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Christian Parents Physically Attack Gay Son Before Disowning Him

So I gather from this thread that with a gun to their heads.... parents are ordered to love/like their children regardless if they lie, rob, kill, become terrorists....etc?

Total rubbish!

No, that is not what is being posted.

Being gay is not the same thing as committing criminal acts.

Those that are attempting to conflate being gay with criminality are wrong. It would be like deciding to hate your child because they developed a congenital heart disease.
Sorry about changing the quote. I thought it was obvious what I was trying to teach jillian about her bigotry against religious people like "the parents".

Of course, jillian lack the mental capacity see the obvious connection between her bigotry and the bigotry of others.

The irony in jillian's bigoted post was the way she expressed her hatred and bigotry to dehumanize the target of her hate. She failed to see how those statements are the same statements used on gays by other bigots to dehumanize and oppress gays.

Those statements were the expression of jillian's hatred and bigotry. All it took was swapping the noun to reveal jillian's true nature.

But instead of apologizing immediately you chose to call others names like "infidels". Then you compound your insincerity by attacking Jillian.

Jesus wouldn't be fooled by your dishonesty.

He also isn't smart enough to teach anyone anything. But isn't it cute that we're getting a whole new group of fundie wackjobs?

There appears to be a never ending supply out there. Those Summer Jesus Camps must be really popular.
So I gather from this thread that with a gun to their heads.... parents are ordered to love/like their children regardless if they lie, rob, kill, become terrorists....etc?

Total rubbish!

No, that is not what is being posted.

Being gay is not the same thing as committing criminal acts.

Those that are attempting to conflate being gay with criminality are wrong. It would be like deciding to hate your child because they developed a congenital heart disease.

I understand what you say ...however.....regardless of the reason "why" ...parents are not obliged to do anything at all if so they wish!

It is a human prerogative to have whatever feeling you want to have.
LoL. He definitely knew what he was doing when making this video. Bleeding hearts liberals got played hard, like a violin in the hands of a master musician.

Easy way to make mad $$$.
You're such an idiot. Even if the boy knew what was going to happen, what does it matter? His parents are just idiots and should never attack him just for being gay.

This 19-year-old's action is disgraceful.
So I gather from this thread that with a gun to their heads.... parents are ordered to love/like their children regardless if they lie, rob, kill, become terrorists....etc?

Total rubbish!

No, that is not what is being posted.

Being gay is not the same thing as committing criminal acts.

Those that are attempting to conflate being gay with criminality are wrong. It would be like deciding to hate your child because they developed a congenital heart disease.

I understand what you say ...however.....regardless of the reason "why" ...parents are not obliged to do anything at all if so they wish!

It is a human prerogative to have whatever feeling you want to have.


I wasn't meaning to imply that a parent is obliged to provide their child with unconditional love. Most parents do it naturally and it is the exception who chooses to either impose conditions and/or disown their child.

What I was pointing out is that homosexuality is not a crime even though there are those here who apparently mistakenly believe that it is and are trying to use that as the justification in this instance.
So I gather from this thread that with a gun to their heads.... parents are ordered to love/like their children regardless if they lie, rob, kill, become terrorists....etc?

Total rubbish!

No, that is not what is being posted.

Being gay is not the same thing as committing criminal acts.

Those that are attempting to conflate being gay with criminality are wrong. It would be like deciding to hate your child because they developed a congenital heart disease.

I understand what you say ...however.....regardless of the reason "why" ...parents are not obliged to do anything at all if so they wish!

It is a human prerogative to have whatever feeling you want to have.

They are not allowed to lay hands on him. And they are not allowed to assault him or torture him with unwanted "pray away the gay" BS. And if the do do (which they did) they are rightfully ridiculed and shamed (which is all this young man did)

I wasn't meaning to imply that a parent is obliged to provide their child with unconditional love. Most parents do it naturally and it is the exception who chooses to either impose conditions and/or disown their child.

What I was pointing out is that homosexuality is not a crime even though there are those here who apparently mistakenly believe that it is and are trying to use that as the justification in this instance.

They are not allowed to lay hands on him. And they are not allowed to assault him or torture him with unwanted "pray away the gay" BS. And if the do do (which they did) they are rightfully ridiculed and shamed (which is all this young man did)

I agree with both of you.

And I also defend the right of those parents to think of his son whatever the want to think.
So I gather from this thread that with a gun to their heads.... parents are ordered to love/like their children regardless if they lie, rob, kill, become terrorists....etc?

Total rubbish!

No, that is not what is being posted.

Being gay is not the same thing as committing criminal acts.

Those that are attempting to conflate being gay with criminality are wrong. It would be like deciding to hate your child because they developed a congenital heart disease.

That's your religion and your pseudoscience. Homosexuality is a crime against nature and nature's God, and this young man of 19, by the way, this legal adult, is not entitled to dictate terms to his parents.

Moreover, Daniel's premeditated action to video an encounter he knew would be upsetting to his parents coupled with his provocatively contemptuous attitude toward them, the persons who brought him into this world and raised him, is bizarre. But it is the airing of the family's dirty laundry at his parent's expense that is most despicable, beyond the pale. The Jerry Springer, trailer-trash nature of this cretin's actions is self-evident.
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Jesus Christ taught his followers to love the sinner and hate the sin.


This is just another manifestation of the facade, where the 'sin' is contrived pursuant to justifying the bigotry.

If you had your way, you would parade murderers and rapists through the streets as though they were gods, and then have dinner with them, before thanking them for their contributions to society and sending them home.
And this is based on what, exactly.

Either cite the post in support of this or concede the fact that you're a liar and likely insane.
Your nonsense line was so asinine, I figured you were being facetious, so I in turn decided to post an asinine response and be facetious myself .

In other words, since you were talking out of your ass, I decided to do the same. :D
So I gather from this thread that with a gun to their heads.... parents are ordered to love/like their children regardless if they lie, rob, kill, become terrorists....etc?

Total rubbish!

No, that is not what is being posted.

Being gay is not the same thing as committing criminal acts.

Those that are attempting to conflate being gay with criminality are wrong. It would be like deciding to hate your child because they developed a congenital heart disease.

Being a homosexual is not a sin, committing a homosexual act is a sin, same as any other sin.

And, choosing to be gay is not like a child developing a medical condition, it is a choice, and you have no evidence to prove that it is not a choice, none whatsoever, as much as you wish you did.
Given that the troll is attacking the poster rather than the content of the thread and adding nothing of value it is time to treat the noob with the contempt he deserves.

You wish to talk about honest Christians, something you know nothing about, but when it is pointed out to you, that you know nothing about Christians, you cut and run and try another form of attack. Shame on you for not being an honorable person, that too, is something you know nothing about, honor.

Are you an example of an honest Christian?

I try my best to be honest in every aspect of my life, not just my Christianity. I don't act one way toward one person and different to someone else, and I refrain from insulting people, when it can be helped. Calling a homosexual a 'fudge packer' is not nice and is uncalled for.

What I don't like is people, who are not Christian, and have never tried to live up to the title, telling me how a Christian is supposed to behave, act and think. That's like me telling a doctor how to treat cancer, I have no clue, so I bow to his knowledge, and if I don't like it, I seek a second opinion, but I don't go to a witch doctor for that second opinion, because I think I will like what he tells me more, not if I want to healed.

And people who group all Christians together, are doing the same thing as saying, a black woman robbed the store, thus all black women are thieves. It makes no sense whatsoever.

For me, it's really simple, tell people the truth as you know it to be. Lying to someone, and telling them what you think they want to hear, always does more damage than good.

You took the side of a libeler over the truth. Says volumes about you that you would attack the person telling the truth rather than deal with the transgressor.

The only side I took, was to point out, that you have no idea who Jesus is, or what He preached, or what it is to be a Christian. You not being able to recognize that, tells the world that you have no common sense, maybe a bunch of book learnin, but no common sense whatsoever.

I'm not sure Derideo_Te has either one, honestly.

The only thing I've ever gathered from him firsthand that he has is a snooty sense of unwarranted entitlement.

He's probably never once broken a sweat or gotten a speck of dirt under his nails by doing real work. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that: it takes all kinds of people to make the world go 'round.

But Derideo's arrogance is certainly a strong testament to why most people don't like liberals. :thup:
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So I gather from this thread that with a gun to their heads.... parents are ordered to love/like their children regardless if they lie, rob, kill, become terrorists....etc?

Total rubbish!

No, that is not what is being posted.

Being gay is not the same thing as committing criminal acts.

Those that are attempting to conflate being gay with criminality are wrong. It would be like deciding to hate your child because they developed a congenital heart disease.

Being a homosexual is not a sin, committing a homosexual act is a sin, same as any other sin.

And, choosing to be gay is not like a child developing a medical condition, it is a choice, and you have no evidence to prove that it is not a choice, none whatsoever, as much as you wish you did.

Homosexuality is part of the normal variance of how our bodies develop in the uterus. Epigenetics now demonstrates how this happens.


Can Epigenetics Explain Homosexuality?
Scientists propose a new model for how homosexuality develops, but observers say it will be difficult to test.

By Sabrina Richards | January 1, 2013

The model was developed by William Rice, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of California, Santa Barbara; Sergey Gavrilets, a mathematician at the University of Tennessee; and Urban Friberg, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Uppsala. The notion that epigenetics, rather than genetics, is the primary force promoting homosexuality sprang from several observations, explained Rice.

First, evidence shows that homosexuality can run in families. Still, only 20 percent of identical twins are both gay, said Rice. Furthermore, linkage studies looking for a genetic underpinning to sexual orientation have not turned up any “major” homosexual genes, Rice noted. “This made us suspicious that something besides genes produces heritability that isn’t genetic.” Epigenetics fits the bill.

The model focuses on the role of epigenetics in shaping how cells respond to androgen signaling, an important determinant of gonad development. The researchers suggest that androgens are also important factors in molding sexual orientation, and that various genes involved in mediating androgen signaling are regulated by epigenetic modifications. These epigenetic marks, they argue, can be passed on between generations.

As an example of how androgens shape sexuality, the researchers point to girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), who produce very high levels of testosterone and often display masculinized genitalia and higher rates of same-sex attraction. But testosterone levels are sometimes the same in normally developing male and female fetuses—without masculinizing the females—suggesting that something else must be playing a role.

The answer, they hypothesized, has to do with sensitivity to androgens. There are a variety of proteins that can modify androgen signaling, and the researchers hypothesize that differences in sensitivity to these signals between male and female fetuses help mediate their sexual differentiation. Rice and his colleagues suggest that such sensitivity may be regulated by the acquisition of epigenetic marks that make girls less sensitive to masculinizing androgens, or make boys more sensitive.

Such epi-marks are typically accrued early in development, as cells are programmed to become specific adult cell types. But, the researchers speculate, perhaps they could be inherited from a parent. Most epigenetic modifications are erased during development of germ cells and soon after fertilization so that cell lineages can be programmed with new epigenetic modifications. But if epi-marks that direct sexual development are not erased correctly, a mother could pass down epi-marks that direct female development to her son, resulting in an attraction to men, and vice versa for a father and his daughters, the researchers theorize.

They also expect that specific epi-marks will regulate sensitivity differently in the brain versus gonads, resulting in same-sex attraction even when normal genital development occurs, said Gavrilets.

Since homosexuality exists in other species too it means that this behavior cannot be "sinful" either. It is just a normal and natural variance that exists and only religious bigots have a problem with it.
Given that the troll is attacking the poster rather than the content of the thread and adding nothing of value it is time to treat the noob with the contempt he deserves.

You wish to talk about honest Christians, something you know nothing about, but when it is pointed out to you, that you know nothing about Christians, you cut and run and try another form of attack. Shame on you for not being an honorable person, that too, is something you know nothing about, honor.

Are you an example of an honest Christian?

I try my best to be honest in every aspect of my life, not just my Christianity. I don't act one way toward one person and different to someone else, and I refrain from insulting people, when it can be helped. Calling a homosexual a 'fudge packer' is not nice and is uncalled for.

What I don't like is people, who are not Christian, and have never tried to live up to the title, telling me how a Christian is supposed to behave, act and think. That's like me telling a doctor how to treat cancer, I have no clue, so I bow to his knowledge, and if I don't like it, I seek a second opinion, but I don't go to a witch doctor for that second opinion, because I think I will like what he tells me more, not if I want to healed.

And people who group all Christians together, are doing the same thing as saying, a black woman robbed the store, thus all black women are thieves. It makes no sense whatsoever.

For me, it's really simple, tell people the truth as you know it to be. Lying to someone, and telling them what you think they want to hear, always does more damage than good.

You took the side of a libeler over the truth. Says volumes about you that you would attack the person telling the truth rather than deal with the transgressor.

The only side I took, was to point out, that you have no idea who Jesus is, or what He preached, or what it is to be a Christian. You not being able to recognize that, tells the world that you have no common sense, maybe a bunch of book learnin, but no common sense whatsoever.

I'm not sure Derideo_Te has either one, honestly.

The only thing I've ever gathered from him firsthand that he has is a snooty sense of unwarranted entitlement.

He's probably never once broken a sweat or gotten a speck of dirt under his nails by doing real work. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that: it takes all kinds of people to make the world go 'round.

But Derideo's arrogance is certainly a strong testament to why most people don't like liberals. :thup:

:lmao: at your obsession with me!

Seriously? You have to invent a whole imaginary lifestyle for me too? And all because I am having a little fun busting your chops in a FZ thread?

Perhaps Pogo is right and you do "stalk" other posters. Go right ahead and post whatever floats your boat. I will just sit back and :lol: because I really don't care what you post. You can waste your mental energy thinking about me all day long but I can assure you that I won't be doing the same about you.

You are just another poster in this forum and I really have no feelings about you one way or the other. This response is just a courtesy to let you know that if I see you continue to stalk my posts I will consign you to Cyberia. At that point you will become less than a nonentity as far as I am concerned.

Have a nice day.
A guy who names himself after "a small, unintended defecation that occurs when one relaxes the anal sphincter to fart" purposefully and posts accordingly isn't really someone to take very seriously.
So I gather from this thread that with a gun to their heads.... parents are ordered to love/like their children regardless if they lie, rob, kill, become terrorists....etc?

Total rubbish!

No, that is not what is being posted.

Being gay is not the same thing as committing criminal acts.

Those that are attempting to conflate being gay with criminality are wrong. It would be like deciding to hate your child because they developed a congenital heart disease.

Being a homosexual is not a sin, committing a homosexual act is a sin, same as any other sin.

And, choosing to be gay is not like a child developing a medical condition, it is a choice, and you have no evidence to prove that it is not a choice, none whatsoever, as much as you wish you did.

Homosexuality is part of the normal variance of how our bodies develop in the uterus. Epigenetics now demonstrates how this happens.


Can Epigenetics Explain Homosexuality?
Scientists propose a new model for how homosexuality develops, but observers say it will be difficult to test.

By Sabrina Richards | January 1, 2013

The model was developed by William Rice, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of California, Santa Barbara; Sergey Gavrilets, a mathematician at the University of Tennessee; and Urban Friberg, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Uppsala. The notion that epigenetics, rather than genetics, is the primary force promoting homosexuality sprang from several observations, explained Rice.

First, evidence shows that homosexuality can run in families. Still, only 20 percent of identical twins are both gay, said Rice. Furthermore, linkage studies looking for a genetic underpinning to sexual orientation have not turned up any “major” homosexual genes, Rice noted. “This made us suspicious that something besides genes produces heritability that isn’t genetic.” Epigenetics fits the bill.

The model focuses on the role of epigenetics in shaping how cells respond to androgen signaling, an important determinant of gonad development. The researchers suggest that androgens are also important factors in molding sexual orientation, and that various genes involved in mediating androgen signaling are regulated by epigenetic modifications. These epigenetic marks, they argue, can be passed on between generations.

As an example of how androgens shape sexuality, the researchers point to girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), who produce very high levels of testosterone and often display masculinized genitalia and higher rates of same-sex attraction. But testosterone levels are sometimes the same in normally developing male and female fetuses—without masculinizing the females—suggesting that something else must be playing a role.

The answer, they hypothesized, has to do with sensitivity to androgens. There are a variety of proteins that can modify androgen signaling, and the researchers hypothesize that differences in sensitivity to these signals between male and female fetuses help mediate their sexual differentiation. Rice and his colleagues suggest that such sensitivity may be regulated by the acquisition of epigenetic marks that make girls less sensitive to masculinizing androgens, or make boys more sensitive.

Such epi-marks are typically accrued early in development, as cells are programmed to become specific adult cell types. But, the researchers speculate, perhaps they could be inherited from a parent. Most epigenetic modifications are erased during development of germ cells and soon after fertilization so that cell lineages can be programmed with new epigenetic modifications. But if epi-marks that direct sexual development are not erased correctly, a mother could pass down epi-marks that direct female development to her son, resulting in an attraction to men, and vice versa for a father and his daughters, the researchers theorize.

They also expect that specific epi-marks will regulate sensitivity differently in the brain versus gonads, resulting in same-sex attraction even when normal genital development occurs, said Gavrilets.

Since homosexuality exists in other species too it means that this behavior cannot be "sinful" either. It is just a normal and natural variance that exists and only religious bigots have a problem with it.

You left out the first paragraph of the story.
Researchers looking for a genetic signature of homosexuality have been barking up the wrong tree, according to a trio of researchers in the United States and Sweden. Instead, the scientists posit, epigenetic influences acting on androgen signaling in the brain may underlie sexual orientation. In a paper published last week (December 11) in The Quarterly Review of Biology, they propose a model describing how epigenetic markers that steer sexual development in males could promote homosexual orientation in females, and vice versa. The scientists offer their model to explain both the tendency of homosexuality to run in families, and the fact that so far no “homosexual gene” has been identified.

In other words, they have a theory, and no facts! As usual.

You do realize, most everyone wants the cause for homosexuality to be found in science. For if it is found in science, then thanks to the liberals hard work in killing unborn babies, and making sure everyone knows it's a woman's own uterus, most homosexual children, will then be able to be fixed before birth, just as some heterosexual children will be turned homosexual. Yeah, real double edged sword.
Jesus Christ taught his followers to love the sinner and hate the sin.


This is just another manifestation of the facade, where the 'sin' is contrived pursuant to justifying the bigotry.

If you had your way, you would parade murderers and rapists through the streets as though they were gods, and then have dinner with them, before thanking them for their contributions to society and sending them home.
Seriously? This is you trying to be an "honest christian"?
So I gather from this thread that with a gun to their heads.... parents are ordered to love/like their children regardless if they lie, rob, kill, become terrorists....etc?

Total rubbish!
Is THAT what you gather from this thread? :rofl:
Given that the troll is attacking the poster rather than the content of the thread and adding nothing of value it is time to treat the noob with the contempt he deserves.

You wish to talk about honest Christians, something you know nothing about, but when it is pointed out to you, that you know nothing about Christians, you cut and run and try another form of attack. Shame on you for not being an honorable person, that too, is something you know nothing about, honor.

Are you an example of an honest Christian?

I try my best to be honest in every aspect of my life, not just my Christianity. I don't act one way toward one person and different to someone else, and I refrain from insulting people, when it can be helped. Calling a homosexual a 'fudge packer' is not nice and is uncalled for.

What I don't like is people, who are not Christian, and have never tried to live up to the title, telling me how a Christian is supposed to behave, act and think. That's like me telling a doctor how to treat cancer, I have no clue, so I bow to his knowledge, and if I don't like it, I seek a second opinion, but I don't go to a witch doctor for that second opinion, because I think I will like what he tells me more, not if I want to healed.

And people who group all Christians together, are doing the same thing as saying, a black woman robbed the store, thus all black women are thieves. It makes no sense whatsoever.

For me, it's really simple, tell people the truth as you know it to be. Lying to someone, and telling them what you think they want to hear, always does more damage than good.

You took the side of a libeler over the truth. Says volumes about you that you would attack the person telling the truth rather than deal with the transgressor.

The only side I took, was to point out, that you have no idea who Jesus is, or what He preached, or what it is to be a Christian. You not being able to recognize that, tells the world that you have no common sense, maybe a bunch of book learnin, but no common sense whatsoever.

I'm not sure Derideo_Te has either one, honestly.

The only thing I've ever gathered from him firsthand that he has is a snooty sense of unwarranted entitlement.

He's probably never once broken a sweat or gotten a speck of dirt under his nails by doing real work. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that: it takes all kinds of people to make the world go 'round.

But Derideo's arrogance is certainly a strong testament to why most people don't like liberals. :thup:

:lmao: at your obsession with me!

Seriously? You have to invent a whole imaginary lifestyle for me too? And all because I am having a little fun busting your chops in a FZ thread?

Perhaps Pogo is right and you do "stalk" other posters. Go right ahead and post whatever floats your boat. I will just sit back and :lol: because I really don't care what you post. You can waste your mental energy thinking about me all day long but I can assure you that I won't be doing the same about you.

You are just another poster in this forum and I really have no feelings about you one way or the other. This response is just a courtesy to let you know that if I see you continue to stalk my posts I will consign you to Cyberia. At that point you will become less than a nonentity as far as I am concerned.

Have a nice day.
I laugh at, mock, make fun of, deride derideo
So I gather from this thread that with a gun to their heads.... parents are ordered to love/like their children regardless if they lie, rob, kill, become terrorists....etc?

Total rubbish!

No, that is not what is being posted.

Being gay is not the same thing as committing criminal acts.

Those that are attempting to conflate being gay with criminality are wrong. It would be like deciding to hate your child because they developed a congenital heart disease.

I understand what you say ...however.....regardless of the reason "why" ...parents are not obliged to do anything at all if so they wish!

It is a human prerogative to have whatever feeling you want to have.

They are not allowed to lay hands on him. And they are not allowed to assault him or torture him with unwanted "pray away the gay" BS. And if the do do (which they did) they are rightfully ridiculed and shamed (which is all this young man did)
There was no "torture"

And if he didn't want to stay for the stupid prayer shit he didn't have to now did he?

He could have walked out at any time but he chose to sat to get his video.
Given that the troll is attacking the poster rather than the content of the thread and adding nothing of value it is time to treat the noob with the contempt he deserves.

You wish to talk about honest Christians, something you know nothing about, but when it is pointed out to you, that you know nothing about Christians, you cut and run and try another form of attack. Shame on you for not being an honorable person, that too, is something you know nothing about, honor.

Are you an example of an honest Christian?

I try my best to be honest in every aspect of my life, not just my Christianity. I don't act one way toward one person and different to someone else, and I refrain from insulting people, when it can be helped. Calling a homosexual a 'fudge packer' is not nice and is uncalled for.

What I don't like is people, who are not Christian, and have never tried to live up to the title, telling me how a Christian is supposed to behave, act and think. That's like me telling a doctor how to treat cancer, I have no clue, so I bow to his knowledge, and if I don't like it, I seek a second opinion, but I don't go to a witch doctor for that second opinion, because I think I will like what he tells me more, not if I want to healed.

And people who group all Christians together, are doing the same thing as saying, a black woman robbed the store, thus all black women are thieves. It makes no sense whatsoever.

For me, it's really simple, tell people the truth as you know it to be. Lying to someone, and telling them what you think they want to hear, always does more damage than good.

You took the side of a libeler over the truth. Says volumes about you that you would attack the person telling the truth rather than deal with the transgressor.

The only side I took, was to point out, that you have no idea who Jesus is, or what He preached, or what it is to be a Christian. You not being able to recognize that, tells the world that you have no common sense, maybe a bunch of book learnin, but no common sense whatsoever.

I'm not sure Derideo_Te has either one, honestly.

The only thing I've ever gathered from him firsthand that he has is a snooty sense of unwarranted entitlement.

He's probably never once broken a sweat or gotten a speck of dirt under his nails by doing real work. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that: it takes all kinds of people to make the world go 'round.

But Derideo's arrogance is certainly a strong testament to why most people don't like liberals. :thup:

:lmao: at your obsession with me!

Seriously? You have to invent a whole imaginary lifestyle for me too? And all because I am having a little fun busting your chops in a FZ thread?

Perhaps Pogo is right and you do "stalk" other posters. Go right ahead and post whatever floats your boat. I will just sit back and :lol: because I really don't care what you post. You can waste your mental energy thinking about me all day long but I can assure you that I won't be doing the same about you.

You are just another poster in this forum and I really have no feelings about you one way or the other. This response is just a courtesy to let you know that if I see you continue to stalk my posts I will consign you to Cyberia. At that point you will become less than a nonentity as far as I am concerned.

Have a nice day.
I laugh at, mock, make fun of, deride derideo

you used to be a decent poster.


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