Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

So a venue that serves food and caters weddings, and various other parties where food and drink are served doesn't have a fridge?

Again too easy.

Did you stop to wonder what a fridge would look like to hold a constructed tiered wedding cake? Would YOU want to transport a constructed, tiered cake from table to fridge and back or were you just unaware that once together they cannot be moved. Again, too easy. These cakes are not welded together, they are balanced.
First, your ridiculous Jewish baker thing was astoundingly stoopid.

If a Jewish baker didn't bake cakes for delivery on Saturday, they'd be saying no to ALL weddings on Saturday. Not just the gheys. Duh.

Second, please give us some insight as to where you learned the details of the cake that was to be made. How big it was, how many it was to serve.

No one - NO ONE knows. Except the couple themselves, and I'm certain you have not talked to them. .

You're making up shit, and there's a word for that you know.

And as I recall, it's a sin in your religion.

K&D is consistently inconsistent.
I would have thought that most Christians would be opposed to human cloning considering that it destroys a human embryo.

Cloning does not destroy embryos, it creates them. That doesn't mean there aren't moral questions to consider, it just shows that you really don't understand the issues.
Not gay, but now I see the problem here.

You actually think 2% of the population drove this baker out of business. ROFL OMG that's funny. No dude. The business was abandoned by the other 98% because this business refused to serve the 2%. Duh.

Actually, we think LESS than 2% of the population drove this baker out of business, since I expect more than 98% of the population JUST IN HIS TOWN knew nothing about what was going on, and wouldn't have given a damn if they had.

It doesn't really take very many vitriolic, hate-filled, hypocritical bigots to write threatening letters and making intimidating phone calls, after all.

The business was closed because you and your ilk quite clearly showed us EXACTLY what sort of "tolerance" you deserve from now on.

I suspect that you are absolutely correct in that 98% of the population knew nothing about it. If they did I think many would have recognized the bigoted and hypocritical attack for what it was and probably would have been buying extra cakes to support the bakery. I wonder how many in the next year will find out their favorite baker was put out of business when they drive by to order a birthday cake fr their son or daughter. There is a reason this barrage was not publicized. It would have failed if the general public knew about it and could have countered it.

Yes, I think that this is how the left operates, and it is their signature operational standard these days upon how to deal with those who dis-agree with them, even if those who dis-agree are well within their rights to dis-agree, yet it is the way that they deal underhandedly with them in order to remove yet again one more obstacle in their way. The major problem is that they get the feds to go along with them on just about anything these days, and they mix these issues in with the whole civil rights thing, even if it doesn't apply in a lot of these cases, yet that is there power and their strength and they know it, and so they use it to their utmost advantage every chance that they can.
Hmmm, posted this as an article didn't get much play. I worked on this for over an hour, maybe someone here will enjoy it...

"God's Children Queer" (to Green Eggs and Ham)

"Do you love
my children queer?"

I do not love them,
Father Dear,
I do not love
your children queer.

"Would you love them
Here or there?"

I would not love them
here or there.
I would not love them
I do not love
your children queer,
I do not love them,
Father Dear.

"Would you love them
in my house?
Would you love them
with a spouse?"

I do not love them
in your house.
I do not love them
with a spouse.
I do not love them
here or there.
I do not love them
I do not love your children queer.
I do not love them, Father Dear.

"Would you love them
as their boss?
Would you love them
on a cross?"

Not as their boss.
Not on a cross.
Not in your house.
Not with a spouse.
I would not love them here or there.
I could not love them anywhere.
I cannot not love your children queer.
I do not love them, Father Dear.

"Would you? Could you?
in a bar?
Meet them! Meet them!
Here they are."

I would not
could not,
in a bar

"You might love them.
If you could see.
You should meet them
in the street."

I would not, could not in the street.
Not in a bar! I will not meet!

I do not love them as their boss.
I do not love them on a cross
I do not love them in your house
I do not love them with a spouse
I do not love them here or there.
I do not love them anywhere.
I do not love your children queer.
I do not love them, Father Dear.

"The Scouts! The Scouts!
The Scouts! The Scouts!
Could you, would you
in the Scouts?"

Not in the Scoutsl! Not in the street!
Not in a bar! No Boys retreat.
I would not, could not, as their boss.
I could not, would not, on a cross.
I will not love them with a spouse
I will not love them in your house.
I will not love them here or there.
I will not love them anywhere.
I do not love them, Father Dear.

In the park?
Here in the park!
Would you, could you, in the park?"

I would not, could not,
in the park.

"Would you, could you,
have a doubt?"

I would not, could not, have a doubt.
Not in the park. Not on the Scouts,
Not in a bar, Not in the street.
I do not love them, Dad, you see.
Not in your house. Not as their boss.
Not with a spouse. Not on a cross.
I will not love them here or there.
I do not love them anywhere!

"You do not love
my children queer?"

I do not
love them,
Father Dear.

"Could you, would you,
in your store?"

I would not,
could not.
in my store!

"Would you, could you,
in a war?"

I could not, would not, in a war.
I will not, will not, in my store.
I will not love them I do not doubt.
I will not love them in the Scouts.
Not in the park! Not in the street!
Not in a bar! I will not meet!
I do not love them as their boss.
I do not love them on a cross.
I will not love them in your house.
I do not love them with a spouse.
I do not love them here or there.
I do not love them ANYWHERE!

I do not love
your children queer
I do not love them,
Father Dear.

"You do not love them.
SO you say.
But you promised
To obey."

"My last command
before I left
"to love your neighbor
as yourself"."

"I didn't say
except the queers
Or to parse commands
Of Father Dear"

"But since you choose
to act like bums,
Last, you shall be
When Kingdom comes."

Oh Father Dear
Please let me in,
If you forgive.
I'll check again...

I love your children queer I do!!
I love them so Oh Father Dear!
And I would love them in my store!
And I would love them in a war...
And I will love them without doubt.
And in a park. And in the Scouts.
And in a bar. And in the street.
They are so good so good to meet!

So I will love them as their boss.
And I will love like them on a cross.
And I will love them in your house.
And I will love them with a spouse.
And I will love them here and there.
Say! I will love them ANYWHERE!

I do so love
your children queer!
It's good for me now,
That is clear!
Last edited:
According to Christianity, those to reject Christ are sinners and are anti-Christ.

Does that mean Christians should be able to refuse service to Jews?
So if it was a fake marriage with no legal authority the xtians would be equally correct in their bigotry?

So the biblical phrase in play here is "MArriage shall be between one man and one woman...including fake marriages"?

Neither FF nor I have defended this bakery. I, myself have stated probably ten times in this thread that I would have served this couple. However, both of us have defended personal freedoms, something the left literally despises. You on the left have sold your souls to big government authoritarians.

I have to believe that you are young and do not have a clue what freedom really is. You seem to be intelligent, but you don't seem to have the faintest idea about what it means to live your own life and let others live their own.

The owners of this bakery are wrong and quite frankly their version of Christianity makes me cringe. They definitely do not represent the Christ I trust for my salvation, at least not well. But, people have the right to be jerks. I do not have to like the things you do. I have to support your right to do it as long as you are not hurting others and the owners of the bakery did nothing at all to this couple except tell them they did not want to participate in their celebration.


"I would never own a slave myself but I support the right of others to do so."

Wow, you prove you are a leftist with every post. Way to go.

Neither FF nor I have defended this bakery. I, myself have stated probably ten times in this thread that I would have served this couple. However, both of us have defended personal freedoms, something the left literally despises. You on the left have sold your souls to big government authoritarians.

I have to believe that you are young and do not have a clue what freedom really is. You seem to be intelligent, but you don't seem to have the faintest idea about what it means to live your own life and let others live their own.

The owners of this bakery are wrong and quite frankly their version of Christianity makes me cringe. They definitely do not represent the Christ I trust for my salvation, at least not well. But, people have the right to be jerks. I do not have to like the things you do. I have to support your right to do it as long as you are not hurting others and the owners of the bakery did nothing at all to this couple except tell them they did not want to participate in their celebration.


"I would never own a slave myself but I support the right of others to do so."

Wow, you prove you are a leftist with every post. Way to go.


I'm pretty sure I negged him earlier, but it is gone. I guess he went whining to staff.
If you want others to support your legal rights such as the right of free speech, then you must be willing to support the rights of those with whom you disagree.

Some here do not seem to understand that is the way things work.

Translation: You would make it legal to starve gays out of christian hovels by refusing to sell them goods and services. Is that your idea of a good law? To repeal our civil rights laws?

In a word, yes.

Thanks for being honest. That's much better than pretending I'm a liar by stating the clear meaning of their views that christian bigotry against gays should be protected.

I would defend civil rights laws, based on the fact that without them great harm is done by the majority on minority groups. Everyone has the basic right to life and liberty. Shopping in the public marketplace is a necessity for all of us. The ability of the majority to literally and figuratively starve out a minority group must be restrained. If not where does the line move? Do christians then move into gay hovels like israeli settlers and thus then move gays out of counties and states? Where does that end? With gays being pushed out of the states? That may be preferable to you. But I warn you, some day some majority group may target you and your family as not being of the right race, creed, religion, or "sexual orientation."

We don't need civil rights laws to protect people from harm, we simply need reasonable laws that make it illegal to hurt people.

By the way, a Christian hostel has never refused to feed anyone as long as they have food, but a Christian owned restaurant should be free to not serve a group wearing Nazi symbols and loudly proclaiming their views on racial supremacy.

By the way, have you seen this map? It clearly demonstrates how decades of politicos that promote racial desegregation have fared in cities like Detroit.
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In a word, yes.

Thanks for being honest. That's much better than pretending I'm a liar by stating the clear meaning of their views that christian bigotry against gays should be protected.

I would defend civil rights laws, based on the fact that without them great harm is done by the majority on minority groups. Everyone has the basic right to life and liberty. Shopping in the public marketplace is a necessity for all of us. The ability of the majority to literally and figuratively starve out a minority group must be restrained. If not where does the line move? Do christians then move into gay hovels like israeli settlers and thus then move gays out of counties and states? Where does that end? With gays being pushed out of the states? That may be preferable to you. But I warn you, some day some majority group may target you and your family as not being of the right race, creed, religion, or "sexual orientation."

We don't need civil rights laws to protect people from harm, we simply need reasonable laws that make it illegal to hurt people.

By the way, a Christian hostel has never refused to feed anyone as long as they have food, but a Christian owned restaurant should be free to not serve a group wearing Nazi symbols and loudly proclaiming their views on racial supremacy.

>> We don't need civil rights laws to protect people from harm, we simply need reasonable laws that make it illegal to hurt people.

Huh? What's the difference between civil rights laws that protect people from harm, and your so called "reasonable laws?" Why do you think civil rights are "unreasonable?"

>> a Christian owned restaurant should be free to not serve a group wearing Nazi symbols and loudly proclaiming their views on racial supremacy

Duh. What is the point in comparing gays with nazi's, what's the point of that?
Wow, you prove you are a leftist with every post. Way to go.


I'm pretty sure I negged him earlier, but it is gone. I guess he went whining to staff.

Negged him? What for? He has not been rude... just wrong as far as I am concerned. That doesn't deserve a neg.


Sunshine negs everyone that disagrees with her, every two days. I got tired of her constant negs every two days, so finally just put her on ignore.
Immie, since February, this bakery has received widespread local coverage, with the bakers discussing it on screen to local TV news stations, and in other forms of media. The bakers called up conservative radio talk shows since March (Lars Larson is one, have to dig up the otehr) and they used the oportunity to cry victim nationally there -- they received an temporary upsurge in business because it was reported widely there and in segments of con-media.

Then business dropped off. The local Portland Food critic had a story that reviews were not very good for the bakery and their cupcakes were dry. They were having troubles before that. They have FIVE kids, and quite frankly, I think they just did a sucky job of running a business. which leads me to wonder, who was taking care of the kids while they were running the business?

Okay, then maybe I am mistaken. Maybe the threats of violence against anyone who would dare to oppose the homosexual agenda have had its intended effect. That just goes to show that it is even more sinister and outrageous.

The only one who has made claim of threats of violence, and I denounce them strongly if true, is the baker. So far, AFAIK, the baker has not reported these threats to the officials.


Because you haven't looked?

I wonder why you have no trouble finding racist comments the bakers didn't make, but can't find things they did say.
Because you have to actually attend the wedding venue.

There was no wedding so there was no wedding venue. It appears that there may have been a reception venue for a civil union, but that isn't a marriage, is it.

Next, the cake is delivered and set up long before any guests arrive, then the baker leaves. They don't go to any wedding/civil union ceremonies nor stay for the reception.

So now you're saying the objection the xtian bakers had was being forced to visit the reception hall to deliver the cake. Does that mean they can never visit that hall again in their life? Is it filled with gay cooties now?
You know what's strange about all this? NO ONE knows how big this civil ceremony was going to be, whether it was even *at* a reception hall (I have attended a number of post-ceremony evens at people's houses, even one in a local park) or ANY other details about this event. NONE.

It could have been a small ceremony with a gathering after, where they had no tiers, a moderate sized cake, planned pick-up...any number of variables

All we know is, they went in to discuss a cake for the ceremony, and it never went past "it's for two women" -- (not exact phrase, they said the names of the brides) --

So all this cracky crap about halls, tiers, attending, bla bla bla is just speculation about a dork head who got his figgety ass all tailed up when heard it was a same-sex wedding.

Then proceeded to tell them they were "abominations."

All these other speculations are ridiculous.


They did not refuse to serve the couple. In fact, they had served them numerous times in the past, and had no problem with them coming back to the shop. All they did was refuse to make a cake for a ceremony they disagreed with.
Thanks for being honest. That's much better than pretending I'm a liar by stating the clear meaning of their views that christian bigotry against gays should be protected.

I would defend civil rights laws, based on the fact that without them great harm is done by the majority on minority groups. Everyone has the basic right to life and liberty. Shopping in the public marketplace is a necessity for all of us. The ability of the majority to literally and figuratively starve out a minority group must be restrained. If not where does the line move? Do christians then move into gay hovels like israeli settlers and thus then move gays out of counties and states? Where does that end? With gays being pushed out of the states? That may be preferable to you. But I warn you, some day some majority group may target you and your family as not being of the right race, creed, religion, or "sexual orientation."

We don't need civil rights laws to protect people from harm, we simply need reasonable laws that make it illegal to hurt people.

By the way, a Christian hostel has never refused to feed anyone as long as they have food, but a Christian owned restaurant should be free to not serve a group wearing Nazi symbols and loudly proclaiming their views on racial supremacy.

>> We don't need civil rights laws to protect people from harm, we simply need reasonable laws that make it illegal to hurt people.

Huh? What's the difference between civil rights laws that protect people from harm, and your so called "reasonable laws?" Why do you think civil rights are "unreasonable?"

>> a Christian owned restaurant should be free to not serve a group wearing Nazi symbols and loudly proclaiming their views on racial supremacy

Duh. What is the point in comparing gays with nazi's, what's the point of that?

Well, it's either nazis, pedophiles or bestiality...because that is the central theme of their arguments.
If the baker was Jewish and the wedding to take place on a Saturday, what would the gay couple do when they learn they won't get their cake at all? Would they sue or change the date?

Jews do not close their stores any day of the week in the US. That scenario wouldn't happen. Jews even sell Christmas merchandise including decorations. Jews like money. How did you miss that part?

That depends on the personal beliefs of the individual Jew, not your belief that your will trumps individual rights.
"I would never own a slave myself but I support the right of others to do so."

Wow, you prove you are a leftist with every post. Way to go.


I'm pretty sure I negged him earlier, but it is gone. I guess he went whining to staff.

I'm new, didn't even know what a neg was until yesterday. I wouldn't neg a person for their opinion, but I will neg them for being a liar.

Congrats, you were my test case.

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