"christian" group threatens to use economic terrorism to stop Indiana bill becoming law.

didn't read the link but nothing wrong with a Boycott Odium !!
Eh let them...nationwide they are less than 700k people...I think Indiana would survive without 6k people coming to Indiana in 2 years for a conference lol...
Economic boycotts are only terrorism if they other side does it. :lol:

Let the "white Christians" show how politically weak they are.
didn't read the link but nothing wrong with a Boycott Odium !!
Eh let them...nationwide they are less than 700k people...I think Indiana would survive without 6k people coming to Indiana in 2 years for a conference lol...
sure they'll survive with little problem but the Christians make their point and give their money to friends !!
didn't read the link but nothing wrong with a Boycott Odium !!
Eh let them...nationwide they are less than 700k people...I think Indiana would survive without 6k people coming to Indiana in 2 years for a conference lol...
sure they'll survive with little problem but the Christians make their point and give their money to friends !!
Mmhmm...but its one radical religious sect....I mean seriously they got a woman as head of their church...
that's ok with me , I thought that the topic was about them doing a boycott !! Boycott is fine , let them give the money to friends rather than enemies Odium !!
Threatening to end business in a state unless they do as you say is economic terrorism
Just read the link. Think progress is hardly a reputable source. Let the LGBT group cry, good going Indiana.

Pick yer poison.
I don't care which side of any issue boycotts.

The end result is if the business survives the first day its volume grows and customers become more loyal.

Wanna boycott?

Please DO!

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