Christian family tried to destroy gay son's future and failed. Good!

This young man's failed parents should show their faces and be interviewed. Looks like they are hiding in their little Florida home. They should come out and explain themselves in front of the public and accept responsibility for their actions.

Someone termed these "parents" as by the generic term "Christians," above, so it should be noted that they are of the Southern Baptist religion, and their actions should not reflect on all of the world's 2 billion Christians, just Southern Baptists.

As for Seth: So glad you made it! You deserve it. Your "parents" don't. They are hiding under their blankies, now, afraid to come out after putting you through such an ordeal. Rooting for you, Hoya!
------------------------------------------------ she's a bossy female i guess but Christian Parents should and can do as they like Lysis .

Look, these (laughably "Christian") Southern Baptist parents mentally abused and then abandoned their child and they are getting away with it. At least this talented young man is experiencing wide-ranging support that will help him through his college years and will show him that all human beings are not like his parents.
----------------------------- wide ranging support by people like other pervert supporters Missy . Must be annoying to you that the parents can freely do as they like regarding their disowned son Lysis .

What I am saying is that his inadequate parents failed him due to their ignorance and the ignorance of the Southern Baptist cult and are now keeping a very low profile.

Don't call me "Missy," little boy. Just who do you think you are? I've probably been around twice as long as you have.
Why don't these two Southern Baptists who produced this child come out and make a public statement?

Because their life is private. Non of your business or anyone else's.

They sacrificed their privacy when their mistreatment of their son came out. This Owen couple needs to come out of their closet. Some runaway Southern Baptists? Cowards?
How is not paying for his college education mistreatment? My parents didn’t pay for mine, I went to college and worked to pay for it.

These supposed "parents" kicked him out of the house for not participating in their cult. They failed as parents. The Owen's are failures as parents. Let this kid's supposed "mother" and "father" come out and speak to the public.
This the problem with religion. It drives people to abandoning their own offspring.
And even to killing them.

The Texas teens who were murdered by their father in 'honor killing' in the back of his taxi after they objected to an arranged marriage and accused him of abusing them
  • Amina Said, 18, and her sister Sarah, 17, were shot dead on New Year's Day in 2008 and their bodies left in cab at hotel parking lot
  • Ruth Trotter, whose son Joseph was dating Amina, says in documentary that the girls were victims of honor killings at the hands of their father
  • 'The Price of Honor' screened in Washington last week tells the girls' story and aims to shed light on such murders in the US
  • Their father disappeared after their deaths and is still wanted by the FBI

Amina Said and sister Sarah murdered in the back of father's taxi in Texas | Daily Mail Online
Christian family simply asked their son to move out as they don’t approve of his lifestyle choice and want to honour their religion Kids are asked to leave home all the time, for all sorts of reasons. Non news, as ever from the OP.
Yes. So Christian of them to disown their son.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- if the Parents find that its needed to perhaps fix and straighten out their son P.P. .
It's not the son who needs "straightening out"
It pretty much is. He wants to bitch about his parents not paying for college, tough shit. My parents didn’t pay for mine. It is their right regardless of why. There is more to this story, we are only hearing one side.
Why don't these two Southern Baptists who produced this child come out and make a public statement?

Because their life is private. Non of your business or anyone else's.

They sacrificed their privacy when their mistreatment of their son came out. This Owen couple needs to come out of their closet. Some runaway Southern Baptists? Cowards?
How is not paying for his college education mistreatment? My parents didn’t pay for mine, I went to college and worked to pay for it.

These supposed "parents" kicked him out of the house for not participating in their cult. They failed as parents. The Owen's are failures as parents. Let this kid's supposed "mother" and "father" come out and speak to the public.
Exactly. We are only hearing the kids side of the story. Yet you have found the parents guilty. There is more to this story, trust me.
Christian family simply asked their son to move out as they don’t approve of his lifestyle choice and want to honour their religion Kids are asked to leave home all the time, for all sorts of reasons. Non news, as ever from the OP.
Yes. So Christian of them to disown their son.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- if the Parents find that its needed to perhaps fix and straighten out their son P.P. .
It's not the son who needs "straightening out"
So how would you ‘straighten out’ the parents? Deny them the right to live by their religious beliefs???
Give me a freakin break with that idiotic horseshit!! They can live their lives any damned way that they wish. They can believe whatever the voices in their brainwashed head tells the to believe. They CANNOT reject their own child.
Christian family simply asked their son to move out as they don’t approve of his lifestyle choice and want to honour their religion Kids are asked to leave home all the time, for all sorts of reasons. Non news, as ever from the OP.
Yes. So Christian of them to disown their son.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- if the Parents find that its needed to perhaps fix and straighten out their son P.P. .
It's not the son who needs "straightening out"
So how would you ‘straighten out’ the parents? Deny them the right to live by their religious beliefs???
Give me a freakin break with that idiotic horseshit!! They can live their lives any damned way that they wish. They can believe whatever the voices in their brainwashed head tells the to believe. They CANNOT reject their own child.
Of course they can reject their own (adult) ‘child’.
And you said they’ve already done so, you demented twat.
This the problem with religion. It drives people to abandoning their own offspring.
Have you heard the parents side? No. You want to take up this kids cause without knowing the full story. There is more to this, trust me.
After fundraiser goes viral, Georgetown awards gay valedictorian full scholarship

Seth Owen, 18, thought his dreams of attending Georgetown University were in jeopardy earlier this year after receiving his financial aid package from the prestigious school. The package had been determined based on the expected contribution of his family, a religious family he said drove him out of his home due to his sexual orientation.


Good samaritans ended up sending him over $130,000.00 so he could achieve his dream of attending Georgetown University.

Another life right wing Republican Christians failed to destroy.

Good story

Glad hatred did not win
Christian family simply asked their son to move out as they don’t approve of his lifestyle choice and want to honour their religion Kids are asked to leave home all the time, for all sorts of reasons. Non news, as ever from the OP.
Yes. So Christian of them to disown their son.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- if the Parents find that its needed to perhaps fix and straighten out their son P.P. .
It's not the son who needs "straightening out"
So how would you ‘straighten out’ the parents? Deny them the right to live by their religious beliefs???
Give me a freakin break with that idiotic horseshit!! They can live their lives any damned way that they wish. They can believe whatever the voices in their brainwashed head tells the to believe. They CANNOT reject their own child.
Why not? I’m sure Charlie Manson parents would reject him.
Why don't these two Southern Baptists who produced this child come out and make a public statement?

Because their life is private. Non of your business or anyone else's.

They sacrificed their privacy when their mistreatment of their son came out. This Owen couple needs to come out of their closet. Some runaway Southern Baptists? Cowards?
How is not paying for his college education mistreatment? My parents didn’t pay for mine, I went to college and worked to pay for it.

These supposed "parents" kicked him out of the house for not participating in their cult. They failed as parents. The Owen's are failures as parents. Let this kid's supposed "mother" and "father" come out and speak to the public.
------------------------------- if they like they will come out and speak 'Ma'am' !!
Why don't these two Southern Baptists who produced this child come out and make a public statement?

Because their life is private. Non of your business or anyone else's.

They sacrificed their privacy when their mistreatment of their son came out. This Owen couple needs to come out of their closet. Some runaway Southern Baptists? Cowards?
How is not paying for his college education mistreatment? My parents didn’t pay for mine, I went to college and worked to pay for it.

These supposed "parents" kicked him out of the house for not participating in their cult. They failed as parents. The Owen's are failures as parents. Let this kid's supposed "mother" and "father" come out and speak to the public.
------------------------------- if they like they will come out and speak 'Ma'am' !!
---------------------------------- but YOU , YOU can't force them though you might like to Lysis .
'The BAD SEED ' and the Christian Parents are rejecting the 'bad seed' probably in hopes that he as an adult sees the Error of his 'Bad Seed' ways P.P..
Yes. So Christian of them to disown their son.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- if the Parents find that its needed to perhaps fix and straighten out their son P.P. .
It's not the son who needs "straightening out"
So how would you ‘straighten out’ the parents? Deny them the right to live by their religious beliefs???
Give me a freakin break with that idiotic horseshit!! They can live their lives any damned way that they wish. They can believe whatever the voices in their brainwashed head tells the to believe. They CANNOT reject their own child.
Why not? I’m sure Charlie Manson parents would reject him.
Fucking brilliant!! Comparing a gay kid to Manson.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- if the Parents find that its needed to perhaps fix and straighten out their son P.P. .
It's not the son who needs "straightening out"
So how would you ‘straighten out’ the parents? Deny them the right to live by their religious beliefs???
Give me a freakin break with that idiotic horseshit!! They can live their lives any damned way that they wish. They can believe whatever the voices in their brainwashed head tells the to believe. They CANNOT reject their own child.
Why not? I’m sure Charlie Manson parents would reject him.
Fucking brilliant!! Comparing a gay kid to Manson.
No comparison being made. You said a parent can’t reject their own child. I’m just pointing out that you are wrong
This the problem with religion. It drives people to abandoning their own offspring.
Have you heard the parents side? No. You want to take up this kids cause without knowing the full story. There is more to this, trust me.
Trust you?? :iyfyus.jpg::haha::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
I’m not going to trust you. You have condemned someone without knowing the complete story or all the facts. Your little cartoon helps to prove that your mind isn’t capable of rational thought. If you need cartoons to get your point across, you already lost the discussion. You and all the other morons on here got sucked in to a loaded headline, reacted accordingly and have shown that you lack objectivity.

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