Christian group predicts the world will be 'annihilated' on Wednesday

Out walking the dog last night and a group of fat ladies handed me a pamphlet about the world ending today. Quick goggle search and watta know..

While our planet may have survived September’s “blood moon”, it will be permanently destroyed on Wednesday, 7 October, a Christian organization has warned.

The eBible Fellowship, an online affiliation headquartered near Philadelphia, has based its prediction of an October obliteration on a previous claim that the world would end on 21 May 2011. While that claim proved to be false, the organization is confident it has the correct date this time.

Christian group predicts the world will be 'annihilated' on Wednesday


It can't end on the day of the MLB wildcard game.
It will end when the Cubs win the World Series.

It will probably end when our atmosphere thins and the sun's intense heat burns up everything here which sustains our existence.

Don't be so glib.

The article states "Some scientists believe this could happen as soon as 7.6bn years’ time."

Scary stuff.

Source Please!!

Its in my post.

If you look really carefully, you'll see I've made it easier for you to see.

For those who didn't get it, my post was a joke, as is the article linked in the OP.


good one. you not only showed your hate for black people but for women too

man you need a life

I'd rather have a sense of humor.......which it's obvious you do not.

yeah sure. how about I post one of Obambam as a monkey boy. we can get a get laugh at that

Sounds like Stooopid Stuff believes tonight is the end for the planet.

Stooopid Stuff thinks she can take her gumt cheese with her.

Stoopid Stuff is Stoopid.

Funny, but stooopid.

See you tomorrow!


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