Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

They chose to open a business in a state that has these LAWS.

If they don't like it, then they are free to go to a state where that is not the LAW.

Aren't conservatives the State's Rights crowd? Guess not.

Nothing is stopping them from opening up a business with no discrimination laws against sexual orientation, and then, if a gay couple asks for a wedding cake, they can tell them they can go drink a dick without worry of breaking the LAW.

Wasn't it federal law as well? I suppose of Obama's boys won't prosecute...
They chose to open a business in a state that has these LAWS.

If they don't like it, then they are free to go to a state where that is not the LAW.

Aren't conservatives the State's Rights crowd? Guess not.

Nothing is stopping them from opening up a business with no discrimination laws against sexual orientation, and then, if a gay couple asks for a wedding cake, they can tell them they can go drink a dick without worry of breaking the LAW.

Wasn't it federal law as well? I suppose of Obama's boys won't prosecute...

Prosecute what?

Name calling?
But to attack and punish these people purely because they hold a belief or conviction not shared by everybody else? That is wrong. That is unAmerican. And that is evil.

Proof? What punishment? What attack? Any proof whatsoever of these evil attacks that you keep repeating again and again and again?

The bigoted baker's accusation? That's your proof of "evil" attacks and punishments?

Amazingly, yes. I do believe she is serious.

Thing is, some believe that "equal" just does not apply to certain people.

Of course they's just they also believe by virtue of them being xtians they are more equal then everyone else.

And, right on cue, look what crawled out from under its rock.

It should serve as an object lesson to Christians to be more careful as to the people they offer services to. They have a precedent. Use it.

Those bakers are anything BUT "christian".

This thread seems to have proven that perpetual motion, of a sorts, is, in fact possible! I like to check in every couple of days to see where it has headed. Now, I see that the baker who lost his customers and went out of business, is equivenelent to "It would be like me forcing a flaming homo to marry a straight at gunpoint. ". Now, under some circumstances, I would be forced by my couriosity to research this twisted path of logic, but, I would rather just let my imagination be my guide as to how this consclusion was reached! I'll be back in a couple of days, and I am sure that somehow or another, Hitler, JFK's assasination , and global warming will somehow be tied into this issue....

In a couple days these 2 bakers will be nominated for beatification...
They've already been anointed on Fox News (yes, the National one - with Brian the Douchy!) for induction into the daily Fox News Tortured and Tormented Conservative Victim Club, which at last count was ...'pert near the approximate population count of the Republican party.


That brings us to the very principle this thread should be about. Why is it less immoral to believe that Christians are delusional and should be required to keep their religion out of sight and to themselves than it is to believe that gays should be required to keep their marriages out of sight and to themselves? I'm going to guess that more gay people think Christians are an abomination than Christians think gays are an abomination.

I would lay odds that a very large percentage of Christian bakers would have delivered and set up that cake at a gay wedding. I would have. Everybody I know would have. But that isn't the point.

I do not want my government having the power to order me to go anywhere or do anything in the service of others that I do not choose to do. No matter who the others are. The Founders intended that we all have an unalienable right to our thoughts, opinions, beliefs, and convictions with impunity.

It costs the bakers nothing to sell cakes and cookies over the counter to anybody at the store. How would the baker even KNOW who the people are unless the people tell them? But it is quite something else again to require the baker to participate in something which he or she does not wish to participate.

To intentionally and deliberately destroy somebody purely because you don't agree with their belief or conviction is unAmerican. And it is evil.

I said it before but it got ignored.

There is no gay marriage in Oregon. So what deeply help christian beliefs of the bakers were being violated? It appears this may have been a celebration of a civil union...which is not a marriage, it's a contract!

Where in the bible does it say no contracts between homos?

It does not matter what is in the Bible. It does not matter what sort of ceremony was involved. It doesn't matter what is and is not legal in Oregon. It doesn't matter if the person developed his/her theology from Grimm's Fairy Tales or Adventures of the Great Spaghetti Monster.

The government at any level should have no power to require a citizen to go where the citizen does not choose to go or require a citizen to participate in something that the citizen does not wish to participate in.

And those who presume the moral authority to destroy the business and livelihood of a person or via threats or coercion drive a person out of business are violating one of our most fundamental unalienable rights: the right to hold whatever convictions we choose to hold with impunity. Those who would do that to somebody purely because they do not share the beliefs or convictions of a person are thugs, bullies, bigots, and evil.
The government has been in the business of social & cultural change for quite sometime now, and it has been infiltrated over time by those who sought after it and it's offices in order to get the change that they have wanted for so long now, and so they are using the power of the government in which they have taken over, in order to enforce and force that change upon this nation regardless of what the majority thinks about it. This is a problem, and many people are seeing this now with every situation that involves the government these days, and where the government is now seen openly taking clear sides in all of this now.
This thread seems to have proven that perpetual motion, of a sorts, is, in fact possible! I like to check in every couple of days to see where it has headed. Now, I see that the baker who lost his customers and went out of business, is equivenelent to "It would be like me forcing a flaming homo to marry a straight at gunpoint. ". Now, under some circumstances, I would be forced by my couriosity to research this twisted path of logic, but, I would rather just let my imagination be my guide as to how this consclusion was reached! I'll be back in a couple of days, and I am sure that somehow or another, Hitler, JFK's assasination , and global warming will somehow be tied into this issue....

You missed the hitler accusations. It was a few pages back. Apparently protesting against christian bigotry is equivalent to hitlar, and current skin head nazis. I believe they were also called murders, rapists, and child molesters.
And don't forget slavery. The bakers are like chattel. Bondsmen in the grip of the murderous Gay Mafia!
The religious rights and beliefs of this Christian couple were violated. There is no way around it. The gay mafia won.
To me it wasn't just their rights that were violated. The rights of everyone else in the area were violated too. People who had nothing to do with the problem may have liked going to that bakery too and now they have to find another one to go to. What about the rights of them people? Did the homosexual group who got the place shut down ever once stop to think of them people? Obviously never because all that they cared about were their own selves. To me, the homosexual group could have just washed their hands of the place and found somewhere else to go, but no, they had to make sure that everyone paid for what they thought that just a select few were guilty of and that is having the freedom to exercise what they believe. :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and those who have paid always!!!


P.S. I hate when people who have nothing to do with the situation end up losing something too!
I'm as serious as 9/11.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Maybe if the homosexual group had shown some respect for the beliefs that the bakery owners possess, they would have eventually gotten some respect in return, but because of what they decided to go and do to the bakery, they most definitely will most likely not be getting any respect. All that they did was give people reason to recent them even more.
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They chose to open a business in a state that has these LAWS.

If they don't like it, then they are free to go to a state where that is not the LAW.

Aren't conservatives the State's Rights crowd? Guess not.

Nothing is stopping them from opening up a business with no discrimination laws against sexual orientation, and then, if a gay couple asks for a wedding cake, they can tell them they can go drink a dick without worry of breaking the LAW.

Wasn't it federal law as well? I suppose of Obama's boys won't prosecute...
No. Sexual orientation is not covered under Federal Law.
But to attack and punish these people purely because they hold a belief or conviction not shared by everybody else? That is wrong. That is unAmerican. And that is evil.

Proof? What punishment? What attack? Any proof whatsoever of these evil attacks that you keep repeating again and again and again?

The bigoted baker's accusation? That's your proof of "evil" attacks and punishments?

Good question.

The only "evidence" I've seen is from the phony christians on this board.

... This is a problem, and many people are seeing this now with every situation that involves the government these days, and where the government is now seen openly taking clear sides in all of this now.
Civic Lesson: People elect reps to vote on laws. Governors to sign laws.

Laws get enacted.
People don't like laws, they can call for repeal or adjustments or use the Courts to amend or remove said laws.

They also have this thing called elections to remove or affirm those reps.

It's called the Republic ....:flag: for Which it Stands...:flag:

The government will "take sides" based on the ____

Can you complete that sentence? Bet you can.

It starts with an L and I've used the word five times in this post.
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They chose to open a business in a state that has these LAWS.

If they don't like it, then they are free to go to a state where that is not the LAW.

Aren't conservatives the State's Rights crowd? Guess not.

Nothing is stopping them from opening up a business with no discrimination laws against sexual orientation, and then, if a gay couple asks for a wedding cake, they can tell them they can go drink a dick without worry of breaking the LAW.

Wasn't it federal law as well? I suppose of Obama's boys won't prosecute...

Prosecute what?

Name calling?
I would have thought 42 USC § 2000a Prohibition against discrimination or segregation in places of public accommodation. But I may be wrong. Perhaps bakeries are not covered. Perhaps discrimination against gays is legal.
They chose to open a business in a state that has these LAWS.

If they don't like it, then they are free to go to a state where that is not the LAW.

Aren't conservatives the State's Rights crowd? Guess not.

Nothing is stopping them from opening up a business with no discrimination laws against sexual orientation, and then, if a gay couple asks for a wedding cake, they can tell them they can go drink a dick without worry of breaking the LAW.

Wasn't it federal law as well? I suppose of Obama's boys won't prosecute...
No. Sexual orientation is not covered under Federal Law.

Interesting ok thx. Is there a list of groups of people we are legally allowed to discriminate against? I wonder if the gay couple was black, would that have made it illegal?
This thread seems to have proven that perpetual motion, of a sorts, is, in fact possible! I like to check in every couple of days to see where it has headed. Now, I see that the baker who lost his customers and went out of business, is equivenelent to "It would be like me forcing a flaming homo to marry a straight at gunpoint. ". Now, under some circumstances, I would be forced by my couriosity to research this twisted path of logic, but, I would rather just let my imagination be my guide as to how this consclusion was reached! I'll be back in a couple of days, and I am sure that somehow or another, Hitler, JFK's assasination , and global warming will somehow be tied into this issue....

You missed the hitler accusations. It was a few pages back. Apparently protesting against christian bigotry is equivalent to hitlar, and current skin head nazis. I believe they were also called murders, rapists, and child molesters.
And don't forget slavery. The bakers are like chattel. Bondsmen in the grip of the murderous Gay Mafia!

I've got to admit that the gay mafia thing has me spooked. These guys can be meaner than snakes. I hear that Richard Simmons is secretly an enforcer, and has been known to tie up non complaint straights, prop their eyelids open with toothpicks, and sit them down in front of a continous loop of "Sweating to the Oldies' DVD, interspered with songs by the Beegees, and interior decorating infomercials. It's enough to break any man....
Wasn't it federal law as well? I suppose of Obama's boys won't prosecute...
No. Sexual orientation is not covered under Federal Law.

Interesting ok thx. Is there a list of groups of people we are legally allowed to discriminate against? I wonder if the gay couple was black, would that have made it illegal?
Only if they discriminated against them because they were black.

See Equal Rights Amendment 1964.
Neither FF nor I have defended this bakery. I, myself have stated probably ten times in this thread that I would have served this couple. However, both of us have defended personal freedoms, something the left literally despises. You on the left have sold your souls to big government authoritarians.

I have to believe that you are young and do not have a clue what freedom really is. You seem to be intelligent, but you don't seem to have the faintest idea about what it means to live your own life and let others live their own.

The owners of this bakery are wrong and quite frankly their version of Christianity makes me cringe. They definitely do not represent the Christ I trust for my salvation, at least not well. But, people have the right to be jerks. I do not have to like the things you do. I have to support your right to do it as long as you are not hurting others and the owners of the bakery did nothing at all to this couple except tell them they did not want to participate in their celebration.


"I would never own a slave myself but I support the right of others to do so."

Wow, you prove you are a leftist with every post. Way to go.


A leftist or an asshole?

Oh! Sorry
You missed the hitler accusations. It was a few pages back. Apparently protesting against christian bigotry is equivalent to hitlar, and current skin head nazis. I believe they were also called murders, rapists, and child molesters.
And don't forget slavery. The bakers are like chattel. Bondsmen in the grip of the murderous Gay Mafia!

I've got to admit that the gay mafia thing has me spooked. These guys can be meaner than snakes. I hear that Richard Simmons is secretly an enforcer, and has been known to tie up non complaint straights, prop their eyelids open with toothpicks, and sit them down in front of a continous loop of "Sweating to the Oldies' DVD, interspered with songs by the Beegees, and interior decorating infomercials. It's enough to break any man....
The long-eyelashed, purty mouthed homosechshuals forcing the Goodly Godly white straight christians to gay marry 'em are the true menace.

That's what the SoCons tell me anyway.
No. Sexual orientation is not covered under Federal Law.

Interesting ok thx. Is there a list of groups of people we are legally allowed to discriminate against? I wonder if the gay couple was black, would that have made it illegal?
Only if they discriminated against them because they were black.

See Equal Rights Amendment 1964.
So I could discriminate against blacks and other democrats by accusing them of being gay. Hmm... sounds like a loophole.

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