Zone1 Christianity is being associated with nationalism and racism.

Another no-link thread, created hours ago, allowed to stand.
True, but ya gotta love Mortimer's new avatar

Now that's a sense of humor.
Happy Easter.

Christianity is being associated with nationalism and racism.​

But absolutely nothing to do with Control , Deception and good old fashioned lies .
Christianity is being associated with nationalism and racism.
The values of Christianity are being aborted by those associateing it with nationalism and racism..
Correction, Christianity that does not bow their knee to Karl Marx and the DNC are labeled racist Nationalists.

If you are a good tool for the Left, like Joe Biden, you can also claim to be a Christian and be just fine.
Christianity is being associated with nationalism and racism.
The values of Christianity are being aborted by those associateing it with nationalism and racism..
I wonder if the prophesy of Nation will rise up against Nation, doesn't have something to do with the new Nationalism and Isolationism/anti immigrant movements of Nations throughout the world today?
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I wonder if the prophesy of Nation will rise up against Nation, doesn't have something to do with the new Nationalism and Isolationism/anti immigrant movements of Nations throughout the world today?
we aren't anti-immigrant just anti ILLEGALS.
Some of the right wing is against legal immigration as well and have been vocal on it!
So what a small group is not indictive of the whole like you try to claim. As for legal Immigration my brother-in-law can't get a visa while millions of illegals flood in and you are just fine with that right?
I wonder if the prophesy of Nation will rise up against Nation, doesn't have something to do with the new Nationalism and Isolationism/anti immigrant movements of Nations throughout the world today?
associated by racists and by aberrant nationalists.
So expects that.
Nation rising against nation is not people rising against people .As I always say, Christianity/Judaism are the chief checks on a nationalism that claims to control your whole being.
Thats a rousing speech by lib standards

But its based on a lie

Conservatives are not trying to make America a Christian theoracy

Although its worth noting that when Jesus was the unofficial head of state America was truly blessed by God

We just want to stand up for the religious freedom of Christians under assault by godless progressives
Your interpretation of Jesus, God and Christianity is different than mine. You seem full of anger and hate.
Really? Then why did he separate people at the Tower of Babel?

Why did he command the Israelites to destroy the Canaanites?
I feel you are misinterpreting both.
The misguided idea that Joshua and the Israelites were motivated by the act of killing a people group. The conquest was more about ending the Canaanites' religious and cultural practices than ending their lives. The problem wasn't the people, but idolatry.
Your interpretation of Jesus, God and Christianity is different than mine. You seem full of anger and hate.
I dont know what your interpretation is

But if you think conservatives are trying to impose a theocracy on libs you are misinformed
What values does Christianity have? When I say this I mean THE WHOLE OF CHRISTIANITY rather than one sect of Christianity.
The answer differs from individuals and sects. My interpretation is Christianity encourages grace. It does not focus on hate and anger. One is still accountable for their actions. Christians help those in need.
These values are nt exclusive to Christians.
So what, you admit it isn't true. It'sl like some people who like abortion or gay marriage call Biden a Catholic.
But what does God say?
St Francis said " What I am to God is what I am, no more,and no less"
The interpretations of who is and what defines a Christian varies widely by those who identify as Christians.
Only God knows for sure. You and I have our strong feelings but humble beliefs should make you realize you can be wrong.
Correction, Christianity that does not bow their knee to Karl Marx and the DNC are labeled racist Nationalists.

If you are a good tool for the Left, like Joe Biden, you can also claim to be a Christian and be just fine.
You are mixing politics and Christianity. I feel tat is an insult to God.
Another no-link thread, created hours ago, allowed to stand.

I've noticed that a lot too, recently. What's funny (but not surprising) is that someone who is notorious for doing that gave a "like" to this OP.
God does not seperate us by our political affiliations. We are judged by our actions.

First, we are judged by whether we have accepted Jesus as our Savior and thus are forgiven. Only then are our actions weighed as to rewards/punishments.
I dont know what your interpretation is

But if you think conservatives are trying to impose a theocracy on libs you are misinformed
I said any person connecting Christianity to nationalism and racism is an affront to Christianity by my interpretation. I did not say conservatives. It is interesting you thought of conservatives when I did not mention conservatives.
Conservatives should, at least, not want to be associated with Racism.
God is not about nations, God is about people, all people. God does not care what country you live in or what race you are.Seperating people by nationality or race is not Christian values.
Share with us your proof that God does not care about the U.S.?

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