Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

1. They were not asked to sanctify a gay wedding.

2. They were asked to bake a cake. They refused based on their bigotry against gays.

3. Case closed.

4. You have your panties in a twist because some gays are accused by the bigots of daring to picket against them for what they did.

5. Intentional Obfuscation? Where did I obfuscate?

6. You are deflecting to me. It's not about me or you.

1. No, but they were asked to service it, to enable it. It would be like me forcing a flaming homo to marry a straight at gunpoint.

2. Read 1.

3. Far from it.

4. But then you make a sexist comment towards Foxfyre? Of all the people on this board, she is the most mild mannered person. Never does she "have her panties in a wad." Guess what, RKM, that was a truly bigoted comment against women. Hope you're happy now.

5. Obfuscation by repetition. You continue to call this couple bigots without even trying to prove they are. All you and your friends can do is go on tirades about how this couple are bigots. It's quite intellectually dishonest, to tell the truth.

6. Step off your pedestal, sir. Spewing anecdotes will not erase the lack of an argument.

Yes, it's exactly like that....


Sounds like to me you're out of points to argue. Have a seat.

Read up folks. Things you will learn on this thread: baking a cake with two brides on the top is now like forcing a "flaming homo" to gay marry a straitz. At gunpoint!


Same goes for you as well. Your lack of intellectual honesty is not at all surprising.
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Uh-huh.. you want gay people to be treated as human beings, but in return you allow them to dehumanize others. What a colossal double standard, Mr. Brown.

Explain please. How was the baker dehumanized? If that happened, I'll defend the baker against that act. Bring me to your side of the argument. How was the baker dehumanized. If that happened I will be every bit as angry as you are. All humor would be gone... I would ask you to sign me up. Uhm what are you protesting against again... protesters exercising free speech?

Oh, riiiight. You can't see HOW the bakers have been dehumanized by essentially being told, "Your beliefs, your conscience, and your Constitional rights mean nothing before our demands on you, now do what we say or suffer", but I'll bet hard money you could RHAPSODIZE about how those lesbian twats were "dehumanized" by being told that someone didn't want to participate in their stupid fucking "wedding".

How much more dehumanized can a person get than to be told they must contribute their talents and labor toward a goal they oppose on behalf of someone they do not wish to work for, and that they have no rights in the matter? We USED to call that slavery, and consider it the most dehumanizing experience imaginable.

And if you really think "Burn in hell, pig; fall off a cliff; stop associating with these people or suffer" is "exercising freedom of speech", then perhaps someone should send those messages to YOUR family and friends, and see if you still think that way. Somehow, I think not. :eusa_hand:

That's exactly what it is.

Same as if it was the Westboro scum, KKK scum, the bigot bakery or Rick Santorum.

Which one of those do you rw's believe should be stopped, punished?
Explain please. How was the baker dehumanized? If that happened, I'll defend the baker against that act. Bring me to your side of the argument. How was the baker dehumanized. If that happened I will be every bit as angry as you are. All humor would be gone... I would ask you to sign me up. Uhm what are you protesting against again... protesters exercising free speech?

Oh, riiiight. You can't see HOW the bakers have been dehumanized by essentially being told, "Your beliefs, your conscience, and your Constitional rights mean nothing before our demands on you, now do what we say or suffer", but I'll bet hard money you could RHAPSODIZE about how those lesbian twats were "dehumanized" by being told that someone didn't want to participate in their stupid fucking "wedding".

How much more dehumanized can a person get than to be told they must contribute their talents and labor toward a goal they oppose on behalf of someone they do not wish to work for, and that they have no rights in the matter? We USED to call that slavery, and consider it the most dehumanizing experience imaginable.

And if you really think "Burn in hell, pig; fall off a cliff; stop associating with these people or suffer" is "exercising freedom of speech", then perhaps someone should send those messages to YOUR family and friends, and see if you still think that way. Somehow, I think not. :eusa_hand:

That's exactly what it is.

Same as if it was the Westboro scum, KKK scum, the bigot bakery or Rick Santorum.

Which one of those do you rw's believe should be stopped, punished?

Case in point.

The KKK was founded by Democrats, thus you own them, LN. I hope at some point Westboro will suffer for their impunty. And what on Earth did Rick Santorum say that got you so riled up about him?

And you have nothing to prove that says the bakery was being bigoted on purpose. In fact, I fail to see where they were bigoted at all.
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The religious rights and beliefs of this Christian couple were violated. There is no way around it. The gay mafia won.
To me it wasn't just their rights that were violated. The rights of everyone else in the area were violated too. People who had nothing to do with the problem may have liked going to that bakery too and now they have to find another one to go to. What about the rights of them people? Did the homosexual group who got the place shut down ever once stop to think of them people? Obviously never because all that they cared about were their own selves. To me, the homosexual group could have just washed their hands of the place and found somewhere else to go, but no, they had to make sure that everyone paid for what they thought that just a select few were guilty of and that is having the freedom to exercise what they believe. :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and those who have paid always!!!


P.S. I hate when people who have nothing to do with the situation end up losing something too!

So, katzen's imaginary suspension of rights for christians is just oh so terribly wrong but taking the same rights away from the gays is okay?

Just what laws would you and katzen like passed in order to stop gays from demonstrating.

Hint: think First Amendment.
This thread seems to have proven that perpetual motion, of a sorts, is, in fact possible! I like to check in every couple of days to see where it has headed. Now, I see that the baker who lost his customers and went out of business, is equivenelent to "It would be like me forcing a flaming homo to marry a straight at gunpoint. ". Now, under some circumstances, I would be forced by my couriosity to research this twisted path of logic, but, I would rather just let my imagination be my guide as to how this consclusion was reached! I'll be back in a couple of days, and I am sure that somehow or another, Hitler, JFK's assasination , and global warming will somehow be tied into this issue....
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Oh, riiiight. You can't see HOW the bakers have been dehumanized by essentially being told, "Your beliefs, your conscience, and your Constitional rights mean nothing before our demands on you, now do what we say or suffer", but I'll bet hard money you could RHAPSODIZE about how those lesbian twats were "dehumanized" by being told that someone didn't want to participate in their stupid fucking "wedding".

How much more dehumanized can a person get than to be told they must contribute their talents and labor toward a goal they oppose on behalf of someone they do not wish to work for, and that they have no rights in the matter? We USED to call that slavery, and consider it the most dehumanizing experience imaginable.

And if you really think "Burn in hell, pig; fall off a cliff; stop associating with these people or suffer" is "exercising freedom of speech", then perhaps someone should send those messages to YOUR family and friends, and see if you still think that way. Somehow, I think not. :eusa_hand:

That's exactly what it is.

Same as if it was the Westboro scum, KKK scum, the bigot bakery or Rick Santorum.

Which one of those do you rw's believe should be stopped, punished?

Case in point.

The KKK was founded by Democrats, thus you own them, LN. I hope at some point Westboro will suffer for their impunty. And what on Earth did Rick Santorum say that got you so riled up about him?

And you have nothing to prove that says the bakery was being bigoted on purpose. In fact, I fail to see where they were bigoted at all.


Where, in the First Amendment, do you find the words, "on purpose"? Since when does "on purpose" enter into anything at all?

They made the decision not to serve certain customers. Those customers made that fact known to the neighborhood and the people "voted" by taking their business elsewhere.

What should be changed?
The religious rights and beliefs of this Christian couple were violated. There is no way around it. The gay mafia won.
To me it wasn't just their rights that were violated. The rights of everyone else in the area were violated too. People who had nothing to do with the problem may have liked going to that bakery too and now they have to find another one to go to. What about the rights of them people? Did the homosexual group who got the place shut down ever once stop to think of them people? Obviously never because all that they cared about were their own selves. To me, the homosexual group could have just washed their hands of the place and found somewhere else to go, but no, they had to make sure that everyone paid for what they thought that just a select few were guilty of and that is having the freedom to exercise what they believe. :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and those who have paid always!!!


P.S. I hate when people who have nothing to do with the situation end up losing something too!

1. No, but they were asked to service it, to enable it. It would be like me forcing a flaming homo to marry a straight at gunpoint.

2. Read 1.

3. Far from it.

4. But then you make a sexist comment towards Foxfyre? Of all the people on this board, she is the most mild mannered person. Never does she "have her panties in a wad." Guess what, RKM, that was a truly bigoted comment against women. Hope you're happy now.

5. Obfuscation by repetition. You continue to call this couple bigots without even trying to prove they are. All you and your friends can do is go on tirades about how this couple are bigots. It's quite intellectually dishonest, to tell the truth.

6. Step off your pedestal, sir. Spewing anecdotes will not erase the lack of an argument.

Yes, it's exactly like that....


Sounds like to me you're out of points to argue. Have a seat.

I'll argue again when I stop laughing.
The religious rights and beliefs of this Christian couple were violated. There is no way around it. The gay mafia won.
To me it wasn't just their rights that were violated. The rights of everyone else in the area were violated too. People who had nothing to do with the problem may have liked going to that bakery too and now they have to find another one to go to. What about the rights of them people? Did the homosexual group who got the place shut down ever once stop to think of them people? Obviously never because all that they cared about were their own selves. To me, the homosexual group could have just washed their hands of the place and found somewhere else to go, but no, they had to make sure that everyone paid for what they thought that just a select few were guilty of and that is having the freedom to exercise what they believe. :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and those who have paid always!!!


P.S. I hate when people who have nothing to do with the situation end up losing something too!


Amazingly, yes. I do believe she is serious.

Thing is, some believe that "equal" just does not apply to certain people.
This thread seems to have proven that perpetual motion, of a sorts, is, in fact possible! I like to check in every couple of days to see where it has headed. Now, I see that the baker who lost his customers and went out of business, is equivenelent to "It would be like me forcing a flaming homo to marry a straight at gunpoint. ". Now, under some circumstances, I would be forced by my couriosity to research this twisted path of logic, but, I would rather just let my imagination be my guide as to how this consclusion was reached! I'll be back in a couple of days, and I am sure that somehow or another, Hitler, JFK's assasination , and global warming will somehow be tied into this issue....

In a couple days these 2 bakers will be nominated for beatification...
Can even one of you say exactly what should be different in this situation?

What should be changed?
To me it wasn't just their rights that were violated. The rights of everyone else in the area were violated too. People who had nothing to do with the problem may have liked going to that bakery too and now they have to find another one to go to. What about the rights of them people? Did the homosexual group who got the place shut down ever once stop to think of them people? Obviously never because all that they cared about were their own selves. To me, the homosexual group could have just washed their hands of the place and found somewhere else to go, but no, they had to make sure that everyone paid for what they thought that just a select few were guilty of and that is having the freedom to exercise what they believe. :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and those who have paid always!!!


P.S. I hate when people who have nothing to do with the situation end up losing something too!


Amazingly, yes. I do believe she is serious.

Thing is, some believe that "equal" just does not apply to certain people.

I can't believe you finally condemned the left for their actions. I guess it is true that there is a first time for everything.

To me it wasn't just their rights that were violated. The rights of everyone else in the area were violated too. People who had nothing to do with the problem may have liked going to that bakery too and now they have to find another one to go to. What about the rights of them people? Did the homosexual group who got the place shut down ever once stop to think of them people? Obviously never because all that they cared about were their own selves. To me, the homosexual group could have just washed their hands of the place and found somewhere else to go, but no, they had to make sure that everyone paid for what they thought that just a select few were guilty of and that is having the freedom to exercise what they believe. :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and those who have paid always!!!


P.S. I hate when people who have nothing to do with the situation end up losing something too!


Amazingly, yes. I do believe she is serious.

Thing is, some believe that "equal" just does not apply to certain people.

Of course they's just they also believe by virtue of them being xtians they are more equal then everyone else.
This thread seems to have proven that perpetual motion, of a sorts, is, in fact possible! I like to check in every couple of days to see where it has headed. Now, I see that the baker who lost his customers and went out of business, is equivenelent to "It would be like me forcing a flaming homo to marry a straight at gunpoint. ". Now, under some circumstances, I would be forced by my couriosity to research this twisted path of logic, but, I would rather just let my imagination be my guide as to how this consclusion was reached! I'll be back in a couple of days, and I am sure that somehow or another, Hitler, JFK's assasination , and global warming will somehow be tied into this issue....

You missed the hitler accusations. It was a few pages back. Apparently protesting against christian bigotry is equivalent to hitlar, and current skin head nazis. I believe they were also called murders, rapists, and child molesters.
That's exactly what it is.

Same as if it was the Westboro scum, KKK scum, the bigot bakery or Rick Santorum.

Which one of those do you rw's believe should be stopped, punished?

Case in point.

The KKK was founded by Democrats, thus you own them, LN. I hope at some point Westboro will suffer for their impunty. And what on Earth did Rick Santorum say that got you so riled up about him?

And you have nothing to prove that says the bakery was being bigoted on purpose. In fact, I fail to see where they were bigoted at all.


Where, in the First Amendment, do you find the words, "on purpose"? Since when does "on purpose" enter into anything at all?

They made the decision not to serve certain customers. Those customers made that fact known to the neighborhood and the people "voted" by taking their business elsewhere.

What should be changed?

If the bakers actions caused people to choose to shop elsewhere, so be it. I would have no problem with that. I choose to shop somewhere else all the time because of the surly attitude, indifference, incompetence, or whatever that I encounter in a place of business.

But I don't send them e-mails telling them they should die or their wife should be raped. I don't solicit and threaten their customers and suppliers or otherwise try to destroy their business and livelihood. I would hope that the days of the Inquisition and all other forms of 'political or religious purity' are long gone and that the U.S.A. represents the best in recognition and protection of unalienable rights. Unalienable rights that allows each of us to believe and hold whatever convictions we hold with impunity.

If the baker was actively engaged in an assault or efforts to harm or violate the rights of those in the gay community, I would be right out there picketing with you. That should not be tolerated in a moral society.

But to attack and punish these people purely because they hold a belief or conviction not shared by everybody else? That is wrong. That is unAmerican. And that is evil.
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They chose to open a business in a state that has these LAWS.

If they don't like it, then they are free to go to a state where that is not the LAW.

Aren't conservatives the State's Rights crowd? Guess not.

Nothing is stopping them from opening up a business with no discrimination laws against sexual orientation, and then, if a gay couple asks for a wedding cake, they can tell them they can go drink a dick without worry of breaking the LAW.
It should serve as an object lesson to Christians to be more careful as to the people they offer services to. They have a precedent. Use it.

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