Christian family tried to destroy gay son's future and failed. Good!

its funny , these lefties call an adult all the way up to 26 as kids . My Dad and Mom told me that i was a young man at the start of my teen age days .
It's not the son who needs "straightening out"
So how would you ‘straighten out’ the parents? Deny them the right to live by their religious beliefs???
Give me a freakin break with that idiotic horseshit!! They can live their lives any damned way that they wish. They can believe whatever the voices in their brainwashed head tells the to believe. They CANNOT reject their own child.
Why not? I’m sure Charlie Manson parents would reject him.
Fucking brilliant!! Comparing a gay kid to Manson.
No comparison being made. You said a parent can’t reject their own child. I’m just pointing out that you are wrong

Allow me to re-phrase. They cannot reject their child because of their bigotry in the name of their God.
So how would you ‘straighten out’ the parents? Deny them the right to live by their religious beliefs???
Give me a freakin break with that idiotic horseshit!! They can live their lives any damned way that they wish. They can believe whatever the voices in their brainwashed head tells the to believe. They CANNOT reject their own child.
Why not? I’m sure Charlie Manson parents would reject him.
Fucking brilliant!! Comparing a gay kid to Manson.
No comparison being made. You said a parent can’t reject their own child. I’m just pointing out that you are wrong

Allow me to re-phrase. They cannot reject their child because of their bigotry in the name of their God.
Of course they can.
So how would you ‘straighten out’ the parents? Deny them the right to live by their religious beliefs???
Give me a freakin break with that idiotic horseshit!! They can live their lives any damned way that they wish. They can believe whatever the voices in their brainwashed head tells the to believe. They CANNOT reject their own child.
Why not? I’m sure Charlie Manson parents would reject him.
Fucking brilliant!! Comparing a gay kid to Manson.
No comparison being made. You said a parent can’t reject their own child. I’m just pointing out that you are wrong

Allow me to re-phrase. They cannot reject their child because of their bigotry in the name of their God.
Let me restate. You don’t know the whole story.
No one wanted to destroy his life. Just not support his perversion.
I second this. If they wanted to destroy his life, they would've held him in a cage against his will or just killed him. Washing your hands of someone the way that his family washed their hands of him is no crime.

God bless you always!!!

Its not a crime, but if your sons sexual preference determines whether or not you love him, then youre a immoral person.
I once heard it said that sometimes the best thing that you can do for your kid is nothing and if that kid is going to do something that you believe to be wrong, there is only one way to get across your feelings about their choice of action.

God bless you always!!!

An 18 year old guy is not being supported by his parents? What a shocker! The kid claims it’s because he is gay, no one checks out his story and then starts a begging for money page. Interesting how easy it is to make up stories and people fall for it without checking all the facts.
This the problem with religion. It drives people to abandoning their own offspring.
Have you heard the parents side? No. You want to take up this kids cause without knowing the full story. There is more to this, trust me.

But this Owen couple won't come out and tell the supposed rest of the story. I feel sorry for kids born to cult parents. They need to come out and speak, but they are in hiding.
Why don't these two Southern Baptists who produced this child come out and make a public statement?

Because their life is private. Non of your business or anyone else's.

They sacrificed their privacy when their mistreatment of their son came out. This Owen couple needs to come out of their closet. Some runaway Southern Baptists? Cowards?
How is not paying for his college education mistreatment? My parents didn’t pay for mine, I went to college and worked to pay for it.

These supposed "parents" kicked him out of the house for not participating in their cult. They failed as parents. The Owen's are failures as parents. Let this kid's supposed "mother" and "father" come out and speak to the public.

These parents seemed to have put up with a lot.
I'd have kicked either of my kids out if they had voted or supported a democrat.
This the problem with religion. It drives people to abandoning their own offspring.
Have you heard the parents side? No. You want to take up this kids cause without knowing the full story. There is more to this, trust me.

But this Owen couple won't come out and tell the supposed rest of the story. I feel sorry for kids born to cult parents. They need to come out and speak, but they are in hiding.
Again, you don’t know the whole story. The parents aren’t obligated to be part of the circus their son started. I applaud people for people protecting their privacy. It’s none of our concern. By the way I love how you State the “supposed rest of the story” you have already decided that this is the real story.
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Because their life is private. Non of your business or anyone else's.

They sacrificed their privacy when their mistreatment of their son came out. This Owen couple needs to come out of their closet. Some runaway Southern Baptists? Cowards?
How is not paying for his college education mistreatment? My parents didn’t pay for mine, I went to college and worked to pay for it.

These supposed "parents" kicked him out of the house for not participating in their cult. They failed as parents. The Owen's are failures as parents. Let this kid's supposed "mother" and "father" come out and speak to the public.
------------------------------- if they like they will come out and speak 'Ma'am' !!
---------------------------------- but YOU , YOU can't force them though you might like to Lysis .
Why are they hiding? Their son's teachers have spoken out, he himself has spoken out. His cult parents are hiding. Cowards. It's very telling. Like I have said, I feel extremely sorry for the children born to the cults.
They sacrificed their privacy when their mistreatment of their son came out. This Owen couple needs to come out of their closet. Some runaway Southern Baptists? Cowards?
How is not paying for his college education mistreatment? My parents didn’t pay for mine, I went to college and worked to pay for it.

These supposed "parents" kicked him out of the house for not participating in their cult. They failed as parents. The Owen's are failures as parents. Let this kid's supposed "mother" and "father" come out and speak to the public.
------------------------------- if they like they will come out and speak 'Ma'am' !!
---------------------------------- but YOU , YOU can't force them though you might like to Lysis .
Why are they hiding? Their son's teachers have spoken out, he himself has spoken out. His cult parents are hiding. It's very telling. Like I have said, I feel extremely sorry for the children born to the cults.
It isn’t telling. You want it to be telling. They have a right To privacy, ‘‘tis isn’t a civil case or a felony. It’s a family matter that really doesn’t concern anyone but the family. Even if the kid is totally honest ( which I doubt ) there is no harm done and his life can and will do on.
Such a lot of hatred for a kid who has had bad parents.
He is lucky that he wasnt a victim in a mass shooting or they would really despise him.
How do you know the parents were bad? Have we heard both sides?

You keep saying this. But this kid's parents will not come out and present the other side. Everyone has spoken out, but not them.
What don’t you understand? They don’t have to. This is a family matter that the kid has decided to make public. He wasn’t harmed, his life goes on, he got his money. In the end, who gives a shit?
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No one wanted to destroy his life. Just not support his perversion.
I second this. If they wanted to destroy his life, they would've held him in a cage against his will or just killed him. Washing your hands of someone the way that his family washed their hands of him is no crime.

God bless you always!!!

Its not a crime, but if your sons sexual preference determines whether or not you love him, then youre a immoral person.
I once heard it said that sometimes the best thing that you can do for your kid is nothing and if that kid is going to do something that you believe to be wrong, there is only one way to get across your feelings about their choice of action.

God bless you always!!!

Jesus would love his children, rather than do nothing, as you just suggested.
This young man's failed parents should show their faces and be interviewed. Looks like they are hiding in their little Florida home. They should come out and explain themselves in front of the public and accept responsibility for their actions.

Someone termed these "parents" as by the generic term "Christians," above, so it should be noted that they are of the Southern Baptist religion, and their actions should not reflect on all of the world's 2 billion Christians, just Southern Baptists.

As for Seth: So glad you made it! You deserve it. Your "parents" don't. They are hiding under their blankies, now, afraid to come out after putting you through such an ordeal. Rooting for you, Hoya!
------------------------------------------------ she's a bossy female i guess but Christian Parents should and can do as they like Lysis .

Look, these (laughably "Christian") Southern Baptist parents mentally abused and then abandoned their child and they are getting away with it. At least this talented young man is experiencing wide-ranging support that will help him through his college years and will show him that all human beings are not like his parents.
------------------------------------------------------------ GETTING AWAY WITH IT , what can be done eh . USA is a Free Country so people can do as they like . We are not 'euro land' where the 'euros' are subjects to be ordered about by masters Lysis .

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