Christianity today editor says his call for impeachment was hyperbole


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Christianity Today editor Mark Galli said Sunday that his call for evangelical Christians to support impeachment was “hyperbole.”
Christianity Today Editor Says His Call For Impeachment Was ‘Hyperbole’

What most sheeple aren't getting is ( in their world) " real Christianity" is about this bs you are seeing " gay this or trans that" pastors being bi blah blah . it's bs turned upside down to make you bimbos accept it because organizations in positions of power, control, can tell their idiots anything and they believe it all..
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Some big church groups have gotten some pretty heavy donations to open up their doors for gays over the past twenty years. Some churches do preach that salvation can be bought with cash. There is no doubt they can be induced to let ravenous wolves of all sorts through the doors to slaughter portions of their flock for a bit of cash.
Some big church groups have gotten some pretty heavy donations to open up their doors for gays over the past twenty years. Some churches do preach that salvation can be bought with cash. There is no doubt they can be induced to let ravenous wolves of all sorts through the doors to slaughter portions of their flock for a bit of cash.

Yes these churches that are flipping are not real and I meant to say that up above ----- now ppl are falling into " fake Christians" uggggh.
Yes these churches that are flipping are not real and I meant to say that up above ----- now ppl are falling into " fake Christians" uggggh.
That's been going on from the start. It will all work out but how much misery for some in the meantime is sorta saddening and at times infuriating when full on ignorance is displayed.
Some big church groups have gotten some pretty heavy donations to open up their doors for gays over the past twenty years. Some churches do preach that salvation can be bought with cash. There is no doubt they can be induced to let ravenous wolves of all sorts through the doors to slaughter portions of their flock for a bit of cash.

As prophesied in 2 Timothy 4:3-4

3» For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4» And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

There will be those who seek preachers that tell them what they want to hear, rather than what they need to hear; and there will be preachers who will give them that, for the sake of money and fame.

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