Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Traditional Marriage Cake; Turned Down By All

Actually, I think the new Congress should beat the judicial to the punch and that their first piece of legislation should be a federal law allowing gay marriage while simultaneously stripping all PA laws of any legality.

I would dare Obama to veto that bill.

You know that won't happen for oooooooo so many reasons.
a) Republicans aren't going to touch the gay marriage issue with a schooner mast. They hope that the courts will decide the issue so they won't get blamed.
b) Federal law 'allowing gay marriage' if it was intended to over-rule state laws would face the same issue DOMA had.
c) I think lots of Republicans would love to eliminate the 1964 Civil Rights Act- and any other Federal PA laws- but I would love to see Ted Cruz get up there and make that argument....but its not going to happen.
Is that all you got? Insults? Quite a shame you didn't learn anything from your brother.

It's not an insult to call a piece of shit like you a piece of shit. Shame you don't know the difference between an insult and character identification.
You seem to be on edge. Do gay posters upset you that much?
I'm thinking it could be a case of projection. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Faggots demanding people cater to them bothers me.
Do you want to reserve your perceived right to hate? Why do you believe you have a right to discriminate? Should we roll back the clock so you can discriminate against Blacks too?

Why should law abiding, tax paying, sober adult American citizens be denied any of the services each and every other American takes for granted?

What have homosexuals done to you personally to make you have such a bitter attitude?

Absolutely, I should have the right to decline doing business with ANYONE , for ANY reason.

It's MY business, MY labor, MY products, MY property. NO ONE has a RIGHT to it, EXCEPT me.
You are demanding that they be denied a cake stating "homosexuality is a sin," a statement of religious belief. You are violating the public accommodation clause of the Civil Rights act in denying service based on religion..

Where did I demand that?

All I have done is point out that several persons in this thread make reference to laws without seeming to know what those laws are.

The words on the cake were "Gay Marriage is Wrong"- which is not a religious statement at all.

But if the guy wanted to file suit, or claim that he was wronged under the law- he has the right to do either.

He will fail but he has the right to be wrong.

Now if he asked to have the words on the cake read "My lord and Saviour hates fags", and the gay bakers refused to bake that cake- they would be denying service based upon the customers religion- and that would break the law.

Be honest, would you take the chance that a court won't decide "Gay Marriage Is Wrong" isn't based on the customer's religion? It could go either way , if the guy took it to court. Flip of the coin, literally.

If this were me, I would have targeted gay bakeries in states that had states laws precluding discrimination based on sexual preference,, and owned 13 bakeries. Just to make a point.

Either way- anyone can file a lawsuit- anyone can file a complaint.

If he doesn't make a specific reference to religion he will have a hard time establishing what part of the PA he thinks was violated.

His feelings are not covered.

I'm certain his lawyer would claim religious discrimination.

Win or lose I'd like to see the suit just to see gays get a taste of their own medicine.

Oh I am sure it will happen at some point.

After all any idiot can file a lawsuit.
It's not an insult to call a piece of shit like you a piece of shit. Shame you don't know the difference between an insult and character identification.
You seem to be on edge. Do gay posters upset you that much?
I'm thinking it could be a case of projection. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Faggots demanding people cater to them bothers me.
Do you want to reserve your perceived right to hate? Why do you believe you have a right to discriminate? Should we roll back the clock so you can discriminate against Blacks too?

Why should law abiding, tax paying, sober adult American citizens be denied any of the services each and every other American takes for granted?

What have homosexuals done to you personally to make you have such a bitter attitude?

Absolutely, I should have the right to decline doing business with ANYONE , for ANY reason.

It's MY business, MY labor, MY products, MY property. NO ONE has a RIGHT to it, EXCEPT me.
Are you open to the public? Did you secure a business license from the state?
Actually, I think the new Congress should beat the judicial to the punch and that their first piece of legislation should be a federal law allowing gay marriage while simultaneously stripping all PA laws of any legality.

I would dare Obama to veto that bill.

You know that won't happen for oooooooo so many reasons.
a) Republicans aren't going to touch the gay marriage issue with a schooner mast. They hope that the courts will decide the issue so they won't get blamed.
b) Federal law 'allowing gay marriage' if it was intended to over-rule state laws would face the same issue DOMA had.
c) I think lots of Republicans would love to eliminate the 1964 Civil Rights Act- and any other Federal PA laws- but I would love to see Ted Cruz get up there and make that argument....but its not going to happen.

Primarily I know it's not going to happen b/c there is a distinct dearth of common sense in Washington DC.
You seem to be on edge. Do gay posters upset you that much?
I'm thinking it could be a case of projection. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Faggots demanding people cater to them bothers me.
Do you want to reserve your perceived right to hate? Why do you believe you have a right to discriminate? Should we roll back the clock so you can discriminate against Blacks too?

Why should law abiding, tax paying, sober adult American citizens be denied any of the services each and every other American takes for granted?

What have homosexuals done to you personally to make you have such a bitter attitude?

Absolutely, I should have the right to decline doing business with ANYONE , for ANY reason.

It's MY business, MY labor, MY products, MY property. NO ONE has a RIGHT to it, EXCEPT me.
Are you open to the public? Did you secure a business license from the state?

We were, now we're a private club.

Please tell me the legal difference betwween a club and a "public business" that gives the government the right to force me into compensated slavery for people whom I dont want to serve?
You seem to be on edge. Do gay posters upset you that much?
I'm thinking it could be a case of projection. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Faggots demanding people cater to them bothers me.
Do you want to reserve your perceived right to hate? Why do you believe you have a right to discriminate? Should we roll back the clock so you can discriminate against Blacks too?

Why should law abiding, tax paying, sober adult American citizens be denied any of the services each and every other American takes for granted?

What have homosexuals done to you personally to make you have such a bitter attitude?

Absolutely, I should have the right to decline doing business with ANYONE , for ANY reason.

It's MY business, MY labor, MY products, MY property. NO ONE has a RIGHT to it, EXCEPT me.
Are you open to the public? Did you secure a business license from the state?

By the way sport let's say your name is Tom and I hang a sign outside my steak house that says "ID's checked, NO Toms will be served" guess what that's legal, and as a Tom, you have just been denied your 14th amendment right to equal protection of the law.

So which is more important to you Tom? Your right to equal protection from the law, or the "right" to force me to do business with certain people? Think fast sport.
I'm thinking it could be a case of projection. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Faggots demanding people cater to them bothers me.
Do you want to reserve your perceived right to hate? Why do you believe you have a right to discriminate? Should we roll back the clock so you can discriminate against Blacks too?

Why should law abiding, tax paying, sober adult American citizens be denied any of the services each and every other American takes for granted?

What have homosexuals done to you personally to make you have such a bitter attitude?

Absolutely, I should have the right to decline doing business with ANYONE , for ANY reason.

It's MY business, MY labor, MY products, MY property. NO ONE has a RIGHT to it, EXCEPT me.
Are you open to the public? Did you secure a business license from the state?

We were, now we're a private club.

Please tell me the legal difference betwween a club and a "public business" that gives the government the right to force me into compensated slavery for people whom I dont want to serve?
If your business is open to the public, you must accommodate that public. If, on the other hand, you call your business a 'private club', you must show the restrictions to membership. Otherwise, you're operating a public business illegally as a private club.
Where did I demand that?

All I have done is point out that several persons in this thread make reference to laws without seeming to know what those laws are.

The words on the cake were "Gay Marriage is Wrong"- which is not a religious statement at all.

But if the guy wanted to file suit, or claim that he was wronged under the law- he has the right to do either.

He will fail but he has the right to be wrong.

Now if he asked to have the words on the cake read "My lord and Saviour hates fags", and the gay bakers refused to bake that cake- they would be denying service based upon the customers religion- and that would break the law.

Of course it is a religious statement. Again, you seek to deny civil rights to some, while granting them to others. You seek the unequal application of law based on group identity. Obviously this seems natural to a collectivist, rights accrue to groups, not to people. The standing of the group in relation to the party is the element that is important. What this video shows is Christians taking you at your word - playing the game by your rules.

I wonder if the decision by the left to declare open war on the Christians was really such a wise move? I suspect the very PA laws you wield as a club against those whom you hate, will be tossed out as unconstitutional.

Where do I 'seek' anything?

I am explaining the law as i understand it. I have clearly said that I believe that a Christian has every right to file a lawsuit or complaint if he feels that he has been denied service based upon his being a Christian.

Here- let me quote myself:

I am not sure what you consider to be the opposite but if a Christian asks a gay baker to bake a cake saying "Jesus hates fags", if the baker refuses his order, then the Christian could file a complaint or lawsuit like anyone else.

So do you have a reading comprehension problem? Or do you just not read what I said, and make up your own fantasies about what i said?

Christians are more protected under PA laws than homosexuals are- Christians are protected by the 1964 Civil Rights Act- and virtually every local anti-discrimination law- while homosexuals are only protected in select localities.

Christians have every right to demand protection under PA laws as anyone else does.
Faggots demanding people cater to them bothers me.
Do you want to reserve your perceived right to hate? Why do you believe you have a right to discriminate? Should we roll back the clock so you can discriminate against Blacks too?

Why should law abiding, tax paying, sober adult American citizens be denied any of the services each and every other American takes for granted?

What have homosexuals done to you personally to make you have such a bitter attitude?

Absolutely, I should have the right to decline doing business with ANYONE , for ANY reason.

It's MY business, MY labor, MY products, MY property. NO ONE has a RIGHT to it, EXCEPT me.
Are you open to the public? Did you secure a business license from the state?

We were, now we're a private club.

Please tell me the legal difference betwween a club and a "public business" that gives the government the right to force me into compensated slavery for people whom I dont want to serve?
If your business is open to the public, you must accommodate that public. If, on the other hand, you call your business a 'private club', you must show the restrictions to membership. Otherwise, you're operating a public business illegally as a private club.

That doesn't answer the question sport.

How does being a "public business" suddenly remove my rights?

By the way kiddo. Do you have any public utilities in your home? I'm sure that if I showed up and your door on a night that you were having company over for dinner and demanded that you feed me to, you'd be fine with that right sport?
Do you want to reserve your perceived right to hate? Why do you believe you have a right to discriminate? Should we roll back the clock so you can discriminate against Blacks too?

Why should law abiding, tax paying, sober adult American citizens be denied any of the services each and every other American takes for granted?

What have homosexuals done to you personally to make you have such a bitter attitude?

Absolutely, I should have the right to decline doing business with ANYONE , for ANY reason.

It's MY business, MY labor, MY products, MY property. NO ONE has a RIGHT to it, EXCEPT me.
Are you open to the public? Did you secure a business license from the state?

We were, now we're a private club.

Please tell me the legal difference betwween a club and a "public business" that gives the government the right to force me into compensated slavery for people whom I dont want to serve?
If your business is open to the public, you must accommodate that public. If, on the other hand, you call your business a 'private club', you must show the restrictions to membership. Otherwise, you're operating a public business illegally as a private club.

That doesn't answer the question sport.

How does being a "public business" suddenly remove my rights?

By the way kiddo. Do you have any public utilities in your home? I'm sure that if I showed up and your door on a night that you were having company over for dinner and demanded that you feed me to, you'd be fine with that right sport?
My oh my do you have a strange grasp of logic! Perhaps if you really sat down and considered what you post, your level of esteem here might rise.
Actually, I think the new Congress should beat the judicial to the punch and that their first piece of legislation should be a federal law allowing gay marriage while simultaneously stripping all PA laws of any legality.

I would dare Obama to veto that bill.

I would support this bill so long as essential services were still covered under PA laws. The GOP would never in a million years do this though.
Absolutely, I should have the right to decline doing business with ANYONE , for ANY reason.

It's MY business, MY labor, MY products, MY property. NO ONE has a RIGHT to it, EXCEPT me.
Are you open to the public? Did you secure a business license from the state?

We were, now we're a private club.

Please tell me the legal difference betwween a club and a "public business" that gives the government the right to force me into compensated slavery for people whom I dont want to serve?
If your business is open to the public, you must accommodate that public. If, on the other hand, you call your business a 'private club', you must show the restrictions to membership. Otherwise, you're operating a public business illegally as a private club.

That doesn't answer the question sport.

How does being a "public business" suddenly remove my rights?

By the way kiddo. Do you have any public utilities in your home? I'm sure that if I showed up and your door on a night that you were having company over for dinner and demanded that you feed me to, you'd be fine with that right sport?
My oh my do you have a strange grasp of logic! Perhaps if you really sat down and considered what you post, your level of esteem here might rise.

Are you serious here? I mean you can't POSSIBLY believe that your position is more logical than my own.

You can't even explain your position, you've just read on the internet public business no discriminate private club discriminate. You can't even give a basic explanation of why you believe the government has a right to tell me I can't discriminate simply because I'm a business owner.

Are you single? What if the PA laws were extended and you had to date anyone who asked. Male/female/fat/skinny/ugly/poor/muslim/christian/whatever?

What then sport? Oh you say that couldn't happen? Why not sport? When you go on a date, you send money at local eateries or what have you, that is intrastate commerce sport.
Actually, I think the new Congress should beat the judicial to the punch and that their first piece of legislation should be a federal law allowing gay marriage while simultaneously stripping all PA laws of any legality.

I would dare Obama to veto that bill.

I would support this bill so long as essential services were still covered under PA laws. The GOP would never in a million years do this though.

essential services meaning any utillity , emergency services, or business that receives DIRECT funding from the government I agree. They can't discriminate.

A gas station is not an essential service, neither is a grocery store. Wal Mart sells both, 90% of Americans live within 10 minutes of a WM , and you know they will NEVER discriminate.
Are you open to the public? Did you secure a business license from the state?

We were, now we're a private club.

Please tell me the legal difference betwween a club and a "public business" that gives the government the right to force me into compensated slavery for people whom I dont want to serve?
If your business is open to the public, you must accommodate that public. If, on the other hand, you call your business a 'private club', you must show the restrictions to membership. Otherwise, you're operating a public business illegally as a private club.

That doesn't answer the question sport.

How does being a "public business" suddenly remove my rights?

By the way kiddo. Do you have any public utilities in your home? I'm sure that if I showed up and your door on a night that you were having company over for dinner and demanded that you feed me to, you'd be fine with that right sport?
My oh my do you have a strange grasp of logic! Perhaps if you really sat down and considered what you post, your level of esteem here might rise.

Are you serious here? I mean you can't POSSIBLY believe that your position is more logical than my own.

You can't even explain your position, you've just read on the internet public business no discriminate private club discriminate. You can't even give a basic explanation of why you believe the government has a right to tell me I can't discriminate simply because I'm a business owner.

Are you single? What if the PA laws were extended and you had to date anyone who asked. Male/female/fat/skinny/ugly/poor/muslim/christian/whatever?

What then sport? Oh you say that couldn't happen? Why not sport? When you go on a date, you send money at local eateries or what have you, that is intrastate commerce sport.
Is there any difference between one's personal life and owning a public business?
Absolutely, I should have the right to decline doing business with ANYONE , for ANY reason.

It's MY business, MY labor, MY products, MY property. NO ONE has a RIGHT to it, EXCEPT me.
Are you open to the public? Did you secure a business license from the state?

We were, now we're a private club.

Please tell me the legal difference betwween a club and a "public business" that gives the government the right to force me into compensated slavery for people whom I dont want to serve?
If your business is open to the public, you must accommodate that public. If, on the other hand, you call your business a 'private club', you must show the restrictions to membership. Otherwise, you're operating a public business illegally as a private club.

That doesn't answer the question sport.

How does being a "public business" suddenly remove my rights?

By the way kiddo. Do you have any public utilities in your home? I'm sure that if I showed up and your door on a night that you were having company over for dinner and demanded that you feed me to, you'd be fine with that right sport?
My oh my do you have a strange grasp of logic! Perhaps if you really sat down and considered what you post, your level of esteem here might rise.

By the way sport, judging by the number of thank yous and agrees I get around here daily. I think my esteem is in high enough regard.
We were, now we're a private club.

Please tell me the legal difference betwween a club and a "public business" that gives the government the right to force me into compensated slavery for people whom I dont want to serve?
If your business is open to the public, you must accommodate that public. If, on the other hand, you call your business a 'private club', you must show the restrictions to membership. Otherwise, you're operating a public business illegally as a private club.

That doesn't answer the question sport.

How does being a "public business" suddenly remove my rights?

By the way kiddo. Do you have any public utilities in your home? I'm sure that if I showed up and your door on a night that you were having company over for dinner and demanded that you feed me to, you'd be fine with that right sport?
My oh my do you have a strange grasp of logic! Perhaps if you really sat down and considered what you post, your level of esteem here might rise.

Are you serious here? I mean you can't POSSIBLY believe that your position is more logical than my own.

You can't even explain your position, you've just read on the internet public business no discriminate private club discriminate. You can't even give a basic explanation of why you believe the government has a right to tell me I can't discriminate simply because I'm a business owner.

Are you single? What if the PA laws were extended and you had to date anyone who asked. Male/female/fat/skinny/ugly/poor/muslim/christian/whatever?

What then sport? Oh you say that couldn't happen? Why not sport? When you go on a date, you send money at local eateries or what have you, that is intrastate commerce sport.
Is there any difference between one's personal life and owning a public business?

Second deflection noted.
Actually, I think the new Congress should beat the judicial to the punch and that their first piece of legislation should be a federal law allowing gay marriage while simultaneously stripping all PA laws of any legality.

I would dare Obama to veto that bill.

I would support this bill so long as essential services were still covered under PA laws. The GOP would never in a million years do this though.

essential services meaning any utillity , emergency services, or business that receives DIRECT funding from the government I agree. They can't discriminate.

A gas station is not an essential service, neither is a grocery store. Wal Mart sells both, 90% of Americans live within 10 minutes of a WM , and you know they will NEVER discriminate.

I agree with you for the most part but I would add grocery stores and gas stations to that list of essential services even though I don't see a bunch of gas stations or grocery stores suddenly refusing to serve members of the public.

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