this, and getting the facts right. Like not passing of a "white paper" as British law for starters, and then not passing of a report made by a committee as a true record.
You are a complete moron and prove it every day, so the original remark is proven fact you are a racist, liar and very inept propaganda machine.

Here's a documented fact for you Monti. You're a racist, liar and propaganda machine

How is that a documented fact. Stating fact and linking to academic and/or governmental sources that confirm the fact does not make one a liar or a propaganda machine. It can, however, upset those that have grown up on Zionist propaganda.

So when will you start doing this, and getting the facts right. Like not passing of a "white paper" as British law for starters, and then not passing of a report made by a committee as a true record.
You are a complete moron and prove it every day, so the original remark is proven fact you are a racist, liar and very inept propaganda machine.
Well, what do you call people coming from another continent and taking the land on another continent and evicting the people that were living on the land? Is the land being borrowed?

Arab muslims of course, and they have been doing it for the past 1400 years

Now remind me again under 1922 INTERNATIONAL LAW who was the legal owners of the M.E. Then under INTERNATIONAL LAW who did they grant title of the land to after having disposed of 98% of the land to arab muslims. What provisions under INTERNATIONAL LAW of the time were made for the arab muslims, and what where they offered over and above their legal rights of the time.

Lets see how honest you really are when you answer these questions in full, and don't use islamonazi pallywood propaganda sources.

I only use archival material from academic or government archives. The legal "owners" were the people of Palestine. The Mandatory held the land in trust to, as per the Covenant of the League of Nations:


To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant."

Obviously, the British Mandatory failed to comply with respect to the Christians and Muslims of Palestine, but rather facilitated the mass migration of Jews who intended to evict or otherwise remove the Muslims and Christians that British should have protected.

The mandate was a legal and administrative instrument, not a geographical territory.

Avalon Project - The Covenant of the League of Nations

NO you use any material that you can twist or manipulate to meet with your islamoinazi jew hatred and propaganda.

As in Britain did everything it could to refuse Jews entry into Palestine, including sending them to death camps, something you totally ignore. And the International Laws of the time are another thing you ignore and try to force more current ones retrospectively on the Jews alone.
Here's a documented fact for you Monti. You're a racist, liar and propaganda machine

How is that a documented fact. Stating fact and linking to academic and/or governmental sources that confirm the fact does not make one a liar or a propaganda machine. It can, however, upset those that have grown up on Zionist propaganda.

So when will you start doing this, and getting the facts right. Like not passing of a "white paper" as British law for starters, and then not passing of a report made by a committee as a true record.
You are a complete moron and prove it every day, so the original remark is proven fact you are a racist, liar and very inept propaganda machine.

Who has passed anything as "law". You are delusional. The Survey of Palestine, is the defining document of Mandatory Palestine. It is an official U.S. Government Report and is held in the archives of the U.S. State Department.

You don't pass International laws, you allow them to develop through treaties. And the LoN did just this in regards to Palestine when they allocated 98% as arab muslim homelands and a scant 2% as Jewish homeland. You constantly use hruchills white paper as if it was a British law, when it never was a law just a document inviting others to comment and debabte. That is why it died a death because it had no one to support it.

Here's a documented fact for you Monti. You're a racist, liar and propaganda machine

How is that a documented fact. Stating fact and linking to academic and/or governmental sources that confirm the fact does not make one a liar or a propaganda machine. It can, however, upset those that have grown up on Zionist propaganda.

So when will you start doing this, and getting the facts right. Like not passing of a "white paper" as British law for starters, and then not passing of a report made by a committee as a true record.
You are a complete moron and prove it every day, so the original remark is proven fact you are a racist, liar and very inept propaganda machine.

Who has passed anything as "law". You are delusional. The Survey of Palestine, is the defining document of Mandatory Palestine. It is an official U.S. Government Report and is held in the archives of the U.S. State Department.

You don't pass International laws, you allow them to develop through treaties. And the LoN did just this in regards to Palestine when they allocated 98% as arab muslim homelands and a scant 2% as Jewish homeland. You constantly use hruchills white paper as if it was a British law, when it never was a law just a document inviting others to comment and debabte. That is why it died a death because it had no one to support it.

As for the U.S. government report since when did they have anything at all to do with the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE


You forget that there where two distinct mandates, or do you ignore this fact hoping it will go away.

The Mandate for Palestine was a treaty that entered into INTERNATIONAL LAW, which set up the British mandate for palestine
Who among us can blame the Christians in the region for wanting to serve in the IDF?

It s hard to be a Christian Arab in Israel but not because of Jews Observer

True. It's the only way they can get all the benefits Jewish Israelis are entitled to and another way the Zionist regime uses the tried and tested "divide and rule" policy, (first used with the Druze) and learned from the British who were the all time experts when we had our empire.

So what benefits do the Jews get that the Christians don't. And please use non partisan links to prove your fantasy claims.
Here's a documented fact for you Monti. You're a racist, liar and propaganda machine

How is that a documented fact. Stating fact and linking to academic and/or governmental sources that confirm the fact does not make one a liar or a propaganda machine. It can, however, upset those that have grown up on Zionist propaganda.

So when will you start doing this, and getting the facts right. Like not passing of a "white paper" as British law for starters, and then not passing of a report made by a committee as a true record.
You are a complete moron and prove it every day, so the original remark is proven fact you are a racist, liar and very inept propaganda machine.

Who has passed anything as "law". You are delusional. The Survey of Palestine, is the defining document of Mandatory Palestine. It is an official U.S. Government Report and is held in the archives of the U.S. State Department.

You don't pass International laws, you allow them to develop through treaties. And the LoN did just this in regards to Palestine when they allocated 98% as arab muslim homelands and a scant 2% as Jewish homeland. You constantly use hruchills white paper as if it was a British law, when it never was a law just a document inviting others to comment and debabte. That is why it died a death because it had no one to support it.

As for the U.S. government report since when did they have anything at all to do with the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE


You forget that there where two distinct mandates, or do you ignore this fact hoping it will go away.

The Mandate for Palestine was a treaty that entered into INTERNATIONAL LAW, which set up the British mandate for palestine

*sigh* The Mandate for Palestine was not a treaty. :cuckoo:
How is that a documented fact. Stating fact and linking to academic and/or governmental sources that confirm the fact does not make one a liar or a propaganda machine. It can, however, upset those that have grown up on Zionist propaganda.

So when will you start doing this, and getting the facts right. Like not passing of a "white paper" as British law for starters, and then not passing of a report made by a committee as a true record.
You are a complete moron and prove it every day, so the original remark is proven fact you are a racist, liar and very inept propaganda machine.

Who has passed anything as "law". You are delusional. The Survey of Palestine, is the defining document of Mandatory Palestine. It is an official U.S. Government Report and is held in the archives of the U.S. State Department.

You don't pass International laws, you allow them to develop through treaties. And the LoN did just this in regards to Palestine when they allocated 98% as arab muslim homelands and a scant 2% as Jewish homeland. You constantly use hruchills white paper as if it was a British law, when it never was a law just a document inviting others to comment and debabte. That is why it died a death because it had no one to support it.

As for the U.S. government report since when did they have anything at all to do with the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE


You forget that there where two distinct mandates, or do you ignore this fact hoping it will go away.

The Mandate for Palestine was a treaty that entered into INTERNATIONAL LAW, which set up the British mandate for palestine

*sigh* The Mandate for Palestine was not a treaty. :cuckoo:

Want to prove that then ?
So when will you start doing this, and getting the facts right. Like not passing of a "white paper" as British law for starters, and then not passing of a report made by a committee as a true record.
You are a complete moron and prove it every day, so the original remark is proven fact you are a racist, liar and very inept propaganda machine.

Who has passed anything as "law". You are delusional. The Survey of Palestine, is the defining document of Mandatory Palestine. It is an official U.S. Government Report and is held in the archives of the U.S. State Department.

You don't pass International laws, you allow them to develop through treaties. And the LoN did just this in regards to Palestine when they allocated 98% as arab muslim homelands and a scant 2% as Jewish homeland. You constantly use hruchills white paper as if it was a British law, when it never was a law just a document inviting others to comment and debabte. That is why it died a death because it had no one to support it.

As for the U.S. government report since when did they have anything at all to do with the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE


You forget that there where two distinct mandates, or do you ignore this fact hoping it will go away.

The Mandate for Palestine was a treaty that entered into INTERNATIONAL LAW, which set up the British mandate for palestine

*sigh* The Mandate for Palestine was not a treaty. :cuckoo:

Want to prove that then ?

You want me to prove a negative? Seriously? What a twat. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Who has passed anything as "law". You are delusional. The Survey of Palestine, is the defining document of Mandatory Palestine. It is an official U.S. Government Report and is held in the archives of the U.S. State Department.

You don't pass International laws, you allow them to develop through treaties. And the LoN did just this in regards to Palestine when they allocated 98% as arab muslim homelands and a scant 2% as Jewish homeland. You constantly use hruchills white paper as if it was a British law, when it never was a law just a document inviting others to comment and debabte. That is why it died a death because it had no one to support it.

As for the U.S. government report since when did they have anything at all to do with the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE


You forget that there where two distinct mandates, or do you ignore this fact hoping it will go away.

The Mandate for Palestine was a treaty that entered into INTERNATIONAL LAW, which set up the British mandate for palestine

*sigh* The Mandate for Palestine was not a treaty. :cuckoo:

Want to prove that then ?

You want me to prove a negative? Seriously? What a twat. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No I want you to prove that the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE was not a treaty as you falsely claim. So SERIOUSLY prove that you are not a islamonazi propagandist that just wants to defend terrorists while racially demonising the Jews
A "treaty" is usually an agreement between sovereigns/nations and sometimes between international organizations. A LoN mandate was a form of legal status for a territory. Calling it a treaty is a stretch.
A "treaty" is usually an agreement between sovereigns/nations and sometimes between international organizations. A LoN mandate was a form of legal status for a territory. Calling it a treaty is a stretch.

WRONG AGAIN Abdul a Treaty does not need to be anything more than an acceptance of certain actions and can be made by one body acting for all. In the case of the LoN because the members are from many nations the treaties are made amongst themselves. So because the LoN was involved as well as the nations who were members the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE was a treaty, but the separate articles as in the British Palestinian Mandate were not.
A "treaty" is usually an agreement between sovereigns/nations and sometimes between international organizations. A LoN mandate was a form of legal status for a territory. Calling it a treaty is a stretch.

WRONG AGAIN Abdul a Treaty does not need to be anything more than an acceptance of certain actions and can be made by one body acting for all. In the case of the LoN because the members are from many nations the treaties are made amongst themselves. So because the LoN was involved as well as the nations who were members the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE was a treaty, but the separate articles as in the British Palestinian Mandate were not.

You can make up things all you want. You will find that treaties are traditionally agreements between sovereign/nations. However, reread your post. It makes no sense. Plus, it really doesn't matter whether it was a treaty or not.
A "treaty" is usually an agreement between sovereigns/nations and sometimes between international organizations. A LoN mandate was a form of legal status for a territory. Calling it a treaty is a stretch.

WRONG AGAIN Abdul a Treaty does not need to be anything more than an acceptance of certain actions and can be made by one body acting for all. In the case of the LoN because the members are from many nations the treaties are made amongst themselves. So because the LoN was involved as well as the nations who were members the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE was a treaty, but the separate articles as in the British Palestinian Mandate were not.

You can make up things all you want. You will find that treaties are traditionally agreements between sovereign/nations. However, reread your post. It makes no sense. Plus, it really doesn't matter whether it was a treaty or not.

Changing horses mid stream proves yet again that you are unable to justify your antasies YET AGAIN.

You don't pass International laws, you allow them to develop through treaties. And the LoN did just this in regards to Palestine when they allocated 98% as arab muslim homelands and a scant 2% as Jewish homeland. You constantly use hruchills white paper as if it was a British law, when it never was a law just a document inviting others to comment and debabte. That is why it died a death because it had no one to support it.

As for the U.S. government report since when did they have anything at all to do with the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE


You forget that there where two distinct mandates, or do you ignore this fact hoping it will go away.

The Mandate for Palestine was a treaty that entered into INTERNATIONAL LAW, which set up the British mandate for palestine

*sigh* The Mandate for Palestine was not a treaty. :cuckoo:

Want to prove that then ?

You want me to prove a negative? Seriously? What a twat. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No I want you to prove that the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE was not a treaty as you falsely claim. So SERIOUSLY prove that you are not a islamonazi propagandist that just wants to defend terrorists while racially demonising the Jews

So you want me to prove the non-existance of something that does not exist? OKaaay. As you are so convinced my claims are false, it should be easy to disprove them, so this is just more trolling, isn't it?
A "treaty" is usually an agreement between sovereigns/nations and sometimes between international organizations. A LoN mandate was a form of legal status for a territory. Calling it a treaty is a stretch.

WRONG AGAIN Abdul a Treaty does not need to be anything more than an acceptance of certain actions and can be made by one body acting for all. In the case of the LoN because the members are from many nations the treaties are made amongst themselves. So because the LoN was involved as well as the nations who were members the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE was a treaty, but the separate articles as in the British Palestinian Mandate were not.

You can make up things all you want. You will find that treaties are traditionally agreements between sovereign/nations. However, reread your post. It makes no sense. Plus, it really doesn't matter whether it was a treaty or not.

Well it does actually as a Treaty is binding on the sovereign states that sign it unless they subsequently formally abrogate it. Phoney is just blustering because he hasn't got a clue as to what he's talking about. He's just rehashing stuff he's seen posted by others but has failed to understand. The guy is just trolling again.

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