Christian Bigots shout down Muslim kids singing National Anthem at Texas rally

Anyway, gotta run. But y'all Communist Christianophobes look thirsty. So why don't y'all go drink a tall warm glass of Piss Christ. Enjoy. Have a good one. :)
The Left does have a lot in common with Radical Muslims. They both truly hate Christians and would like to see them all dead. That's why the Left is heavily supported by Muslims. That's definitely the case in Western Europe and the U.S.
I love how by pointing out the piss poor behavior of those Texas 'christians" suddenly turns into a hate on christians. Talk about deflecting. :lol: :lol: :lol:
nut, where in the Bible does it say that Jesus or those that follow Him have to tolerate whatever comes down the pike?
How tolerant was Christ with the crooked money exchangers at the temple? How was He tolerant of the Pharisees?
Understand Him before you use Him to push your agenda.
This I command you; love your neighbor as you would love yourself.

Pretty much sums it up.

Love my children more than life. Do I tolerate bad behavior? Hardly. Jesus loved the money changers. Did He tolerate cheating? Hardly. Pretty much sums up Christ.
The new definition of 'bad behavior' includes children singing the National Anthem. got it. Real tolerance there.
Not tolerating Muslim propaganda is what you don't seem to get. Attempting to normalize Islam in America is what isn't tolerable. It isn't just another religion. Singing the National Anthem almost makes Islam look accepting and benign, when it truth is, Islam considers those who live by the words of our anthem, Satan.
Next time they sing for you, remember:
First comes Saturday, then comes Sunday. First the Jews, then the Americans..........
Absolutely not. What an idiotic, ignorant statement.
Wow, Pauli, that chick must be one of the Texas Muslims. Way to stay on topic here. Or not. LOL

Do you project like this on issues of sex too, or is this just a special treat for you?

Just havin some fun with you Communist/Progressive Christianophobes. The OP is just projecting and justifying his or her own irrational bigotry towards Christians.
fuck you. You shouldn't call people name, Pauli.

And you are a fuckin fruitcake. Keep it up. The more right wing crazies are exposed, the better it is for us in the next election.
The Left does have a lot in common with Radical Muslims. They both truly hate Christians and would like to see them all dead. That's why the Left is heavily supported by Muslims. That's definitely the case in Western Europe and the U.S.
That makes Obama a RWNJ since ISIS wants to behead him in the White House.

Have you offered to sponsor their trip?

Muslims overwhelmingly support the Left/Socialists in both Western Europe and the U.S. They share common goals when it comes to Christians. They hate em and want em eradicated. You guys are natural allies. It is what it is.

Seriously Communists/Progressives, who do you think you're foolin? We all know you have a warped irrational hatred of Christians. This post is another classic case of hypocritical projection. You're bigots too. It is what it is.
Only these faux Christians.
paulitician seems to think when you condem some bigoted assholes who scream their hate from under a Christian banner that you must hate all Christians.

This is a common mistake with those who do the same thing when it comes to Muslims, see. It's psychological projection. "I see a few Muslims doing something wrong and that means all Muslims are evil. Therefore, if you condemn a handful of Christians, you must hate all Christians."

People like him don't get we aren't as retarded as they are.
Is not religious bigotry relative? Damned if I can find videos of Christian zealots burning cars, shooting cartoonists, beheading journalists or flying fucking planes into buildings. Yet you vilify a group interrupting some Muslim school children.

Code pink disrupts a Senate Committee meeting and tries to arrest a former US diplomat and we get crickets.
Oh my...well, that makes the behavior of those Texans ok then.
Did I say that? These people in Texas, if anything, violated the right of the kids to sing the National Anthym. They do so because some Muslims shoot cartoonists, behead journalists, burn cars and fly fucking planes into buildings and the others remain silent.
Baptist Koch Brother ball suckers (Teabaggers) are not Christian, they are part of a cult that hides behind the Christian identity.
You might want to talk to your doctor about this.
noun: paranoia
  1. a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically elaborated into an organized system. It may be an aspect of chronic personality disorder, of drug abuse, or of a serious condition such as schizophrenia in which the person loses touch with reality.
    synonyms: persecution complex, delusions, obsession, psychosis
    "her husband had concocted a cruel scheme to inflict her with paranoia"
    • suspicion and mistrust of people or their actions without evidence or justification.
      "the global paranoia about hackers and viruses"

So, opposition to the party is mental illness?

Wow, how original, Comrade.

Political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You Communists are consistent - evil, but consistently evil!

Perfect example. The definition said nothing about opposition to any party, but your mind twisted it to match your paranoid delusion.

Says the far left drone that thinks they actually have a choice in their nominations..
I guess it's just coincidence that our nominees are always the ones that most of us want. Imagine that. What does that have to do with shouting down children singing the National Anthem? Try to stay on subject.

The far left drones believing a far left blog site not connected to reality..

Go figure that one..

More proof that the far left is more dangerous than ISIS..
Baptist Koch Brother ball suckers (Teabaggers) are not Christian, they are part of a cult that hides behind the Christian identity.

Far left propaganda on display once again..
You can see their shameful behavior for yourselves here:

That was painful to watch. Seeing Americans acting like assholes is embarrassing.

Would you rather be in London?


This isn't in's in Texas....which is much worse.

Keep coddling the goat fuckers and you'll have London/Paris riots in Dallas and San Trannycisco.

DO Tell us how having the courtesy of letting some children sing The National Anthem without being verbally assaulted "coddling goat fuckers"?
Here is what's sad about this whole situation.

People are always demanding that the moderate muslins stand up and be counted.

So a group of moderate muslim's have their children sing the National Anthem to show patriotism for our country and all they get is disrupted and protested for their effort.

No wonder the vast majority of Muslim Americans stay silent and in the shadows. ..... :cool:
Gee, I guess shouting down is only bad when it's not a flock of liberals preventing a conservative from speaking.
Christianity wasn't founded by a murdering, pillaging, pedophile warlord. It was founded by a Man (God, whatever) of peace.

Are these men of peace?


Because you and pauli and UC remind me of them.
Baptist Koch Brother ball suckers (Teabaggers) are not Christian, they are part of a cult that hides behind the Christian identity.

And you want to kill them all, da Comrade?

You can try and try and try this failed baiting attempt, but you and pauli and Edgey are the only ones condemning an entire creed of people around here.

Classic projection.
nut, where in the Bible does it say that Jesus or those that follow Him have to tolerate whatever comes down the pike?
How tolerant was Christ with the crooked money exchangers at the temple? How was He tolerant of the Pharisees?
Understand Him before you use Him to push your agenda.
The reprobate suck at WWJD? But that doesn't stop them from embarrassing themselves.
nut, where in the Bible does it say that Jesus or those that follow Him have to tolerate whatever comes down the pike?
How tolerant was Christ with the crooked money exchangers at the temple? How was He tolerant of the Pharisees?
Understand Him before you use Him to push your agenda.
I understand Christ very well. And for you to use him as your justification for hating all Muslims is sickening.
Here is what's sad about this whole situation.

People are always demanding that the moderate muslins stand up and be counted.

So a group of moderate muslim's have their children sing the National Anthem to show patriotism for our country and all they get is disrupted and protested for their effort.

No wonder the vast majority of Muslim Americans stay silent and in the shadows. ..... :cool:

Thank you. And how devastating that must have been for the kids.

I disagree with the OP, it's not about Christians, it's about so-called adults so full of hate they have to attack kids to get their jollies.
Wow, Pauli, that chick must be one of the Texas Muslims. Way to stay on topic here. Or not. LOL

Do you project like this on issues of sex too, or is this just a special treat for you?

Just havin some fun with you Communist/Progressive Christianophobes. The OP is just projecting and justifying his or her own irrational bigotry towards Christians.
fuck you. You shouldn't call people name, Pauli.
Hypocritical bastard.He called you a Christianophobe and you respond with "Fuck you". Well, FUCK YOU!!! Grow the hell up, boy.

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