Christianish love to hear "Jesus could come today" But it ain't so

Pretty sure when Jesus arrives for His Saints there wont be any evil left to fight the Saints
Cause Christ will end wickedness.

"arrives for His Saints" ....

Revelation 15 places the saved in heaven after having victory over the Beast.

Rev 19 says His Saints follow Jesus from Heaven back to this earth.

Maybe you meant to post "arrives with His Saints"

The bullsh1t you're engaged in isn't the work of a Christian.

Re: "The armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses."

This cold by symbolic, given that there's a two-edged sword coming out of the mouth of him on the white horse, etc.

The armies could be angels. Angels are the only beings ever identified in the Bible as heavenly armies.

If they are saints, they could be martyrs from the tribulation or saints who have died throughout history.

What they're not is Christians who were Raptured before the tribulation, because the Rapture is a lie.

I know the correct answer, but you're not worthy.
Pretty sure when Jesus arrives for His Saints there wont be any evil left to fight the Saints
Cause Christ will end wickedness.
"arrives for His Saints" ....Revelation 15 places the saved in heaven after having victory over the Beast.
Rev 19 says His Saints follow Jesus from Heaven back to this earth.Maybe you meant to post "arrives with His Saints"

The bullsh1t you're engaged in isn't the work of a Christian.
Re: "The armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses."
This cold by symbolic, given that there's a two-edged sword coming out of the mouth of him on the white horse, etc.
The armies could be angels. Angels are the only beings ever identified in the Bible as heavenly armies.
If they are saints, they could be martyrs from the tribulation or saints who have died throughout history.
What they're not is Christians who were Raptured before the tribulation, because the Rapture is a lie.
I know the correct answer, but you're not worthy.

I didn't say they were Christians "Raptured before the tribulation" .... I've been refuting "rapture next" doctrine for over 40 years.

"... for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.
8 It was granted her to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white.”Fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints."

Saints will be beheaded as per Rev 20:4, will spend some time in heaven with Jesus as per Rev 15 and will follow Him back to earth as per Rev 19.

Have nice day. JP
I'll think about what you said, but I'm not too sure about that looking forward to being beheaded thing. .....

Christians are looking forward to being in complete unity with Jesus and reigning with Jesus .... and that means expectation of being beheaded.

Really a no-brainer when you realize all will physically die anyway ... and beheading by guillotine is about the most painless way to go.

How do you know? You ever ask anyone who experienced it?

I know cause I have something called 'common sense'.
The beheaded person is out of the meat suit a split second after the blade touches the neck.
By the time you can feel anything .... you're out of the body.

I think most anyone given the choice would take guillotine over such as burning at the stake.
Beheading is not as quick and painless as you think. In fact, it still takes several minutes for brain death to occur. Losing your head doesn't kill you. A lack of oxygen to your brain does.
Seminary's billing themselves as conservative Christian have indoctrinated several generations of pastors with pre-millenial dispensationalist claptrap. The effect on the church has been terrible.
When you hear them talking pre-trib post-trib church age explanations of prophesy, understand that they are more lost than you are. Ignore them
Finally, a voice of reason, foggedinn (at least I hope you're not some brand of futurist or another). None of the Books of the Bible were written in the Church Age. A scant handful were written in a transitional period - between the destruction of the Temple and the prevalence of the Church upon the earth; otherwise, the Scriptures written in the Jewish Age.

The "end of the age" is the end of the Jewish Age.

The prophet Daniel and the Apostle Paul say that the Kingdom - or Church - will reign forever. I'm not sure how long forever is, but so far, the Church has prevailed upon the earth for some 1700 years or so.
Finally, a voice of reason, foggedinn (at least I hope you're not some brand of futurist or another). None of the Books of the Bible were written in the Church Age. A scant handful were written in a transitional period - between the destruction of the Temple and the prevalence of the Church upon the earth; otherwise, the Scriptures written in the Jewish Age.

The "end of the age" is the end of the Jewish Age.

The prophet Daniel and the Apostle Paul say that the Kingdom - or Church - will reign forever. I'm not sure how long forever is, but so far, the Church has prevailed upon the earth for some 1700 years or so.
No, the end of the age is the end of the age of darkness for both Jew and Gentile.
Finally, a voice of reason, foggedinn (at least I hope you're not some brand of futurist or another). None of the Books of the Bible were written in the Church Age. A scant handful were written in a transitional period - between the destruction of the Temple and the prevalence of the Church upon the earth; otherwise, the Scriptures written in the Jewish Age.

The "end of the age" is the end of the Jewish Age.

The prophet Daniel and the Apostle Paul say that the Kingdom - or Church - will reign forever. I'm not sure how long forever is, but so far, the Church has prevailed upon the earth for some 1700 years or so.
No, the end of the age is the end of the age of darkness for both Jew and Gentile.
The Jewish Age has passed. The Christian Age has begun.
Finally, a voice of reason, foggedinn (at least I hope you're not some brand of futurist or another). None of the Books of the Bible were written in the Church Age. A scant handful were written in a transitional period - between the destruction of the Temple and the prevalence of the Church upon the earth; otherwise, the Scriptures written in the Jewish Age.

The "end of the age" is the end of the Jewish Age.

The prophet Daniel and the Apostle Paul say that the Kingdom - or Church - will reign forever. I'm not sure how long forever is, but so far, the Church has prevailed upon the earth for some 1700 years or so.
No, the end of the age is the end of the age of darkness for both Jew and Gentile.
The Jewish Age has passed. The Christian Age has begun.

There was never any such thing as the Jewish age. If anything, as a people, they have yet to shine their brightest.
Finally, a voice of reason, foggedinn (at least I hope you're not some brand of futurist or another). None of the Books of the Bible were written in the Church Age. A scant handful were written in a transitional period - between the destruction of the Temple and the prevalence of the Church upon the earth; otherwise, the Scriptures written in the Jewish Age.

The "end of the age" is the end of the Jewish Age.

The prophet Daniel and the Apostle Paul say that the Kingdom - or Church - will reign forever. I'm not sure how long forever is, but so far, the Church has prevailed upon the earth for some 1700 years or so.
No, the end of the age is the end of the age of darkness for both Jew and Gentile.
The Jewish Age has passed. The Christian Age has begun.

There was never any such thing as the Jewish age. If anything, as a people, they have yet to shine their brightest.
The Jews are done. This age of darkness is new. Is that what the Bible is about?
Finally, a voice of reason, foggedinn (at least I hope you're not some brand of futurist or another). None of the Books of the Bible were written in the Church Age. A scant handful were written in a transitional period - between the destruction of the Temple and the prevalence of the Church upon the earth; otherwise, the Scriptures written in the Jewish Age.

The "end of the age" is the end of the Jewish Age.

The prophet Daniel and the Apostle Paul say that the Kingdom - or Church - will reign forever. I'm not sure how long forever is, but so far, the Church has prevailed upon the earth for some 1700 years or so.
No, the end of the age is the end of the age of darkness for both Jew and Gentile.
The Jewish Age has passed. The Christian Age has begun.

There was never any such thing as the Jewish age. If anything, as a people, they have yet to shine their brightest.
The Jews are done. This age of darkness is new. Is that what the Bible is about?

No. There has never been anything else before but darkness except for a brief space in time after the law was first given and then again after Christ first appeared.

The new age is an age of light not darkness.

"The Jews" will never be done.

If anything "the Jews" will take to it like a native branch being grafted back on to its original tree.

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