Kamala trounces trump in debate

This isn’t an either-or. Harris has a track record. She is a radical desperately trying to crawl towards the center. Her history does not back up the positions she is taking for convenience. She is lying when she says she will leave fracking and gun ownership alone and has clearly raised flip-flop concerns.
Yet you ignore Trump's extremist position shifting more and more towards fascism.
it was a bloodbath. Kamala bitched slapped Trump at will and Trump was completely helpless. If this was a boxing match, Trump would have been ko’d.
Notice all the republican attempts to distract from the terrible and insane part trump played in the debate. He was truly pathetic. What was your honest opinion of trump's performance. I 'd say he aced it as a clown. Kamala was totally together, on top of her game and full of optimism and good will. Just what this country needs. Cannot post links with this phone. Please someone who responds post the debate. Thanks , Stan. For the idiots who say " link ". Not necessary for anyone who watched the debate.
I say democrats will say Harris won, republicans will say Trump won. There’s really no need to go any deeper than that. The performance of the debate is purely subjective. Neither party learned anything, neither party “won”.
Stann must have been watching something completely different than I was. Trump trounced Kamel Toe.
What a moron ^^^^.
Exactly what part of that trump debacle were you proud of?

You need to stick to the Alphabet game you play.
Aside from reminding Trump who she was running against, how did she differentiate herself from Biden? She didn’t.
Unlike republicans it's not about the person with Democrats it's the ethics and party beliefs that matter.
Yet you ignore Trump's extremist position shifting more and more towards fascism.
I haven’t ignored anything. Kamala is not accountable, she’s making promises she knows she will come anywhere near fulfilling, and she’s not strong enough or willing to start effecting change now. Action sells more than words.
I say democrats will say Harris won, republicans will say Trump won. There’s really no need to go any deeper than that. The performance of the debate is purely subjective. Neither party learned anything, neither party “won”.
They both won , but obviously Kamala won more and better things ; trump won for saying the craziest things and telling the most lies.
Notice all the republican attempts to distract from the terrible and insane part trump played in the debate. He was truly pathetic. What was your honest opinion of trump's performance. I 'd say he aced it as a clown. Kamala was totally together, on top of her game and full of optimism and good will. Just what this country needs. Cannot post links with this phone. Please someone who responds post the debate. Thanks , Stan. For the idiots who say " link ". Not necessary for anyone who watched the debate.

Didn't watch it, don't care.

Will a homo vote against queers and trans?

Will I vote to confiscate my guns?

It is all identity politics, bub.

$1500 rent.jpg
I haven’t ignored anything. Kamala is not accountable, she’s making promises she knows she will come anywhere near fulfilling, and she’s not strong enough or willing to start effecting change now. Action sells more than words.
Biden and kKamala delivered more than trump ever did. Kamala will no doubt deliver even more with her landslide win. Wait till you see how many red and purple states turn blue. It's going to be beautiful. Hope and prosperity for everyone beats just giving the rich everything anyday.
Biden and kKamala delivered more than trump ever did. Kamala will no doubt deliver even more with her landslide win. Wait till you see how many red and purple states turn blue. It's going to be beautiful. Hope and prosperity for everyone beats just giving the rich everything anyday.
They delivered 20 percent compounded inflation which is more than Trump delivered.
They both won , but obviously Kamala won more and better things ; trump won for saying the craziest things and telling the most lies.
Again, this debate performance will be purely subjective. Each side is going to say their candidate beat then other one. You’ll say “Harris won more”. The other side is going to say “Trump won more”

Who’s right? That depends on what side you ask.

The point is, these debates serve no purpose, it’s kind of like a political boxing match, each side wants to see their champion beat up on the other one.
Why did Muir, in 2 seconds respond with the word of a city manager? Not the police chief?
Perhaps because a city manager is often the highest authority in a city. They often appoint the chief of police.
If this focus group of undecided voters is any indication, the debate last night was an unmitigated disaster for Trump.

Out of 25 undecided voters, Harris gained at least 4 Trump voters and solidified her voters even more. --

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My neighbors are republicans and they say they can no longer vote for trump. That's being very reasonable. I believe that is happening all over the country. They are finally waking up to the threat trump represents. Plus he's getting crazier by the morning ment.

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