'Christian warrior' militia accused in plot to kill police

They're not christians.

they identify themselves as christians.

There are people that claim to be Mormons that are not as they violate the tenants and commandments of the faith. Does not make them Mormon just because they claim they are and name their Church the Fundamental Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
They're probably mentally ill. But they are also dangerous. I saw those videos. However they are also fucking idiots, I mean, how do they think it's going to go with them? Are they going to overthrow the government? And then what? Are they going to try and run the show? :lol:

As I said, fucking idiots.

I think that anyone who thinks that they will overthrow the government through killing people are deranged.

The only thing that will happen is that they will kill people, and then they will be killed themselves.

Peaceful protests, discussion, and voting are the only ways to change things.

I would suggest you read a little History, Violence has changed MANY Governments in the past. INCLUDING our own.
They're probably mentally ill. But they are also dangerous. I saw those videos. However they are also fucking idiots, I mean, how do they think it's going to go with them? Are they going to overthrow the government? And then what? Are they going to try and run the show? :lol:

As I said, fucking idiots.

I think that anyone who thinks that they will overthrow the government through killing people are deranged.

The only thing that will happen is that they will kill people, and then they will be killed themselves.

Peaceful protests, discussion, and voting are the only ways to change things.

I would suggest you read a little History, Violence has changed MANY Governments in the past. INCLUDING our own.

True. That did occur in our country.

But that was at a time when there was no possible peaceful recourse to change things.

That is not the case now.
They're probably mentally ill. But they are also dangerous. I saw those videos. However they are also fucking idiots, I mean, how do they think it's going to go with them? Are they going to overthrow the government? And then what? Are they going to try and run the show? :lol:

As I said, fucking idiots.

I think that anyone who thinks that they will overthrow the government through killing people are deranged.

The only thing that will happen is that they will kill people, and then they will be killed themselves.

Peaceful protests, discussion, and voting are the only ways to change things.

In a democracy.

In a marriage......????...................not so much.:evil:
"This is a group that I would classify as neither a militia or a Christian group," said Michael Lackomar, a member of the Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia. "They're really a fringe group outside of anything we do.

"They're more of a private army or a terrorist organization or really just a criminal organization."

That sounds about right to me.

Those folks sound like a wacky, violent cult.
I think the reason it was sent to the lame zone was people like Grump were trying to start arguments...people like me responded in kind...and it got off the original subject of the thread.
That sounds about right to me.

Those folks sound like a wacky, violent cult.

That sounds like the case here to me. These aren't Christians as most people think of the word. They've got more in common with Muslim Extremists.

And I support the Feds going in and getting these guys, should the charges be proved true. Once they started trying to build IEDs they went from crazy to dangerous. What else were the Feds supposed to do? Wait till they killed someone?

On a side note: I expect we'll either have a Ruby Ridge or an Oklahoma City in the next 4 years. Kooks like these guys have gone from barely functional to outright loony tunes since Obama was elected.

I don't think there can be any doubt that white wing extremism is on the rise.

conservative whites have TOO MANY children
which they then raise to be as ignorant and hatefilled as THEY are.

liberals have far fewer children (because liberals are RESPONSIBLE and conservatives are IRRESPONSIBLE)

one could say that the white race is in decay because of the over-breeding of ignorant white conservatives

interesting. which party are you a member of? i'd like to know who is fighting to uphold the rights of the stupid.
Whenever you hear somebody talking about collective stupidity of white conservatives and forced sterilization, you can bet dollars to donuts you're listening to a liberal.
there nothing more than a group of supremest, trying to cover their evil acts in the name of Christianity.

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