Christian bakers who refused cake order for gay wedding forced to close shop

They chose to open a business in a state that has these LAWS.

If they don't like it, then they are free to go to a state where that is not the LAW.

Aren't conservatives the State's Rights crowd? Guess not.

Nothing is stopping them from opening up a business with no discrimination laws against sexual orientation, and then, if a gay couple asks for a wedding cake, they can tell them they can go drink a dick without worry of breaking the LAW.

If they broke a law then fine. Let the authorities who enforce the law deal with it. Don't organize a hateful e-mail campaign with the most horrendous content, don't threaten people, their families, their customers, their vendors out of moral outrage. If the Christian bakers are not allowed to hold their own beliefs and convictions in peace and follow their own conscience that requires no participation or contribution from anybody else, then who among us can be free?

And if it is ourage that it was Christian bakers who broke the law and therefore must be punished, but everybody else who breaks the law can be forgiven or ignored or shrugged off, then who are the true bigots in this case?
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Homosexuals stripping heterosexuals of their rights may only make heterosexuals fight harder in making sure that homosexuals do not get any rights when all is said and done.

God bless you always!!!

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I'm pretty sure I negged him earlier, but it is gone. I guess he went whining to staff.

Negged him? What for? He has not been rude... just wrong as far as I am concerned. That doesn't deserve a neg.


I think the slavery remark rises to the level of slapping.
That southern christians engaged in, supported and propagated slavery and justified it in their churches via bible scripture?

That remark?

Alfalfa was absolutely correct. It's painful, but it is a fact.
To me it wasn't just their rights that were violated. The rights of everyone else in the area were violated too. People who had nothing to do with the problem may have liked going to that bakery too and now they have to find another one to go to. What about the rights of them people? Did the homosexual group who got the place shut down ever once stop to think of them people? Obviously never because all that they cared about were their own selves. To me, the homosexual group could have just washed their hands of the place and found somewhere else to go, but no, they had to make sure that everyone paid for what they thought that just a select few were guilty of and that is having the freedom to exercise what they believe. :mad: :mad: :mad:

God bless you and those who have paid always!!!


P.S. I hate when people who have nothing to do with the situation end up losing something too!
I'm as serious as 9/11.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Maybe if the homosexual group had shown some respect for the beliefs that the bakery owners possess, they would have eventually gotten some respect in return, but because of what they decided to go and do to the bakery, they most definitely will most likely not be getting any respect. All that they did was give people reason to recent them even more.

Maybe if those phony christians had respected the private and personal lives of their customers, none of this would have happened.

Maybe if phony christians would mind their own fucking business, people would buy their product.

If phony christians are going to reuse to serve someone because their "god" hates his own creations (in this case, gays), they will have no choice but to deal with the backlash that their nasty, backward bigotry got them.
Homosexuals stripping heterosexuals of their rights may only make heterosexuals fight harder in making sure that homosexuals do not get any rights when all is said and done.

God bless you always!!!



Where did that happen?

Hint: its not the phony christian bakers. They did this to themselves.

Even one example??
They chose to open a business in a state that has these LAWS.

If they don't like it, then they are free to go to a state where that is not the LAW.

Aren't conservatives the State's Rights crowd? Guess not.

Nothing is stopping them from opening up a business with no discrimination laws against sexual orientation, and then, if a gay couple asks for a wedding cake, they can tell them they can go drink a dick without worry of breaking the LAW.

If they broke a law then fine. Let the authorities who enforce the law deal with it. Don't organize a hateful e-mail campaign with the most horrendous content, don't threaten people, their families, their customers, their vendors out of moral outrage. If the Christian bakers are not allowed to hold their own beliefs and convictions in peace and follow their own conscience that requires no participation or contribution from anybody else, then who among us can be free?

And if it is ourage that it was Christian bakers who broke the law and therefore must be punished, but everybody else who breaks the law can be forgiven or ignored or shrugged off, then who are the true bigots in this case?
Oh, so the lesbian couple are allowed to make a complaint that their rights were violated, but don't you dare let them utilize free speech to let people know their rights were violated.

Free Speech for me and not for thee. I see.

Anyone who has violated the law making harmful threats or do anything beyond engaging in free speech to organize boycotts should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

To date, no one has produced anything to show a complaint was filed where there were unlawful threats. Simply the words of the baker, who -- has not filed a complaint. Whose fault is that if there really was a law broken?

Or maybe he was making it up. Hmmm.

Organizing boycotts is not against the law.
Homosexuals stripping heterosexuals of their rights may only make heterosexuals fight harder in making sure that homosexuals do not get any rights when all is said and done.

God bless you always!!!

Sounds like a threat to me!
Its not a threat. Its a heads up. The more that this kind of thing happens, the less likely that the homosexual people will get what it is that they want. Why should they get what they want when all that they care about is themselves anyways? Selfishness will get a person absolutely no where.

God bless you always!!!

They chose to open a business in a state that has these LAWS.

If they don't like it, then they are free to go to a state where that is not the LAW.

Aren't conservatives the State's Rights crowd? Guess not.

Nothing is stopping them from opening up a business with no discrimination laws against sexual orientation, and then, if a gay couple asks for a wedding cake, they can tell them they can go drink a dick without worry of breaking the LAW.

If they broke a law then fine. Let the authorities who enforce the law deal with it. Don't organize a hateful e-mail campaign with the most horrendous content, don't threaten people, their families, their customers, their vendors out of moral outrage. If the Christian bakers are not allowed to hold their own beliefs and convictions in peace and follow their own conscience that requires no participation or contribution from anybody else, then who among us can be free?

And if it is ourage that it was Christian bakers who broke the law and therefore must be punished, but everybody else who breaks the law can be forgiven or ignored or shrugged off, then who are the true bigots in this case?
Oh, so the lesbian couple are allowed to make a complaint that their rights were violated, but don't you dare let them utilize free speech to let people know their rights were violated.

Free Speech for me and not for thee. I see.

Anyone who has violated the law making harmful threats or do anything beyond engaging in free speech to organize boycotts should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

To date, no one has produced anything to show a complaint was filed where there were unlawful threats. Simply the words of the baker, who -- has not filed a complaint. Whose fault is that if there really was a law broken?

Or maybe he was making it up. Hmmm.

Organizing boycotts is not against the law.

Organizing campaigns to destroy a person's livelihood for no better reason than the person holds a belief or conviction that you don't agree with may not be illegal. But it sure as hell is wrong. It is unAmerican. And it is evil.

And a pox on anybody's house who condones it.
If they broke a law then fine. Let the authorities who enforce the law deal with it. Don't organize a hateful e-mail campaign with the most horrendous content, don't threaten people, their families, their customers, their vendors out of moral outrage. If the Christian bakers are not allowed to hold their own beliefs and convictions in peace and follow their own conscience that requires no participation or contribution from anybody else, then who among us can be free?

And if it is ourage that it was Christian bakers who broke the law and therefore must be punished, but everybody else who breaks the law can be forgiven or ignored or shrugged off, then who are the true bigots in this case?
Oh, so the lesbian couple are allowed to make a complaint that their rights were violated, but don't you dare let them utilize free speech to let people know their rights were violated.

Free Speech for me and not for thee. I see.

Anyone who has violated the law making harmful threats or do anything beyond engaging in free speech to organize boycotts should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

To date, no one has produced anything to show a complaint was filed where there were unlawful threats. Simply the words of the baker, who -- has not filed a complaint. Whose fault is that if there really was a law broken?

Or maybe he was making it up. Hmmm.

Organizing boycotts is not against the law.

Organizing campaigns to destroy a person's livelihood for no better reason than the person holds a belief or conviction that you don't agree with may not be illegal. But it sure as hell is wrong. It is unAmerican. And it is evil.

And a pox on anybody's house who condones it.

A couple of people have asked for proof.

Including me.

Where is the proof of this happening?
If they broke a law then fine. Let the authorities who enforce the law deal with it. Don't organize a hateful e-mail campaign with the most horrendous content, don't threaten people, their families, their customers, their vendors out of moral outrage. If the Christian bakers are not allowed to hold their own beliefs and convictions in peace and follow their own conscience that requires no participation or contribution from anybody else, then who among us can be free?

And if it is ourage that it was Christian bakers who broke the law and therefore must be punished, but everybody else who breaks the law can be forgiven or ignored or shrugged off, then who are the true bigots in this case?
Oh, so the lesbian couple are allowed to make a complaint that their rights were violated, but don't you dare let them utilize free speech to let people know their rights were violated.

Free Speech for me and not for thee. I see.

Anyone who has violated the law making harmful threats or do anything beyond engaging in free speech to organize boycotts should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

To date, no one has produced anything to show a complaint was filed where there were unlawful threats. Simply the words of the baker, who -- has not filed a complaint. Whose fault is that if there really was a law broken?

Or maybe he was making it up. Hmmm.

Organizing boycotts is not against the law.

Organizing campaigns to destroy a person's livelihood for no better reason than the person holds a belief or conviction that you don't agree with may not be illegal. But it sure as hell is wrong. It is unAmerican. And it is evil.

And a pox on anybody's house who condones it.
Better contact the American Family Association, and the One Million Moms Campaign, and about 20 other 'Christian' organizations that work to promote boycotts of things they find offensive and want to remove and/or put out of business.

Boycotts are part of America ferchissakes. Our revolution STARTED with a boycott.

Free Speech is wrong now?
Homosexuals stripping heterosexuals of their rights may only make heterosexuals fight harder in making sure that homosexuals do not get any rights when all is said and done.

God bless you always!!!

Sounds like a threat to me!
Its not a threat. Its a heads up. The more that this kind of thing happens, the less likely that the homosexual people will get what it is that they want. Why should they get what they want when all that they care about is themselves anyways? Selfishness will get a person absolutely no where.

God bless you always!!!


You're not seeing the obvious here.

First, its not a matter of choosing to give them rights that they already have. They are US citizens and these phony christians don't get to decide which Americans get "equal" rights.

Second, demanding the rights you were born to is not "selfish". It is their right.

Third, you are obviously another phony christian. If you were the real thing and if you were a real American, you would be fighting for the rights that gays already have.

You keep typing that really phony "god bless you" when, in fact, that's not what you're doing. See, you can't simultaneously be a hate-filled bigot AND a child of god.
Oh, so the lesbian couple are allowed to make a complaint that their rights were violated, but don't you dare let them utilize free speech to let people know their rights were violated.

Free Speech for me and not for thee. I see.

Anyone who has violated the law making harmful threats or do anything beyond engaging in free speech to organize boycotts should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

To date, no one has produced anything to show a complaint was filed where there were unlawful threats. Simply the words of the baker, who -- has not filed a complaint. Whose fault is that if there really was a law broken?

Or maybe he was making it up. Hmmm.

Organizing boycotts is not against the law.

Organizing campaigns to destroy a person's livelihood for no better reason than the person holds a belief or conviction that you don't agree with may not be illegal. But it sure as hell is wrong. It is unAmerican. And it is evil.

And a pox on anybody's house who condones it.

Better contact the American Family Association, and the One Million Moms Campaign, and about 20 other 'Christian' organizations that work to promote boycotts of things they find offensive and want to remove and/or put out of business.

Boycotts are part of America ferchissakes. Our revolution STARTED with a boycott.

Free Speech is wrong now?

They do boycotts, they don't put people out of business in such an aggressive manner as what these gay rights folks did. In fact, they want to hurt the business, not put it out of business. They don't send such putrid emails to the ones who offensed them.

And our revolution began with the destruction of property, not a boycott. Google the Boston Tea Party.
They chose to open a business in a state that has these LAWS.

If they don't like it, then they are free to go to a state where that is not the LAW.

Aren't conservatives the State's Rights crowd? Guess not.

Nothing is stopping them from opening up a business with no discrimination laws against sexual orientation, and then, if a gay couple asks for a wedding cake, they can tell them they can go drink a dick without worry of breaking the LAW.

Wasn't it federal law as well? I suppose of Obama's boys won't prosecute...

No, federal Public Accommodation law does not list sexual orientation.

Oh, so the lesbian couple are allowed to make a complaint that their rights were violated, but don't you dare let them utilize free speech to let people know their rights were violated.

Free Speech for me and not for thee. I see.

Anyone who has violated the law making harmful threats or do anything beyond engaging in free speech to organize boycotts should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

To date, no one has produced anything to show a complaint was filed where there were unlawful threats. Simply the words of the baker, who -- has not filed a complaint. Whose fault is that if there really was a law broken?

Or maybe he was making it up. Hmmm.

Organizing boycotts is not against the law.

Organizing campaigns to destroy a person's livelihood for no better reason than the person holds a belief or conviction that you don't agree with may not be illegal. But it sure as hell is wrong. It is unAmerican. And it is evil.

And a pox on anybody's house who condones it.
Better contact the American Family Association, and the One Million Moms Campaign, and about 20 other 'Christian' organizations that work to promote boycotts of things they find offensive and want to remove and/or put out of business.

Boycotts are part of America ferchissakes. Our revolution STARTED with a boycott.

Free Speech is wrong now?

I've also asked these good christians what they would change so this could not happen to any other fake christian bakers but not one of them has answered.

They post here every day about how some people should not have the rights guaranteed them by our Constitution but not one of these cowards has the balls to admit what they're really saying.

But, if we want to know what they would change, all we have to do is read about their adoration of Putin and their siding against their own country.
You know...this is where the rubber meets the road for some of the defenders of these bigoted bakers.

Cons have been wanting to repeal the Civil Rights Act for some time now. They tell us any company that discriminated would soon find itself out of business if they did,

(memba? memba? memba?)

because people would spread the word and others, either overtly or by simply not patronizing would find themselves not doing business with discriminators and THAT'S how it should work now.

So here we have exactly that happening -- and ba da boom! Nope Nope Nope.

Don't you DARE spread the word these people are discriminating! For Jeezuz.
They chose to open a business in a state that has these LAWS.

If they don't like it, then they are free to go to a state where that is not the LAW.

Aren't conservatives the State's Rights crowd? Guess not.

Nothing is stopping them from opening up a business with no discrimination laws against sexual orientation, and then, if a gay couple asks for a wedding cake, they can tell them they can go drink a dick without worry of breaking the LAW.

Wasn't it federal law as well? I suppose of Obama's boys won't prosecute...

No, federal Public Accommodation law does not list sexual orientation.


Then WHAT ON EARTH have we been discussing all this time?! If Federal Public Accommodation Law does not list sexual orientation, the bakery was well within their rights. Federal Law trumps state law. Period.
Organizing campaigns to destroy a person's livelihood for no better reason than the person holds a belief or conviction that you don't agree with may not be illegal. But it sure as hell is wrong. It is unAmerican. And it is evil.

And a pox on anybody's house who condones it.

Better contact the American Family Association, and the One Million Moms Campaign, and about 20 other 'Christian' organizations that work to promote boycotts of things they find offensive and want to remove and/or put out of business.

Boycotts are part of America ferchissakes. Our revolution STARTED with a boycott.

Free Speech is wrong now?

They do boycotts, they don't put people out of business in such an aggressive manner as what these gay rights folks did. In fact, they want to hurt the business, not put it out of business. They don't send such putrid emails to the ones who offensed them.

And our revolution began with the destruction of property, not a boycott. Google the Boston Tea Party.
Hey you big ole student of history you!

"Led by vocal orators such as James Otis and Patrick Henry, the colonists began a massive boycott of British goods causing colonial imports to fall from £2,250,000 in 1764, to £1,944,000 in 1765. In several colonies new protest groups, known as the "Sons of Liberty" formed."

American Revolution Causes - Causes of the American Revolution - Revolutionary War Causes
blah blah blah...if you refuse service to someone due their sexual preference, then expect to be boycotted, called out and exposed as a bigot. Stop your fucking crying and deal with the fact that there are consequences to being a bigot.

Its the american way. Its business.

On a personal note, if I owned a business, I would stay in the MIDDLE on pretty much every issue. Pretty much. I would not scr3eam I am a democrat because I know I would alienate half the potential customers. Thats just good business sense unless my business was political in some way.
Organizing campaigns to destroy a person's livelihood for no better reason than the person holds a belief or conviction that you don't agree with may not be illegal. But it sure as hell is wrong. It is unAmerican. And it is evil.

And a pox on anybody's house who condones it.

You should tell that to the American Family Association that routinely organizes boycotts of companies they deam to be "gay friendly" such as:

Abercrombie & Fitch,
American Airlines,
American Girl,
Blockbuster Video,
Burger King,
Calvin Klein,
Carl's Jr.,
Hallmark Cards,
Kraft Foods,
S. C. Johnson & Son,
Movie Gallery,
Mary Kay,
Old Navy,
IKEA, Sears,
Procter & Gamble,
Walt Disney Company,
and PepsiCo


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